Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
01 November 2011 | 01:00 pm

Since this is the month we celebrate our anniversary, I thought why not discuss about something that is more relevant?

So what is the best fan club? The one which meets the Idol ever so often, the one which cheers the loudest at events, the one with the flashiest type of boards or the one with the deepest pockets?

What’s your definition and what’s your take of the best fan club? Care to share?

Snail's Sharing | 3 Comments

28 October 2011 | 09:50 pm

Dear Team
As we knocked on a door, we were told by a resident that she could not talk to us. We thanked her nonetheless and moved on. A few minutes later, our volunteer Rui En knocked on the same door as she did not realise that we had done so. This time the door opened and the interview proceeded smoothly. Rui En being a familiar face on local television was immediately trusted by this resident who was also very pleased to have a celebrity calling on her. Rui En is now on a filming break and together with members of her fan club, she has been joining our colleagues and volunteers from the Tanglin Police Division to invite residents to help us look out for the children in their neighbourhood.

Whenever we collaborate with others or pool our resources the work always seems easier. Collaborations often create a different energy that keeps our work fresh. However, the most important reason for collaborations is that those in need are better supported and better connected to the community. Many disadvantaged people tend to keep their problems to themselves even though they may already be served in some way by a social service agency. Some feel that they have already troubled the agency in one way and it is embarrassing to approach them again. Hence, the agency who does not hear from the service-user in between scheduled visits would assume that no news is good news. The stability in a disadvantaged person’s life often changes overnight as they are usually coping with several problems at one time. It is really difficult for one agency to be with the service-user on a daily basis. As familiarity breeds contempt it may not be wise either. As such, when different agencies are working together for service-users collaboratively the chances of them falling through the cracks are reduced.

When a school counsellor visited her 12 year old student’s home, she met a police officer who was there because her student’s younger siblings were found loitering in the neighbourhood. Immediately, she realised that her student’s problems were more than what she could manage alone. She called for a meeting which we attended and there we met Life Community Services, another youth serving agency as well as the father of the children. We learned that Life Community Services have been ‘friends’ of the children for the past 2 years and they have been supporting the family with food and other necessities. It was comforting to know that we had partners right from the start and we proceeded to link the family to child care and other services within their community. Should ever these children get into any difficulties in the future, many members of their community will be concerned.
However, we hope that when many members of their community are concerned for them, these children will run into less difficulties.

Enjoy your weekend.
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean. – Ryunosuke Satoro

Gerard Ee
Executive Director

14th October 2011.

See also: Beyond Door Knocking, by Rui En.

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28 October 2011 | 09:49 pm

What: Door knocking with Beyond Social Services

When: 10th-14th October 2011

Where: Taman Ho Swee (Blk 29 & 31)

Participant(s): Jolie, Jean, Jia Min, Rui En and Xinyi

Rui En, Volunteer:

Sometimes it takes only a sneak peek into someone else’s world to make you realize a lot about your own.

That was my experience over the few days doing door-knocking with Beyond Social Services from 10th Oct 2011.

I’d previously volunteered at their now-defunct home in Woodlands, when they asked me to do this door-knocking I was happy to be able to help them.

The purpose of this door-knocking was literally to go from door to door in a low-income neighbourhood of temporary housing along Havelock Road to have the most visceral experience of talking directly to the occupants and finding out how many youths under the age of 19 years old were there in Block 29. I’d always felt helpless and not involved enough somehow doing charity appearances and performances, and this was my first chance to get down to the grassroots level, something I’d always wanted.

First of all, it was my first experience with temporary housing and rental flats. To find out that there are two families squeezed into 2 standard HDB rooms per flat, sharing a living room and kitchen, was quite jolting for someone who complains that her room is never big enough for all her things and whose possessions tend to spill inadvertently out into the living room. (Me). In one of the flats, there were 10 people squeezed into a flat.

The state of cleanliness of the lift lobbies and stairwells also took some getting used to. One of the residents likened it to a “forgotten” world where the cleaners and maintainence crews seemed somewhat less regular than we are normally used to. The smell of urine became a familiar one. A common complaint was that the void decks and corridors were noisy well into the night and mornings. A resident mentioned how it was hard to get used to the noise level after being used to other HDB estates.

Most surprising though, was how warmly and openly some of the residents received us. Most of us urban dwellers are more used to guarded stares, awkward lift rides and minimal human contact with our neighbours. Yet some of the residents welcomed us perfect strangers straight into their homes without asking for permits or licenses, seemingly eager to share their stories with other human beings. And share they did. Every household had a different story and every single person had a story to tell. It was like a different TV drama from door to door. Their stories were completely heartbreaking yet uplifting all at the same time. Some had no choice but to move here due to the unexpected deaths of their loved ones and breadwinners. Some were content with simply having a roof over their heads, and had adapted, others were still experiencing a “culture shock” of some kind. Some were morose, others were intent on keeping positive and happy.

I met the bravest woman I’d ever seen, due to losing her husband to a sudden heart, she fed a family of 5 while paying $500 rental on a $1000 monthly income, all done with a serene smile on her face and what I saw as a staunch refusal to turn bitter at life. We lesser beings would have succumbed to anger and bitterness a long time ago. She probably has the most heart I will ever see in a human being.

As we all move onwards endlessly and as everything always seems to be never enough, I urge you guys not to forget the ones who can’t catch up and are left behind. More and more will be unable to catch up, and that will be the time for you to step up to the plate.

Rui En

RBKD: Rui En would have preferred to keep a low profile with regards to her volunteering. But at times when we walk pass her, we just can’t miss the sincerity in her voice. It is this sincerity in her that prompted us to invite her to write for our blog, to share her experience and hopefully, inspires us all.

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26 October 2011 | 01:00 pm

Name: Joyce Ng Wan Ting
Forum Nick: JOYCEEEE
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

Annoyhaseayo!! (Hello in Korean) My name is Joyce and I am currently a student in Temasek Polytechnic! (Come my school to try the western food! ^^) hehe.

Me and RBKD:

I’m in RBKD for more than a year already I guess? I am known as the cutest member inside there. MUHAHA. But now I want to change. Please rename me as the most adorable member because they said Cute is Ugly but Adorable. So here am I, Adorable. Whee~

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

The IPCs outings! Because we get to know each other and now even come to become close friends! Because of IPCs, we get to know lots of places that we had never been before and to try things that we had not done before! The time to meet new faces, the time to interact and introduce ourselves and the time to play with them are therefore the most memorable period! ^^

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

The kind of special bond that this Fanclub has. RBKD has taught me that acquaintances can become your very close friends now that you can trust your whole life with. I’ve also learnt the teamwork RBKD had. As we all know, RBKD has lots of smart people! I was inspired by them to work hard in various aspects of my life.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

The first IPC that I organized I guess? Because it is my first time organizing an IPC! Thus, it’s special. (THE KBOX OUTING) *omgod, I look super toot here.

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

Because all our unglam faces are captured that! Isn’t that picture cute?! HAHAHA.

Reason being simple: I love this picture because we are doing charity act! Kekekeke.

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

To visit factories!! Like the Meiji Factory!! I’ve been waiting for super long hoping to go there! :p

6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

“When life throws you a curve ball, Keep batting and don’t give up. Learn to hit them right out into the stands and run all the bases for a home run.”

I thought it would be nice if I can convey this to RBKD. When you meet obstacles in life and I am sure there will be. You have to remember, it is these obstacles that made you a stronger person. Therefore, don’t give up easily but rather, keep on going!

Understanding Rangels | 3 Comments

19 October 2011 | 01:00 pm

Name: Charmaine Low
Forum Nick: Charmaine_Danced
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

My name is Charmaine and I am studying at Republic Poly Diploma in Bio Medical Sciences.

Me and RBKD:

From RBKD and because of RBKD, I met Joyce, Rachael and my “twin” and we have Family Tree (FT), thus, I am always thankful for RBKD, because I made friends, good friends and sisters.

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

The RBKD orientation! It was the first time so many members came together for the orientation and we had a lot of fun going around Sentosa.  My group was running around Sentosa and we won the amazing race! smile I made many new friends during the orientation. It was quite fun working together with everybody to figure out the clues and doing the task allocated to us. I hope we would have orientations every year!

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

The endless voting and the overlapping of the voting periods taught me perseverance. Although it was not easy, given that the period of voting was quite long, but made it through. We had to persevere till the end to see the results and our hard work pay off.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

My favourite IPC would be bowling IPC, because it was the first time I organized an IPC with the help of Rachael. It was quite fun although not everybody turned up, but it was still very fun. And RBKD has 2 guys that are very good in bowling. :p

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

Although it was a small group of us, but it was quite fun.

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

I hope to have an IPC that is more related to fine arts, we never seem to have any IPC relating to the arts.

6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

Everyone can

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12 October 2011 | 01:00 pm

Name: Yip Kah Yin
Forum Nick: Kahyin
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

Hello! I’m Kah Yin and I’m currently studying at YJC, a year 1 student. :)

Me and RBKD:

I joined the fanclub in 2008, the year when the new RBKD was formed. To think back, I was hesitating at first whether to join or not. But now, I can proudly say I did not regret joining. From us being “nameless” to “Dang-er” and finally “Rangel”, I’m glad to grow with RBKD all these while and have learnt a lot. I’m proud to be a Rangel! :D

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

(a) Coming together as one to achieve goals and achievements.
(b) The fun and craziness which were never missing whenever RBKD is around.
(c) Queuing together early in the morning. And in midst of all the fun while waiting, not neglecting our schoolwork.
(d) The lung power of RBKD shouting and cheering like there is no tomorrow.
(e) Always spending the last few hours of one year and welcoming another new year together!
(g) All the friendships made.

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

RBKD Orientation 2011! Our first Orientation when a huge group of us were out together, like a big class outing, to have fun! And also the day with more friendships made. Not forgetting, the steamboat dinner where the fun continues. :D

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

RBKD welcomed year 2010 together with Prata! A pic of a huge family sitting together for supper! ^_^

After N times of jumps, with the outcome of always half of the group flying and the other half still stuck on the ground, we finally get the best shot with everyone in the air! :P

The day we won the fight. And don’t the four alphabets “RBKD” look so awesome? :D

TADAAA! It’s our big family photo!

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

Of any kind as long as everyone is present! :P

Understanding Rangels | 3 Comments

05 October 2011 | 01:00 pm

Name: Lionel Foong

Forum Nick: Lionel Messy

Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

My name is Lionel and I usually introduce myself as Lion, EL. I am currently a Year 3 student in National University of Singapore, majoring in Physics.

Me and RBKD:

I got to know of RBKD in 2009 from Rui En’s FB page, and decided to try something new and unexpected – join a fanclub. I started out as being curious, trying new things, but it turns out that I am attracted to this big family and I continued to stay on.

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

Memorable: My 1st ever IPC in 2009 – Cycling at Pasir Ris Park. Why memorable? Because it’s the first activity with RBKD, 1st time meeting the club president and blah blah blah. Yup, you got the idea. :D

Unforgettable: 1st trip to Mediacorp – Unforgettable cause of the long traumatic walk from the bus stop to the station, cause it’s the 1st time attending Stars Award and having cheer, scream and shout to celebrate the rewards of our efforts.

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

If you have a vision, no matter how impossible it seems, work hard towards it and you might be able to achieve it.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Soccer IPC! Brings out the Lionel Messy in me.

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because ….

Because it’s the 1st time I am at Mediacorp, as well as the significance of that photo – that when everyone contributes their best, we can achieve what we aimed for.

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that ……

Full of laughter and joy (without being a nuisance to others)

6) Words to share with RBKD:

Work hard and play hard, jiayou for all those who are having exams!

Understanding Rangels | 2 Comments

01 October 2011 | 01:00 pm


Why should we let a Best Actress win determine if Rui En is good enough?

If we don’t, why do we still hope to link her good performances to wins?

Is a Best Actress win the only yardstick to good performances?

It doesn’t make sense to me. If she is good, she is good; if she is not, she is not. I think she is good, therefore in my opinion, she is good. Why should I think she is good only because someone (judges) else thinks that she is good? So is she good because she is really good or is she good because others recognise her as being good by conferring her the title of Best Actress?

I remember that we were so not hopeful of her winning the Best Actress at Star Awards. But I also remember telling my members, it doesn’t matter if she will win or not, because in our hearts, she has already won, she is our Best Actress, regardless of who the judges choose. So you cheer as loud as you think Rui En is deserving of the Best Actress title. Of course that night, we were the loudest, and the judges agreed with us, so we won.

Did she perform better because she knows she will win? Will she not perform better if she knows she will not win? No.

So what now? Is a Best Actress win no longer valuable? No.

The Best Actress win is as valuable as it is to receive the compliments of any other members of the public who come up to you and give you an approving nod for your performance. After all, the Best Actress win represents approving nods too.

So to me, for Rui En to win the Best Actress, though warmly welcomed, will not replace my own yardstick to gauge her performance. That yardstick is the moment when I connect with her role on TV, and my heart is touched by her performance. Winning is, icing on the cake, definitely nice to have but it is not everything.

What about you? What do you think? What’s your take on my 3 questions posed? Or your take on what I have shared? Share with me, I’m genuinely keen to know.

Snail's Sharing | 2 Comments

29 September 2011 | 01:00 pm

Just thought I could do something to help keep this blog going, because if we don’t, who will? So I really appreciate if you guys could actively participate by volunteering to post or to comment.

Do you remember the See Me Not blog? Won’t be so emo here, nor will I post in riddles, but I hope it will be thought provoking; I enjoy thinking about these issues and I hope to generate discussion and gain insights from your sharing with me too. Do participate actively, I will be looking forward to your replies.

Sneak peak of what I will post about, no concrete ideas in mind yet but probably topics somewhere along the line of being in between what was on SMN and what can be on forum. Will try to post on a monthly basis (i.e. First Saturday of each month) starting October.

Do let me know if there’s a better term for this series other than “Snail’s Sharing”; I might not be sharing a lot but we can all learn from each others’ sharing. Appreciate your support by first saying Hi to me here in this post by replying. Arigatou gozaimasu!

Snail's Sharing | 12 Comments

28 September 2011 | 01:00 pm

Name: Lee Beng Yan
Forum Nick: bengyan
Status: Blogmaster

My name is …. and I am ….

Bengyan and currently a year 3 student at SIM-UOL, Accounting and Finance.

Me and RBKD:

Never thought that I would make such good bunch of friends in RBKD that added in so much laughter and memories into my life. And I found myself a twin, TADA!!!! And we were known as the Bananas =D

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

i) The first step out of my comfort zone at event Seven.Zero.Eight and where I really got to know my B1 =)

ii) My very first outing with RBKD, JB road trip 2010 and it’s out of Singapore!! Will never forget how ‘adventurous’ we are and the amount of times we got lost =x

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

Life has no smooth road for any of us; and in the bracing atmosphere of a high aim the very roughness stimulates the climber to steadier steps, till the legend, over steep ways to the stars, fulfils itself.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Pulau Ubin Hike and Bike because I finally get to exercise by walking through-out the whole journey and simply love the fun, laughter, and craziness.

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

It’s the beginning of my RBKD story

Because Together We Make Things Happen

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

Prawning. Though it’s not cheap but it can be a great relaxing leisure where friends can have great time spend together. The anticipation of prawn biting, the excitement of hooking up a prawn and the reward of a great feast of fresh BBQ prawn.

6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it.
If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.
If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.

– Nora Roberts

Understanding Rangels | 8 Comments

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