Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
07 November 2018 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2018

When: 19 May 2018

Where: Marina Bay

Odelia, participant:

This past May, I had the opportunity to attend a RBKD orientation, which I was ecstatic about since I’ve been seeing pictures of this annual event on the fan website for a few years now. We did most of the activities around MBS, which had the best views (even during the downpour when we hid under an overpass). Everyone I met was extremely welcoming & warm (especially my team leader, Yanling), and I had a blast with the activities.

Of all the activities, I’d have to say that my favourite would be the amazing race. It was quite early in the morning, so all the running around really woke me up (I was pretty groggy)! We had to solve the clue then take pictures as a group at specific locations that we thought was the answer to the clue. The game was really inventive, and required quite a bit of teamwork and memory (i.e. of RE facts over the years). I also thought that making soccer goalposts out of recyclable materials was cool. We had to figure out how to make it sturdy with empty bottles, paper, and tape.

Overall, I had a great time being back in SG again and actually meeting the fan club (and hopefully I’ll have a chance to return to SG in the coming years)!

Ming Yong, participant:

It’s my first time joining an RBKD event, since I got to know about RBKD many years ago.

It was a great experience for me, to get to know the people through the games and activities we had. It was a fun day for me, which I enjoyed myself.

My favourite games were double whacko and 3-legged soccer. For double whacko, it’s because it can be really funny to see a few of us, including myself, rushing to call out the names of others. Hahaha! 😂 As for 3-legged soccer, it was something different. It leaned towards like captain’s ball instead, to kick into our own goal post, to avoid the goal post collapsing.

Overall, it was an awesome day and I look forward to join the next orientation!

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17 October 2018 | 01:00 pm

What: Bridging 2018 Sessions

When: March 2018

Where: Function Room

Eugene, Participant:

My RBKD bridging experience could be referred to as a cosy one – there were only 4 of us in that particular session. I thought it was going to be boring. Thankfully, I was wrong. We had more opportunities to interact and understand each other better. That is something that could have been compromised to some extent if the session were to have more participants.

Attending such an activity brought me a step closer to understanding the role of a fanclub. It is not simply a platform to mindlessly cheer for our idol, but also a space where new people gather and forge friendships. It is also the tireless commitment of active members that keeps the club (and Rui En, of course) going (for 10 years already gosh).

You could say that the bridging experience is a first stepping stone to better understanding your roles as a fan of Rui En and a member of RBKD. I am glad I took that first step out that day.

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11 October 2018 | 01:00 pm

What: Chinese New Year Charity

When: 28 January 2018

Where: Kampong Kapor, Whampoa

Angela, Participant:

We gathered early in the morning to pack the goodie bags. Then we made several trips to different households in need to distribute the goodie bags throughout the day. We chat with a few while helping them put up new year decorations on their door. A elderly even invited us in and we chat with her in the house. Seeing the smiles of beneficiaries made all the work worthwhile. A heartwarming charity experience with the RBKD team!

Ashley, Participant:

Glad to have the chance to participate in this yearly ‘CNY tradition’ of sharing and spreading bday love 

Briefing and packing of the goodie bags were done at the spacious centre and the most memorable part actually went to taking the countless boomerang and group pics using the vegetables, goodies etc

I thought the self collection arrangement this year was brilliant and efficient to benefit more families. We were also able to complete our home delivery to the nearby families timely before getting a short lunch break, and continued with the afternoon location. 

This year’s Chun Lian was also super cute with the hand drawn designs of members’ doggies!

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Happy Birthday, Rui En! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #happybirthdayruien #ruien #rbkd

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09 October 2018 | 01:00 pm

What: weareone: our ninth chapter celebrations

When: 11 November 2017

Where: Function Room


9 years is an understatement of #RBKD's journey and experience, but step by step, it's a testimony made possible only because we have each other. . It could have been others, but it has always been you. . Thank you, #RuiEn, for just being you. And thank you everyone for your love towards #RuiEn & #RBKD. . We will be stronger and better, together with you. . Happy 9th Anniversary, #RBKD! . 看似短短的九年却记载了RBKD满满的回忆与感动。一步步走来,靠的是大家的支持与同舟共济。冥冥之中注定是你。谢谢你瑞恩,因为你是你。谢谢大家对瑞恩与RBKD的厚爱与鼓励。未来的日子里,愿与你同在。瑞不可当,9周岁生日快乐! ❤️

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04 October 2018 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Chalet 2017

When: 28-30 July 2017

Where: Aloha Changi

Weijen, Participant:

It has been a year since I joined a RBKD event so meeting up with the members will always be something to look forward to, especially it is a chalet this round. I love it that the location was so serene, quiet and peaceful, with beach by the side, environment with this peacefulness is a good break for me I must say.

I miss the time when all of us sit down together and talk, catching up with each other and most importantly, it was the first time we watched a final episode of Rui En’s series together. There is nothing better than watching it together with fellow fans

Xinyi, Participant:

It’s been a long time since we last had a chalet, I think that was in 2013, during our weareone5. We used to have chalet almost every year before then but stopped after our favourite chalet was torn down.

So we wanted to do this again, and decided to tie in with the finale of “Have A Little Faith” because that just sounds like a good idea.

We had a steamboat feast while watching her show and a BBQ on the next day. Chanced upon the flag-bearing helicopters heading to NDP preview before we started our bbq. Nice.

After sweating it out from cycling at Pulau Ubin, having a round of chillax-ing while enjoying our ice cream was especially sweet. But I think the most fun activity must have been when everyone tried winning in a game of dai-dee so that they could avoid eating the leftover food as penalty. It’s really amusing seeing how hard everyone tries to not lose in this, as everyone’s really too full as the night goes.

What’s a chalet without late night chats after shower, or girl-to-girl talk in the room. What did we talk about? Who remembers and who cares, it’s the warm fuzzy feeling that remains

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02 October 2018 | 01:00 pm

What: Bridging 2017 Sessions

When: June 2017

Where: Function Room

Xinyi, Club President:

We decided to scrap Orientation this year to focus on Bridging which consists of a smaller and more intimate group size, allowing us more opportunities to know the fans who are keen to join us.

This was also our new format for Bridging, where we introduced indoor activities instead of the previously outdoor ones. We mix around depending on the suitability of venue available.

Had 3 sessions in total over 2 weekends and the organizers were all brain dead after the sessions. But it was fun while it last as we got to know each other better and The RBKD Sit-down Foosball was obviously a crowd favourite. No less sweat even in an air-conditioned room.

For the committee, it was good to meet so many new people, after receiving hundreds of entries indicating interest to join us, we were glad that we got to meet some of them in person.

Bridging will always be evolving according to RBKD’s needs but the spirit to understand, interact and bond will remain.

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27 September 2018 | 01:00 pm

What: Star Awards 2017

When: 16 April 2017

Where: MES Theatre @ Mediacorp

有一种幸福是你看见我们时的眼神, 每年这束花好似我们无言的约定, 所以即便因场地有限我们被安排兵分三路, 你也会寻寻觅觅属于你的我们。 . 当你看见这束花时, 你知道吗?你的眼睛亮了。 有人说,你的这种笑,是RBKD专属的。 . 感恩。 我们生在有你的年代, 生命里有你的出现。 . 关于最佳女主角,你已经是了啊。 两届《红星大奖》和一届《亚洲电视大奖》最佳女主角。 . 你说过,想演好戏,是不可以这么在乎奖项的。 . 嗯。 . 当初支持你不是因为你得了奖, 虽然还是希望你会得奖, 因为真心觉得你演得好好。 . 所以接下来的日子里, 还是希望看到你更多的作品, 请依然继续努力, 因为,我们与你同在。 . 爱你的RBKD . — #ruien #rbkd #sa2017sg #RBKD99rosesand1crown @ch8sg

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"为什么瑞恩在星光大道走来走去?" 🤔 今年的星光大道有别以往,有绚丽的室内走道和气派的户外'红'地毯。 . 很幸运的,#RBKD 不管是室内、还是室外,都有机会为 #RuiEn 打气。因室内回音重,所以我们的大分贝呐喊吓到了Aden小朋友,还真过意不去。😅 . 大会也为我们准备了比颁奖礼门票还多出3倍的星光大道门票,让更多粉丝能一起支持#RuiEn。**尖叫声!!** 只是需要分成3组,不能在一起。。。😭😭😭😭😭 . 但是,只要同心,#ONERBKD will still be #ONERBKD. . #RuiEn 和我们的“红色气球组” 打完招呼后,因为角度问题,找不到我们的“粉红气球组”,所以差点儿走出红地毯去寻找我们了。😅 . 看到这个画面还真有些不好意思,但知道发生什么事的我们其实是觉得既好笑又好有爱哦。😂😂😂😘😘😘 . 结果你们就看到#RuiEn 走来走去的画面,也因此而错过了让大家在电视上看到#RuiEn 捧过我们那束99朵玫瑰花的画面。还好我们自己有拍照。😄 . 故事有点长,但是最美的时光记录一下,以后可以回味。谢谢大家阅读啦。 . (图为在星光大道上兵分三路的我们,典礼上一字排开的我们以及#Ruivin #RBKD @elvinology 和乐融融一同排队的我们) . #sa2017sg #rbkd99rosesand1crown @ch8sg

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25 September 2018 | 01:00 pm

What: Star Awards 2017 Prelude Show 1

When: 26 March 2017

Where: Mediacorp


‪(During commercial break)‬ ‪#RBKD: Rui En, do you like the bouquet?‬ 💐 ‪#RuiEn: YES!!!‬ 😊 ‪Emcee: She said "YES!!!"‬ . ‪#loveyouruien 😘😘😘‬ #SA2017sg

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19 September 2018 | 01:00 pm

What: Chinese New Year Charity

When: 21 January 2017

Where: Ang Mo Kio

#瑞恩,祝你农历生日快乐!❤ 每年瑞恩的生日,RBKD总会挨家挨户地拜访300位老人家们,分派米粮、亲自烘焙的新年糕点以及日用品等。已经7年了。 恰巧今天竟然是瑞恩的农历生日耶,我们就以捞鱼生的方式替瑞恩庆祝咯!生日大快乐! 后记:好大的雨哦,大家都淋湿了,不要感冒啊。。🤧 Happy Lunar Birthday, #RuiEn! We visit some 300 elderly door to door yearly (7 years now) to give out food rations in celebration of Rui En's Birthday. This year, the charity drive happens to be Rui En's Lunar Birthday so we had a lohei session to celebrate! Happy Lunar Birthday!! PS: What a heavy downpour, everyone's drenched….. 🤒 #happybirthdayruien

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关于昨天,这就是传说中的风雨无阻#RBKD 一条心吗? 因为#RuiEn 的生日,我们在德义区服务了七个农历年。打从乐龄活动中心尚未正式开张,资源较有限时开始到现在有更多、更有财力的大企业CSR陆续为这里的乐龄们服务。我们是时候功成身退,前往另一个资源有限,也同样需要帮助的地方服务了。 德义区的301位老人家们,虽然7年来我们都没告诉你们我们的身份,但你们都凭着我们衬衫上的❤记着我们,称我们为“爱心队”,期待我们每年为您换上最新一年的新年装饰。所以明年我们还是会照旧为你们送去新年装饰,以表祝福。新年快乐!😊

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12 September 2018 | 01:00 pm

What: 2016-17 Countdown

When: 31 December 2016

Where: Labrador Park

Bi Hui, participant:

What can my end / beginning of the year be like when there is no event to attend? That was probably my thought as I was too used to going to Rui En’s countdown event, and celebrating it with RBKD members for the past few years. Then came a message asking me, whether if I’m available to countdown with the rest at a park…

Fast forward to the day of countdown, the festive mood was there, and I am glad, I’m celebrating the New Year with RBKD members! It was a little special since it was my first time celebrating at a park, and going to a park around 10pm till 12am. I wouldn’t have done that in my life if it was just me hahahaha!

What really amazed me was how many people gathered at the same place to celebrate the new year, and the best was when we could see fireworks from 2 places…for free! As we started to settle down after taking pictures of the fireworks, suddenly, we heard an unfamiliar sound, and soon after we saw something that was shot to the sky (we could just see the smoke), then a few seconds later, a few red balls.

“What is that red thing in the sky?”….
B:”hmmm…I think it’s kites with lights on them”
C:”Wait…I think I saw some smoke trails…”
*after a long break and staring at the red balls”
A:”I think that is the SOS signal from the boats. Probably shot just for the New Year.”
B, C and the rest “Ohhhh….”

That was my first time seeing the SOS signal.

Xinyi, participant:

This was our first countdown in 10 years without Rui En or RBKD. So we decided to hang out together, for a quiet session, after so many loud ones all these years. Yea, where in Singapore can we find a quiet place for countdown? That’s what Rui En said too.

Nonetheless, we went to Labrador park as we thought it would be quieter and there’s still fireworks at midnight. True enough, the crowd present obviously thought the same as us. So the usual story goes for any “quiet countdown”.

The interesting thing was when we saw red lights rising steadily towards the skies, from where the yachts are berthed. “Is that a drone?” “What’s up? Why is the drone only going up?”

Took us a good few minutes before we realised they were red flares, shot from the emergency distress gun of a yacht owner, amidst all the honking at 12 midnight. Guess, we learnt something?

Ended with a quick supper at McDonald’s after a long walk in almost total darkness along the 1km boardwalk towards the MRT. Everything was so simple and quiet, it was just peaceful and perhaps, a little memorable too.

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