Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
31 October 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2012

When: 9 June 2012

Where: Sentosa

Amazing Race

Melissa Guo, Team Knitted, Participant:

Due to my work schedule, I could only participate in 1 pre-o IPC, therefore Orientation day was the first time I got to meet most of the Rangels. It was a little awkward at first because I didn’t know anyone, but as the ice-breakers went on, things got better.

The Amazing Race left the deepest impression on me. I remember telling my team leader, Yanling, that I’m someone who emphasize on winning. But for the first station, we went to the wrong place – thanks to me – (sorry, Team K!), but instead of blaming me, my team worked together to figure out the correct location.

Through this incident, I saw teamwork and that was when I knew my perception had changed. I realized that sometimes playing a game (or in life), isn’t about winning or losing, it’s really about the journey. It’s about getting to know your teammates (or friends and family) little by little along the way, helping one another, enjoying the journey and working toward the same goal together.

Friendship before competition :D

It was tiring but it was so much fun! I really have to thank RBKD for giving me the chance to take part in this Orientation which allowed me to gain much more than just new friends. I learnt an important life lesson as well.

Team Resilient

Team Boundless

Team Knitted

Team Dedicated

Together, we are TEAM RBKD!!!

IPC, Orientation | 3 Comments

29 October 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2012

When: 9 June 2012

Where: Sentosa


Yes, like last year, it rained.

Thank goodness, it stopped.

Probably they knew it’s RBKD Orientation 2012!

Ice Breakers

Ethan Chua, Team Dedicated, Participant:

I’m so glad that I attended Orientation this year :)
Although it was my 2nd time participating in RBKD’s Orientation, there were still many people whom I did not know. Things became better after a series of ice-breakers. We started off with RBKD Bonding where we had to form a group of 4 whereby all of us must be from the same team. And I’m proud to say that our team came in first for that :D
Team D FTW!!!!!

Then we played ‘Double Whacko’ whereby we had to remember many names and to protect the one in-front of us from getting whack. Both the ice-breakers were definitely a test to my memory skills!

RBKD Bonding! All ready to get started!!

Now let’s Whack!

Lastly, River-Crossing was best of it all! This game really focused on teamwork and every team had to reach the finishing line with the limited number of planks we had. Some of us either blindfolded or ‘crippled’ and this was an obstacle the team had to overcome. Although we were perspiring and had sweaty palms, we still held on to one another and managed to complete the game and came in first!


Get set…


All in all, I really enjoyed myself during Orientation:)
I want to thank those who make this Orientation a successful one :D

IPC, Orientation | 2 Comments

05 September 2012 | 01:00 pm

Name: Jasmine
Forum Nick: Jasmineeee
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am …

Helloooo! My name is Jasmine and I’m currently studying in Chua Chu Kang Sec.

Me and RBKD:

I’ve joined RBKD in 2010 and and it’s really fun to be part of this family!

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

weareone: Our Third Chapter Chalet!! It was really fun to be able to spend time with fellow Rangles playing games, watching television and celebrating RBKD’s birthday together until late night!!

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

Unity is strength.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Day out at Marina Barrage! It was the first IPC that I’ve attended with such a huge turnout!

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

Everyone just look so happy and contented isn’t it? ;)

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

Something related to prawns! Cos I love to eat them :D

6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

If there’s a will, there’s a way.

As the chinese saying goes, “世上无难事, 只怕有心人.” If you persevere on, you’ll succeed one day. Never give up!

Understanding Rangels | 4 Comments

08 August 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Cross-FOOD Puzzle

When: 21 July 2012

Where: All around Singapore

Participant(s): Corine, Geok Yeng, Pei Qi, Shu Pei, Yanjun, Yan Ping and Yee Ling

Shu Pei, Organizer:

This is my first time organizing an IPC activity. It was stressful to organize as preparation was needed before the actual day. We had to recce for food that is cheap and good and make the jigsaw puzzle for the clue to the 1st food.

I really like all participants enthusiasm when they insist on using the actual Chinese words when I told them they could use 斜音 (words with similar pronunciation) to link the food. While queuing up to buy the Hum Jin Peng, they started making plan ahead by figuring out how to link the 1st food to the 2nd and so on!

The food that I like the most is the Hum Jin Peng and the Chwee Kueh. For the Hum Jin Peng, we got to cook the 饼 by ourselves which was a nice experience. I like the Chwee Kueh’s chill sauce as it was hot and spicy and the stall added Minced Shrimp. This made the chill sauce smell heavenly.

I would like to thank Geok Yeng for accompanying me to go recce before the actual activity and Yan Ping for ferrying us around to find food and to help engage all the participants. Thanks to all participant who took their time to attend this IPC.

Corine, Participant:

Well, we saw this game coming, somehow, and have already done quick introduction on our height weight age birth dates etc. We had to play the game without saying a word, it was great fun to 比手画脚 to get our message across, 真的是默契可嘉. This randomly inspired a thought to pick up sign language to do charity with the deaf. Haha. It was indeed an exciting ipc cracking our brain and searching for food, which in turn fostered new friendship. I am looking forward to the next ipc.

Yee Ling, Participant:

The Cross-FOOD IPC was fun! On that day, we were “running around Singapore” to look for food that was link to the last name of the previous food. We spent quite some time figuring out the food in order to link it to the last food item! The organizer suggested that we could change the food name to fries so it will be easier to link with the last food “Honey Mustard Sauce” but other members insisted not to change.

In the end, we found it. The last food was fries and it taste very delicious. At first I thought that “Best Fries Forever” is the best because of the shop name, after I have tried the “Ireland’s potato” fries I felt that “Ireland’s potato” fries was the best compared to “Best Fries Forever”.

I would like take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all participants, organizer for all the help, jokes, food recommendations! Thank you Yan Ping for ferrying us around!

Food conquered:

1)      咸煎饼 (Hum Jin Pang)

2)      饼干 (Biscuit)

3)      甘蔗水 (Sugarcane Juice)

4)      水粿 (Chwee Kueh)

5)      粿汁 (Kway Chap)

6)      芝麻 (Sesame Seed)

7)      马铃薯龙卷风 (Tornado Potato)

8)      峰蜜芥末酱薯条 (Honey Mustard Sauce with Fries)


IPC | 1 Comment

01 August 2012 | 01:00 pm

Name: Phyllis
Forum Nick: littlekid
Status: Priority member

My name is …. and I am ….

Hi! My name is Phyllis and I am currently studying in Nanyang JC.

Me and RBKD:

I’ve been in RBKD since 2008 & it is really a joy to be part of this family :)

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

To attend the countdown party at the end of every year! We always have so much fun cheering and “train-ing” around the place! Ever since I attended the first countdown party with RBKD, it has been a tradition to countdown to the new year with RBKD every year. :)

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

Everything is possible as long as you put your heart into it.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Rail in, Flight out Trip to Kuala Lumpur!

Visiting A&W for curly fries + root beer @ midnight.
Taking the indoor roller coaster ride at times square~
Exploring an old town in the midst of finding “Ulu Yam”!

It is all these little things that we did that made the trip a really unforgettable one :’)

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

Everyone has a radiant smile across their face & most importantly it’s a beautiful display of all the club tees that we currently have!!

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

(Like most people) Something that has to do with food!!!!

6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

Understanding Rangels | 2 Comments

25 July 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Joys of Life Road Show

When: 16 June 2012

Where: East Point Mall

Sandra, Priority Member:

“People came to queue to see stars (artiste), we came to play” HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA.

Queuing overnight was really fun. From sleep-walking/sleep-talking/sleep-drawing/counting how many trains pass by (Kah Yin and Eunice)/ weird people coming by to tell us “鬼来了,鬼来了” etc, it was a really really really fun night!

On the actual day of the roadshow while waiting for the barricades to be set up and before the event began, we self-entertained ourselves. We mixed around with fellow rangels and played some games.

The 最火搭档, Chen Liping and her signature hair + how they played Taboo + the interactions between all artists really made the crowd went HAHHAHA. All of us broke out in heaps of laughter!

All in all, I enjoyed the queueing overnight and the roadshow :)

Clarence, Fan:

I was really excited, as this will be the first time I am going to see Rui En in person. Before that, I would like to thank Jean for giving me her pass as I didn’t managed to get it. Thank you very much.

On the actual day, I remember I really had a lot of fun, everyone was shouting for their idol. As they were playing the game on stage, it was really entertaining and it showed us the cheeky side of the celebrities.

I was screaming my lungs out for Rui En and for the first time of my life, I did not care about how others look at me, being with RBKD made me bold. Then it was time for the handshake event. When I shook Rui En’s hand, the excitement in me was just overwhelming. The event eventually ended and we dispersed after RBKD took group photos which I am honored to be part of.

Lastly, I would like to say, I really had a lot of fun with RBKD and I really enjoyed myself. In future if there’s such event, I really hope I can join RBKD again.

Jun Yee, Priority Member:

After the Joys of Life (JOL) party at TAB, we went down to Eastpoint Mall to queue for the JOL roadshow. Some of us were looking forward to chatting and playing with one another outside the mall at such an unusual timing. However, we ended up sleeping as we were too sleepy. When we woke up, we saw Eunice and Kah Yin counting the number of MRTs which passed by. 真的没想到世上还有这种娱乐咯。。 We had a unique experience queuing outside the mall as we get to enjoy the natural breeze while sleeping there. 很特别嘛!感觉还不错,蛮凉快的。

Before the roadshow started, we had fun taking photographs and playing games with one another. We also had fun shouting:”说什么?!” when 新桃花江 was being played. I’m really glad that I’ve made such good friends in the fan club, as I used to think that it is impossible to have strong friendships with people who I seldom meet up with. Amazing!

The JOL roadshow was very entertaining due to game being played on stage. The 狗急跳墙 and 破镜重圆 almost made me rolled on the floor laughing. I didn’t know that watching others play charades can be so entertaining. HAHA! Chen Li Ping 也很搞笑咯! The actions she did on stage are really hilarious. I still can’t get over the part whereby she threw Rui En’s shoes down the stage. 她是配合我们的咯!hehe! I enjoyed the roadshow and can’t wait to watch all the episodes of JOL asap! Anyway, I’m really glad that she looked happy and was smiling with the bear (:

Events | 3 Comments

18 July 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Cha- Chum- Bo Party

When: 15 June 2012

Where: TAB

Regin, Priority Member:

It was an awesome party together with fellow Rangels, where everyone tried to dress up to the retro theme, colourful checkered, polka dots, floral, and so on.

The event started off with the appearance of the cast, sharing their experiences during the filming of JOL. It’s very heartening to know that Rui En enjoyed the filming progress especially with her 最火搭挡, Chen LiPing! I guess not only Rui En, but the rest of the cast too as seen from their laughters during the party. They also revealed embarrassing moments about their fellow cast members, I guess they really had a good time in JOL.

After which, we had a preview of episode one of JOL, it was totally awesome! And I really look forward to the rest of the drama! I’m totally certain that everyone had enjoyed this amazing party! :D

Ying Mei, Priority Member:

The Cha-Chum-Bo party was really interesting and it was my first time attending such a themed party where we are not wearing our RBKD tees but dressed accordingly to the theme which was ‘Retro’. Also, it was my first time going to an event to support Rui En without any fanboards and using only our voices.

Everyone got so hyped up in the beginning after snippets of Joys Of Life were shown on the big screen and it was super funny during the talk by the cast especially Chen Liping. And like what Rui En said, we (RBKD) finally managed to 亲耳听到 Liping’s laughter, and now I can understand how hard it is to not laugh after hearing her laughter!

This event really got all of us hyped up for the broadcast of JOL and kudos to those who went to queue overnight for the JOL event the next day (so sad I couldn’t attend that event) :)

JOL is definitely a show worth watching!

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05 July 2012 | 01:00 pm

Name: Lydia Goh
Forum Nick: Lydia Goh
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

My name is Lydia and I am currently studing in St Andrew’s Junior College.

Me and RBKD:

I joined RBKD since 2008 and I am proud to be in RBKD. I saw many changes in RBKD, and also many new faces.

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

The CNY Charity drive. As we all get to volunteer together, to distribute the goodie bags to the senior citizens.

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

A fanclub can be more than one that supports the idol. And no matter what, we must not give up easily.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Badminton IPC as I get to play my favourite sports, and bond with the members!

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

That was the very 1st group photo I took with RBKD and that experience was amazing!

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

Related to charity :D As I think it would be very meaningful and it allows everyone to work together and bond together.

6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

Jiayou!! :DDD


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15 June 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Minds Cafe

When: 3 June 2012

Where: Funan

Participant(s): Bengyan, Bihui, Candice, Celest, Eunice Zee, Jasmine, Jewel, Kah Yin, Melissa, Regin, Sandra, Ser Chee, Yan Ling, Yanping, Yee Ling, Ying Mei, Yue Chang, Yunxian, Yvonne

Yue Chang, Organizer:

Frankly speaking, I was quite afraid that this IPC would not be a success as it was my first time organising an IPC. I was quite afraid that the atmosphere would be kind of -cold-. But as I reached the location, I realised that it was not what I had expected it to be. Instead, the atmosphere was very lively.

As usual, we warmed ourselves up with the traditional 3+1 introduction. We then continued on our main purpose! The board games! We had so much fun playing different types of games and we were shouting while playing because we were all so excited. The new members who went participated actively too! It was such a fun day and I didn’t know that playing board games for 3 hours could be so tiring.. Great experience for me!

Yanping, Participant:

It was my first time joining a pre-orientation IPC. Totally don’t know what to expect from the IPC. Headed straight to the Café and was in a loss as I did not know anyone at all. Fortunately the café was not big and with such a big group of people, it’s not hard to spot the group at all.

After ice-breaker, we started on the board games. We played games like “UNO Stacko” whereby we got super high as the bricks went higher. We also played interactive games such as “the bomb” whereby each member was required to do a funny action before the bomb got “exploded”. Surely we had a lot of laughter and joy.

The game with the deepest impression was “Ugly Doll” where players need to grab 3 identical cards that were opened during each turn and shout, “UGLY! UGLY! UGLY!”. Our actions really turn a little violent and lots of screaming. Cards were partial destroyed through all the snatching and all. Nevertheless, we all enjoyed the game. Other games were also played during the session. After a few hours, we were all exhausted (from the laughter, actions and screams).

Despite everyone coming from different age, occupation and interest. We came together as one for the passion shared for a common person. We bonded well as a group especially for some of us who were so new to the club. I am so looking forward for the next bonding session during the RBKD orientation that is going to be held in Sentosa on 9th June 2012.

Yvonne, Participant:

It was the second pre-orientation IPC I have attended, however it was the first time going to minds café with so many people (Rangels). We started the IPC with 3+1 introduction then proceeded to the games. During the introduction, some of us were quite soft but when we started playing games, it seems like everyone went crazy.

The cafe was not very big, with all our laughter and shouting during the games, I think we have become the centre of attraction in the café. I thought that was not a bad thing, it shows that we do really enjoyed ourselves, or at least I did : )

Some of us had dinner at Pastamania, it was another great experience having dinner together with the Rangels. I was laughing so hard that almost had a stomach cramp. It was fun seeing Rangels teasing each other. I think that Rangels are very friendly and approachable. Looking forward to the orientation and meeting more Rangels. I would like to thanks the organizer, Yanling and Yue Chang, for making the IPC a success.

IPC, Orientation | 1 Comment

13 June 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Bowling

When: 2 June 2012

Where: Marina Square

Participant(s): Ella, Jewel, Jiayi, Madeline, Pei Qi, Shirley, Shu Wen, Yanjun, Yan Ling and Zhiqing.

Zhi Qing, Organizer:

We had quite a few ideas initially but had chosen bowling as it is cheaper and less ulu compared to the one that we’ve planned earlier on (ice skating). It was quite a last minute one and I was really really glad to see quite a handful there despite that.

We had lunch together and during our lunch, we did a bit of self-introduction to get ourselves familiarise with one another. After our lunch, we headed off to the bowling place. :) We also got chattier and noisier while walking towards the bowling place and even helped each other out to find the pair of bowling shoes that suit us.

At first, many of us do not really know how to bowl in the correct manner. The better ones then went forward to help the weaker ones and we gradually improved from gutter to strike. We also encouraged and gave one another a pat once any one of us has reached our turn to bowl. :) Whenever any one of us has played well, we cheered for that person!

After approx 3 rounds, we went to the arcade nearby and everyone gathered around as we watch Shirley catch her mini soft toys and we really had a great time laughing away. After all the fun, we went to get ourselves some food and drinks at MacDonalds’ before heading home together! We had a really fun-filling saturday afternoon spent together! :D

Ella, Participant:

Being my first IPC that I attended, I naturally felt excited. Firstly I did not know anyone and I felt it would be a good chance to meet the Rangels and my group mates. After meeting everybody at the mrt station we proceeded to lunch at the food court in marina square. It was a bit awkward at first as everybody still did not know each other. After a round of introduction and chatting over lunch, we felt more and more comfortable.

Then we proceeded to bowl. We had loads of fun over bowling. Cheering each other on, clapping when there was a spare or strike and even poke fun at those whose ball went to the gutter! The highest scorer Shu Wen even went on to coach us on how to bowl better…aww so sweet =)

I am very glad that I took the time to go for IPC and got to know so many new friends! Hopefully Iwill still be able to join more IPCs in the future although I am not yet a member!!

YanJun, Participant:

Meeting new people has always been out of my comfort zone but I’m glad I took the step forward and joined the bowling pre-orientation IPC. Awkwardness is inevitable when strangers meet but it was all gone when we were at the bowling alley. We randomly split into two groups and coincidentally, the good ones were all at one alley and the other group of us (Clean drain group. :P) were at the other alley. Realizing that, we mixed around, exchanged pointers and encouraged each other when we keep cleaning the drain. It was a fun experience mixing and playing around and not to forget some epic moments while playing around. After three games, we went to Macdonalds to chat and slack before we all parted for our own activities.

This IPC experience made me look forward to RBKD orientation even more. Anyway, I would like to thank the organizers for organizing this IPC and it was a pleasure to meet the Rangels. :)

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