Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
04 January 2012 | 01:00 pm

Name: Jolie Yin
Forum Nick: Jolie
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

My name is Jolie. I am a student at Clementi Town Secondary School, just taken my N and O levels and currently also working as a part time retail assistant.

Me and RBKD:

I only knew of RBKD after watching By My Side which is also my favourite mediacorp drama to date. I used to look down on people who were in fanclubs as I find them a waste of time and I really did not expect myself to join one. So I always believe karma is true. The unexpected is always those that comes true.

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was……

a) The pyjamas night during the Annual Summer Chalet in 2009. Even in daily life, I never had the habit to even wear pyjamas when I sleep so when president wanted to have this, my mind was only thinking, “Where the hell do I get pyjamas?” I went on a crazy search for it and I could never forget it.

b) Countdown to RBKD’s second birthday. I will never forget how much whipped cream was prepared for us. It’s never a good thing when you see the committee members gathering together and smiling slyly.

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

RBKD is not just a simple fanclub who chase after Rui En only but also volunteers their time and celebrate by themselves for no special reason.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

The Kite flying IPC! I have always love kite flying but my friends are forever not going with me and when someone wanted to organise it, I was so excited for it! The IPC was considered a meetup for old members and also for us to get to know each other. It might have been awkward but I bet everyone enjoyed themselves!

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

Everyone’s all hyped up and ready for star awards! During this period of time actually most of us were having common test, exams and yet in the bus, some of us managed to study and play. Who says that being in a fanclub is a waste of time? We study too! We always put our exams at priority!

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

Actually I would like a IPC that just requires people to sit down and talk, play, eat and do whatever they want as long as they do it together. A group of people who are really awkward in the beginning ending up being the closest of friends ever.

6) Words/pic to share with RBKD :

This sentence might be old but it always help me when I’m very stress.

We have no control over how long we have in the world, but we always have the choice on how to spend the whatever time we have.

Understanding Rangels | 4 Comments

07 December 2011 | 01:00 pm

Name: Jean Peh
Forum Nick: Jean
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

My name is Jean; currently studying in Temasek Polytechnic.

Me and RBKD:

Joined RBKD in 2008 and I guess that was how everything started :)

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

Board-making sessions.

Weekends can be burnt just for board-making but the end result just seems so fulfilling with a sense of achievement though time-consuming.

I guess I can never forget the process of the blue & green boards when I had to draw a letter “R” out which was sort of disastrous since it was my first time doing it and the markings were so messed up till the extent of even I myself could not tell which point to meet which point. Haha! (Above photo as prove).

What I learnt about board-making in RBKD? Precision and mathematical skills are an “essential”. Hahaha!

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

-With perseverance and diligence, nothing is impossible.

-One can’t always be on the receiving end.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Pulau Ubin Hike & Bike

Cycling in Pulau Ubin = More “kick” = More than the usual muscle aches you get from cycling in Singapore.

First time to Pulau Ubin and it was with RBKD. It was just filled with so much laughter even though at the end of the day, those who cycled, suffered from serious muscle ache. Haha!

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

Self-thought caption: “HAHAHAHAHA!”

Everyone just seems happy:)

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

All about food = Buffet/Food trail around Singapore! :D

P/S: For this, I don’t mind eating after 8PM:) HAHAHA!

Understanding Rangels | 1 Comment

15 November 2011 | 08:58 pm

Have a great birthday, RBKD. I’m so proud of how far you guys have come.

We’re a really long way from the days when I wasn’t even sure there would be a fan club around in a couple years time.

Thank you for always having my back.

weareone | 1 Comment

15 November 2011 | 01:05 am

Dearest RBKD

Happy Birthday!

It’s been another year again, amazing isn’t it?

We have gained much again this year. Newly forged friendships, new expeditions, new trophies, newly attained registered society status and so on so forth.

But the best of it all is the ONERBKD spirit that has been embraced to a whole new level.

The spirit of ONERBKD when we motivated each other, to have the discipline and perseverance to vote daily for 2 whole months;

The spirit of ONERBKD when we wore our club tees with such pride and belonging, the words shined in the dark;

The spirit of ONERBKD when we cheered in unison, like ants coming together to become a giant, no one could have missed us;

The spirit of ONERBKD when Rangels came together, to declare their love by petitioning for the I ♥ RBKD Tee;

And lastly, the spirit of ONERBKD when each one of you stepped forth to show us what love is. Whether it is your contribution to the dream or trust, your post to cheer her up or a simple gesture to let everyone know that we are not alone, love is as what Rangels have shown.

I can go on and on about our ONERBKD spirit, but these words do little to tell the tales of the Rangels who have lived and influenced the spirit.

Today we celebrate not just the gifts we have received, but also to express our gratitude for the chance to be here together as one again.

Cheers to traversing the road less traveled again, and may lux veritas continue to stay with us.

Happy Birthday.

RBKD – The Official Fan Club of Rui En

Traversing The Road Less Traveled, Lux Veritas.

RBKD – The Official Fan Club of Rui En
Unique Entity No. T11SS0200J

weareone | 5 Comments

15 November 2011 | 01:00 am

(click for larger image)

Hey RBKD!!!

We are already 3 years old! Woohoo!

This year is especially tough for us but we worked hard, stay united fighting for a common goal and our efforts paid off! =)

However, all work and no play makes RBKD a dull FC. So many thanks to those Rangels who organised/participated in our first orientation and also the ever engaging, fun-filled IPCs!

Thank you for adding colours to my life =)
Thank you for showing me what is ONERBKD spirit!

Cheers to many more great years ahead! =D

weareone | 2 Comments

15 November 2011 | 12:55 am

weareone | 2 Comments

15 November 2011 | 12:50 am

weareone | 1 Comment

15 November 2011 | 12:45 am

weareone | 5 Comments

15 November 2011 | 12:40 am


It’s been three years already. That makes us toddlers uh? That’s fast! Im really glad that i’ve joined this really fantastic club and have got to know a lot of friends. Among all, there are some which i talk to more as compared to my school mates and im really glad to have them. We’ve been through a lot and i hope that the club would continue to prosper. Once again, 生日快乐,continue 加油 in all aspects! :D

Jun Yee (Singapore)

20th September 2011, 22:29h


You’re another one year older now! (: Happy Birthday and have a great one.
I enjoy the times I spent with RBKD. Hope there be more to come! ^^

Isabel Lim (Singapore)

28th September 2011, 18:16h

It’s such a miracle that the figure ‘3’ has been associated with so many happenings this year, leading to many blissful and rewarding moments for everyone – 3 tees, 3 big gatherings, 3 awards at SA2011, SA2011 telepoll hotline no. 2030, Rui En’s 30th birthday, i-weekly’s 30th anniversary……….

Amid the high and low periods, we have moved on together for another great and remarkable year. I am grateful to be part of this RBKD journey: doing crazy and silly things but this is where ‘colors’ have been added to my life.
Here are my sincere wishes for stronger bonds forged within this big family and a continual betterment for as long as WEAREONE.

Happy 3rd Anniversary =D

Celest Wu (Singpore)

1st October 2011, 22:58h

Dearest RBKD,

Happy 3rd Birthday!
May we:
Add more members
Subtract unhappiness
Multiply bonding among members
Divide by nothing
Differentiate ourselves from others &
Integrate all members
and unite as oneRBKD!

Best wishes and Happy Birthday to RBKD,
Lionel Messy (Singapore)

16th October 2011, 21:24h

Hellooooooooooooooooo RBKD :D

Unconsciously, it been 3years!! :O:O:O
I am super proud to be part of this big family, that makes me feel wowow :O!! (:(:
I am glad that I met wonderful people that gave me wonderful help unconditionally that makes me more motivated which I myself was totally impressed of.
May our friendships get stronger and stronger and understand one another better :D
May we grow up together as one big family (:
Here wishing RBKD a very BIG and meaningful birthday! May all our dreams and goals be achieved and more years ahead! :D
May the club grow bigger and bigger and cuter and cuter just like me :P ( I am the cuttest among all BUT don’t know why nobody wants to admit it)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RBKD :D woohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~

Eunice Zee (Singapore)

17th October 2011, 18:57h

Hey hey fellow Rangels,

We are 3!! Yeah!! *Claps*
Here wishing everyone happy birthday… May all stay healthy and happy and we shall have many more years to go.. :D

Michelle (Singapore)

26th October 2011, 11:08h

Happy 3rd Birthday RBKD! May we continue to grow as ONE. I <3 RBKD!

*Am very proud to be part of RBKD for 3years! =D

Lydia Goh (Malaysian studying in Singapore))

26th October 2011, 15:36h

“Wow wow, RBKD is now 3, in a blink of an eye! It only seem just like yesterday but 3 years went by just like that! All the friends made and all the things we did are all just so memorable and always will be! Many years to come for RBKD.

Happy birthday RBKD!

Ang Moh En (Naomi) (Singapore)

27th October 2011, 20:27h

Hello Rangels!

It’s time again for us to celebrate our birth on this day not too many years ago! This year has really been different..

There were quite many times when we almost spend two bombs on some new things but thanks to our nice comm, we cut it to a bomb la hor :P I’m personally glad to have our ILRT petition successfully because that’s the effort of everyone of us (:

This year we also won the long awaited BAA with our Idol on the great night of 24 Apr! And best thing was, on the week before, we finally won the long battle with XiaoDong too! I guess we are the happiest for this year’s SA already!

Though there were many difficult times together, but I’d like to think it as opportunities for us to bond further. I’m sure the friendships made between each and everyone of us are cherished and worth cherishing. I’m also thankful to know more people who I can see as friends and not just fans.

Dearest RBKD, happy birthday! You are definitely loved by all of us (: I <3 RBKD!

Yan Ling (Singpore)

27th October 2011, 21:55h

Hi!! :)


Been with RBKD for almost a year.. It’s simply amazing how the family could have such a strong bond. :)
My wish for RBKD is to continue growing and achieving greater things as a family.
All the BEST and forever being AWESOME!

Vanessa Tan (Singapore)

29th October 2011, 00:29h

Happy 3rd Anniversary RBKD!!!!

It has been an awesome 2011 with lots of events and RBKD activities, and it’s significant because it did not only marks the year our idol Rui En, won BA and FFC, it also marks the year I entered this big family. I was hesitating whether to join RBKD [cause I knew no one], but now I can say I don’t regret joining this family ^-^ RBKD gave me a totally new experience, and I’m looking forward to more fun time with the friends (not forgetting sisters/cousins/ahgong) I’ve met through RBKD.

I’m proud to be a Rangel! Happy Birthday RBKD!! :D

Ying Mei (Singapore)

29th October 2011, 22:13h


Happy 3rd Birthday RBKD! A year has gone past and it’s been a really fun and exciting year! With the awards and not to mention our own crazy gatherings, I will never forget how being in RBKD got me to know more people from everywhere no matter who they are. I’m looking forward to grow up with RBKD! I guess everyone else has almost the same feelings: “RBKD is not just a fanclub. We do much more things than what a fanclub does till the extend that we don’t say we are a fanclub anymore”.

Congratz RBKD!

Jolie (Singapore)

30th October 2011, 02:02h

Thank you for bringing so much joy to my life!
RBKD, 生日快乐! 祝你年年都有今日,岁岁有今朝. Hehe.

Phyllis (Singapore)

31st October 2011, 12:10h


Congrats, you’re 3 years old! Happy 3rd birthday! Continue growing well.
Glad to be part of RBKD.
RBKD fighting! (:

Shu Wen (Singapore)

1st November 2011, 03:30h

3 years passed, and I’m happy we went through it as one!
I hope we will continue and always be one, striving for the best and having fun together!


Kah Yin (Singapore)

1st November 2011, 17:27h

Happy Third Anniversary RBKD! :D

May we continue to stay as ONE and work together as ONE.
Cheers to the many days ahead when we grow older and wiser together;)

Jean (Singapore)

1st November 2011, 23:36h

Somehow on this third birthday, I feel a sense of an earnest need to pause and be thankful for the wonderful year that has been.
For the dream star awards that became a pinch-me-i’m-not-dreaming reality.
For the adventures we embarked on and returned safe.
For the opportunities to give to those who have less.
For the friendships that have helped us grow in this community.

Let us not take life for granted as we celebrate.
Many happy returns.

Ming (Singapore)

1st November 2011, 23:48h

Happy Birthday RBKD!! It’s been a nice time knowing everyone. What a big family over here :)
Hereby wishing RBKD another new chapter and continue walking on with everyone.

Happy Birthday RBKD :)

Yue Chang (Singapore)

5th November 2011, 11:45h

Hellooooooo RBKD!!!

Happy happy birthday!!!! :D
It’s been a great pleasure joining this big family and I’ve had so much fun!!!
Though I’m not as active as before, my heart still lies with rbkd! Hehehe.
Have an awesome one rbkd!
People who laugh,love and live with each other!!;)
*blows candles*

With Regards,
Joyce Ng Wan Ting (Singapore)

14th November 2011, 23:00h

weareone | 1 Comment

15 November 2011 | 12:35 am

Happy Birthday RBKD!

Thank you. For the sincere sharing in the forum.

Thank you. For being more than just a fan club that does idol chasing.

Thank you. For the opportunities to work as one to display the power of unity.

Thank you. For showing what unconditional love is.

Thank you. For being UNIQUELY RBKD.

Here’s a song to show my gratitude of being part of the RBKD’s family:

If I lived to be a thousand years,
If I ruled the word — it’s hemispheres,
I could not repay the love you brought my way,
So, I want to say it now
To thank you for each day you gave me.

Thank you for the Mondays,
Saturdays and Sundays,
Everyday, the whole year through;
Thank you for the fun days,
All those number-one days,
Battles-to-be-won days, too;
I just want to say it,
Thank you for each day with…you.

We have just one life to seize the day,
We only have what time there is to say…
‘n’do what we must do, express our gratitude,
So, I want to say it and sing it now to you.

Thank you for the Mondays,
Saturdays and Sundays,
Everyday, the whole year through;
Thank you for the fun days,
All those number-one days,
Battles-to-be-won days, too;
I just want to say it,
Thank you for each day with…you.

At the close of every day,
When I close my eyes to pray,
All I need to do, is just to think of you…
Then, all I need to say…is…

Thank you for the Mondays,
Saturdays and Sundays,
Everyday, the whole year through;
Thank you for the fun days,
All those number-one days,
Battles-to-be-won days, too;
I just want to say it,
Thank you for each day with…you.

Joan Chen (Ordinary Member, Malaysian staying in Singapore)

26th October 2011, 00:25h

weareone | 1 Comment

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