Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
07 February 2013 | 10:47 pm

A small token of appreciation from our 91 members.

Star Awards 2013 Best Actress Nomination:
Rui En (Unriddle 2- Hu Xiaoman)

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06 February 2013 | 01:00 pm

Name: Yan Ling
Forum Nick: Yanling
Status: Committee member

My name is … and I am …

My name is Yanling and I am still schooling.

Me and RBKD:

I joined RBKD during TBR and I’m proud to have been through our 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th celebration :P Aiya, no. of years doesn’t matter but always felt proud to be part of RBKD for this long. Haha..

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

a) Star Awards 2011 Night 1

To me, one of the most memorable moments in RBKD was when Chen Hanwei, the prize presenter announced Rui En to be the winner of the Favourite Female Character Award 2011. “疯了疯了,支持者疯了” by the host was such an apt description for the Rangels live at MediaCorp Studios and it was also true for Rangels at home watching the live telecast.

I remembered how RBKD’s boards were waving so happily and how loud the cheering was. The unity of RBKD captured on the TV screen was really unforgettable for me.

b) Another one would be ‘Rail In, Flight Out of KL’ IPC. Taking the 火车 which was super cold for the first time was unforgettable and so was the break-in into our hotel room at mid-midnight by four familiar faces with a pretty cake to celebrate my birthday!

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

Unity is really strength.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Bishan Park Fish Feeding IPC.

Just like all other IPCs, this was also one filled with lots of laughter.

This is one of my favourite because other than Jean’s 母鸭带小鸭-ing (recap video below), actually the whole group of us in the water were doing the same too. Holding each other’s hands, giving support to one another just felt cozy. And to sit at the rocky area doing nothing was like so relaxing!

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

To quote from our president, “The spirit of ONERBKD when we wore our club tees with such pride and belonging, the words shined in the dark”.

This is my favourite photo because I could feel how happy we were (though tired) as one whole. *ding*

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

Hahahaha, I hope that we can go for SPA or something relaxing!! We can talk and get to know each other more while doing SPA. Then when we are tired, can nap a while there.. And when we have relaxed enough, we can eat! Hahaha not bad right!

6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

Thank you for the friendships forged with different kinds of people whom I may not have expected myself to know and thank you for showing me how amazing friendships can be like in RBKD. 友谊万岁!

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04 February 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: Door knocking with Bukit Ho Swee Family Service Centre

When: 19th & 20th December 2012

Where: Jalan Bukit Merah

Participant(s): Celest, Jasmine, Jean, Jiamin, Joanne, Lionel, May Yen,
Pei Jun, Phyllis, Sandra, Xinyi and Zhiqing

Celest, Participant:

This was my first time doing such kind of volunteering work. To me, it was definitely a new experience communicating with the people living in one-room flats. It was somewhat a challenge for me; not because I was talking to strangers but rather, I felt that it took a bit of an effort to engage in a conversation with them. Also, I had to overcome the language barriers by trying to converse in Chinese with those dialect-speaking elderly.

Among all the households I went to, most of them were very welcoming and were willing to talk to us. There was an affable aunty who even opened her door and let us into her home for a chat. At that instance I could sense that she was lonely and yearned for someone to hear her out. Regrettably, Jiamin and I couldn’t carry on the conversation further with her as both of us were not proficient in speaking Hokkien.

But on a brighter note, I too witnessed smiles on some of their faces when I was talking to them. Some of them had a big family while majority of them came from small families. For example, a young Malay lady who lives with her 3 kids and husband looked happy albeit living in a crowded environment and an uncle working as a cleaner who lives with his wife claimed that he was very satisfied with his quality of living.

Despite the fact that most of these residents belong to the lower-income groups and are less privileged, I was heartened to see that they are very contented with their simple lives. Although we did not help them directly in terms of their needs, personally I feel that we had shown our care and concern through the surveys and most importantly provided a listening ear for them. My encounters with these people serve to remind myself to be always happy as well as be gratified with what I have in life. I am really grateful to have this opportunity to volunteer with the Bukit Ho Swee Family Service Centre and RBKD.

Our volunteers in action.

Pei Jun, Participant:

It was my first time stepping into the Jalan Bukit Merah estate. The moment I walked out of the lift to join the rest, it seemed like I have walked into a TV drama.

After getting prepared to face cold stares and door slamming rejections, it was surprising that some of the residents invited us into their apartment with warm welcomes when we requested to conduct an interview with them. They seem to be happy to have somebody to share their story with. Besides, I have also realized that the elderly are contented with what they have and rarely requested anything from us, even though we offered our help.

This door knocking experience made me realized how much more fortunate I think I already am and I developed a stronger sense of helping out the community in need.

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30 January 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Private Newspaper Collection Drive 2

When: 15th December 2012

Where: All around Singapore

Participant(s): Candice, Jean, Jia Min, Xinyi, Yanping and Yan Ling

Jiamin, Participant:

This is part 2 of this year’s newspaper collection drive and we concentrated mainly in the east area of Singapore this time.

On a hot afternoon, 2 cars travelled to different households collecting newspapers. We were done within 2 hours as there were lesser to collect this time. However, we are still grateful to our family and friends for their contribution. No matter how little it was, they all add up to a substantial amount ultimately.

Can you imagine this amount of newspaper actually weigh 600+kg?

On a side note, something unpleasant happened. We got cheated! The rate was supposed to be $0.20/kg however the collection centre only gave us $0.15/kg! Reason being we drove in cars instead of van/lorry so they assume we are richer.

Nonetheless, it was a well-spent and meaningful afternoon.

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28 January 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: 30th Drama Anniversary Show

When: 18th November 2012

Where: MediaCorp Singapore

Participant(s): Jean, Phyllis, Shirley and Yanling

Shirley, Committee:

Hello, the 4 of us are the ‘First-Timers’ to the MCS Theater *waves*

It’s almost like a total stranger in a familiar place…

Sat at where the Rangels were seated for SA2011 Night 1… but something’s amiss, missing the fellow Rangels… it was a little lonely that night because RBKD has been allocated with only 4 tickets.

Though we’re like frantically looking for the appropriate moments to scream our lungs out, we had fun.

Never mind that we’re smaller in force and it’s a little hard to spot us this time, be assureed we’ll be there when you’re there :)

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23 January 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: Buffet Dinner

When: 15th November 2012

Where: Chiso Zanmai

Participant(s): Bengyan, Candice, Jean, Jia Min, Joanne, Ming, Phyllis, Ser Chee, Shirley, Xinyi, Yan Ling

Candice, Participant:

It has been quite a while since all of us had dinner together. Dinner wasn’t that good because most of the food was not hot but more towards warm or even cold!! The only fun was the company we had.

We chatted like there was no tomorrow and it felt like a class reunion dinner! A lot of memories came back when we were catching up with each other.

Phyllis, Participant:

This was a simple dinner for us to get together on the 15 of November, a very special day for RBKD. The dinner gathering might not be as elaborate as the celebration we had on 13 November, but it was still as heartwarming and enjoyable. I like it when all of us can just sit around together and have a good chat, enjoying each other’s company.

On a random note, the food served at the buffet was very average but thankfully the good company made up for everything :)

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21 January 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: Japanese Buffet Dinner

When: 1st May 2012

Where: Irodori Japanese Restaurant

Participant(s): Corine, Jean, Jiamin, Joanne Chong, Jolie, Ming, Phyllis, Squeen, Weijen, Xin Yi, Yan Ling

Jean, Participant:

It isn’t everyday that we get to have the Malaysian fans coming over to Singapore, not to mention having a proper meal with them. Hence, their presence was definitely a plus point during this dinner!

Squeen’s English limitation was somehow equivalent to my Chinese limitation and because of that, “英华有限公司” (Direct translation: English-Chinese Private LIMITED) was formed. Neither of us can catch what the other party was speaking. To me, Squeen sometimes speaks Chinese like the “speed of a bullet train” because most of the time I can only “catch” the last word of her sentence and my immediate reaction would be, “Huh?”. HAHAHAHA!

Because of Squeen, now whenever I see/hear the words, “无言的结局”, I will definitely be reminded of her. Hahaha! Well that is because she kept saying that during the dinner. Speechless ending? I guess that should be the meaning of it… Haha!

One of the most memorable dinner I had with RBKD simply because the company was great and there was endless laughter throughout. As much as Squeen and Weijien are thankful to us for meeting up with them, I guess we are also as thankful to them for having made the effort to come to Singapore.

Corine, Participant:

To me, this meal meant a lot, because I finally met up with Squeen Jie after 3 long years! The dinner was enjoyable with the sashimi galore! Just imagine thick slabs of fresh salmon, yellow tail, swordfish, dipped with heaps of wasabi and tinge of soy sauce! *drools. (ok I was kidding about the heaps :p)

And thank god we had a private room to ourselves, we created a ruckus with the unceasing laughing from the sharing of jokes. Great fun, RBKD gang! :D

p.s. dear Malaysian friends, Squeen Jie and Wei Jen, till we meet again (soon) :)

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16 January 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: weareone: our fourth chapter celebration

When: 13th November 2012

Where: Function Room

Pei Jun, Ordinary Member:

RBKD’s 4th birthday celebration was my first time meeting Rangels.

The epic moment when we arrived: Saw the spread of food through the glass panels!

A lot of us gushed in with delight when we caught a glimpse of what’s inside the room – it’s like a group of excited dwarfs that had discovered a pile of gold lying in front of them. Ha!

The food that was prepared by fellow Rangels was tasty! I appreciate the effort the committee have put in to make this whole thing happen… a grade A with a million of stars for you :)

While all of us were enjoying the spread, some had fun breaking their plastic forks too. We all know when someone is trying to eat her nugget and her fork failed on her when we hear the “piak” sound.. Haha.

Anyway, the prettiest thing on the table:

Everyone was saying: “It’s too pretty. I can’t bear to eat it!”

And then the next moment, cameras and phones were everywhere. We also sang birthday song and popped sparkling juices.

Thanks idol for the aesthetically pleasing and delicious cupcakes and cake.

Before the night ended, a birthday present was presented to the committee! It was a meaningful handcraft gift (:

All in all, I think the birthday celebration was more than just a celebration. It was a day for the members to show appreciation for having one another, for making RBKD grow and travel thus far.

Yvonne Lim, Ordinary Member:

I think that we should be appreciative of all the things that the organizers have done to make this celebration possible and a successful one. From searching for a suitable venue, to buying ingredients and to preparing all the foods, their efforts were commendable.

Photo-taking session. This seems like a very simple task but on that evening, this simple task became a challenge, with 30+ people squeezing in between chairs and glass wall of the function room! However, this is where the fun came in too.

We were all trying our best to join in the cake-cutting!

After having fun taking photos, we settled down for dinner. I think it was great to see everyone gather around the table to have their meal and interact, it feels just like a family gathering.

And of course, the birthday cake and cupcake bought by Rui En.

The colorful RBKD on the cupcake looks really nice but I feel kind of weird that we have to eat that. I mean how would we bear to eat the “RBKD” into our stomach? That was just a thought; ultimately we still ate it.

I think that most hilarious part of the night was when Jean did a “presentation” of the gift that they have done for RBKD. Really love the concept of the gift!

I am looking forward to more gatherings and of course weareone: our fifth chapter.


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09 January 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: weareone: our fourth chapter preparation

When: 13th November 2012

Where: All around Singapore

Participant(s): Jean, May Yen, Ming, Phyllis, Xinyi, Yan Ling

Jean, Priority Member:

I was involved in the “purchasing-of-food-preparation part” for RBKD’s weareone: our fourth chapter:)

Together with Ming and Xinyi, we made our way to an ulu part of Woodlands on a Saturday morning. To me, it felt like excursion day but with a purpose to it and that purpose is to buy food :) Hahaha! But not only for me but also for fellow Rangels :) Hahahaha!

Buying food to feed about 30 people was seriously no joke because the total amount of frozen food was estimated to have weighed 12KG!:O The buying part is fun because I guess I will never buy that much of food at one shot in my life.. Hahaha!

First stop was to get frozen food like seaweed chicken, chicken wing, popcorn chicken and chicken nuggets. :)

After that, we went to check out the sashimi where we had to enter a freezer at a temperature of -18 degree celsius. It was like entering Snow City just that it was smaller, somewhere in the north side instead of the west and missing the snow factor. Hahaha!

Next stop was Lot 1 to get the rest of the stuff which includes the necessity for a party such as trays, cutleries and etc and not to forget more FOOD:D

And the day ended with the last purchase which was a packet of bee hoon because we kept on forgetting to get it.

Yan Ling, Committee:

Somehow on this day, I just felt so excited to be able to meet each other again :)

When it was time for May Yen to pick me up from my place to get all the food, I took out all the food from my freezer and seriously, preparation for about 30 people was no kid. I was so :O at the amount of food that we have bought! My freezer was almost empty by the time I took out the 3 big bags of food!

BEFORE taking out all the food.

AFTER taking out all the food.

Then, we started to experiment how to get our beehoon base for our trays and all we got was sort of chao-tao beehoon. Never did we expect such “nuclear reaction” to happen when the oil was hot enough! The beehoon was like *KABOOMZ* into white beehoon within a few seconds and it was so amazing and cool!! #swakoo.



The Magical Process~

After laying the beehoon bed for our trays, we started frying all the food and I had the 重任 to ensure that all the food are cooked! ^^ That means, I 不厌其烦-ly tried all the freshly fried food! :D “Finger licking good” indeed! Thank you May Yen & your helper for all the help!

“Finger licking good” seaweed chicken

All looking good and ready to be packed!

weareone | 1 Comment

02 January 2013 | 01:00 pm

Name: Zhi Qing
Forum Nick:Zhiqing
Status: Priority member

My name is … and I am …

Hello! My name is Zhi Qing and I am a secondary 2 student from Zhonghua Sec.

Me and RBKD:

I’ve joined in RBKD in 2012 and I’m really glad to be in this big family. I’ve made alot of close friends here and I really cherish the close bonds that we share! ^^

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

To plan, participate and have fun in IPCs! I really like to interact with newbies who are joining us for the very first time. I’ll always feel a sense of accomplishment whenever they start to get talkative and feel more comfortable.

IPCs also allowed many of us to know each other better and form close bonds with one another. Hence, it has always been the most memorable moments for me in RBKD! :)

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

When things get tough, we should persevere and never give up. Make it a worth-while one instead of a regret, and that our hard work will definitely pay off, so long as we put our heart and soul into it.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Bowling! :D It was my second time bowling, so I was still quite new to it. Coincidentally, the better ones were bowling at a lane while the ones who were newer to the game were at another lane. However, instead of bowling at our respective lanes, the better ones came over to help the weaker ones!

After a couple of games, all of us played pretty well and I could feel the team spirit in us, which was why this is my favourite IPC! :)

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

I really like the soothing sea-view at East Coast Park. Also, everyone looks really cheery! :D

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

Related to sports! :D I really like to play sports and I enjoyed the sports-related IPCs that I had participated in!

6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

Together, we can achieve whatever we have aimed for! Because we have the ONE RBKD spirit in us!

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