Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
04 April 2012 | 01:00 pm

Name: Hung Zi Lei
Forum Nick: Zi Lei
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

I’m Zi Lei and currently a Sec 3 student at Anderson Secondary School.

Me and RBKD:

I joined RBKD when I was in Sec 1, and have since made good friends that I wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else!

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

Having fun at the weareone: our second chapter chalet last year with the cream and the pyjamas! Having cream smeared all over my face and my arms is definitely unforgettably oily! And doing (pyjamas-related) things I never thought I’d do in front of other people…

2) I have learnt in RBKD that………..

Everything should be done to the best of our ability.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Woodlands Waterfront IPC! It was my first time going there and it’s really nice to get some sunshine and unleash the kid in me (with the playgrounds and the big climbing structure thingy haha)! And we managed to catch a bit of the red moon that day too! :)

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

Because…. because….. we look funny… Well, maybe just me.

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……


6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

”这个世界上你认识那么多的人,那么多人和你有关,你再怎么改变也不能让每个人都喜欢你,所以还不如做一个自己想做的人。“ —— 几米童话

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07 March 2012 | 01:00 pm

Name: Elaine Tan Si Ru
Forum Nick: Elaine
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

My name is Elaine and I’m studying at Riverside Secondary School.

Me and RBKD:

I’ve joined RBKD for more than a year now and I’m glad to have joined this fanclub to experience the ONERBKD’s spirit.

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

weareone: Our Second Chapter Birthday Chalet 2010!

I’m really glad that I went. The watergun fight, the waking up at 4am to catch the sunrise, the pyjamas night, the “yumseng”, and the cream fight were all awesome!

Our tired faces after a battle of cream fight.. :D

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

Age doesn’t matter in this fanclub! All of us get along quite well regardless of our age! I’ve also learnt that it’s the teamwork in RBKD that makes it so successful!

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

The K-session at Marina Square because it’s the every first IPC that I went!

It was quite awkward at first because I didn’t know anyone else.
But that’s where all the fun started out! If I didn’t go for this IPC, I guess I wouldn’t have been so close to them!

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

Look at all our invisible hands! That’s how fast we were all clapping (because it’s RBKD’s 2nd birthday!)

Aren’t we serious? in wishing the best for RBKD.

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

Anything related to sports/food! :D

Understanding Rangels | 1 Comment

22 February 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: New Year Countdown 2012

When: 31 December 2011

Where: Tiong Bahru Park

Phyllis, Coordinator:

Reached the countdown site at about 8pm and while waiting for the show to begin we were all well entertained by Daniel Ong! He makes an announcement about lost kids sound like it’s something funny/amusing?? Haha!

Well after a what seemed to be rather long wait , Rui En came on stage to perform at about 1140pm! She sang 青蛙 & 关怀是阳光 ~~ (y)(y)(y) for the part she 甩 her hair during 关怀是阳光! Heeehee & Before we knew it, it was time to countdown to 2012!

RBKD started our own train like what we did last year and we were just going around the whole area waving and wishing others a happy 2012! Strangers joined us along the way and there were a lot of people taking pictures and photos of us!! *shy* hahaha!

After cooling down, we went out of the field area to get our group photo taken. The jump shots were really nice/awesome cos most of us were in the “I <3 RBKD Tee” and quite candid pose too :P Overall it was a good night spent with the other fellow rangels ushering in 2012!

Most importantly, Rui En, thank you for being there despite your hectic filming schedule. 谢谢你! :)

Sandra, Priority Member:

2011 sure is a busy and hectic year. From O levels to new experiences, I still can’t believe how everything went by soo0000oo fast. I am really glad to be a part of RBKD to be there for her and I have DEFINITELY not regret having joined RBKD. This year was particularly memorable as I welcomed 2012 with these bunch of Rangels who I have had never-ending fun with.

That very day, we cheered loudly and proudly in unison and went home with hoarse voices ( WORTH IT ). That was how 2011 ended with a BOOM! for me. I love the RBKD train so much hahahha and the I <3 RBKD tee too !!

As usual, just this write-up cannot express the fun and everything but I just wanna say that I have enjoyed myself so very much !! Just like the Tee, I’d say I LOVE RBKD!!!

Events | 1 Comment

15 February 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: TrueHearts Show 2011

When: 27 November 2011

Where: Marina Bay Sands, Event Plaza

Krystal, Priority Member:

It was my first time participating in an event that is being shown live on the tv. It was really an eye opener to me.

Slightly before the event started, we made friends with Aska Yang’s fans, and we started chatting and laughters accompanied us along while waiting. During the event, we even helped each other to cheer which was a very good experience for me in terms of alliance (from two different countries).

It sure was tiring but with all the fun we had, I believed everyone enjoyed themselves and definitely look forward to the next event.

Lilian Ng, Fan:

It took quite some time before I decided to join RBKD for this event. Also, this is my first time going for a charity event. I did not know any Rangels and was thus worried on how to communicate with them. In fact, they are friendly and nice.

The shouting and screaming made me felt that RBKD is really bonded as one. Everyone was participating actively. Seeing Rui En live is what I’ve been longing for and I am grateful to RBKD for letting non-members to join in.

I thought that everyone should contribute to help the less fortunate and it doesn’t matter on how much you donate, it’s the heart and sincerity that counts. After this event, I feel that we should cherish the things and people we have around us and should not take everything for granted.

It was a great experience for me being able to attend ComChest TrueHearts 2011 with RBKD.

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08 February 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Private Newspaper Collection Drive

When: 5 November 2011

Where: All around Singapore

Bengyan, Participant:

Saturday morning, a bright and sunny morning, where most people are still under their comfy blanket, we are out in the neighbourhood doing something meaningful =)

2 cars, travelling around different neighbourhood, different household, all hoping to collect as much newspapers as possible. Seeing the flight of stairs, with huge stack of newspaper in your hands is no joke. Though tiring, but the thought that our small contributions would be able to help many others out there, make us persevere.

Life is about more than what we own; giving is a blessing too.

Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can. –John Wesley

Jia Min, Participant:

After travelling around Singapore for one whole day, the sense of satisfaction I felt when I saw the weighing machine reading 1400kg was beyond words. With LOTS of help from our family and friends, we managed to collect 1.4 tonnes of old newspapers and magazines!

We do not have to be very influential to be able to do something good for the society. Every small contribution can help in a way or another. All we need is the determination, perseverance and unity. Once again, we have created a miracle with our ONERBKD spirit :)

‘I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I can do. -Edward Everett Hale’

Community | 3 Comments

01 February 2012 | 01:00 pm

Name: Eunice Zee
Forum Nick: Eunice
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

Hellooooo~ i am Eunice zee and i am currently studying at CCK-ITE school of Hospitality (food and beverage operation)

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

Pulau Ubin Hike and Bike!! I went for quite a few cycling trips, but this is the most memorable one, first time travelling so far for one IPC.

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

To be more motivated in life, and love others more:D

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Pulau Ubin Hike and Bike!!! Because of the slope.wind. and everything….

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

hike,trek & snap at bukit timah railway track!!! To go take a look before the railway track is officially close, isn’t it cool? :D

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……


as my CCA is muay thai and is free fun, free gym, free exercise, free sweating and is fun to the max!!!!:D

Understanding Rangels | 2 Comments

29 January 2012 | 01:29 pm

What: Chinese New Year Charity

When: 14 January 2012

Where: ComCare Network Senior Activity Centre (Ang Mo Kio)

Participant(s): Alberton, Beng Yan, Bi Hui, Celest, Celest’s mother, Charmaine, Eunice, Isabel, Jasmine, Jean, Jia Min, Joanne, Jun Yee, Kah Yin, Krystal, Lionel, Liz, Lydia, Ming, Phyllis, Phyllis’ mother, Rachael, Sandra, Ser Chee, Shirley, Shu Pei, Vanessa, Vincent, Xinyi, Yan Ling, Ying Mei, Yunxian and Zhiqing.

Xinyi, Club President cum Organiser:

It could have been an unfeeling routine, thankfully it was not.

Shall we do Charity again for Rui En’s Birthday Gift this year?
What would we like if we were them?
Are the snacks soft enough for them to eat?
Are the cookies/tarts we bake too sweet or buttery?
Would they be happy if someone decorates their place for them?
Can we try to be less efficient, to slow down and spend some time to talk to them?

Can we, shall we, should we, might they? You get the drift.

Organising this is as always, an enjoyable challenge for me.

Many thanks to my members who donated in kind, in cash, and volunteered to bake and in the door-to-door distribution, you guys so made this a success. Remember what we always advocate in RBKD, that it’s not a matter of what you have, but rather, what you wish to give. It is to walk the talk, to have the heart to contribute to our community, and to act upon it.

Community involvement is a large part of us in RBKD and I hope this spirit continues.

Stay sincere and true, you guys have done great!

Ying Mei, Participant:

This was the first time I participated in such a charity event apart from school CIP work.

It was a really fun and enriching experience for me.

Being the station master was refreshing as I’ve never tried anything like that. It was fun helping out to ensure that the distribution of goodie bags went on smoothly, and everyone had their fair share of visiting the residents. As one of the visiting participants, I felt that it was very rewarding. It definitely brought us happiness to see the residents’ smiles and their constant “thank you” for the CNY goodies, to know that we helped them welcome CNY like us too.

Everyone had the chance to play a part in making this CNY enjoyable for the residents (even for the non-chinese residents) and I definitely enjoyed myself during the activity. The whole block was filled with our laughter and chatting :P It was also the first lo-hei session I had with RBKD and it was awesome! :D I look forward to the next volunteer/charity activity with RBKD! ^^

Phyllis, Participant:

I have volunteered with RBKD for quite a number of times. However, to me, every volunteering opportunity is a new learning experience. This time, I have learnt that as long as you are willing to put your heart and soul into doing something, you can create a difference.

For instance, during the packaging of the goodie bags everyone knew what they were supposed to do and this ensured that the the packaging process could be carried out smoothly. When we were going around for the door to door distribution, even first timers at volunteering tried their best to interact with the residents so that it would not just be merely a door to door goodie bag distribution kind of thing.

It was also an unique experience for me because I got to volunteer with my mother. This gave her a chance to understand that RBKD is not an ordinary fan club but instead we go the extra mile to help those who might need our help.

I’m glad that we created a little difference this festive season.
May this spirit of giving be kept alive and burning :)

Phyllis’ Mother, Participant:

In the past, I used to be actively involved in community work. After such a long break from it, I am glad to have the opportunity to be involved in such a meaningful activity again.It is definitely heart warming to see young people giving back to the society by helping the less fortunate.

Throughout the event, be it during the packaging of the goodie bags or during the door to door distribution, everyone was actively involved. I could see everyone trying their best to help each other so that the whole event could be carried out smoothly. The energy and enthusiasm of the members certainly wowed me!

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” Keep it up everyone!

Let’s take a peak into the baking process of the cookies …

A wide smile on all our face as we sent the last tray into the oven =)

Happy Birthday.

Click here for more photos & details of this Drive as reported by Xinmsn.

Click here for details of RBKD’s Charity Drive last year.

If your FC would like to organise your own project, we would be most glad to share our experience with you.

Do contact our Secretary, Jiamin at

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14 January 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: weareone: our third chapter birthday chalet

When: 18 – 20 November 2011

Where: HomeTeamNS Pasir Ris Holiday Chalets

Our A1 unit.

Vanessa Tan, Priority Member:

Had an awesome time at the chalet! :)  I really enjoyed myself during the 2 days there.

It was great spending the time with the fanclub, getting to know more people. Sitting around, playing card games with a few others. I loved the two cakes Rui En sent!! Especially the cheesecake!! <3 I am glad to have spent my weekend with RBKD.

Let’s blow the candles as ONE!

Many thanks to the committee for organizing such a wonderful activity for us. For us to have fun and bond with each other. I know that a lot of planning had to be done, THANKS again for everything. :)

And once again, Happy Birthday RBKD :)

Weijen, Ordinary Member:

I am grateful, especially to our president, for the chance to attend the birthday chalet of RBKD, the significant 3rd year where we first celebrate as a registered society.

This is the 1st time I meet up with fellow Rangels. I had been anticipating it and upon touching down in Singapore, Phyllis was there to pick me up. (Thanks to Phyllis’s dad for driving us to the chalet! )

The 1st thing we did at the chalet was spring-cleaning. Everybody worked together to scrub the floor with rags and clean up the place. Yeah I felt like working in a team. It took about 3 hours before we settled down for dinner.

BBQ on the second night! This is the highlight of the chalet! The climax comes when we yamseng and sang the birthday song for RBKD, oh this is the 1st time I was eating a cake by scooping, a unique way of eating cakes by Rangels, this embodies our togetherness.=) BTW I found it amusing that as the cake was passed to me (I was the last) everyone had scooped the portion around RE’s message on the cake, nobody 舍得 to eat her message right? Thank you RE for the cake!

BBQ time!!!

Then our president made a long speech. I love this moment, and cherish too, it definitely ranks among my favourite moments of the chalet. Yanling, Jean and Phyllis presented the ‘I Love RBKD’ card to us after the speech, it was hilarious watching them, there was laughter everywhere and the atmosphere was nice.

Had a cosy and long chat with some Rangels until middle of the night before going to bed. That was a great opportunity to know Rangels better and enjoyed spending time with each other. After all, the best moment and thing to do of staying overnight with friends is to talk through the night without sleep (but all were struggling to stay up till the next morning XD)

Overall I can’t thank everyone enough for making me feel welcomed in this big family. Thank you RBKD committee for making this chalet possible, this is a memorable experience that I hope to relive and I will wait for you guys here in Penang for the famed durian season! =)

Bus-ed back to chalet from Dramatasy :)

Cheers :D

weareone | 4 Comments

11 January 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Everything under the sun @ Sentosa!

When: 21st December 2011

Where: Sentosa

Participant(s): Isabel, Jasmine, Sandra, Yingmei and Yunxian.

Jasmine, Organiser:

It’s holidays but there ain’t alot of IPCs going on, so i decided to organise one instead! Well, i would not say this is the best IPC, but i would assure you we had lots of fun which words could not express them all. I was so thankful that it didn’t rain as it rained almost everyday this month.

We started off with the usual 3+1 introduction though we already knew each other. For water activities, we came up with different games like answering questions about Rui En and 接龙. Then we explored other parts of Sentosa and laughters accompanied us along.

Words can’t express the fun we had and i believed everyone enjoyed themselves tremendously. Looking forward to the next IPC organised! :D

Sandra, Participant:

Somehow it didn’t rain today probably because we Rangels are out to play ! >)
From volleyball to all sorts of ball games, with the soft ball, we filled the Palawan Beach with endless laughters.

Along the way of exploring Sentosa, we joked from the littlest thing to another hahahha… We walked, talked, took pictures, laughed (non-stop), ate and eventually ended up in the Sky-park in VivoCity where we decided to make a lil’ gift to show our love for RBKD:) And our inspiration’s YanLing, Jean and Phyllis’s ‘man-made letters’ which spells,” I Love RBKD “.

It sure was tiring BUT fun (!) to make those letters!
This short write-up might not be able to express the fun we had but on the whole, what matters is that we’d enjoyed ourselves and definitely look forward to the next.

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07 January 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Dramatasy

When: 19 November 2011

Where: Nex

Jun Yee, Priority Member:

The night before Dramatasy, I went to queue overnight with some of the Rangels. We set off from the RBKD chalet @ Pasir Ris. After we settled down, we began to do some cards for the public. I was so tired that my handwriting got from bad to worse. So I felt really glad after I have completed writing my cards.

Then started my cool cool experience of hanging out late in a shopping mall :D It was a totally new experience. We got to walk around the mall after midnight and sleep there as well. I found it kinda fun to be able to sleep in a shopping mall. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to do so right?

During the event, it was very squeezy. But it did not stop us from SCREAMING AND SHOUTING! I was quite energetic despite the few hours of sleep and I have learnt that the lesser I sleep, the “high-er” I am! :D I’m also glad to have the chance to see many people during the event and laugh at all the jokes the hosts cracked.. haha! so funny can!! We were very enthusiastic lorhs! I love the cheers we shouted as well..

Squeen, Priority Member:

自从进RBKD, 那么久以来,我还真的是第一次去这样的活动,原本不想去的,可是,我也好像是喊最大声的,哈哈,我的感觉就是一个粉丝团的呈现,背后那么多努力,也因为这个团体,看到的不只是一个粉丝团,态度和行为也直接会影响这个偶像在其他人眼中的印象,这是相对的影响,我很开心能参加这次的活动,对我而言,也明白你们的辛劳,谢谢你们的付出。

ZhiQing, Fan:

On the 19th of November, I joined RBKD for the Dramatasy event. A few rangels approached me and asked me if I want to join them for breakfast even though we don’t know each other. So nice of them:) Before the event starts, everyone was doing their part, trying to make things perfect. When the clock struck two, everyone was getting very very excited, especially peeps like me who was going to see Rui En for the very first time!

It was really an eye opener to me, as I didn’t know peeps from all parts of Singapore, and even Malaysia, can gather together as one! Prolly that was what the ONE RBKD spirit means! :) Thank you Rui En and RBKD for filling my day with full of fun and laughters!:)

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