What: RBKD Orientation 2018
When: 19 May 2018
Where: Marina Bay
Odelia, participant:
This past May, I had the opportunity to attend a RBKD orientation, which I was ecstatic about since I’ve been seeing pictures of this annual event on the fan website for a few years now. We did most of the activities around MBS, which had the best views (even during the downpour when we hid under an overpass). Everyone I met was extremely welcoming & warm (especially my team leader, Yanling), and I had a blast with the activities.
Of all the activities, I’d have to say that my favourite would be the amazing race. It was quite early in the morning, so all the running around really woke me up (I was pretty groggy)! We had to solve the clue then take pictures as a group at specific locations that we thought was the answer to the clue. The game was really inventive, and required quite a bit of teamwork and memory (i.e. of RE facts over the years). I also thought that making soccer goalposts out of recyclable materials was cool. We had to figure out how to make it sturdy with empty bottles, paper, and tape.
Overall, I had a great time being back in SG again and actually meeting the fan club (and hopefully I’ll have a chance to return to SG in the coming years)!
Ming Yong, participant:
It’s my first time joining an RBKD event, since I got to know about RBKD many years ago.
It was a great experience for me, to get to know the people through the games and activities we had. It was a fun day for me, which I enjoyed myself.

My favourite games were double whacko and 3-legged soccer. For double whacko, it’s because it can be really funny to see a few of us, including myself, rushing to call out the names of others. Hahaha! 😂 As for 3-legged soccer, it was something different. It leaned towards like captain’s ball instead, to kick into our own goal post, to avoid the goal post collapsing.
Overall, it was an awesome day and I look forward to join the next orientation!
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What: RBKD Orientation 2016
When: 18 June 2016
Where: Balestier
Suwei, Participant:
The dinner after orientation was pretty much what I anticipated the most after a long day of team building activities. The buffet was awesome, the restaurant had lots of variety of food and seeing that really perked me up.
The company of good friends definitely made the dinner more enjoyable. During the dinner, we were talking about lots of different topics and there was laughter everywhere.Â
Some of the topics revolved around school life, adulthood and travel experiences. Personally, I feel it was pretty heartwarming to see everyone having a common topic.Â
Nonetheless, I hope to join in for dinner again next year.Â
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What: RBKD Orientation 2016
When: 18 June 2016
Where: Toa Payoh
Celest, Participant:
It was my first time playing the mahjong paper game. Hence I was totally clueless about how to start the game. Fortunately, someone in my team discovered the trick of folding the mahjong paper inwards and we began advancing together with our feet on the mahjong paper. Our mahjong paper started to tear along the way, but we continued to move forward, undeterred.
I enjoyed playing the game with the members as well as with the new fans. On one hand, I had a feeling of closeness from being united with the members. Whereas on the other hand, it was a display of excellent team spirit with the new fans. Impressively, with some many of us standing on the mahjong paper, we stayed vigilant by holding on tightly to each other so as to ensure everyone’s safety before reaching the finishing point.
On the whole, it was a refreshing orientation experience for me this year at a neighbourhood park. To me, it is definitely a great place to have fun away from the crowds and attention. Â
Weijen, Participant:
I look forward to Orientation every year because it is a day when members get to bond with each other through activities and games and that helps me to know other members which I was not previously familiar with (well RBKD is not small right
I always tell my friends and parents that I am in Singapore for a team-building day for Orientation - indeed it is. It is a day when you need to spend almost whole day (or at least half a day) with a group of team members. Throughout this, I will need to remember their names, get to hear their basic intro (3+1) and talk to them personally. I always love team sports/games so I really appreciate the hard work put in to organise these activities by the organising committee – mainly Rebecca and Edith! Kudos to you guys for the hard work! *clap*
Once again, I look forward to more Orientation memories (best if amazing race because it will be really fun to hear someone saying ‘the distance I covered at amazing race is the longest distance I have ever covered in my life’
Mahjong paper game
Ok, talking about this, there are 2 rounds for this game at the Orientation: 1st round is the 4 teams (Resilient, Boundless, Knitted & Dedicated) going against each other and 2nd round is Non-members vs Members. I HAVE TO MENTION THAT MY TEAM, TEAM KNITTED, WON THE 1st round!!! hahahaha. Why? because our team worked with a strategy. And the strategy is: to follow the advice of the experienced members (who have played this game before)!! Simple and effective! haha. Credits to Ying Mei and Zhi Qing for Team Knitted’s hard-fought victory!! but of course, we couldn’t win without our fantastic teamwork because in this game, we need REALLY CLOSE body contact among the team members and to support/hold/carry each other constantly
2nd round comes with a twist because on paper, Members team have an advantage as most of the team are experienced in this game (of course la, president and orientation organising committee are in the team ma ) so there are more challenges for our team e.g. holding 2 cups of water compared to 1 of Non-members. Although embarrassingly
we lost the round eventually to the Non-members, it is the 1st game I ever experienced at an Orientation being with all members in a team! The feeling is really different and fun as 19-20 of us were cuddled together, making jokes and taking wefies all the way, it is truly a member-bonding activity
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What: RBKD Orientation 2016
When: 18 June 2016
Where: Toa Payoh
Edith, Organiser:
Double whacko is my favourite game in every year’s orientation!!! It’s not because I can play this game very well but because I really really can’t play this game. So it’ll get very funny as I’ll always fail to protect my partner (it’s not on purpose!) I think everyone hates being my partner for this game but for me I love double whacko hahaha
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What: RBKD Orientation 2016
When: 18 June 2016
Where: Toa Payoh
Allan, Participant:
The game was fun and interesting when we could only use one leg to play soccer, it was a good experience for me.
I have never been for school orientation, so RBKD’s orientation ever year for me feels like going back to school
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What: RBKD Orientation 2016
When: 18 June 2016
Where: Toa Payoh
Junqi, Participant:
It was the first time we are having this game, so most of us were a little lost at the start, not knowing the trick to completing the task… but i guess that was also what made it interesting.

Each team was given 4 items – a rubber band, balloon, key and chopstick. With each member holding on to at least one end of a rafia string, we had to transport the items across the playing area and place them on the corresponding letters – R, B, K and D – on the floor. Naturally we thought that it was R for Rubber band, B for Balloon… etc. but turns out, we were very wrong haha xD
It was only until the end that it was revealed to us, how each object signifies the corresponding team name. Even though it was a simple game, I was really impressed by the amount of thought that went into it and how the game was eventually linked back to RBKD.
So kudos to the organising team!

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What: RBKD Orientation 2016
When: 18 June 2016
Where: Toa Payoh
Zhiqing, Participant:
It was my 5th Orientation with RBKD. As usual, I had a lot of fun meeting new people and knowing the older members better.
One of the activities that I enjoyed most at this year’s orientation was the Structure Building Game. We had to build a structure using recycled materials that is able to withstand the weight of three of our bags and tall enough for a group member to crawl through. Initially, we felt like it was almost a mission-impossible as the newspapers were too flimsy and we did not have much resources with us. Luckily, after some brain-storming, we figured that we could use our water bottles as the base and build a ‘cover’ for our structure to place our bags on.
To be honest, I did not have much confidence in our structure as it didn’t look as stable as we had expected it to be. However, we do have a very positive Team Leader who had so much faith in our structure and was constantly encouraging all to press on. Thanks Weijen! Through this activity, our team managed to become more bonded. Even though it was a simple activity, all of us had great fun together!
Yeeling, Participant:
Every year’s orientation games would be somehow similar as most of the games require team spirit, but some of this year’s games gave me quite a surprise.
To highlight some of the games below:
Firstly, the structure building game was CREATIVE, a piece of ART and SAVE THE EARTH! WHY?
Save the earth – we had been using recycled items to create obstacles,
Creative – we needed to create an obstacle where it can carry the weight of the bags with a person crawling through underneath,
and an Art exhibition – each group had to display their obstacles.
Every group was laughing at other groups’ obstacles but most of us enjoyed ourselves.
Next, the spider web unity game:
At first our TL told us that we could only use a rafia string to transport the items on the floor. I was thinking how we were going to transport it? But one of our group mates suggested to do something like a knitting pattern with the string and when we started walking, the item did not drop down easily. I was surprised, IT WORKED.
Next, the mahjong paper game:
First time playing mahjong paper with all members and it seemed that we were very united by helping each other. Although, we lost but it was fun.
Lastly, I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all organisers, who organised a fun and challenging amazing race. I just want to shout out to my team – Dedicated!! Thank you everyone for putting great effort in it and also to my TLs and ATLS too. Although our team might be the smallest than other teams, but I really enjoyed myself and did not know Toa Payoh Park had such a great place.
Cheers to next orientation!!
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What: RBKD Orientation 2016
When: 18 June 2016
Where: Toa Payoh
Yanling, Participant:
The first task for the day was to complete a crossword puzzle – to find a number of words related to the idol. Kudos to the organisers for coming up with the puzzle – it was rather challenging and we had to take some time to complete it!
After a while into the game, we started to split the work within our team to look for specific wordings instead of having all of us aimlessly looking for the words. That indeed speed us up and we eventually managed to complete the puzzle in the shortest time Yay to our group work, Team R!
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What: RBKD Orientation 2016
When: 18 June 2016
Where: Toa Payoh
Edith, Organiser:
I’m always looking forward to orientation every year as it’s an opportunity for me to meet new faces. This is my 3rd year participating in orientation and this year, it’s slightly different as I’m one of the organisers of the orientation. To me, one of the hardest thing being an organiser is that it’s not easy for us to think of games and activities that can be linked to RBKD. But at the end of the day, it’s really nice to see the smiles on the faces of the participants while they played the games. I really hope that participants enjoyed and had fun during this year’s orientation.
Rebecca, Organiser:
Planning for the location to hold the orientation is the toughest because there are too many considerations to consider especially when we need a sheltered place to hold everyone. However, we starting googling for locations and found Toa Payoh Town Park. Coming up with the games is not an easy task as well as we have to think of the rationale behind each game and whether it represents RBKD. I’ve got to say spider web unity is the favourite game – I love seeing them play as they have to communicate with one another, move together and consider which item represents R,B,K and D.
Hope all the participants had fun that day and enjoyed the games with their teammates
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What: RBKD Orientation 2015
When: 20 June 2015
Where: Holiday Inn Orchard
Ser Chee, Participant:
It has been a while since I joined in for any dinner/gatherings.
Saw new faces and familiar ones…
Food always bonds a group closer together (be it whether the food is nice or not )
A light-hearted dinner with jokes and laughter everywhere. It’s indeed such a heartwarming sight. RBKD – A Family.
With some topics evolving around jobs, it clearly shows how much we have grown over the years.. HAHA..
Nevertheless, it’s nice to have such a dinner to catch up/reconnect with each other in a way or another.
Once a family, always one.
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