What: Cycling @ East Coast
When: 20th June 2011
Where: East Coast
Participant(s): Andy, Ethan, Eunice Ng, Eunice Zee, Hong Jun, Isabel Lim, Jun Yee, Krystal, Lionel, Yang Hwee, Yingmei
Andy, Organiser:
Being a organiser is really hard work..need plan this plan that..really quite “ma fan” leh..But i guess it’s worth it..
Well, to be honest, i don’t really know anyone there and i was quite shy to talk… so ya…almost throughout the whole cycling thing,i was like listening to the conversation…
Hmm,got to say,i didn’t do a very good job,in terms of planning n stuffs…Well,i promise that there will be more fun in the next IPC…provided that i so suay become organiser again…haha..Just joking..
Enjoyed the 3+1 process:) A very good method in making new friends..Cheers:)
Hong Jun, Participant:
The locations of the underpass to ECP never seem to register in my head despite been there for numerous times. Spent awhile looking for the underpass with several other young members, but in vain. Nevertheless, still managed to reach there punctual.
As what most cyclists would cover, the group pedaled along the coast, enjoying the breezes and chats with new friends. I kinda like the term “3+1”, which is the club’s introduction session. I thought its quite creative. I am like at least 10 years younger than most of them. Well, I guess age is never a barrier to knowing new friends. So, I would like to encourage those (especially guys) that has not tried participate in any IPC for whatever reasons to join. Forgive me if my entry sounds monotonous (Blogging is never my kind of stuff). Lastly, thanks to Andy for organizing the cycling IPC. =)
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What: EPL over, so let the soccer star in you shine
When: 19th June 2011
Where: Braddell Heights
Participant(s): Alberton, Andy, Berlin, Cherly, Lionel, Mandy and Samuel
Lionel, Organiser:
Organizing the first ever soccer IPC for RBKD is a difficult but rewarding experience. Running the risk of not having sufficient people joining us, we finally managed to ‘sign’ 7 players for the game on 19th June!
Although soccer is mainly viewed as a guy’s sports, we have female players joining us as well and they are equally good in their footwork. Goals were a plenty, with Andy dazzling us with his Rooney-like dribbling and Samuel with striker’s instinct like Pedro. Of course the ladies were great with Cherly and Mandy scoring a handful as well.
At the end, we were all sweaty, tired but satisfied our thirst for soccer. Since we were next to nex, that’s where we went to satisfy our thirst and hunger. I believe the Ipc was fun and help our players know more about each other. Cheers to having more soccer ipcs !
Cherly, Participant:
It was my first time attending IPC thus I felt kind of weird, not knowing anybody. However after RBKD’s 3 + 1 introduction, my impression changed. They were really friendly. There we go, starting our soccer match. Playing under the hot sun didnt deter us from slacking.
Being guys, as usual, performing tricks after tricks. Although soccer was traditionally a man’s sport, I can see us, the ladies fitting in without any problem. We changed team after a quota of goals were reached, the changing of teams lets us bond. The feeling of scoring goals and assisting my teammates was awesome.
Having IPCs is definitely is great way to gel newcomers like me. After this IPC, I’m certain this is not my last, with more coming my way.
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What: Play, Love, Have Fun, Sunshine
When: 15th June 2011
Where: Woodlands Waterfront Park
Participant(s): Alberton, Charmaine, Elaine, Eunice Ng, Huiping, Jiayi, Joyce, Junqi, Kahyin, Lydia, Madeline, Rachael, Yingmei, Yuechang, Yunxian and Zi Lei
Joyce, Organiser:
Met everyone after alighting 5 stops after the actual bus stop! All were already enjoying the hot sun, playing with the playground, having their food under a shade! (I WANT TO PLAY SWING, but didn’t get to.) Not long after, we packed up and went to the jetty area.
We stopped in the middle, and played a game Zi Lei suggested which is called the “Zig, Zag, Zoom.†It was a test on reaction and speed, everyone was playing but it was too soft and the fingers were pointing in all directions! Tsktsk, so confusing! We moved on to the game called the “boom boom Chucky†, it was to test if one can actually see the “big picture†of the game, i guessed everyone had fun “bombing†one another.
I find it rather challenging to engage them in group talks because they were talking among themselves all the time! And my challenge was to make Madeline and Junqi talked more. HAHA. I hoped i did!
Ying Mei, Participant:
Overall, this IPC was really fun! We almost couldn’t alight in time and Elaine was like “everyone quick alight!!” (Something like that). Phew! The place looked really remote and quiet and i didn’t even know there was such a place in Singapore!
We had a great picnic with food everyone brought. Me, Eunice, Isabel continued our attempts to ‘conquer’ the rope thing, although it was so scary. It was so so so so hot that day that some of us went into the toilet to chill though it was smelly too. We had 3+1 at the jetty area and played games like zig zag zoom and boom boom chucky. Many unglam shots were taken everywhere and I think our jump shots were quite failed as not everyone jumped in unison. I think I’m one of them. :p
I had a really fun day out and everyone was so hyper! I look forward to more such ipcs where everyone can just gather around, have fun, chat and play!!
Yue Chang, Participant:
We met at the woodlands interchange at 12 before setting off to waterfront. Once we saw the playground inside, everyone wanted to play it, including me, was aiming for the swing, haha!
We took some photos in the playground area and had picnic. We walked to the place slightly before the jetty and started playing the traditional 3+1 intro game followed by some other games. XD
After that we walked to the jetty to spend the rest of the day there. The sun was so hot you could practically cook an egg! We took lots of jump shots at the jetty. The 360 degrees turn, the individual jump shots, so many shots! We started “picnic-ing†there at the jetty. Some of us stayed till night. We saw the round and big orange moon ascend. We then bid waterfront goodbye and went to banquet at causeway point to have a chat + drinks. :D
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What: Pulau Ubin Hike & Bike
When: 18th June 2011
Where: Pulau Ubin
Participant(s): Bengyan, Candice, Eunice Zee, Jean, Jiamin, Jun Yee, Peifang, Phyllis, Sandra, Serchee, Shirley, Shuwen and Xinyi
Hiking Team
Sandra, Participant:
I joined the Pulau Ubin IPC , partly because of “The-In-Laws†and to make new friends ! It was awkward and still is slightly, but I enjoyed myself so much ! I chose to hike at first because the previous times I came to Ubin, I hardly realize I’m cycling further away from the rest so I thought it would be anti-social to cycle, so I chose to hike and hahaha donate blood (a bit too much blood). But after lunch, I chose to cycle the individual bike!
OH (!) and we had the whole boat to ourselves, both to-and-fro !!! I preferred the boat ride back because it was slightly less awkward and we were all busy laughing at Jean !!
I had so much fun and made many new friends! Lastly, 我的åŽæ–‡ Olevel 刚刚考完所以我的åŽæ–‡è¡¨è¾¾æ–¹å¼ä¸å¥½ï¼Œrusty le hehehe 所以他们问我问题我reply in English!!! å¯æ˜¯æˆ‘çš„OlevelåŽæ–‡å£è¯•è¦åˆ°äº†æ‰€ä»¥æˆ‘会尽é‡è®²åŽè¯ã€‚谢谢………alibaba gostan
Cycling Team
Shu Wen, Participant:
We met up in the morning at Changi Village terminal. It was my first time to Ubin. Half of us decide to cycle and the rest decide to walk. I belonged to the cycling group. We spent some time choosing our bicycle. Deciding which route should we take and off we go.
We cycled on rocky road and slopes. Jean was made to cycle back, reason being was, if you hear HA-HA-HA-HA-HA, you will know that she is not lost. Half way through we decide to head for Chek Jawa hoping to see plants and creatures. Parked our bicycle out the gate of Chek Jawa and we saw wild boar. A small incident cropped up when we parked our bicycle. Phyllis knock over one bicycle and the rest of the bicycles fell down one by one like domino effect. We just stared as each bicycle fell and go Ha-Ha-Ha. End up we had to lift about 10 bicycles up.
Head back to the starting point to meet up with the rest for lunch. Having zi char with a big group is great, you get to eat different kind of dishes. From Ubin owned grown vegetable to meat and hot plate Toufu.
Cycling at Ubin was no joke. Those uphill slopes are soooo steep. You want to CHIONG up the slope but end up half way pushing it up. Jean was like HA-HA-HA-ing almost the whole journey. Ended up laughing along with no energy to chiong up the slopes. But if you can’t get past the uphill slope you can’t enjoy the downhill slope. And it was super SHIOK when you’re on the downhill. At the end of the day, you get butt pain and muscle ach all over but the enjoyment and laughter is worth it.
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What: Steamboat Dinner
When: 11 June 2011
Where: Bugis, Beach Road
Jean’s table:
Steamboat dinner at Bugis was noisy at my table, just because of a meatball (which up till now, I don’t know why…). Haha! Compared to the other tables, I guess our table was also the messiest. Only after the group photos of the other tables were taken then did we realised it. Tissue paper everywhere, clam and crab shells all over the place.
HAHAHA! After this steamboat dinner, I know who doesn’t eat much:P The food wasn’t that bad and at least it filled my stomach up till I felt like sleeping so badly towards the end. Haha!
Ser Chee’s table:
Our table consists of:
Dong fen masters (cellophane noodles)
Basically the 3 masters grabbed 4 mountains of dong fen in total. We are pretty sure if there are more dong fen at the counter (they cleared most), they will end up with more than just 4 mountains of it.
Mushroom attacker
This attacker simply attacks all types of mushrooms, not letting go of any in sight. She even knows the pricing and the exact quantity of those can ones. Right hor, miaoting?
Difference in definition btw: Taiwan sausage vs sausage vs hotdog
There exists a Taiwan sausage lover, who requested for sausage and ended up being served with hotdogs. So morale of the story: Either u state clearly what u want OR simply go get it yourself.
RBKD steamboat dinner definitely has the feel of a family reunion dinner. Heartwarming and filled with joy. We love the RBKD style =D
Kah Yin’s table:
After a long day out @ Sentosa, we went for steamboat dinner @ Bugis! YEAH! :D At the start, people at my table were pretty quiet compared to the other table. Guess its because we are hungry and tired? LOL. Or isit just me? HAHA. Yes, I love going out to take food! Why? Because of the GOLDEN MUSHROOM!! WAHAHA! But the tray containing the golden mushroom just kept becoming empty the first few times we went down >_< But finally, after a few trips down, HOHOHO, the golden mushroom was finally refilled. But we are not selfish, we didn’t take all but who knows later on, Joyce and Rachael went down and took the remaining up! HAHAHA! In the end, we emptied the whole tray of golden mushroom! LOL! :P And our steamboat thus was full of golden mushroommmmmmm! (I like! HAHA!)
After an hour of eating, everyone at my table was more or less full, so we started playing games!! This was where we started becoming noisy! First we started playing ‘The Ultimate Number’ and then ‘Concentration’. Those who lose had to eat a whole scoop of food from the steamboat! HAHA! Some of us even ate up close to 10 scoops of food! :P FUN!! Thereafter, we pay our bills and left the place full and contented! :D It’s always fun with RBKD, even if it was just a dinner! :D
Missing in picture: Ethan who left 10 minutes before this photo was taken.
Seraphilia’s table
I really enjoyed myself at the steamboat dinner. My table was awesome! I first started not knowing much people at my table…but a while later we started getting to know each other better. I luv my table bcuz everyone was real chatty n funny. After we ate till our tummy’s gonna burst, we had lots of fun chatting about Rui En’s stuff and all…the food there was awesome too. Thanks to the people at my table for being so friendly, cheery n chatty! haha!
What: RBKD Orientation 2011
When: 11 June 2011
Where: Sentosa
Yes, it was pouring heavily on the morning itself.
But No, the rain didn’t daunt the RBKD’s spirit.
That’s why we are called ç‘žä¸å¯å½“ =D hahaha…
Double wacko!! Love this game because it helps us remember names & faces – the fun way!
3 plus 1!! A RBKD trademark introduction game which allows us to know more about other members :)
Amazing Race – Bengyan (Member since 2010)
Ever played amazing race using Whatsapp? RBKD did it =) Sent our completed task (be it pictures or video) through Whatsapp to our organizer and get the clues to the next station.
We are literally exploring the whole of Sentosa. Got weird stares from the public when we asked a group of Vietnam students to form the word RBKD and shout “WE LOVE RBKDâ€. Although in the end our group did not win, it is the bonding and interaction between us that really matters.
Amazing Race – Mandy and Samuel (Member since 2010 and 2011 respectively)
We definitely made the $3 worthwhile by getting on the monorail sooo many times! We practically walked the whole of Sentosa, did crazy things and got stared at (like taking quirky photos with Merlion as the backdrop)
The jumpshot in front of the globe was the funniest because my slippers flew into the puddle of water when I jumped and the water splashed onto someone!! Really sorry to that person :$
Now we can proclaim that we’ve conquered Sentosa Island with RBKD!!
Amazing Race – Kahyin (Member since 2008)
Started Amazing Race after our lunch and OMG, our group went to the wrong place for the FIRST station!! We went to the entrance of Sentosa when the venue should be at Palawan. What a good start huh! Haha! But we had fun doing the video for 慢舞 as our fast forward helpline! We even did a chicken dance video after we completed our “MV”! LOL! Seem like we are addicted to dancing!
It’s really amazing how a group of strangers can have such great interaction and ended up being such awesome group mates. Many of us didn’t even know each other before this. Never ever underestimate orientation; this is where friendship can be build.
Lastly, thank you everyone for making this orientation possible =D
Signing off,
Bengyan & Serchee
What: Badminton @ Chong Pang
When: 8th June 2011
Where:Â Chong Pang CC
Participant(s): Alberton, Charmaine, Elaine, Eunice Ng, Huiping, Isabel, Joanne, Kah Yin, Lydia, Rachael, Vanessa, Ying Mei and Zi Lei
Kah Yin, Organiser:
Hoho, one word : SHIOK! LOL. The first IPC organised by me and I’m glad more than 10 ppl turn up! heh heh. Although I didn’t manage to play with some of you, I really hope everyone enjoyed playing with one another. (Just to share, the amount of shuttlecocks I threw away were a lot more than the amount I brought there. :O) I’m glad to hear that more members are joining us as PM! :D See you guys soon and thanks for coming!!
ps. I’m sorry because I didn’t know that CPCC was so stuffy that day. :X
Ying Mei, Participant:
It was a little awkward in the beginning as i didn’t really know anyone there. Badminton was very fun despite a lot of us not knowing how to play. The only downside in the entire ipc was the heat. It was really stuffy. We also witnessed a battle of the two “si bei zai†(very good) people (Kahyin and Alberton). Through dinner at long johns, I knew more about the other members and atmosphere was pretty high, noisy and FUN as there was more interaction.
Overall i had a very fun day and this ipc also allowed us to exercise (promote healthy living)! I want to thank Kahyin for organising this ipc and I would definitely join more ipcs in the future!
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Hahahah, what a name! Cool or what, 2D2N IPC with RBKD peeps at KL. Hahaha.
The train ride was OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG-ly COLD!!!!! Thank god I’m in JEANS. The one beside me was in SHORTS. HAHAHAHA. So at like 1+am? Snail came up with this idea of using the umbrella to trap heat ya. Okay, no one in the right frame of mind will listen to her but I thought, NO HARM TRYING RIGHT. So ya, SURPRISINGLY, IT WORKED!!!!!!
Then, we were at KL!!!!!!! WOOHOO! First thing in the morning we hit the jackpot!! HAHAHAHA. How heng are we! HENG BUS! I shall cut long story short! We put in 5tickets worth of notes and we got 10tickets worth of coins instead!
Had the desire to try roller coaster for the first time in my life and after trying, had the desire to play. But after playing, I told myself, NO MORE!!!!! SERIOUSLY, NO MORE!!! I WAS VERY SCARED I WILL FALL OFF. I was grabbing so tightly that I could see my own fingernails’ prints on my palms!! THAT’S HOW TIGHTLY I GRABBED. Then that person beside me, NEVER SHOUT DAO!!
At night after my 1.5hour shower, while preparing to nua on my bed, I suddenly sensed torchlight shining at my face. *heads up* “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU†loudly and “happy birthday to you!†softly. HAHAHA.
They totally ignored my “ä½ ä»¬ä¸ºä»€ä¹ˆæœ‰æˆ‘çš„roomçš„key?!?!” and for the next 10mins or so, I was interrogated for taking so long (1.5hour) to shower!! HAHAAHHHAHA.
The peepos next door left shortly after the interrogation while Phy and I continued talking. “eh just now i was talking to Snail about the plan and you suddenly came out!! So I went to get my mum’s shoe randomly.†Coincidentally, Aunty Chow woke up halfway in between our conversation and, WAS WONDERING WHERE HER SLIPPERS GONE TO. HAHAHAHA, Phy and I just LOL-ed~ :P
Here’s a video of Jean from me! :D
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Interestingly this KL trip was ulu batu for me on several counts haha. Early Saturday morning, found myself at the wrong airport terminal, horrors! Budget AirAsia takes off from Terminal 1, not Budget Terminal, zzz. Touchdown KL, thinking I had plenty time before meeting everyone for check-in at hotel, gleefully jumped onto a cheap RM18 direct ride to the hotel. Only to realise had been tricked onto a slow coach that made so many stops it took 2 hours to get to Times Square. When Pres messaged that they were at a theme park, assumed they had ventured outside of town. Until I found my way to the top of the shopping mall, my jaw dropped at the fearsome rides spinning around in the huge park INDOORS. And then Sunday morning’s adventure takes the ulu cake – we rode on a bus away from the city, past Batu Caves and almost to Genting, in search of cameras, lights and action close to a river / pond / forest / waterfall… without realising till much later we had spent the initial hours moving further and further away from the intended location.
Some of the highlights. At the hotel – don’t see Celest quiet quiet, she gamely agreed to deliver all the prank calls; saving me the embarrassment of blowing my cover. Past midnight, we got to slam our fav rootbeer float in classic glass mugs and say cheers! And we didn’t have to smuggle home the glass mugs; we got to buy and take home a mini-er version!
Sunday morning, the quaint little village-town in the middle of nowhere where everyone knows everyone else and where we had delicious Da-bao and top quality kopi. On location, Shirley spied among the greenery, a plant with hanging heart-shaped leaves (see pic below), and we called out in unison -a JZ kind of plant! The weather warm and humid; we were flowing perspiration but it was time spent together and treasured.
Nice to note we have progressed from Skudai trip so soon with this trip; from drive to rail and flight. One thing though, some things don’t change – somehow we just always need to take the road less travelled. And that’s what makes it special, isn’t it.
“Choo Choo Choo~”
I thought it would be non-air-conditioned…
I thought it would be those of what we usually see in movies and dramas…
I thought it would be a ‘sweaty’ ride…
and all our thoughts… were purely thoughts…
It turned out to be…
cold.below freezing.biting.arctic.icy.numbing.shivering.shuddering
(yes, it was THAT cold)
After 8 hours on the train, we finallyyyy reached KL and we began the day with Lady Luck on our side!
Legendary Jackpot
Who says you could only hit the jackpot with that machine? Evidence of RBKD’s Heng-Heng Jackpot upon arrival at RapidKL (shown below).
At the ticketing machine…
P/S Lesson learnt: Heng-ness only comes once, dont be ‘greedy’. LoL!
So yup, when one is with good company and having lots of fun, time just flew past. 2D1N ended in just a blink of an eye and we are back in Singapore!
Signing off,
SJ Team
Disclaimer: SJ =/= Super Junior
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