ç¥ä½ 们6å²ç”Ÿæ—¥å¿«ä¹ï¼Œç»§ç»å¿«ä¹æˆé•¿ï¼
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Desmond Tan’s Fan Club:
Dear RBKD,
Happy 6th Anniversary!
Awesome 6 years you guys had and many more to come! We support Ruimond forever!
Destanation FC
Elvin Ng’s Fan Club:
Happy 6th birthday RBKD!
It’s been a great joy and pleasure to work along side you guys all these years. Many happy returns and may you have many more great years ahead!
Felicia Chin’s Fan Club:
Ian Fang’s Fan Club:
Hearty congrats to RBKD’s 6th anniversary! Reaching this milestone is not easy and thanks for being such a inspiration to many of the fanclubs in SG and Ianization is looking forward to more adventures you guys would be bringing. I am confident the foundation you all have laid in this 6 years will see more success and joy in the coming years to come! Happy anniversary once again!
Thanks and regards,
Jesseca Liu’s Fan Club:
Happy birthday and congratulations on your 6th anniversary! May the fanclub grow stronger and have many more splendid years ahead!
Kimberly Chia’s Fan Club:
Happy 6th birthday to the fan club! jiayou!! Keep on going.
Paige Chua’s Fan Club:
Dear RBKD,
Blessed 6th anniversary to you. May life’s brightest joys illuminate you guy’s path and may each day’s journey bring you closer to all of your dreams.
Yours Sincerely,
The Paige Connexion
Pornsak’s Fan Club:
Hey RBKD!!
Happy 6th Birthday!! Although we have not really gotten a chance to attend same event as you guys (as Pornsak and Rui En don’t appear together) but you guys were awesome! Hopefully we will get a chance to attend some events together soon! Please remain so fun loving and enthusiastic always! Our idols will definitely appreciate the love we have for them! Wishing you guys the happiest birthday once again!! Many more years to come!! Go RBKD!!
With love.
President of Pornsak Fan Club
Rebecca Lim’s Fan Club:
Hello RBKD,
Happy 6th Anniversary! Cheers to many more great years ahead, and never stop supporting Rui En with the utmost love and passion that you all have!
Have a blessed 6th birthday!
Yours sincerely,
The Beckers Team
Sora Ma’s Fan Club:
Dear RBKD,
Congrats on your 6th Anniversary! Best wishes to Rui En & RBKD! May this FC grow even bigger & more upcoming awards to Rui En!!
Elvin Tian
Sorarity Club
Xu Bin’s Fan Club:
Dearest RBKD,
Congratulations, RBKD, you are one year older
Wishing you, happy 6th birthday
Ya Hui’s Fan Club:
Hey there, RBKD!
Here’s wishing you a fabulous 6th Anniversary!
Love your spirit and energy. May you guys have an even greater year ahead! :-)
Yuan Shuai’s Fan Club:
Happy 6th anniversary to RBKD
Yuan Shuai FC
Zhang Zhen Huan’s Fan Club:
Dear RBKD,
I have seen the unity in your fanclub!
I like your members who are friendly and courteous to us.
Happy Birthday RBKD!
Many many many more strong years to come!
Best wishes,
Huan Huan Xiang Kou
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RBKD在æ¤æˆ‘æƒ³æ„Ÿè°¢ä½ ï¼Œæ˜¯ä½ ç»™äº†æˆ‘ä»¬è¿™ç¾¤å–œçˆ±Rui Ençš„äººä¸€ä¸ªæ›´åŠ äº†è§£å¥¹çš„å¹³å°ã€‚转眼RBKD社已æˆç«‹å…年的光阴,眨眼就如æµæ°´èˆ¬é€åŽ»äº†ï¼Œåƒå›žç™¾è½¬ï¼Œæ— 论ç»åŽ†å¤šä¹…的光阴,我还是回一直喜欢她,支æŒå¥¹ï¼Œå…³æ³¨å¥¹ã€‚被朋å‹ç¬‘幼稚,欧美港å°å†…地超人气明星那么多,这些年下æ¥äº†è¿˜ä»è¿™ä¹ˆå–œæ¬¢å¥¹ã€‚也许这就是信仰å§ï¼
æˆ‘å–œæ¬¢æ–°åŠ å¡ï¼Œæ›´å–œæ¬¢Rui Enï¼ä¹Ÿè®¸åšä¸ºä¸€ä¸ªä¸å›½äººï¼Œåœ¨å›½å¤–人é¢å‰è¯´è‡ªå·±çˆ±ä»–们的国家有些å¯ç¬‘å’Œä¸åº”该。ä¸è¿‡æˆ‘就是个直接的敢爱敢æ¨çš„äººã€‚å–œçˆ±å’Œè¿½æ±‚è®©æˆ‘çš„äººç”Ÿæ¿€åŠ¨æ¬£å–œï¼Œå› æ¤ä¹Ÿä»Žæ²¡æƒ³è¿‡è¦æ”¹å˜æˆ–是放弃。
最åŽå†æ¬¡çš„æ„Ÿè°¢RBKD,让我感觉我们大家都和Rui En在一起,ä¸åˆ†å½¼æ¤çš„在一起。
Bone (Shanghai, China)
15th October 2014, 11:58h
光阴似ç®ï¼Œè½¬çœ¼é—´ï¼Œç‘žä¸å¯å½“è¿Žæ¥äº†å®ƒçš„å…周å²ç”Ÿæ—¥ã€‚在知é“è°æ˜¯ç‘žæ©ä¹‹å‰ï¼Œæˆ‘是一个从æ¥ä¸çœ‹æ–°åŠ å¡è¿žç»å‰§çš„人。2013å¹´æ— æ„间看到了《微笑æ£ä¹‰ã€‹è¿™éƒ¨è¿žç»å‰§ï¼Œè§‰å¾—很好看,一å£æ°”就把它看完了。当时女主角深深地å¸å¼•äº†æˆ‘的目光。于是就ä¸åœæœç´¢å¥¹çš„资料,得知她å«ç‘žæ©ã€‚之åŽå°±åœ¨ç½‘上查找和她相关的资料,始å‘现RBKD这个以支æŒç‘žæ©ä¸ºä¸»çš„粉ä¸å›¢ã€‚从网上看到的视频,新闻,ä¸éš¾å‘现,这å…年期间,åªè¦æœ‰ç‘žæ©çš„活动,æˆå‘˜ä»¬å°±è‚¯å®šé£Žé›¨ä¸æ”¹åœ°åŽ»æ´»åŠ¨çŽ°åœºï¼Œä¸¾ç€â€œRBKDâ€çš„大纸牌,挂ç€å°æœ‰ç‘žæ©æ ·å的布æ¡ï¼Œå¤§å£°åœ°å–Šå£å·æ”¯æŒå¥¹ã€‚æ¯å½“有瑞æ©çš„æ–°é—»å’Œå½±ç‰‡ï¼Œä½ ä»¬ä¹Ÿä¸€å®šåœ¨ç¬¬ä¸€æ—¶é—´ä¸Šè½½åˆ°ç½‘ä¸Šè®©æˆ‘ä»¬é˜…è¯»åŠè§‚èµã€‚
最令我感到感动的是,在瑞æ©è¿œèµ´éº»å¡æ‹æ‘„剧集《æ£ä¹‰æ¦é¦†ã€‹æœŸé—´ï¼Œç²‰ä¸å›¢è¿˜è¶æœ‰æ—¶é—´ç©ºæ¡£ï¼Œå‰å¾€æ‹æ‘„现场探ç。除æ¤ä¹‹å¤–,瑞ä¸å¯å½“åœ¨æ–°åŠ å¡ä¹Ÿå¸¸å¸¸ç§¯æžåœ°åšå–„事,帮助一些有需è¦çš„人,而且还会在瑞æ©çš„生日时,åšå–„事æ¥æ›¿å¥¹åº†ç”Ÿã€‚这令我感动ååˆ†æ„ŸåŠ¨ï¼Œå› ä¸ºæˆ‘ä¸æ›¾è§è¿‡ç²‰ä¸å›¢ä¼šä»¥è¿™ç§æ–¹å¼æ›¿å¶åƒåº†ç¥ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªéžå¸¸æœ‰æ„义的事,我衷心佩æœåŠæ¬£èµã€‚
å…年了,说çŸä¸çŸï¼Œè¯´é•¿ä¸é•¿ï¼Œå¯æ˜¯è¿™æœŸé—´ä½ 们付出的一切,大家有目共ç¹ã€‚相信瑞æ©ä¹Ÿä¼šå› ä¸ºæœ‰ä½ ä»¬è¿™ä¸€ç粉ä¸è€Œæ„Ÿåˆ°æ— 比的骄傲。
在这里,我献上我最衷心的ç¥ç¦ï¼Œç¥RBKD生日快ä¹ã€‚è°¢è°¢ä½ ä»¬ã€‚å¸Œæœ›åœ¨æœªæ¥çš„一天,我å¯ä»¥å‚ä¸Žä½ ä»¬ï¼Œå’Œä½ ä»¬ä¸€èµ·è¡Œå–„ï¼Œå’Œä½ ä»¬ä¸€èµ·ä¸¾ç€ç‰Œå高喊å£å·ï¼Œæ”¯æŒæˆ‘们的å¶åƒâ€”ç‘žæ©ã€‚æ„Ÿè°¢æœ‰ä½ ä»¬ï¼Œæ„Ÿæ©æœ‰ä½ 们。Happy Birthday RBKD.
Grace Woo (Malaysia)
29th October 2014, 13:21h
Dear RBKD,
Happy 6th Anniversary!! You guys are really awesome. Thanks for making this Fan Club for our Queen, Rui En and making it such an awesome fan club. Wish all the members all the best, because without you guys, there will be no RBKD. Jiayou, RBKD. Happy 6th Anniversary!!
Khmom Phallin (Cambodia)
29th October 2014, 22:21h
Happy 6th Anniversary to RBKD, thank you RBKD for the hard work and always giving us latest updates of Rui En…… Your efforts are appreciated and let’s continue to support Rui En
Carissa (Malaysia)
31st October 2014, 08:13h
Dear RBKD,
It’s been a good two years since I last joined as a forum member. Being part of this big family is definitely one of the most wonderful things that has ever happened me.
It may not be my first time saying this but you guys truly redefined the term “fan club” and I’m so proud to be a Rangel.
Happy 6th Birthday!!!
Much love,
Celine (Penang, Malaysia)
1st November 2014, 16:42h
Once again it’s the time of the year to celebrate your birthday!
Time really does fly past and I actually remembered when I first wrote the well wishes for RBKD’s fifth anniversary last year ^^
This year has been the one with the most experiences, including that of first time going for bridging, first time attending an event, and first time I’ve ever participated in so many things! Looking back from last year, my bucket list can pretty much be crossed off.
Thank you for always trying to organise so many things so that even us Rangels who used to ‘hide in a corner’ could actually find others who have the same interests. I must say that it was through these activities that helped me find some of my closest friends!
We were lucky enough to be sitting right next to RBKD at Star Awards and it was truly an amazing experience screaming along and cheering for her. The amount of pride there was when she walked on stage to receive the prizes.
I didn’t want this to be too long so, Happy Anniversary RBKD! Thank you for always putting in all the effort for every single thing and for being so detailed and organised. I still do think that this fan club is the most considerate and bonded one!
Happy 6th Birthday RBKD!
Yun Teng (Singaporean living in Beijing, China)
1st November 2014, 16:42h
Happy 6th Anniversary RBKD!!
Time flies so fast, can’t believe it’s already been 6 years since the announcement of Rui En’s official fanclub! It’s always so nice to see the unconditional love and endless support you have for Rui En. Keep the spirits up, and best of luck! I’ll be supporting Rui En and RBKD! åŠ æ²¹!
Edvyna Tan (Bruneian living in Bristol, UK)
1st November 2014, 21:42h
Congrats RBKD! It is hard to believe it has been 6 years already. Very glad to note that RBKD has been successful these year and every member got to know each other well through all the bonding activities. Guess everyone in RBKD has gone through much difficulties, obstacles and circumstances, especially the committee. I wish the RBKD team all the very best, more success in the future. Continue to support Rui En and create our own tale. Happy 6th anniversary!
Manyee (Malaysia)
1st November 2014, 23:55h
Dear RBKD,
ç‘žä¸å¯å½“ 生日快ä¹!!!
ä¸çŸ¥ä¸è§‰ å·²ç» å…年了,
在电视机å‰çœ‹è§ä½ 们为她尖å«ï¼Œè¿˜æœ‰ä¸€äº›éƒ½å“了,看了éžå¸¸æ„ŸåŠ¨ã€‚
对我æ¥è¯´ RBKD 是一个与众ä¸åŒçš„ Fan Club, å› ä¸ºRBKD ä¸åªæ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªæœ€æ˜Ÿå›¢ä½“,RBKD 还是一个 Volunteer Group, 除了支æŒç‘žæ©ä¹‹å¤–RBKD也让我明白我们应该多为社会åšå‡ºä¸€ç‚¹è´¡çŒ®ã€‚。。
ä½ ä»¬çš„ Team Work å’Œ Hard Work 是最棒的。。。
Keep going RBKD, you are the best :)
Mei Ita (Indonesia)
2nd November 2014, 10:25h
I saw your postings on Facebook and thought of dropping you guys an email to wish you happy 6th anniversary… Thanks for always posting lots of Rui En updates, Rui En drama series… Seriously you guys are cool..
I really enjoy watching Rui En’s drama series… Keep up the good work… I look forward to watch more of her drama series esp CLIF4…
Best Wishes,
Alice Wee (New Zealand)
2nd November 2014, 16:04h
Happy 6th Anniversary RBKD!!!!!
I promise you guys that I will continue to support Rui En forever and ever and ever!!!!!
I hope I will be able to join RBKD one day if I ever migrate to Singapore!
Hope RBKD ç‘žä¸å¯å½“ will stay on as long as possible!!!!!
Here’s a cake for you guys!!!! :D
⚪ ⚪ ⚪
⚪ ⚪ ⚪
Elisa Kueh Yue En (Kuching, Malaysia)
2nd November 2014, 18:34h
Happy Birthday :D I will support Rui En and RBKD always
Candice Koh (Malaysia)
2nd November 2014, 19:10h
Happy 6th birthday RBKD, very proud to be part of it, hope it grows bigger and stronger in many years to come.
I know I can’t do much supporting the club but I do want to participate in anything if I am back in Singapore.
Patricia Koh (Singaporean living in Tasmania)
2nd November 2014, 20:22h
RBKD, happy birthday~ Hope this fan club will be well-known to all countries~ Love Rui En very much!!!
Leng Jia Qi (Malaysia)
2nd November 2014, 21:48h
Happy anniversary RBKD~
Happy birthday and happy anniversary!
Thank you, RBKD for uploading many many news, pics, videos, about Rui En. Thanks, because I can be closer to Rui En by that way.
Lastly, Rui En, I love you, because you are true… Keep it up, I will always support you. Trust me, you are the best!!!
Evon Chong (Malaysia)
5th November 2014, 19:27h
6周年生日快ä¹ï¼Best wishes for you!
俞燕利 (China)
12th November 2014, 14:00h
Dear RBKD,
Happy 6th Anniversary! Stay happy and united as always! I admire all your love and support for Rui En! Thanks for setting up a youtube account to share videos of Rui En to update fans!
Your efforts in whatever you do for Rui En are admirable. Continue to spread and share the love around! 6 years and counting, may Rui En and RBKD soar to greater heights! Will continue to support Rui En!
Casey (Singapore)
15th October 2014, 10:38h
Hey RBKD! Happy 6th Anniversary! Frankly speaking, all of the shows that Rui En acted in was awesome! Wish you all good luck forever!
Tan Ki Kie (Singapore)
15th October 2014, 11:02h
Yvonne Wong Siew Khim (Singapore)
15th October 2014, 11:30h
Happy birthday in advance! Congratulations on your 6th year of loving Rui En wholeheartedly, and ‘leading’ us, Rangels in trending on Twitter as well. May God bless you and may RBKD continue to last forever!
Lauren (Singapore)
15th October 2014, 13:51h
15th October 2014, 15:27h
Happy 6th anniversary! It’s amazing how this big family of Rangels never failed to support Rui En all these years. RBKD is probably the most united fanclubs who will do charity work on special days. I hope to be part of this awesome family soon. Once again, happy 6th anniversary!
Tan Xiao Tong (Singapore)
15th October 2014, 15:40h
I would like to wish RBKD a very happy 6th Anniversary! Also, I would like to wish RBKD all the best for the upcoming years of support for Rui En. I would be elated to see her clinch Best Actress next year at Star Awards!
Yours sincerely,
Yong Jia Min Cherie (Singapore)
15th October 2014, 18:32h
Happy 6th anniversary!
Looking forward to many more anniversaries ahead!
Wong Kai Qin
16th October 2014, 00:16h
First of all, Happy 6th anniversary! Which also means, being by Rui En’s side for 6 years! Thanks RBKD for doing so much for her, and supporting her genuinely all these years. I’m so happy to see how much she’s grown and soared to greater heights the past few years. I’m thankful that she has such a good fanclub and a good admin in this fanclub. I really appreciate the fact that this fanclub is so disciplined. But this fanclub couldn’t have gone far without the help of the president & Rui En herself. So I really thank those that make a difference in Rui En’s life and managing the fanclub so well.
I’m wishing that one day I could actually join in to cheer for my idol together with others that love her equally as me. But I couldn’t thank you all enough for making Rui En so blessed and respecting her so much. Looking at all the other fanclubs and RBKD’s, it’s obvious that RBKD really really cares a lot about Rui En’s feelings. & That’s something really really great about you all I see how disciplined you guys are, in my own eyes, and I’m so so astounded by it.
I’m glad Rui En has such a great fanclub like you all You guys really did a lot for her and well done
You all deserve a pat on the back. I’m really really thankful for everything you guys have done for her. I’m sure Rui En will go even further in this industry, with the help of your fanclub, and the help of her hardcore fans out there, and of course, by her talent of acting. Thanks RBKD for everything!
Thanks for making my idol so blessed & also guiding alongside her for 6 years! I love you guys as well as Rui En.
Jess Yee (Singapore)
17th October 2014, 12:19h
Happy birthday to you! I love Rui En. She’s just too perfect! I wish RBKD a wonderful birthday and also hope I can join. Once again happy birthday!!!
Charisse Li (Singapore)
18th October 2014, 13:58h
Dear RBKD,
Happy Sixth Anniversary!!
Having known about the existence of this fanclub since 2010, it’s really heart warming to see it grow and blossom to where it is today.
Thank you for being a platform where fans can unite and come together to express our love for Rui En, organising and keeping us updated about Rui En.
Also, being efficient in uploading web links for us to catch up on her shows, voting and cheering loudly to show our love for her.
Little things really matter and I am glad to be with you to fangirl over our idol.
Looking forward to another great year ahead and all the best for the coming year!
Shi Yi (Singapore)
18th October 2014, 17:19h
Happy 6th anniversary to you you are a great fan club of Rui En!
Janice (Singapore)
20th October 2014, 15:47h
Congrats!! All the best for the future of the fan club.
Rachael Lee (Singapore)
24th October 2014, 15:56h
Thank you for everything
The laughter
The fun
The memories
The craziness
The teamwork
The happiness
The friendship
The care and love
Is really a great time being with you guys. Thank you. A million words can never explain how thankful I am to be with you all .
Here’s wishing RBKD a happy 6th birthday.
May god bless RBKD with happiness and a great year and time ahead. Stay strong as one big family
Wishing RBKD the best!
Thank you
Enrica (Singapore)
27th October 2014, 13:25h
Genevre Low (Singapore)
29th October 2014, 12:40h
Happy 6th Anniversary! Wish you all the best in our journey to support Rui En! Have a great year ahead, all RBKD members!
Nicole Ong (Singapore)
29th October 2014, 14:48h
Hope you guys will have fun and have more anniversaries over the years!! Hope that I can be part of RBKD and celebrate together!!!
Shermaine Leong Xuan Min (Singapore)
29th October 2014, 15:44h
Happy 6th anniversary, RBKD!
Congrats! This is the best fan club I have ever seen.
Tan Ying En (Singapore)
29th October 2014, 16:06h
Dear RBKD,
Happy 6th Anniversary
Wan Ning (Singapore)
29th October 2014, 17:26h
Dear RBKD,
Thank you for the activities organised and the regular updates this past year.
Happy 6th Anniversary! All the best!
Cheng Yee (Singapore)
29th October 2014, 19:57h
Dear RBKD,
Blessed 6th Anniversary!
Thank you for all the updates always available at all social media.
Keep up the good work & may you have many more glorious years ahead with Rui En!
Luff always,
Kaileng (Singapore)
30th October 2014, 09:51h
Happy 6th Anniversary RBKD!!
I hope that more people will support Rui En together as one!!
Jean Leow (Singapore)
31st October 2014, 06:08h
Dear RBKD,
Happy 6th Birthday!! Thank you for accompanying Rui En for the past 6 years & I believe RBKD will definitely continue to do so down the road. Thank you for all the love you have given Rangels although we aren’t part of RBKD! Thank you to all the RBKD members, especially the president, for setting up this fanclub & maintaining it so well! Really thankful!
All the best and happy birthday!!
Jasmine Soh (Singapore)
1st November 2014, 14:43h
Dear RBKD,
Happy 6th anniversary to the super united fanclub!! It has been a long way down the road these years, but it’s really great seeing everyone being so close to each other, having bonding activities and doing voluntary works, cheering and supporting our Rui En no matter how hard and competitive it gets.
A month ago, I went for Against The Tide fanmeet and I felt really proud when almost the whole mall was filled with Rangels, cheering ” ç‘žæ© ç‘žæ© ç‘žä¸å¯å½“ï¼” Thank you for the past years and the future in advance, for supporting Rui En throughout the years in events, and keeping us updated on social networks. Accepting my request for forum was a delight for me and really hope I could join this family one day.
Once again, Happy 6th Anniversary and have a great day ahead!
Phyllis Lim (Singapore)
1st November 2014, 15:07h
Hello RBKD,
Happy 6th anniversary. May you all have good health.
Desiree (Singapore)
1st November 2014, 15:14h
Congrats RBKD on your 6th Anniversary! Although I am not in RBKD FC, but I will still support Rui En.
All the best in the future, of course to Rui En as well, stay pretty and cute
Huijuan (Singapore)
1st November 2014, 21:12h
Dear RBKD,
Happy Sixth Birthday! :3 It’s been a long and tough way for RBKD since it was born. Thank you for the constant support towards Rui En. RBKD is one of the best fanclubs I’ve ever come across, doing so much voluntary work and so on.
No words could describe the joy I had when my forum account was accepted. I felt really proud when I was watching SA20 because I could always hear people cheering for Rui En loudly and I swear it was the loudest cheer among the rest. I really hope to join this big family one day!
Let’s continue to support Rui En together alright!
Roanna (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 09:44h
Thank you RBKD for your hard work in giving us the latest news of Rui En. Happy 6th birthday to you.
Jolene (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 13:23h
It’s been another year again. Here’s wishing RBKD a Happy 6th Anniversary! Thank you for updating the latest news, organising activities for fans to bond. Also, having annual newspaper collections, and charity drives to help others. Stay United! To many more years ahead~
Lilian Ng (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 13:37h
Really thankful that there is such an awesome fan club for Rui En. Really am a huge fan of Rui En and also hope that I will be able to join RBKD next time. There are of course still many well wishes that I want to wish to RBKD and Rui En, but I thought that just by typing through here will not be able to express everything.
Wishing RBKD all the best and success in everything.
Jia Xin (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 15:07h
Dear RBKD,
Happy 6th anniversary! Thank you so much for taking time to upload pictures, videos & other information about Rui En on social media! And it really makes me happy when I see you all having so many activities such as the bridging and we can participate in it. Happy 6th anniversary once again!
Much love,
Jade Foo (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 15:45h
Happy sixth anniversary RBKD! Although I’m not part of the fanclub, I admire and support Rui En for her fabulous acting skills and for who she is. Have a wonderful and blessed journey ahead Rui En and RBKD!
Yours sincerely,
Rachel (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 16:15h
To Rui En and RBKD,
Although I’m not in the FC but I wish you guys a happy 6th anniversary. Continue to jiayou and more anniversary to come! Really proud to see you guys have come this far! Jiayou jiayou å† jiayou!
Akita (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 18:54h
Happy 6th anniversary RBKD, wish all Rangels will lead a healthy life and wish Rui En to have a safe trip overseas. To all Rangels, Jiayou! Stay healthy and stay strong!
Tan Li Xuan (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 18:54h
Happy 6th Anniversary! You have been doing an amazing job providing Rui En with the support she needs and have been nothing but loyal! I wish you all the best with the following years and as a fan of Rui En, keep doing what you are doing, with love!
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, hate cannot drive out hate, only love can. #ATT”
Victoria (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 20:05h
Happyy 6th anniversaryy RBKD
RBKD has been a great fanclub that does so much charity work and volunteer work. My support and love for Rui En will never change and decrease, it will only increase. Continue to do many good deeds and make our dear princess, Rui En, proud to have such great fanclub all the best for everything and more anniversaries to come !
We as Rangels will also unite and stay together and show our support to Rui En All of you have been great, kind and soo friendly and thank youu so much and happy 6th anniversary once again
Tan Yi Xuan (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 21:25h
Happy 6th anniversary, RBKD!
Tan Siang Ni (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 21:55h
Happy birthday RBKD! Thanks for supporting En all the time and I’m proud to be part of this family!
Xinle (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 22:18h
It’s not easy to have come so far. And RBKD has done a wonderful job! Your systematic operations have always left me in awe. I have witnessed how RBKD puts in immerse effort to coordinate Rangels during events, such as screaming ‘Rui En’ in harmony or when trending Rui En worldwide on Twitter. I have never seen another fan club that has done this so nicely. RBKD is also such a thoughtful fan club. At the ATT roadshow, I witnessed RBKD presenting flowers to artistes, like Chris Lee and Zheng Ge Ping, who didn’t have fan clubs. I was so touched by that scene. I asked myself if I would have thought of others like how RBKD did. I couldn’t give an answer…
Continue supporting Rui En for the coming years! Secondly, thanks Rui En for being my source of motivation and inspiration. Whenever I feel discouraged or feel like giving up, I am always encouraged by your quotes that never fail to give me strength to fight on. Throughout my years of being your fan, I have gained a lot. A LOT. I have really grown to become a better person under your influence. No one has ever influenced me the way you do. Loving you was never a mistake. I will be with you till the end. Continue doing what you love.
Sun YiJing (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 22:41h
Dear RBKD,
Before knowing you personally, I was amazed and impressed by your efficiency, updates, activities, thoughtfulness, rationality and touching support of Rui En.
After getting to know you personally, I am even more awed. Thank You for the chance to participate, to be able to see and be a part of “behind the scenes”.
Blessings for health, happiness and the loudest cheers,
Angela (Singapore)
2nd November 2014, 23:47h
Always thankful to be able to receive first-hand news and updates of Rui En from you guys.
For always doing your best in protecting her and wanting the best for her. For giving her unconditional love, and placing her welfare above all else at crucial times. Seeing her smile and laugh heartily, is our joy.
You guys are truly an inspiration.
Hope filming has been smooth for Rui En, and please take care while having a great time in Paris! Love the photos that she took. I miss her
Happy 6th Anniversary and Birthday, RBKD!!!
Cheers to many more years of being there for her, giving her a strong support and emotional security besides God, and most importantly, spreading love & care with Rui En!
Very Proud to be a Rangel, all these years
Pamela Han (Singapore)
3rd November 2014, 12:21h
Happy 6th Anniversary RBKD!!!
Chung Li De (Singapore)
3rd November 2014, 19:06h
The journey with RBKD has been nothing short of magical.
Each of you, each of us, we probably have our own RBKD story.
Checking in on RBKD’s website / forum / social media accounts regularly has become a habit for too many of us. No?
We didn’t start with big ambitions, but we do have a simple intent:
“All for Rui En.”
May this stay true and may we continue traversing the road less traveled together, for our eternal lux veritas.
Happy 6th Anniversary RBKD!
RBKD – The Official Fan Club of Rui En
Traversing The Road Less Traveled, Lux Veritas.
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People come and people go, but the people who stay are the ones who matter the most.
Thank you for coming along on this journey, together.
weareone: our sixth chapter
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We didn’t realise we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun
4 teams, ONERBKD.
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What: Soccer Bridging Activity
When: 6 July 2014
Where: Petir
Participants: Allan, Angel, Angela, Bi Hui, Ernie, Jiamin, Kelly, Kexin, Lixian, Lokyin, Madeline, Phyllis, Sandra, Vanessa, Xing Xian, Xinyi, Yanling, Yun Teng
Angela, Participant:
I was very excited knowing that we were going to play soccer because it was World Cup season! Immediately started to imagine that we could play like Messi, so cool ya? 3+1 introduction was an excellent ice-breaker and we split into 2 teams.
For the first half my team’s strategy of “just kick†did not work very well but we had lots of fun and laughter. As the goalkeeper, I felt the adrenaline rush when I successfully saved a ball. Although my heart sank a little whenever I failed to save, it was very heartening as I often heard “good try†and encouraging cheers.
There were so many funny moments, the most epic one was when Xinyi “kiap†or “clip†the ball using her legs in front of the goal post. Instantly many players from both teams dashed to her and started kicking furiously. It looked like a rugby game at that point! Amid this hilarious chaos Yanling scored a beautiful “World Cup standard†goal! Wahahaa .. We were laughing so much throughout the game that we had to take breaks from time to time!
Thank you organizers, all who made this possible and all participants. Although I just met most of you on that day and it was the first time we played soccer together, we got to know each other better, bonded, learned teamwork and sportsmanship. Enjoyed myself very much!
Xing Xian, Participant:
With the thought of going for a basketball game, I went for my second bridging activity this year. Met my fellow RBKD members at the void deck and we headed to the basketball court.
Due to a small drizzle before, the floor was still a little wet. We had to find a dry spot to put our bags. To our dismay, we were going to play soccer instead. Many never played or even watched soccer before, me included!!! We played with rules explained and tried to keep to the rules but ended up keeping to the only most basic rule “not to touch the ball with your hands”. This was the hardest thing for me to do. I am a ball catcher! Hands work better for me than legs.
I always wanted to kick like those players or actors on tv, be it a show or in real life, so I tried my best to do that. All parts of my body got hit by the ball! I was active with the ball and was huffing and puffing, out of breath all the time. Tired but it was a great activity for those who hardly exercise or have no time or no one who is willing to meet to play. I loved it very much even though I couldn’t walk properly the next day due to muscle ache!
What: RBKD Newspaper Collection Drive 2014
When: 14 & 15 June 2014
Where: All around Singapore
Yanling, Participant:
Every Newspaper Drive, I would always feel this message strongly: 积少æˆå¤š. Nothing is too little or too much, without everyone’s efforts, we would not have gotten the whole lorry and one whole tonne of newspapers.
Unity is definitely strength! :)
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What: RBKD Orientation 2014
When: 7 June 2014
Where: Bayview Hotel
Sandra, Team Boundless, Participant:
A buffet dinner is exactly what we needed after braving through the sun and sweat in the day.
It was really an awesome night out! All of us ate heartily to replenish the energy that was drained during the activities. We started to chit chat and our conversations made me laugh so hard that I had a stomach cramp!
Heaps of laughter could also be heard from all corners of the restaurant. Everyone was enjoying themselves and engrossed in their conversations. It was as though we had the whole restaurant to ourselves!
We were enjoying each other’s company so much that we forgot about the time till we got the signal when the waiters started to clean up the place. It always amazes me at how a day of bonding during the orientation activities can turn us from strangers into friends.
Heartfelt thanks to the organisers for putting in so much effort and time to create a platform for fans to get together. Not forgetting to thank all the participants who make this day memorable for me in one way or the other! Looking forward to more activities with RBKD!
Weijen, Team Resilient, Assistant Team Leader:
In my opinion, a meal over the dining table is always the best time to bond. That was the case during our dinner after RBKD Orientation 2014.
It was also the time to replenish all our energy after a tiring afternoon’s exertions. I had a great time catching up with some members that didn’t attend the Orientation but specially attended the dinner, as well as watching the new friendships formed during the Orientation blossom even further among the participants. Those in Team Resilient chatted as if they were long-time friends! :D
Overall, it was an enjoyable and wonderful dinner that brought a fitting end to this Orientation. *thumbs-up*
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