Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
26 December 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Buffet Dinner

When: 20th October 2012

Where: Concorde Hotel’s Spices Cafe

Participant(s): Bengyan, Corine, Jean, Jia Min, Joanne Chong, Ming, Phyllis, Ser Chee, Shirley, Xinyi, Yan Ling

Jean, Participant:

It has been a while since we went for a buffet together so I was kind of looking forward to it. Other than the company, one good thing about buffet is that there is never-ending amount of food to eat!

Really, who isn’t happy at the mention of food? And better still is not every now and then we get to have dinner on a weekend together due to our busy schedule.

Thought of sharing something funny……… Haha!

Xin Yi and I was waiting to pick fresh cockles, clams and lala for the chef to cook for us so when the chef handed me a small bowl…

Me: *Seriously picking the various shellfish until the bowl was full and I was still carefully trying to pile on top if it*

Me to Xin Yi: 那个碗有一点小哦~ Hahaha! (English translation: The bowl abit small ah~)

Somehow the chef heard me and handed me a plate.

Both of us: Hahahahaha!

Me: *Continues to pick more food* Hahahahaha!

After the “main course”, it was dessert time. Dessert variety wasn’t that bad and the fruits were fresh and best of all, there was ice-cream :D

Love the food but best of all… Love the company :)

Others | 2 Comments

19 December 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Private Newspaper Collection Drive

When: 20th October 2012

Where: All around Singapore

Participant(s): Jia Min, Ming, Xinyi, Yanping and Yan Ling

Yanping, Participant:

Had a great time participating in this year’s newspaper collection with RBKD.

This is definitely not the first time that I had to do newspaper collection but this is definitely something really different from what I have done in the past. We went around the north and northeast area to collect the newspaper from different RBKD members. It was really fun. Had never knew that my car can squeeze in that amount of newspapers and it was amazing.

After going around doing the collection, we went down to the meeting point to unload the newspaper. After which, we followed the lorry (Drove by Yanling) to the center and it was certainly eye-opening for me as there were really a lot of the newspapers and white papers there!

Thank you RBKD for giving me the chance to join in this fun and meaningful activity!

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12 December 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2012

When: 9th June 2012

Where: Bugis, Beach Road

Steamboat Dinner

Geok Yeng, Team Resilient, Participant:

First of all, I would like to thank the organizers for this steamboat dinner. As I didn’t get to attend any of the pre-O IPC due to work commitments, it made me cherish the time and moment spent together with Rangels even more.

While making our way to Bugis for dinner after the orientation, Shu Pei and I got dispersed from the group. Thankfully, Jean, Phyllis and Yan Ling were there specially waiting for us at Bugis MRT even though they were really hungry. 谢谢你们 (: I would like to highlight that throughout the whole day event, I was touched by the Rangels’ sincerity & thoughtfulness.

We occupied 5 tables but I think Rangels’ voice and laughter managed to conquer the whole place! Towards the end, our table played a game to clear food, “The Concentration Game”. The one who lost was rewarded a scoop of food from the remaining “good stuff” in the pot. Everybody had a good laugh including myself. The game was at its peak when Jolie lost 3 games consecutively. HAHAHAHAHAHA. At the end of the game, everyone had the fair share of the “reward”!

Undoubtedly, I really enjoyed myself on that day. Hopefully, I can join more events with Rangels in time to come. I can’t wait for it, can you? :D

Great food, great company.


This officially marks the end of RBKD Orientation 2012 :)
We hope everyone had a fun and memorable day.
Once again, thank you to all who made this orientation possible.

IPC, Orientation | 4 Comments

05 December 2012 | 01:00 pm

Name: Yunxian
Forum Nick: Yunxian ^^
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am …

HELLO! My name is Yunxian and I am studying in Bowen Secondary School :)

Me and RBKD:

I’ve been in this huge family since 2010. It was a choice I’ve never regretted because I have made many many, and I really mean A LOT of good friends here! :) Hehehe.

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

RBKD’s Orientation 2012!

It was a really fun and memorable one for me because we were all running around Sentosa to complete the amazing race!

The performance/skit part was the best of all as everyone stepped out of their boundaries and really enjoyed themselves. Actually, to me, all the times spent with RBKD are unforgettable. :)

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

You can do anything if you put your mind into it, and you will succeed if you put your heart into it.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Fish feeding @ Bishan!

It was a short session with everyone. We were just playing with water and chatting with one another but it was really fun! This is because it was quality time spent together with everyone!

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

We are all smiling very brightly and we all looked happy! ^^ In actual fact, we are!

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

I think any IPC is fine as long as it’s spending time together with everyone. But I hope we can go for a sushi buffet. :)

6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

Keep smiling no matter how tough things are! :)

Understanding Rangels | 2 Comments

28 November 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2012

When: 9th June 2012

Where: Sentosa


Bi Hui, Team Boundless, Participant:

The skit was the most enjoyable segment! Though I really had to be thick skin and real crazy to act in front of 60+ people. As we were unable to meet all the members during rehearsals, it was very encouraging to see that members who didn’t turn up for rehearsals were willing to be as crazy with us!

Really glad that I have a great partner, Yamie for the skit. Without her I think the skit would not be as funny as what it was on that day!

Lastly, I would like to thank my team leader and assistant team leader for doing so much for us for the amazing race and especially the skit! They made time for rehearsals despite having tight schedules.

And that’s the end of “A DAY WITH RBKD!” (if you remember our skit HAHA!)

Jasmine Yang, Team Dedicated, Participant:

The first part of our skit was to sing the RBKD song. This song shows how RBKD is a unique fanclub! Then we acted out a scene where we were doing charity work for Rui En’s birthday.

I think this is rather meaningful as it shows that RBKD isn’t any ordinary fanclub who only cheer for our idol, but a society where Rangels gather together and care for people around us.

Finally, during the last part of the skit we recited a short cheer on the theme “dedicated”. The skit was really fun and interesting. I think all of us had a lot of fun and bonded tremendously!

Team Resilient with their ‘talk show’ and Barney song!

Team Knitted dancing to ‘Reach out for the skies’!

Team knitted acting out a scene during the pre-orientation IPC.

A big THANK YOU to the organizers, team leaders and assistant team leaders :D

You guys did a great job!

Lastly, thank you to all Rangels for making this orientation possible.
Lets look forward to RBKD Orientation 2013 =)

Together, we are ONE RBKD!

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15 November 2012 | 01:11 am

Has it been only 4 years?

Somehow seems like it’s been much much longer.

It’s strange sometimes, me and RBKD. When people know about your schedule before you do. When people somehow find out where you’re filming. When people you don’t know at all know every single detail about you that you’ve forgot you mentioned in the press.

It’s almost like having a best friend who’s invisible.

It really is a strange thing between fan clubs and artistes.

It used to be that there was this nagging fear at the back of my heart, “what if no one turns up?” which has become, “I really hope they brought their homework and got some sleep while q-ing overnight” – thank you for making the girl who felt no one would ever turn up for her appearances feel otherwise.

In short, thank you for always being there.

For being the invisible best friend.

Happy Birthday. Cya Sunday.


weareone | 14 Comments

15 November 2012 | 01:00 am

What. A. Year. *takes a deep deep deep breath in*

It’s amazing.

From pineapple paste to pineapple tarts.

I think it pretty much sums up us for the year.

Resilient, Boundless, Knitted and Dedicated.

It’s about writing our story together.

This year, I dedicate my post to the many faceless family whom I have not met or interacted with in person.

You are so amazing.

Thank you for sharing our pride.
Thank you for quietly, but so reliably, watching her back with us.
Thank you simply, for being here with us.

Your well wishes gave me strength, and warmed my heart.

I never knew, until these messages were sent through.

I thought RBKD is just about stubborn kids, doing silly things, out of vanity.

“Thanks for the love.”

Next year, would be our half-a-decade in RBKD. Never saw this coming, but can’t wait for it to come.

15th November 2013 falls on a Friday, let’s make the day available for each other.

My many true-hearted compatriots.

“I hope we can be each other’s lifebuoys to keep our heads above the water.”

Thank you.

Happy Birthday, I’m looking forward to your next!

weareone | 6 Comments

15 November 2012 | 12:55 am

Happy 4th Anniversary RBKD!!!

Thank you for making this year a memorable one.

The numerous new and exciting IPCs that strengthened our bonds; our annual charity drives that allowed us to give back to the society and the most anticipated annual RBKD Orientation where we see many new faces. Though everyone was sweating under the hot sun but the smiles on their faces just tell us how much they enjoyed the day.

Let’s all continue to be the Resilient Rangels that we are proud to be. Maximize our Boundless creativity on more IPCs/events. Stay Knitted and thank you to all Dedicated members.

Happy Birthday and may we have more great years to come

Jia Min

weareone | 5 Comments

15 November 2012 | 12:50 am

Hello RBKD,

Another year has passed and well look how far we have come!

Throughout this 4 years we have grown so much together.
The bonds fostered over the years is definitely what I will always remember.

Every anniversary celebration is one of a kind, so different from the previous ones. This year is no exception and I am very glad to be part of weareone: our fourth chapter.

Thank you each and everyone of you who have played a part to make RBKD so special in it’s own way.

(Click for larger image)

With love,

weareone | 8 Comments

15 November 2012 | 12:45 am

(Click for larger image)

weareone | 7 Comments

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