Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
10 June 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Pre-O Trial Orientation for TLs

When: 12 May 2012

Where: Bishan Park and Void Deck

Participant(s): Jiamin, Jun Qi, Kah Yin, Madeline, Phyllis, Sandra, Ser Chee, Xinyi, Yan Ling, Ying Mei, Yue Chang, Zhi Qing

Ying Mei, Organizer:

Pre-O Trial Orientation for the TLs and ATLs was fun! It was the first time for me organising something like this, and together with Phyllis, so I’m glad the pre-O trial orientation was a success! The purpose of this pre-O trial orientation was mainly for us to try out some of the games and gather feedback on the activities of the RBKD Orientation 2012, and the TLs/ATLs really gave useful feedbacks to allow us to make the Orientation smoother and even more exciting!

This year, we are going to try out a new ice-breaker other than the usual ones! *drumroll* It’s called “Crossing the River”! It may sound easy, BUT, nyehehe, *grins* you may want to rethink about it! Those who know about it shall keep it under suspense for now alright!

So to all the attendees, be prepared for an unforgettable experience! :D

Yan Ling, Participant:

Though there were only about 10+ people involved for Pre-O trial orientation, we actually had fun and laughters at the ulu void deck! At first it was serious briefing by the organizers but after discussions and Q&As, the atmosphere got more warmed up and we had a clearer picture for the Orientation day’s flow and games.

For the trial, we tried out one of the ice-breakers “Crossing the River” which is…………………… *you will find out that day :p*. Ya, so for that ice-breaker, the teams must overcome obstacles to complete their tasks. While trying out the ice-breaker and laughing at each other, I guess we are all more excited for the actual orientation to come soon!”

Yue Chang, Participant:

The organisers have sincerely organised a “mini” orientation for us. I find that it was a very good experience.. It was fun to communicate through whatsapp for the amazing race and I had so much fun. Though the Bishan Park was rather huge, while walking through the park fulfilling our tasks, we had so much fun chatting because we have so many things to share with our team mates. All in all, it was a great pre-orientation trial as we tried out a few mini games too. I enjoyed it =)

Team R & B’s TLs in action, trying to solve a puzzle.

Ta-da….All done!

IPC, Orientation | 2 Comments

08 June 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Marina Barrage

When: 19 May 2012

Where: Marina Barrage

Participant(s): Candice, Elaine, Eunice Zee, Isabel, Jean, Jun Yee, Sandra, Shirley, Shu Pei, Yanling and Zi Lei.

Sandra, Organizer:

What’s a Saturday without a picnic with good company! Hahahahaha! Although the sun was glaring and merciless, it did not deter us from getting outdoors to Marina Barrage!

From ball games like “monkey” to flying our kites or basically just sitting under the sun chatting, taking videos and eating, I got to know other Rangels better!

I hope all 11 participants had fun and 你们都“熟”了hor ( 煮熟的熟) hahahahahaha!

Eunice Zee, Participant:

The first game of the day was “monkey”, it was tiring but fun :) Although, the sun was scorching hot then, most of us enjoyed ourselves there :)

Next, we flew our kites. Junyee’s kite just couldn’t fly up high! However, when I flew the kite it just flew up so high! 难道我是fly kite高手? :P

In all, I enjoyed myself that day even though it was really hot, but we got a chance to get a free suntan! Hahahaha!

I want to thank the organizer for planning such an awesome IPC and being so 体贴 for bringing all the packet drinks and food for us. Thanks to all the drinks and food we didn’t die of hunger and thirst! :)

Jun Yee, Participant:

A day out at Marina Barrage was fun as we get to do many activities such as kite flying and playing “monkeys” while enjoying the scenery at marina barrage. It was so thoughtful of the organizers to bring food and plastic bags for us to put our bags on.

Through the interaction during the IPC and dinner, I have gotten the chance to know more about other rangels.

It was an enjoyable Saturday!

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06 June 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Picnic & Frisbee @ ECP

When: 20 May 2012

Where: East Coast Park

Participant(s): Candice, Clarence, Junqi, Kah Yin, Yee ling, Yunxian, Yvonne and Zhiqing.

Junqi and Kah Yin, Organisers:

Had a list of suggestions initially and picnic & frisbee was finally decided after voting :D

At the start, we lost our way and spent a looong time trying to locate each other, so the IPC was delayed. Nevertheless, we managed to find a shady spot to have our picnic while getting to know one another. Had a good laugh listening to everyone share their experiences with Rui En and RBKD :P

After filling our stomachs, we started on frisbeeee (with monkeys!) :D It was pretty hilarious seeing how everyone was trying to get hold of the frisbee through various methods –

1. jumping high but still unable to catch the frisbee

2. running as fast as they could till they fall/slip to the ground together

3. pressing the frisbee to the ground to prevent ‘monkeys’ from getting it

4. engaging in a tug-o-war with the frisbee

5. monkeys tricking humans into believing they are humans

All except one who was just standing there daydreaming till the frisbee hit her/ppl call her before she realizes the frisbee is right in front. Hahaha! :P

The best part was when we all sat and relax on the breakwater! Enjoying the sea breeze and scenery while singing songs like “Home”, “Reach Out For the Skies” etc (and scaring kids off in the process :P). It felt so good with the wind blowing in our faces, especially in this kind of humid weather!

All in all, we had fun together!! :D wheeee~

Clarence, Participant:

This was the first time I met up with the RBKD members and at the same time looking forward and feeling nervous. We sat down and have a little chat before exercising our body with a game of freebies. We all had fun and I can say we bonded quite well.

It’s been a while since I had so much fun. It was really an enjoyable day for me and I am really looking forward to the actual orientation.

Thanks Kah Yin and Junqi for organizing this event.

Yvonne, Participant:

This was the first time I took part in RBKD activity. Although the group was quite small but I think everyone do enjoy ourselves.

We had a mini picnic by the beach and had a nice chat. Rangels were very friendly in engaging topics. Listening to Rangels sharing their experience with Rui En and RBKD was interesting. I had fun while playing the ‘monkey’ game using Frisbee although there was a small incident when Candice and I were going after the Frisbee.

We took group photo on the breakwater with the boundless sky and sea as the background while Rangels started singing Rui En’s song loudly on the breakwater. It was really nice to hear them sing.

I had a well spent Sunday at East Coast Park and I’m looking forward to the next activity and orientation.

IPC, Orientation | 2 Comments

04 June 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Fish Feeding @ Bishan Park

When:  12 May 2012

Where: Bishan Park

Participant(s): Bengyan, Ivan Lim, Jasmine, Jean, Jiamin, Kah Yin, Krystal, Pei Qi, Phyllis, Sandra, Ser Chee, Vanessa, Xin Yi, Yan Ling, Yee Ling, Yunxian and Zhi Qing.

Pei Qi, Participant:

It was my first time joining an IPC, and initially I was a little apprehensive and hesitant about joining the Orientation and the IPC as I usually feel awkward around people whom I don’t know well.

However, after meeting the Rangels for the first time, I realized that they are actually very friendly and approachable people. Even though I was late for the IPC, everyone was very welcoming, and initiated conversations as well as interacted with me. I really felt glad that I had taken that first step out to sign up for the Orientation and the IPC.

I really enjoyed myself alot, especially when we went wading in the river/stream. We had to grab each others’ hands and support each other because of the slippery stones and rocks in the river/stream and for me it felt really good to have that sense of “comrade”.

I got to meet new people and make new friends as well. (: It was a really fun and interesting IPC, and I’ll definitely participate in more IPCs whenever I can! :D

Jasmine, Participant:

It’s my first time meeting those Pre-O participants and I’m super excited! At first, when we went to feed the fishes, most of them were quite quiet. Then as we move on to other activities, we chatted on the way and got to know each other better. We went for dinner afterwards and Lionel started to introduce us to the orientation participants!

I believe everyone really enjoyed themselves and got to know each other better. :)

A big thank you to the organiser and I look forward to more Pre-O IPCs!

Bonus Videos:

IPC, Orientation | 2 Comments

01 June 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Star Awards 2012 Ceremony 2

When: 29 April 2012

Where: Marina Bay Sands

Sandra, Priority Member:

Cheering till our voices went hoarse, spotting her both on stage and on the huge screens in the ballroom, attempting to get her to see us without getting our boards confiscated and clapping for other artistes was fun though tiring.

School the day after might be a little hard to get adjusted to but I really enjoyed myself. Hahahha and I found it kinda amusing to see people around us covering their ears even before we start our cheers.

“When we can’t raise our boards, we make our presence known with our vocals, our cheers.”

Looking forward to another round of cheering for her anytime soon!

Weijen, Ordinary Member (Malaysian Member, residing in Penang):

Being able to attend the most anticipated event in the local showbiz and the biggest event of the year; Being able to cheer for her as ONERBKD; Being able to catch the show LIVE… I still feel like I am in a dream.

This was my first time ever attending a live broadcast event. I had been wondering what actually goes on behind a live show during commercial breaks. So, it turns out that there would be a crew member interacting with you during that few minutes and for us audience? Woah it was like an exodus because there were 6000 people and many went for toilet breaks. :o

‘What’s the point of attending the show live when you can watch the show on tv comfortably at home?’ my mum asked.

I used to have this question too. Now that I have been to a live show, I feel, when you catch it on tv, there are many different angles and it is definitely much clearer than watching live, but the experience of attending the show live, the atmosphere, the camaraderie of coming together to scream like mad, is what you cannot have by watching it on tv.

So, if I were given a chance to be there again, I will not hesitate for a second. After all her hard work for the year, the least I could do is to be there to give her my support.

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28 May 2012 | 01:00 pm

Weijen is a Malaysian Member, residing in Penang.

Words cannot express how grateful I am to be able to make it for this trip, having to face flight changes that almost cut short my trip by one day, I would not have been able to enjoy this wonderful trip if not for my travel partner, Sherwin to agree to extend one more day in the first place.

Next, thank you Joanne for being such a fantastic tour guide throughout our trip. It is a joy to spend time with you, and I am so touched and guilty that you took 5days’ leave just to show us around, and how many welcome breakfast/lunch/dinner you have treated us to?? Sherwin说,Joanne就是我们的保姆哈哈哈。XD

Finally, thank you President Xinyi, for settling our accommodation and everything. Haha everything about RBKD & Rangels, just 离不开你。=)

Day 1: Changi Airport

Touched down at 1pm. The moment when I was done with my immigration procedures, 有一股不知如何形容的感觉和兴奋。陌生又带点熟悉的亲切感,好高兴即将在自己瑞不可当的经历中,增添这一篇全新的一页。

I had told Joanne that I wanted to experience the public transport as much as possible. This is because in Penang, we do not have MRT. We get around by mostly by personal transport. So although this is not my first time in Singapore, this is my first time taking MRT!

Day 2: Star Awards 2012

Woke up at 650am to shower and put on my RBKD official tee to gear up for the annual battle at the most important event of the year!

I didn’t have the appetite to eat throughout the day I don’t know why, McD lunch/dinner/supper was my second meal of the day after the breakfast at Burger King.

I noticed that outside of normal business hours, the food options in Singapore are really limited. In Penang, 24/7 we have food everywhere. Be it fast food chains or roadside stalls, food stalls are in abundance.

Day 3: Bugis Junction & Bugis Village, Newton

Went for a full day sightseeing after starting the day with breakfast at the hawker centre at Chinatown. 猪肠粉 & 炒萝卜糕 (This is nice! I don’t think I see this in Penang) for breakfast. After that we went to Merlion and Esplanade the art center 榴莲壳。 Well travelling is all about walking though, we chatted along the way, I enjoyed that seriously =)

Headed to Bugis after that and haha we had some fun recalling the filming scenes we have seen on tv! Especially Bugis Junction which Rui En filmed the clown story from Unriddle 1!

Day 4: IPC @ Istana & Japanese cuisine buffet

Hopped onto my first bus trip in Singapore to Istana. Luxuriant Istana, a perfect place for jogging I thought haha! Honestly I felt like climbing up the tree, but I didn’t in the end because I thought the branch could snap if I were to climb it la haha!

The highlight of the trip is the dinner. We had been laughing throughout the dinner, literally from the start till the end!! When Jean and Sherwin are together, you just can’t stop laughing. No offence but they are humorous people that just light up the atmosphere so easily. Who else but Sherwin can mistake the gents for the ladies? Being with friends, the happiest thing is to laugh, eat and chat. 因为这得来不易的缘分,所以格外珍惜。=)

Such a memorable trip that Rangels have given me.

There are still some places that I have not been to, so it is unfinished business. There will still be next time, I believe, so see you guys soon!

Others | 12 Comments

23 May 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Day Out at Istana

When: 1st May 2012

Where: Istana

Participant(s): Celest, Corine, Jean, Jiamin, Joan Chen, Joan Chen’s 3 kids, Joanne Chong, Squeen, Weijen, Xin Yi, Yan Ling

Joan Chen, Participant:

It was a sundrenched afternoon. The weather was perfect for a leisurely outing to the Istana. To my surprise, we were “welcomed” by security officers who “ordered” us to hand over our personal belongings and bag for security screening at the Istana gate!

After the security check, with a spring in my step, I entered the Istana. This time round I was being welcomed by the vast verdant fields! We found a shady area under a tree and sat down.

We chatted animatedly, laid around to read I weekly/ 8 days for the latest news on SA, some boisterous ones climbed the tree and folding paper planes to entertain my kids! I did not realize that there are so many different ways to fold a paper plane!

Thank you for organizing such a great outing! I enjoyed it tremendously.

Squeen, Participant:



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21 May 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Star Awards 2012 Ceremony 1

When: 22 April 2012

Where: MediaCorp Singapore


Joanne, Priority Member:

It was my first time going early to Q for the show….it was kind of an experience!! During the long wait….Eunice started to entertain us, by sharing her 冷笑话! Which makes time pass faster. Thank you, Eunice!!

Tick Dock! Tick Dock!
Finally it’s time to enter the theatre. we moved in slowly…managed to get a great spot… cheer for Rui En!

Most of the Rangels who were there, were first timer for the show, thus I felt that they must have taken up lots of courage whenever they cheered! Though our group was small, our cheers were loud!! This must be the 瑞不可当精神! For sure after show, we were all tired, however I believed we all had fun and enjoyed themselves!!!

Lastly, would like to thank Rui En for stopping by the radiogate for us, despite having an early filming the next day!! 谢谢你!

Ying Mei, Priority Member:

This year is the first year I’ve attended SA1 live and with RBKD. It was an unforgettable experience for me as we spent the entire morning and afternoon queuing up, helping out in making those “RUIVIN” boards, and at last, entering the theatre for what we came for.

I’ve also realised how difficult it is to cheer so loudly and in unison till the entire theatre can hear us clearly as other fanclubs are cheering for their idols as well and it is really hard to coordinate everyone in the “chaos”. But we still did it TOGETHER.

Kudos to our club president and committee members for coordinating this! And congrats to Rui En and RBKD for the 2 awards, because we have done it! Our weeks of voting have paid off~^^

Events | 1 Comment

02 May 2012 | 01:00 pm

Name: Ying Mei
Forum Nick: Yingmeiii
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

My name is Ying Mei and I am a J1 in NJC this year.

Me and RBKD:

I joined RBKD last year and I’m happy to have made many friends within this huge family. ^^

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

weareone – our third chapter chalet 2011!

It was the first RBKD chalet I attended and I got to know more awesome people through this chalet! I really had fun bonding with everyone that day and night ^^

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

There is always a first time in everything we do, we should not be afraid to take the first step. And everything is possible, as long as we put our hearts in it.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Waterfront IPC!

Because through this IPC, I got closer to some members and I enjoyed myself that day chatting and playing around! I loved the numerous “failed” jumpshots we all took that day as well~

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

Isn’t it meaningful to contribute to the less fortunate in the society?

Loheiiiii! Wishing for a good and meaningful year ahead!

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

Something that’s got to do with food! Hahaha because I love to eat :D

6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

“Never give up until the last whistle blows”

This was what my coach told the team a few years back for our Nationals, and I believe this is applicable to every situation in life.

Understanding Rangels | 1 Comment

11 April 2012 | 01:00 pm

What: Unriddle 2 Roadshow

When: 11 March 2012

Where: Novena Square 2

Alberton, Priority Member:

Everyone was in high spirits when they saw their favourite artists on stage. Shortly after, Chen Liping & Rui En shared their views & thoughts on Unriddle 2 with the Emcee and the audiences at Square 2.

After the Q&A session, pictionary game commenced. Both Unriddle 2 and Seeds of Life group were trying their best to get as many points as possible. In the end, Unriddle 2 group won with more points and not forgetting the hilarious drawings that brought us much entertainment and laughters.

I truly enjoyed the roadshow and everyone who was there certainly did with the loud roaring cheers.

Zhiqing, Ordinary Member:

I’ve went to other roadshows before, but this is actually my very first time going to one with an autograph session :)

As the clock striked 5.30pm, the entire mall was filled with our cheers and excitement as the casts arrived! :) During the event, we screamed as loudly as we could whenever the words “最火搭档” were heard!

During the pictionary session, all of us had a really great time laughing at their creative answers, as well as cheering for them for guessing correctly. It was really nice to see all the Rangels cheering for not only our idol, but also other casts who attended the roadshow! :)

Not only did we managed to collect our posters, took a picture with her, we even had a chance to have a short mini conversation with our dearest idol, which was one of the most memorable moment! All these ended with a group picture on the stage :) It was really a very memorable day!

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