Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
22 October 2014 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2014

When: 7 June 2014

Where: Marina Bay Area

Xu Hui, Team Boundless, Participant:

7 June was really an enjoyable day, and the most unforgettable part? We sure took lots and LOTS of selfies :D

That day, I really enjoyed getting to know so many more members, and laughing with my teammates at almost anything under the sun. We walked around Marina Bay area for the whole day finding destinations, completing tasks, playing games, and everywhere we passed by, we went: “Come come let’s take another selfie!” :D The best part is not the satisfaction after completing each task, but it is really the bond that all of us have forged during and after each process.

Throughout the day, I have also learnt the great importance of teamwork, not only to get everyone involved in each activity, but also to ensure everyone’s safety. It was also exciting to experience and see how different teams help out one another in achieving goals for different tasks (especially the “Mahjong Paper” Game), and even getting from place to place. Because in RBKD, no one is left behind :)

I really want to thank the Organizing Committee for meticulously planning such a memorable and fun event for everyone to enjoy and bring back with them great memories. Here’s to more fun days with RBKD! ^^

Ernie, Team Resilient, Participant:

Pre-Orientation: I was quite apprehensive initially. I thought I would be out of place. After some lengthy discussion with my friend, we decided that we should take a break from corporate politics and be happy around people who like Rui En and apply for the Orientation. She is afterall our inspiration.

I was really excited when I was selected for the Orientation. I’ve seen RBKD members cheering on TV and I’ve seen them when I attended L’oreal Paris roadshows but I’ve never spoken to them before. I’ve always wanted to thank them for their effort to keep us, silent supporters of En, updated on any news related to En.

Orientation Day: I’m the type of person who googles almost everything so when first challenge came, I relied on my smartphone to get information. Second game… gosh! One of the most challenging ones where no internet, information counter or directory could help you. You gotta think out of the box. Next, it was a picture anagram game. Again we relied on the information counter and mall directory but we hit a roadblock. Walking around the mall helped because we started spotting the products in the correct shop.

We proceeded to our next pitstop. It was almost noon then. Two challenges later, we were walking around in circles under the hot scorching sun. My brain started to disconnect with my body. Thankfully my team mates are a lot healthier and mentally stronger than me. They were able to think rationally.

Finally we got to MBS. AAAAIIIIIRRRCCOOOONNNNNN!!!! Yup! Thats what most of us exclaimed. I thought it was time for lunch but no, we had to stretch our brain again. This time, fashion challenge. Although these answers could be found online, like my mental and physical state, my iphone battery went flat. My teammates (they seemed to have endless energy) were the most excited ones for this challenge. Words like “MICHAEL KORS!! CHRISTINE DIOR! Wheres D’Squared? Shhh…shhh…Dont let others see us..” summed up pretty much the conversation we had during the challenge.

We passed through yet another hurdle and next game was some incomprehensible number challenge. Nobody wanted to do it anymore. We all wanted food and water. Thankfully, the committee understood that we were tired and allowed us to stop for lunch break. HURRAH!!! Gobbled down my homemade wrap quickly!

Before we could show off our creative flair, it started to pour during our al fresco lunch at Marina Promontory.

We found an indoor spot and played our last game – Mahjong Paper game. My teammates are a bunch of creative ladies. They gave the Project Runway winner a run for their money. They managed to transform plain mahjong paper into a couture inspired mat! I love the teamwork and coordination during the game. We have to squeeze on our couture mat and move from Point A to Point B. It’s a good training for anyone who wants to survive in the train crowd during peak period. You get to feel someone’s tummy on your back and vice versa.

Post Orientation… I enjoyed myself a lot. Although I’m not as fit as my team members, they never once made me feel that way. They never made me feel like a disadvantage at all. I look forward to more events with RBKD :)

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15 October 2014 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2014

When: 7 June 2014

Where: Marina Bay Area

Bi Hui, Team Boundless, Assistant Team Leader:

It’s 8.30 in the morning and my first steps into the city hall gantries were welcomed by 4+1 (1 for the team leaders’ white tees) different colours of shirts, all crowded around the entrance of the station. Yes, I guess the only time we have that is when… IT IS RBKD’S ORIENTATION!! And I would say, this is definitely the most memorable one, since it’s my first time having to be an ATL for Team Boundless!

I must say that I was a little nervous about this ‘role’. Thankfully everything turned out well, and it wasn’t as ‘scary’ as I thought it might be. A little awkward at first, but we clicked soon after and there were laughs all over the place HAHAH! We started off having to take selfies of shops that formed your team name with the first letter. Wow, it was chaotic, but I guess my team really is the most creative one. We could take selfies via the normal way (where the shop is just behind)…

or take selfies of a shop on level 2 when we were on level 1 HAHAHAHA!

But the selfies didn’t end there..

It actually was spread among almost all the ‘missions’ we had throughout the whole orientation. I think it was so much, that a selfie person would have been sick of it. But as for me, I’m proud to say that I’ve mastered the skills of holding the selfie rod at different angles HAHAHA!

Besides the selfie craze, we had to carry out the amazing race games. From solving a mystery picture to guide us towards the next destination, which looked a little like ‘4 pictures 1 word’, to really ZOOM IN our eyes on 4-5 boards full of tiny small pictures to match to the ones we got, under the WAA!! REALLY HOT AND BURNING scorching sun, and not forgetting the most memorable one where we had to squeeeezzeee our brain cells and challenge our typing skills to be x5 faster than our usual speeds, for the omg-where-is-this-and-what-is-this quiz, where we had to identify the different brands worn by Rui En over the various years x.x Wa i must say this is really nerve wrecking, since I’m not those people who actually looks at the outfit, and can straight away tell you, “NEHHH!! This one is whatwhatwhat brand”.

Moving on from there, we had the never-fail-to-have carpet game HAHAHA! (the game where we had to move with all of us on the mahjong paper, referred to as the carpet) It was really hot, squeezy, humid and sticky, but we were rather smooth in our movements as everyone was cooperative with the plans we had, move-stay still-SQUEEZE!! We managed to pull through the game with teamwork, where we had to depend on and help each other for every step forward, and also not forgetting the “free air-con” from the doors of the hotel whenever they opened HAHAHA!

Overall I must say it was a very engaging amazing race, as everyone had to work as a team, credits to all the organizers of the orientation! *claps* I really enjoyed myself, and I hope this has brought happiness and laughter to the rest too!

Melissa, Team Resilient, Team Leader:

This is the 3rd Orientation I’ve been to, and it was so much fun! It was even better than the previous ones thanks to the awesome organizers who somehow manage to outdo themselves every year. Being able to see my RBKD family after being in Sydney for school might have made it even more special too.

This year’s Orientation was a little bit different. Of course there was still the “traditional” walk-almost-half-the-perimeter-of-Singapore bonding time, but we spent more time indoors in malls this time, so it was a little more comfortable.

I really liked the “designer hunt” we played in MBS, because there is AIR-CON! But at the same time I also felt a little sad, because I was constantly in the midst of all the beautiful things I cannot afford to buy haha!

This year’s paper carpet game was also a little more interesting, because we were not allowed to swap out papers if they tore, so every team thought of ways to make the paper more sturdy. Everyone put their creative sides to good use, but I still think that Team Resilient had the best one (you can look at the pics for proof) :p

YAY for Team R!!!

Thank you RBKD for the opportunity and I can’t wait for next year’s Orientation already! :D

Squeen, Team Dedicated, Team Leader:



到了晚上,大家一起吃晚餐,很开心大家一起聊天,快乐的时间总是短暂的,期待下次再次相聚了,不知不觉,快要6年了……心里还是很很多感触滴. …ç»­

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17 September 2014 | 01:00 pm

What: Basketball Bridging Activity

When: 1 June 2014

Where: CCAB

Participants: Adeline Tan, Amirul, Bi Hui, Cheng Yee, Jia Hui, Jiamin, Jia Qi, Kexin, Phyllis, Sandra, Shu Pei, Xing Xian, Xinyi, Yanling, Ying Mei, Yun Teng

Sandra, Participant:

It’s my first time attending bridging and it was a really fun experience.

Before the event started, I was feeling excited and nervous. As I was making my way down to the meeting venue, my nervousness intensity compounded as the negative thoughts started to sink in. I was afraid that I couldn’t mingle well with the participants, afraid that things would be awkward, afraid that my basketball skills would implicate the team’s performance etc.. However, after the game, I realised that all these worrying thoughts were redundant.

During the game, everyone was participating actively but at the same time, looking out for one another. There was loads of laughter as we braved through the sun and sweat together. It amazes me at how a simple basketball game could turn us from strangers into friends and I’m thankful for the new friendships I forged during this activity.

Heartfelt thanks to the organizers who took the time and effort to organize this activity which serves as a platform for fans to interact and gather together. Thank you to all participants who made this event memorable for me in one way or another. Overall, I had a fun day out and would be looking forward to more bridging activities to come!

Vanessa, Participant:

At last, there’s a Basketball activity that suits my schedule.. Being a Basketball player, I was surely anticipating the sport that I’m most familiar with. :)

When we finally gathered together, we split into our groups and started playing, even before our 3+1. Sure feels good to play again! As we balled, I realised that there were some good players as well, which pumped up the excitement during each match.

After a short break and (finally) our 3+1 intro, we came up with this rule that we have to shout out the name of our team member whom we want to pass the ball to. It really brought the game to a whole new level since we have to remember and shout out their names and to watch out for our opponents within that fraction of time. But this rule was good in the sense that we had to recognise and know our teammates, allowing us to get closer to one another.

Towards the end of the session, a ball accidentally rebounded onto my face, causing my nose to bleed. Though it was sort of a norm for me, people were repeatedly asking if I’m alright and asking if I needed tissue, it’s nice to see their caring side even though we just met. Good to say, my nose turned out alright (I hope) since it stopped bleeding.

I’m sure we had a good time playing and running about on court, giving everyone a chance to work out and have fun with one another.

Yun Teng, Participant:

The June holidays kicked off with a great start – 1st June and this would be my first ever bridging activity. Truthfully, I had mixed emotions for this. I was nervous yet somewhat excited to be able to meet so many rangels at once and the thought of getting to meet new people did frighten me a little. But we all start as strangers, don’t we? ;)

It was good of course, that there were people I knew who were there too. A few of us actually met at the L’Oreal Paris event earlier this year (15th March) and signed up for the bridging activity together. At first when we arrived at the station, it was kind of awkward and we were just standing there using our phones after a bit of self introduction. I expected there to be more people, but having a small group made it easier to communicate and there was more interaction between the participants. Yet, when we set off to CCAB, we began to talk even more and opened up a little. During the game itself, everyone was chatting away at ease and we had to do a 3 + 1 introduction, which meant giving 3 facts about yourself along with your name. KeXin and I were trying to memorise the names and we ended up getting called on to introduce everyone again, going around in a circle. It was actually pretty funny when we messed up and it helped us remember better too!

When we had breaks in the middle of the game, we would substitute members in and out and would sit down in the shade and just talk. We also bought drinks from the uncle who was walking around with his carton of chilled beverages and ended up finishing about 2 to 3 cans each. It was so much fun playing and getting to know each other through sports. It really helped with teamwork too! Making sure that we were spaced out properly so that there was space for the person holding the ball to pass it; ensuring that there was another member from your team catching the rebound, otherwise we would have lost an opportunity to shoot again. It was a friendly game filled with laughter and I enjoyed every moment of it. Of course, there were incidents that occurred throughout this activity and I accidentally injured one of my team members as I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings. (Sorry, Vanessa!)

By the end of the day, most of us were sweating as we walked back to the nearest MRT station. We chatted along the way and there was no hint of awkwardness, as compared to when we first met. Some of us even stayed for dinner at a McDonald’s outlet nearby and met some others who were at the bridging activity there too! This activity has allowed me to forge new friendships and it is definitely something I would be extremely interested to take part in again! :D A big thank you to the organizers and everyone who was there for making this such an amazing and unforgettable experience :)

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10 September 2014 | 01:00 pm

What: Star Awards 20 Show 2

When: 27 April 2014

Where: Suntec Convention Centre

Yingmei, Priority Member:

It’s the second time I’m attending Star Awards Show 2 and I was really very excited, mostly about what Rui En was going to wear haha and I can’t forget how everyone was like WOW when we saw her outfits for the night. I totally loved the white gown~

It was great to have the chance to attend and see her in real life going up on stage and thanking us while we were all waving our fanboards and cheering for her :’) And I didn’t know we had red boards! The new boards seem totally awesome haha kudos to the committee for making them visible from the front and even from the back :) It was so heartwarming to see her so happy when her 最火搭档 won the Best Actress Award and we were all so happy for the two of them hahaha.

It was nice to see many bridging peeps join us for the night and I look forward to next year’s SA and seeing all the new members too!!

Clarence, Ordinary Member:

This was the first time I attended Star Awards, and I was really excited and nervous at the same time. I met up with the rest of the RBKD members at the location where the red carpet walk would start later on. We got all the sign boards and posters of our one and only Rui En ready, and we even had a pre-rehearsal by Snail to make sure that we knew what we were supposed to do.

After much waiting, the time came and the red carpet show began. It was not long after that Rui En came onto the red carpet, and we were all shouting like crazy and holding our boards high to show our utmost support for her. She was in a red dress which was just amazing and she looked super gorgeous.

Then, it was time to enter the Star Awards main show location. It was really an eye opener for me as the place was really grand and the stage was huge. Not long after we were seated, the show started and I had this funny feeling that in the past 25 years of my life, I have not seen a live award show. I really enjoyed myself a lot and am thankful for the chance given by RBKD to join in the fun and to be part of this big family. Even though Rui En did not win the Best Actress award in the end, I am still very happy for her as we all know she is the best.

After the show we had a short meet up with Rui En, and I must say I was just speechless. She was in her beautiful white dress, and to be able to see her in person made my night. I really appreciate this chance and I hope that I will have the privilege to attend this event with RBKD again.

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03 September 2014 | 01:00 pm

What: Star Awards 20 Walk of Fame

When: 27 April 2014

Where: Suntec Convention Centre Main Atrium

Lionel, Priority Member:

It was my first time attending Red Carpet Star Awards, so I was excited and unsure of what to expect, except for loud cheering and shouting. The whole experience can be summed up in three words – tiring yet satisfying.

Why was it tiring? Cheering and hollering at the top of our voices, with the lifting of big boards was hardly an easy feat. Yet, all of us pulled through, raising the boards and shouting at the top of our lungs to give the best presence we can. And that is where the satisfaction comes in, knowing that our efforts were appreciated and that it made a difference on that day.

While the stars were the main attraction, we were there to ensure our star received her attention in full glory.

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27 August 2014 | 01:00 pm

What: Star Awards 20 Show 1

When: 20 April 2014

Where: Mediacorp TV Theatre

Peijun, Priority Member:

Fact: It’s totally different watching SA on a flat screen at home vs experiencing it live.
At home, a 30-45 secs ad on tv felt almost like an eternity.
You could take a trip to the bathroom, make yourself a cup of drink, and still have enough
time to “wayang” back to your seat.

But over there, the show probably got started the moment you push open the empty cubicle door…

Yea, I’m a newbie and it’s my first time at SA.
I finally got to experience the legendary hellish hot car park
that some whined at the thought of it lol.
Respect to those who queued overnight.

Anyway, I am really amazed by how well RBKD & Elvinology gets along.
E.g. Sharing “screen time” for the banners and cheering for one another.


One last thing.
Let’s not forget the delicious london choco roll.

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20 August 2014 | 01:00 pm

What: L’Oreal Paris Roadshow

When: 29 March 2014

Where: Compass Point

Yanjun, Priority Member:

Sometimes, going for her events makes me feel like I’m exploring Singapore because apparently, I never knew that some of these malls existed. :P If my memory doesn’t fail me, this is probably the first time I stepped into Compass Point cause I missed the L’Oreal Paris roadshow there last year. Having seen from the video that the one that was held last year had a rather large stage area, I was expecting it to be similar this year. However, it ended up to be at an area a lot smaller than what was expected.

When I reached, it was around two hours away from her appearance but the front of the stage was already completely occupied by her fans. The crowd just became larger as it approached the time for her appearance. Due to the large crowd and the small area, it was as though we were on the MRT during the peak hour period where we were close to being packed like sardines. As always, despite all the discomfort when surrounded by a crowd, it was an enjoyable event where we screamed our lungs out for her. Yes, because she’s worth it. :)

Yvonne, Priority Member:

I was kind of excited for the road show at Compass Point as I missed the previous one. Reached the venue as per reporting time; there were already quite a number of fans at the atrium. It seems like there were quite a lot more people willing to wait for hours for her appearance. (Of course we are happy for her!!)

Thought that the host for the roadshow was rather nice; not only did he do his part in promoting the L’Oreal Paris product, but also constantly reminded the audience on Rui En’s Star Award Top 10 hotline. As always, Rui En looked stunning when she made her appearance at the roadshow. Am glad that she is so cheery throughout the event, all her smiles and laughter are so genuine and sincere. Even though I didn’t participate in any of the activities (games/photo taking) up on stage with her (which I won’t dare to either), I am already contented as the view from the second row was awesome too.

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13 August 2014 | 01:00 pm

What: L’Oreal Paris Roadshow

When: 15 March 2014

Where: Tampines Mall


Yeeling, Priority Member:

The venue wasn’t that packed yet when I reached early to help my fellow Rangels look after the space. When the host announced that Rui En was the celebrity for this event, we screamed and the host thanked us for the screams.

When she was on the way to the stage, you could see all the hands raised up with phones, cameras and video recordings turned on, spamming flashes, snapping sounds from DSLRs and our cheering.

During the event, she kept all of us entertained by her speeches, waves and smiles.

There were two awkward moments that day, first when the host said that if any audience knew the answer, please shout “I Love Watsons”, and I shouted too loudly until she heard me. When I saw the make-up items on the stage, I was shocked and had no idea what to do. The L’Oreal staff guided me on what to use but my mind was blank and my hands were shaking while I was drawing. When she looked at me, she said I looked like “Faye Wong” and like “I was having a concert”. That made me more embarrassed because that was my first time drawing eyeliner in front of her and the public.

I enjoyed the time spent with Rangels, working together to look after the space for our videographer and photographer so everyone would be able to enjoy the event. I also enjoyed shouting for her and also got to see lots of her cute expressions throughout the event.

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06 August 2014 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Bai Nian Tour 2014

When: 8 February 2014

Where: Phyllis’s and Jolie’s Houses

Jiamin, Participant:

CNY Bainian tour started off as a simple IPC but it seems like this has become our annual event :)

Yes! It’s the time of the year for us to meet up, have a good chat and most importantly lohei :D

This year, we went to two houses (Phyllis & Jolie). After a short chit-chat session at Phyllis’s place, we started to prepare for the highlight of the day – Lohei! It is fun to see each of us coming up with different auspicious words for RBKD and trying to toss as high as possible. We then proceeded to Jolie’s place and had a second round of Lohei during dinner time.

Though we repeat this every year, it is never boring. I just like the feeling of us coming together like a family.

Wishing a great year ahead for RBKD. Huat ah!

Shu Wen, Participant:

It’s time of the year for house visiting and exchanges of auspicious greeting. The arrival of Chinese New Year.

The first house that we visited was Phyllis’s house. We had our usual bai nian session with her mum, followed by the Lo Hei session. Each member was given the chance to have the auspicious phrase said accompanied by their chosen ingredient before mixing it together.

The next house that we visited was Jolie’s house. We spent our evening there before heading over to ichiban sushi for dinner. Over at ichiban sushi, we had another round of Lo Hei session.

Chinese New Year is a good time where everyone can gather together, visit each others’ houses, and have a good chat while enjoying the company of each other.

May 2014 be for everyone and RBKD. Huat ah!

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30 July 2014 | 01:00 pm

What: Chinese New Year Charity

When: 26 January 2014

Where: Ang Mo Kio

Participant(s): Bengyan, Bihui, Candice, Clarence, Corine, Eunice, Jasmine, Jean, Jiamin, Joanne, Jolie, Junyee, Lionel, May Yen, Ming, Peijun, Phyllis, Ser Chee, Shirley, Shu Pei, Shuwen, Vanessa, Xin Jie, Xinyi, Yanjun, Yanling, Yanping, Yeeling, Yingmei, Yunxian, Yvonne, Zhiqing

Vanessa, Participant:

Being just my second year participating in the charity, I was eager to find out what was in store for the day. There were new items to be distributed, and more blocks for us to visit, so it was no doubt going to be quite a busy day for us.

I reached early to help out with the unloading, and one by one, everyone arrived and soon we had everything set and were ready to go!

As usual, we went through our list and distributed the rations to our old friends, having small talk with them and greeting them “新年快乐” and “Happy New Year!”. Some households still remembered us, and it’s delightful that they look forward to seeing us every time. No doubt, there’s that subtle sense of happiness when they thanked us, or said things like “God bless you”.

We ended with our lohei and well wishes for the new year; another moment when I felt that we were together as a family again, with everyone aiming together for our goals~ :)

Yanling, Participant:

This was actually my first year taking part in the distribution of food packs directly to the elderly. Initially, I was kind of worried as to what to say to the elderly because I basically can’t lame and crap with them right.. Haha.. But thankfully, when we were at the first house, the aunty and uncle were very friendly! In addition, we were conversing in Hokkien which is the same dialect as my family, “ga-kee-nang” man! Chill la~ haha..

The aunty was really friendly and kept saying that we were of her grandchildren’s age. She also kept asking what we were doing (schooling or working) and commented “Oh can get married already!” Hahaha something that you really get when you 拜年 to your relatives!

We then had a group photo with the two elderly people at home. When the photographer, Vincent, was counting the usual 1, 2, 3, he actually said it in hokkien “Yeo, li, sha”!! Hahaha it was totally unexpected and we had to control our laughter to maintain our smiles for the photo!

Although I left my group earlier, there were many interesting stories shared during our debrief for me to experience the joy of giving as well :)

Jolie, Participant:

After so many years, I finally managed to join RBKD for the charity drive this time round. As I missed out on the past few years, I was kind of clueless about what we had to do, but my group leader, Joanne, showed us the ropes and we caught on very quickly. I have learnt that a trolley is very important. If it is too bulky, IKEA’s recyclable bag is even better! Bananas, thanks for not sharing such a good and useful item.

Whenever we go to the houses and give the CNY goodies to the elderly, the thankful smiles and looks they have on their faces are really the best part of doing all these. A couple that we visited even had the polaroid that some of the members took with them last year. They shared with us that during the previous CNY, his wife was unable to celebrate CNY as she was hospitalized, and so they were looking forward to celebrating it together this year.

I’m definitely looking forward to next year’s charity drive and hope I will be able to join again!

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