What: Star Awards 2013 Ceremony 1
When: 21 April 2013
Where: MediaCorp Singapore
Participant(s): Candice, Eunice, Jiamin, Joanne, Junqi, Kahyin, Ser Chee, Xinyi, Yue Chang, Zhiqing
Junqi, Priority Member:
It wasn’t my first time at a live show, though it was still interesting seeing how it’s being produced and broadcasted. I really like how the fans would shout so randomly to their idols during commercial breaks haha :P
“The road to success comes through hard work, determination, and sacrifice.”
When CLP called her 最ç«ææ¡£ during the most anticipated segment of the show (Favourite Female Character Award), I can’t even describe that feeling. Excitement, joy, relief, gratitude. Everyone went crazy, cheering and hi-fiving each other. So glad that after weeks and weeks of voting, our efforts finally paid off :D
Zhiqing, Priority Member:
This year is my first time attending the Star Awards Night 1. It was really an eye-opening experience for me, for it was my first time going to a live show. And what’s more? It was for supporting Rui En! :) I’m really glad to be given the opportunity to attend. Thanks RBKD!
Most of the Rangels were already there by the time I reached and were busy stabilizing the fan boards as well as doing other behind-the-scene stuff so as to ensure that we’re all well-prepared for the Award Ceremony.
During the Award Ceremony, we cheered as loud as we could whenever dramas that Rui En starred in were nominated. Nervous and praying hard before the Favourite Onscreen Couple & Favourite Female Character results were announced. With cheers, smiles and jumping with joy were us when we heard “最ç«æ档 瑞橔.
It was a really great experience for me and heart-warming to know that two months of hard work finally paid off, and to be able to witness the Award Ceremony live, it made the whole experience even more priceless and memorable. :)
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Name: Candice
Forum Nick: Candice
Status: Priority member
My name is …. and I am ….
My name is Candice and I am studying at Kaplan.
Me and RBKD:
I joined RBKD in December 2008. I have seen the fanclub grew bigger each year. Met many friends as we grew along. The bond and joys we shared were great memories.
1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….
RBKD Orientation 2012.
It’s so fun. Even though there are so many new faces. The time spent for discussion and rehearsal for the skit is damn good. We learnt from each other and getting different ideas shared around was amazing~
2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..
As long we are united and with perseverance, we can succeed in doing anything.
3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….
Pulau Ubin Hike and Bike.
Because it’s my first time going to Pulau Ubin with a big group of friends.
4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..
The togetherness feel and everyone just look like part of each other.
5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……
Roller-blading! Something that all of us didn’t do it together before.
6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:
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Name: Junqi
Forum Nick: Junqi
Status: Priority member
My name is …. and I am ….
Hello! My name is Junqi and I just completed As.
Me and RBKD:
I joined RBKD in 2009 and I’m really glad to be part of this family.
1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….
Double Whacko during Seven.Zero.Eight!!
Haha it’s amazing how a group of strangers can have so much fun together!
2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..
3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….
Picnic & Kite Flying @ Marina Barrage
It’s my first time flying a kite and I learnt that all you have to do is to wait for a gust of wind and let go hahaha :P
4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..
Love the smiles :)
5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……
6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:
“You don’t need a reason for everything you do in your life.
Do it because you want to, because it’s fun and because it makes you happy.”
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What:Â CNY Bai Nian Lohei Tour & Steamboat Lunch
When:Â 16 February 2013
Where: Jolie’s House for Bai Nian Cum Lohei &Â Bugis for Steamboat lunch
Participant(s):Â Bengyan, Candice, Jasmine, Jean, Jewel, Jiamin, Jolie, Lionel, Melissa, Phyllis, Ser Chee, Shirley, Shuwen, Xinyi, Yanling
Candice & Phyllis, Organiser:
Well it’s the time of the year again where we toss for prosperity and good luck! This year’s bai nian and lo hei session was at Jolie’s place.
We had our usual lo hei, as you know we always say auspicious stuff before we toss and this year we had Jean to do it for us! Well we certainly had a good laugh :P
Thereafter, we went over to Bugis for a steamboat lunch. Although we do visit this steamboat store at Bugis often, having a meal there together in the afternoon was a totally different experience (usually we had dinner instead). We had the whole restaurant to ourselves because there was no one else and well, that also meant that we had all the food to ourselves :P
I always enjoy having steamboat with RBKD because I think this is the best time for everyone to sit down and have a good chat while enjoying each other’s company. Well, not to mention that having steamboat together gives me a home-ly and family-like feeling :)
May this year be a good one for RBKD. Huat ah!
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What:Â C.L.I.F 2 Premiere
When:Â 16 February 2013
Where:Â Singapore Polytechnic Convention Centre
Participant(s):Â Bengyan, Bi Hui, Candice, Catherine, Celest & Mum, Clarence, Eunice, Geok Yeng, Jasmine, Jean, Jia Min, Joanne, Jolie, Jun Yee, Kah Yin, Lionel, May Yen & kid, Melissa, Phyllis, Regin, Sandra, Ser Chee, Shirley, Shu Pei, Shu Wen, Xinyi, Vanessa, Yan Ling, Yan Jun, Yeeling, Ying Mei, Yue Chang, Yvonne and Zhiqing
Vanessa, Participant:
This was my first time attending an event like this. At start, I was curious how it would be like. Upon reaching there, I found it kinda cool because of all the police standing almost everywhere. It’s not an everyday occurrence where you can see that number of policemen in one place.
It was such a great experience to watch the preview and the 1st episode of the drama on the big screen. Can’t help but smiling every time our idol appears on the screen, it made me even more excited toward its actual airing on TV. I’m sure many of us also shared the same sentiment.
I definitely enjoyed the premiere of C.L.I.F. 2 and felt so lucky to have a chance like that. Many Thanks to the SPF for all your efforts – in not only the filming of C.L.I.F. 1 & 2 as well as protecting the country as a whole.
Ying Mei, Participant:
I’m glad I had the chance to watch C.L.I.F.2’s special preview and first episode on a large screen (like in a cinema) and definitely, it felt so different as compared to watching the show on our tv.
Everyone was happily anticipating the start of the premiere and it didn’t disappoint at all as the show was rather fast-paced and very thrilling. Also, Rui En’s character, Zhi Jie was sooooo cute especially in the first episode! I hope there’ll be more opportunities like this where we can watch dramas’ premieres on a large screen and I’m sure everyone who went had an unforgettable experience. :D
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What: Punggol Neighbourhood Watch Day
When: 27th January 2013
Where: Amphitheatre next to Riviera LRT, Punggol East
Kah Yin, Priority Member:
“This is a police event, don’t try do anything funny!”
The sentence above (or something along that line) is something I heard about 2-3 times during the event. Haha.
Like almost all other events, RBKD was there early. So while waiting, we were all either eating/talking/resting/doing homework/reading/walking around/looking at rehearsals/staring into space.
Goodie bags were up for grab and to get a goodie bag, we had to find out what ‘COP’ and ‘COPS’ means and explain them to the officers. Haha. FYI, COP = Citizens on Patrol, whereas COPS = Community Policing System.
Then came the appearance of Rui En! *scream* *wave boards* The next moment, Rui En and the other artistes were all surrounded by residents and fans! BUT since it’s a police event they were pretty safe even though there was a huge crowd near them. When C.L.I.F. 2 clip was played, we were all cheering whenever Zhi Jie appeared on the screen! :D Even the emcee was teasing us after that – “some of you were waiting for the appearance of some character YAYYYYY!†Hahaha.
The event ended off with some of us going for a photo-taking session with the C.L.I.F 2 artistes!
Yanping, Ordinary Member:
This is the second time that I have participated in a roadshow with RBKD (first time being Joys of Life Roadshow) but it was rather different this time.This road show was in conjunction with the launch of Punggol Neighbourhood Police Centre.
It was quite an experience looking through all the exhibits at the roadshow. For those who have joined the event would probably have learnt one to two knowledge about keeping your own neighbourhood safe or even learnt how to maintain a good relationship with your neighbours.
The biggest difference between these 2 roadshows was that I have known more Rangels and thus explained more interactions. I still remembered during the last roadshow, though I was sitting with RBKD, I was not really talking as I did not know many of them. But now that I have known more of them through the IPCs, I had lotsa of interactions and fun. We joked around while waiting for the launch of the event. Really glad to be part of RBKD to go for the event and am looking forward for more of these!
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Name: Yamie
Forum Nick: Yamie
Status: Priority member
My name is …. and I am ….
My name is Yamie and I am currently working while studying at UniSIM.
Me and RBKD:
It is an honour to be one of the few who lived through the birth of RBKD in 2008 and seeing it grow into a big family now in 2013. People met and bonds formed over the years, with the excitement and wondrous feeling of pride whenever I looked back to recall the journey travelled this far. It is truly breath-taking and amazing to realize that how a little faith has grown to become a pride.
1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….
The RBKD Orientation 2012. It has provided me a chance to step out of my busy schedule to enjoy spending time with friends. The performance/skit has me doing something totally out of my personality and pushed me to achieve it in the spirit of teamwork. It is one of the wild rides in life, and a deep sense of achievement grew within when you realized that everyone is on the ride and enjoying it immensely.
2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..
To have faith in whatever you put your mind to do and to keep working on it. Many a times, it may appear as an uphill task but with commitment, belief, strength and faith, anything can be possible if you believe and work for it.
3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….
The ‘Rail In, Flight Out of KL’ IPC. It is because it was a rare experience freezing the night away in a metal tin puffing and roaring through lands and across borders. If the freezing experience is not memorable enough, the endless prank calls bouncing off each room had all of us rolling on the beds with laughter. It was that simple realization that with friends, anything can be the most funny and enjoyable time.
4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..
The RBKD Orientation 2012 group photo captured the feelings of how many people of different backgrounds came together as one to form a rich colourful and joyous united front for RBKD.
5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……
An overseas trip spent exploring the world with RBKD.
6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:
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What: Making of Pineapple Tarts
When: 3rd/4th week of Jan
Participants: Bengyan, Jean, Phyllis, Ser Chee, Shirley, Xinyi and Yanling
Shirley, Participant:
Let’s take a look into the Pineapple Tarts making process..
It’s a love/hate relationship.
Love being; for the recipients.
Hate being; You smell it but you can’t eat it while you’re making it.
Momentum picked up fast this time round but we’re basically racing to meet our dear ovens’ requirements (meaning to produce fully filled-up trays before hitting the re-heating point.) So what do we do when trays were in the ovens? You see tracks of unbaked pineapple tarts on the working table…
Pineapples, were our best friends and enemies for that few days åˆçˆ±åˆæ¨å•Š~~
Now, let’s take a peep into some of the Pineapple Tarts making process..
Wrapping of pineapple paste with the dough
Standardizing the size of the pineapple tarts
Waiting to be sent into the oven
The Final Product :)
And lastly, into the containers!!!!!
What: Chinese New Year Charity
When: 26th January 2013
Where: ComCare Network Senior Activity Centre (Ang Mo Kio)
Participant(s): Bengyan, Bi Hui, Clarence, Eunice Zee, Jasmine, Jean, Jiamin, Joanne Chong, Jun Yee, Kahyin, Lionel, Lionel’s Mum, Melissa, Pei Jun, Phyllis, Phyllis’s Mum, Rui En, Sandra Teo, Ser Chee, Shirley, Shu Pei, Xinyi, Yanjun, Yanling, Yanping, Yeeling, Yvonne Lim, Zhiqing
Jun Yee, Participant:
I am thankful to be given an opportunity to participate in a charity event at the start of the year, as this has motivated me to work harder for my A levels, which will happen at the end of the year. Before the event, I felt that life is tough as I have to juggle between my CCA and studies, and I do not think that I am able to cope with such a “terrible” life. However, after communicating and witnessing the lifestyle of the residents we visited, I have learnt to 知足常ä¹ã€‚
For example, a girl who lives with her parents and two other siblings in a one-room flat made me feel guilty. When I stepped into her house, the first thing that caught my attention was a photo of her and her mother, attending an award ceremony. Despite living in such a cramp environment, she is still able to focus on her studies and achieve good results. Then I started asking myself this question: why am I still not studying as hard despite having my own room and study table? 我真是ä¸æ‡‚得惜ç¦å•Šã€‚。
Anyway, I am very proud of my group. Yan Ping, Pei Jun and I were so cheerful during the event that many elderly wanted to offer us drinks. 真是的, shy leh. HAHAHA! I really like the new idea of grouping in 3s. 三个人,ä¸å¤šï¼Œä¸å°‘,刚刚好ï¼We managed to bond with one another and I have lost count of the number of funny things we said. I only know that I was laughing throughout the entire event. SO HAPPY to do a charity happily :D
Lionel’s mum, Participant:
I felt very happy to be able to get involved in this year charity work as I have been a housewife for quite some time and never had a chance to try something new. It has been an interesting day for me to spend time with young people who are kind and warm to care for others, and it warms my heart too as I followed them to each household.
The warmth and laughter they brought to the elderly heartens me too.
Melissa, Participant:
This CNY Charity is my first volunteering experience with RBKD. As this was my first time, my teammates, Lionel and Jasmine, did a great job in guiding me along.
We really had lots of fun visiting and chatting with the elderly, sharing jokes and also “fighting†for the lifts with fellow Rangels. I think everyone was exhausted, from all that going up and down and lugging of the 5kg rice/eggs/goodies to every unit, but there were lots of joy and laughter. This experience gave me a chance to do something I would otherwise never get to do (i.e. to interact with elderly).
The goodies for the elderly
My group came across this granny who is 89 years old, has hearing difficulties and cannot stand for long periods of time. When she goes out, she has to be in a wheelchair. But when she was talking to us about her life, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, you could see the joy in her eyes. She told us how filial they are and how much she enjoys cooking for them even though it tires her to stand in the kitchen all day. Basically, she is an optimist who smiles through her difficulties. If you were there first-hand listening to her, you would actually feel her zest.
Just like my teammate, Jasmine, said, people like this granny really inspire one to not give up, no matter what difficulties you might be facing, because there are people who have to go through more than you and are still living. It might be easier said than done but really, when you feel down and out, just remember.
This volunteering experience also made me love RBKD so much more. RBKD is not just a fan club. It is so much more. RBKD is a group of people who CAN do other things, like benefiting our society, other than just cheering for our Idol. I am proud that I can be a part of RBKD. I really loved this experience and hope to have more of such opportunities in future. Of course, Idol’s surprise appearance made the experience even sweeter.
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What: New Year Countdown 2013
When: 31st December 2012
Where: Jurong Green Community Club
Participant(s): Bengyan, Bihui, Eunice, Jasmine, Jean, Jewel, Jiamin, Joanne, Junyee, Lionel, Melissa, Peijun, Phyllis, Sandra, Ser Chee, Shirley, Shupei, Xin Jie, Xinyi, Yanjun, Yanling, Yanping, Yeeling, Yue Chang, Yunxian, Yvonne, Zhiqing
Lionel, Priority Member:
This is my 2nd countdown with RBKD, and every year, countdown with RBKD has been an event I look forward to.
The sharing and caring for one another is something that has always make me proud for being part of RBKD, where one feels included in activities. As a whole, RBKD is united in a single direction.
2012 has been a wonderful year for fans of Rui En because her efforts are being recognised by the various awards she won. As we herald the new year in, let’s continue to work hard together and support our dearest idol and hope for new things to happen this year! Best wishes to all for 2013!
Yanjun, Ordinary Member:
2012 zoomed past so quickly that little did I realize, it was time for countdown to 2013 with RBKD and Rui En. It was the first time I went for a countdown party with RBKD and I felt that it was different from the other countdown parties which I’ve attended.
It really felt great to be able to scream and cheer with the rest of the Rangels for Rui En. I never did expect to have so much fun with the spray cans! At the end of the countdown, all of us seemed like we were being trapped by the ribbon “webs” :p
It was indeed an awesome and memorable night to end off 2012 and to welcome 2013.
I hope that 2013 will be a smooth sailing and happy year for everyone. :)
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