Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
15 November 2013 | 12:00 am

Hello to all at RBKD!

I remember when RBKD was first set up in 2008; back then, the future of the fan club was unsure. Now, however, it has become an established organization who has a heart for the people (and Rui En of course!) and comprises responsible members.

Kudos to the Club President and all Exco! I am sure RBKD will continue to grow and expand further in the coming years.

Here’s wishing you guys a Happy 5th Anniversary, and many more fruitful years ahead!


Chloe Tan (Singapore)

10th October 2013, 17:49h

Dear RBKD,

Happy 5th Anniversary RBKD! Best wishes and stay happy and united as always. Have a great one and hope there are many more 10th, 15th anniversary to come. All the best and cheers.

Best regards.

Ai Juan (Malaysia, Penang)

10th October 2013, 18:01h

Happy birthday RBKD!!!!!

Wish RBKD will stay together forever and support Rui En forever!!!! Weareone!!!


Ong Su Yee (Malaysia)

10th October 2013, 18:19h

Happy 5th anniversary RBKD! It’s been quite some time since you all started supporting Rui En. I admire all your support and love towards Rui En! I hope that one day I can be in RBKD too :)

By the way, I hope that RBKD will continue to support Rui En and I believe everyone in RBKD could bring the fan club to a greater height. :)

Cheers and happy birthday!


Alicia Neo Shijie (Singapore)

10th October 2013, 18:23h

Hey RBKD! Happy 5th Anniversary!

Wow time passed so fast. Haha always see you all at Star Awards cheering for Rui En so loud! Heeheehee Rui En would be soooo proud of you all!

Happy fifth anniversary!~


Goh Si Chi (Singapore)

10th October 2013, 18:25h

Happy birthday!! It’s another year for RBKD!

Just want to say how special you guys are. Going all out to do things for the community and of course, supporting our star. I’m sure you guys made a difference in a lot of people’s lives.

Continue striving RBKD! Once again, happy birthday


Christen Amanda

10th October 2013, 18:53h

Happy 5th Anniversary RBKD!


Joy Lee (Singapore)

10th October 2013, 19:10h

This is my first time doing this but I do hope that RBKD will continue being the fantastic fanclub it is, and show others that it is not only a fan club but much more, especially one that reach out to help people that are less fortunate. I hope there will be more happy days to come.

Happy 5th Anniverary RBKD!


Kexin (Singapore)

10th October 2013, 19:39h

In a blink of an eye, another year is going to be over. It has been an awesome and fruitful journey with RBKD. Best wishes for your 5th Birthday! Hope you guys have a blast then!

Thank you for always keeping us updated. I love this fanclub.

Happy Birthday!

More great years to come, RBKD!


Shi Yi (Singapore)

10th October 2013, 20:12h

(Click for larger image)

Yan Ting (Singapore)

10th October 2013, 21:35h

RBKD, I love your charitable spirit and Rui En must be proud of you guys! I really love Rui En! I just want Rui En to be happy and you guys really make her life more complete and her SMILES are PRICELESS!!!


Please continue to make Rui En happy as she is really my inspiration and she is one of the few reasons I’m still able to cope with my studies!

RBKD, you make Rui En proud and Happy 5th birthday. Enjoy it and continue with your fantastic work and NEVER GIVE UP!!!

Finally, thank you for everything and you really are amazing people!


Fiona Ho (Singapore)

10th October 2013, 22:07h

Hello RBKD,

Chanced upon your shoutout on Instagram and decided to send you guys my well wishes!

Here’s wishing RBKD a blessed happy birthday! Continue to shine as one united club, spread the joy and love to people from all walks of life just like how Rui En influences people through her acting and shows! Keep shinning like the brightest star! I’ve total respect for all of you, keep going strong!

Once again, happy birthday! Many more happy years ahead!


Yan Qing (Singapore)

10th October 2013, 23:03h




Thanks so much!

Love RuiEn. Love RBKD!


Freesia Siow (China)

10th October 2013, 23:28h

Dear RBKD,

Happy 5th anniversary to you! Rui En will be so proud to have such an amazing fanclub!

Best wishes,

Casey Chua (Singapore)

11th October 2013, 11:50h

Dear RBKD,

Happy 5th anniversary! Have a blast! This FC is really really so awesome! Hope this FC will stay forever!

Best wishes,

Tan Jiayi (Singapore)

11th October 2013, 15:01h

It feels like only yesterday when I sent RBKD’s 4th birthday greeting and now, I am at it time flies.. Just want to say a big thank you for all the constant updates you have been giving us and very admirable that this is not just a typical fanclub but a unique one, giving love back to the society. Keep it up. Thank you club president and the team.

Happy birthday in advance!


Sharon Cheow (Singapore)

11th October 2013, 15:21h

Happy 5th anniversary! Thanks for constantly updating the latest news, information online for fans and organising IPCs, Orientation for fans to bond together.

Stay young RBKD ^^ Many more anniversary to come!


Lilian Ng (Singapore)

11th October 2013, 19:49h

Happy birthday to RBKD! I’m always proud of this fan club! May we continue to excel in everything we do


Xinle (Singapore)

11th October 2013, 20:37h

Hey! Happy birthday RBKD! You are 5 years!时间过的真快啊,这么快RBKD已经成立五年了!

I would really want to thank you guys for putting in effort to support our dearest RUI EN.我想你们所为瑞恩做的事情都应该记得吧



Zuo Zhen Qi (Chinese National studying in Singapore)

12th October 2013, 03:53h

Dearest RBKD,

Happy 5th anniversary to you! You all put in a lot of efforts in all Rui En’s events such as coming very early to support her, giving her gifts and so on. You all deserve a big round of applause by Rui En and Rangels. And I have to thank you all for posting great pictures of Rui En on Instagram and Twitter and having a YouTube account so that Rangels could watch RuiEn’s video. Thanks alot.

And you all are very kind and helpful. You all volunteered to help those poor by cleaning their house. It’s a really great idea! HAPPY 5th ANNIVERSARY RBKD


Kimberly (Singapore)

12th October 2013, 03:53h

Dear RBKD,

Happy 5th Anniversary Birthday! Hope you will have a great day!

RBKD Jia You!!!


Wan Ning (Singapore)

12th October 2013, 13:02h


Happy and blessed 5th Anniversary!

Just want to say that your fan club has been most inspiring and one of a kind. It’s amazing to see how this fan club has grown in the short span of a few years. The influence of an artiste is great, and it is very encouraging to have an artiste like Rui En and this fan club, RBKD, influencing people to be more selfless in Singapore. When I read about what you all do for the community, and also how you all support each other, it is always comforting.

Keep up the good work in helping the less fortunate and spreading the love, being an example to many other young fans out there in the community!

I won’t be the crazy fan girl that most of you all are, but you all will always have my support!


Joan Muk

12th October 2013, 15:06h

Happy birthday to RBKD!Love U Forever!


Zhang Yun (China)

12th October 2013, 20:32h

Happy 5th Anniversary RBKD! Rui En is really beautiful!

Hope RBKD will be better and better!


Jin Lin

12th October 2013, 20:59h

Even though I’m not from RBKD, but just wanna say that i really love it

Firstly, RBKD has brought so much fun to Rui En’s fans. You guys are the source of my news for Rui En, which gets me really excited all the time . I believe all Rui En fans are passionate, and full of energy , which I guess makes us united and persevere to give our best to help our idol!

Secondly, I really like how you guys are so passionate and crazy over Rui En which all of us are I guess? And you guys really helped me in my “collection ” a lot. I’ve been collecting Rui En’s newspapers for a long time, and without RBKD’s help I wouldn’t have collected so much . When you guys blog about the article Rui En is in I’ll just buy it immediately, so yeah really thanks.

Thirdly, RBKD brought Rui En fans together , and I really like how you guys lead us to trend Rui En together! And that was also my favourite moment. I believe all Rui En fans would want Rui En to trend as many times as possible , so thanks for giving us the chance! I love how we can just spam all about Rui En or whatever and about the TV programme Its fun at the same time

Lastly,thanks RBKD, I’m grateful that I’m one of Rui En fans! I’m sure we can be united and strong and perservere for Rui En and support everything she does together. RBKD ROCKS


Wen Xuan

13th October 2013, 06:22h

Happy 5th Anniversary! You guys have been a really supportive fanclub!

Continue to help others in need and spread the love around !


Jocelin (Singapore)

13th October 2013, 21:45h


Its been 5 years. Time seems to fly past. Just want to wish you happy birthday. I’d like to thank all members in RBKD for their hard work and loud screams in public events. I feel your warmth, I’m sure Rui En does to. This fanclub is somewhat different from the others. It’s the close knitted ‘family’ and all the charitable events you do that make others envy. Really wish to be part of you soon. I love RBKD. Keep growing.


Cassandra Foo (Singapore)

18th October 2013, 18:54h

Dear RBKD,

Blessings for health & happiness to everyone on RBKD’s 5th Anniversary!

Congrats on growing into a heartwarming, matured & sensible club.

Really appreciate your efforts in documenting Rui En’s works & very impressed by your diligence & the way info is shared on website & Facebook: clear, simple & professional.

Your passion is touching & may RBKD continue to spread the love!

Thanks for your attention & have a nice day.

Angela Chng (Singapore)

19th October 2013, 22:14h

Dear RBKD,

Happy birthday to you!

Yours sincerely,

Isabel Tang (Singapore)

20th October 2013, 10:06h

Happy Birthday RBKD!

I’m very impressed by the care and help given by the fanclub to the community, especially to those in need of help. I really enjoyed spending time with you guys during the RBKD orientation this year as well!

I hope that this fanclub will continue to build stronger bonds

Best Wishes,

Amanda Lee (Singapore)

24th October 2013, 18:25h

Happy 5th Anniversary RBKD! Love the contribution you guys make for this Fan Club for Rui En! You guys are wonderful. Cheering and being always there for her. Hope you guys can help the more needy in cleaning more houses!

Jiayou for everything you do! Wish to join RBKD one day too.

Once again, Happy 5th Anniversary!


Jia En (Singapore)

25th October 2013, 15:41h

Hello dear RBKD,

Though I may not be a member, I will still be supporting you guys all the way! I’m quite a new fan but I really wanna wish you guys will have a great anniversary.

I hope I’m not too late and the thing I admire about you guys is how well organised you are, your blog is very up to date and also the charity work you all do-even if Rui En is not there. This is something I really want to do and I like how it comes from your heart…not just because Rui En is there or not but because you really want to help.

I am also really surprised of how supportive you all are to her! Going to Malaysia just to get her things and even writing back to reporters to thank them for writing smth good about Rui En…that is truly something amazing

I sincerely hope that this group of friends (I mean this group of family) can continue on and on.

Wishing you all a great anniversary and all the hard work you have put in is really just wow

You have my support all the way!

Happy birthday


Yun Teng (Singapore)

26th October 2013, 13:13h


Happy 5th Anniversary to each and every member of RBKD! What began from a common interest in an actress whom we all admire. A year has passed and Rui En drama has brought tears and laughter, joys and heartaches, angers and fears that all of us have shared. Thanks RBKD for updating news for us.

Keep it up! Support Rui En!

Lastly, happy anniversary!


Trisha Tan (Singapore)

26th October 2013, 16:59h

Dearest RBKD,

Happy 5th Anniversary!!

Thank you for bringing all like-minded fans from all over the world to this wonderful platform, giving us the opportunity to make friends and support our idol as one.

Thank you for being there for our idol through thick and thin all these years, and for showing us the maturity, professionalism in a fan club.

Thank you for showing us what a fan club/organization can do, setting an exemplary role model to all of us by giving back to society, and serving us all fans so dutifully behind the scenes without expecting any returns.

Many thanks for maintaining this page so efficiently, and constantly making an effort to update the various social media platforms of news and pictures of our dearest idol to brighten up our days!

Lastly, thank you to the committee for slogging so hard to make all these possible.

5 (“thank you”s) years and counting, may RBKD and Rui En soar to greater heights!

Lots of love,

Lixian (Singapore)

27th October 2013, 05:38h

Wishing the most dedicated, most committed and most deserving fanclub well wishes and pats on the back.

A very Happy 5th Anniversary! May you not only grow stronger in numbers but in strength for the next coming year and for the many more to come!

Best wishes!

Pearl Cheong (Singapore)

27th October 2013, 09:15h

Congratulations RBKD!!

Being such a close-kitted and bonded group of supporters isn’t an easy thing at all. I am sure everyone is proud to be a part of RBKD!! Everyone’s contribution is appreciated! Especially the committee members who devoted so much time and effort to manage this group..

May RBKD lasts forever…

Finally, may our love for Rui En lasts forever…

Because we all know that Rui En 值得拥有..

Happy Anniversary RBKD!!


Jaslin Ng (Singapore)

27th October 2013, 10:57h


You’ve been a great fanclub. I love how you all do good deeds and help the less fortunate physically! Keep it up. You guys are amazing.


Jessie (Singapore)

31st October 2013, 09:45h


Thank you for all the hard work you all have put in in uploading Rui En’s articles and videos so promptly all these years.

Happy 5th anniversary! Rock on!

Cheng Yee Chan (Singapore)

31st October 2013, 10:32h

Dearest RBKD,

Happy 5th Birthday! Many more happy years to come!

I really appreciate all the efforts RBKD have done in supporting Rui En and especially thankful for the luff you guys have shown towards our idol.

Thank you also for the regular updates for all of us via social platforms.

Enjoy for this is a very special occasion!

RBKD Jiayou!

Lotsa Luff,

Kai Leng (Singapore)

31st October 2013, 15:12h

Dear RBKD,

Thank you your love and full support toward Rui En, and always update the latest news regarding Rui En, and these always brighten up our days. Keep it up !

(Click for larger image)

Mei Woon (Malaysia)

31st October 2013, 18:47h


Happy Birthday!~

认识RBKD的第二年转眼就过去了,这一年虽然继续只能在远远的地方默默地关注,但是感受到了你们的团结努力,也感动于你们努力过后的珍贵的收获(尤其是Star Awards 1 时响彻全场的尖叫声)。



Teresa (China)

31st October 2013, 19:03h


Happy 5th Birthday!! I’m so proud of how far RBKD has come. You guys had done awesomely well in supporting our idol

We as fans were never worried that there would be a lack of supporters for any Rui En’s events. You guys were always so loud cheering and supporting her all the way. I believe that having such a supportive fan club would be the best gift for Rui En! I also love how RBKD spreads the love to the community. Continue with the RBKD spirit and once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY RBKD!!


Sandra Foong (Singapore)

31st October 2013, 19:22h

Dear RBKD,

You guys totally redefined “fan club”. I’ve learned sooooooo much, throughout my 15 months as forum member.

Happy Birthday!!! And stay AWESOME!!!

Celine (Malaysia)

31st October 2013, 20:10h

Happy Happy Birthday RBKD!

This is the 5th birthday of RBKD and my first time writing birthday wishes to RBKD.

Went through Orientation, IPCs and doing volunteer work was really great fun and memorable for me. Really grateful to RBKD for letting me joining in the fun.

Hope that the following years we can have more adventure and fun together bring hope to people’s hearts.

Hope that I will get a chance to become a member too.

May your wishes come through!

Clarence (Singapore)

31st October 2013, 21:28h

Dearest RBKD,

Happy Birthday!

祝 “瑞不可当” 五歲生日快樂! ^O^


July (Hong Kong)

31st October 2013, 23:28h

Dear Rui En and fans, glad to hear you guys had been together for 5 years…

Wish all of the fans good luck in their studies and in life.

Hope RBKD last forever n ever


Rachel Keah (Singapore)

1st November 2013, 09:27h

祝福RBKD 5周年生日快乐!

期待瑞恩的新戏 加油!

傅加仁 (China)

1st November 2013, 11:01h




在此祝RBKD 更上一层楼~加油!! Support RBKD forever~~~Love you all….

Catheryn Leong (Malaysia)

3rd November 2013, 12:48h

weareone | 5 Comments

30 September 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: Special Appearance at The Final 1

When: 21 August 2013

Where: The Star Vista Performing Arts Centre

Joan Chen, Priority Member:

When I was first told that Rui En was going to make an appearance at The Final 1, I was over the moon as I have not heard her singing live before!

Yanling and I were tasked to bring the boards that day, as her appearance was supposed to be a “Surprise”, we didn’t stay as a group as we usually do, didn’t wish anyone to say “hi”, etc, all so to avoid people noticing us (from RBKD, i.e. there to support her).

When the master of ceremony announced that Taufik was going to sing “Sky’s the limit”, we were on our toes. When Rui En stepped out onto the stage, we went “bonkers”, we stood up and waved the boards to the music. She was certainly a great crowd rousers. I was very thankful that the music accompaniment were actually good. We could hear their voices clearly, of course, got super high from Rui En’s rocking performance!

I was also pleasantly surprised to see our Malaysian fan, Weijen flew in especially for this event. I was privileged to have a short catch up with her and Joey after the show.

Thank you RBKD for making it an enjoyable event and that we accomplished our mission of staying “mysterious” till she made the appearance!

Pei Jun, Priority Member:

The response I had when I got to know that she’s making a special appearance on the Final 1 is almost as equivalent as of a superstitious lady who got pregnant for the very first time – that moment of joy and excitement that sent you into a frenzy mode and you would love to share with the people around you, but you can’t until a certain point of time… Hahaha.

Anyway, I had fun singing and screaming with other rangels as we waved the boards in harmony. Oh, and the whole part of acting mysterious like a FBI on mission until the final showdown where she pops out… I kinda enjoyed that too…

All good things will come to an end, the song ended and the whole performance felt so surreal when she went off and vanished to the side of the stage. Gone in a blink of an eye… But we had fun!

Events | 2 Comments

16 September 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: ZZSF Masquerade Party

When: 11 June 2013

Where: MediaCorp TV Theatre

Yvonne Lim, Ordinary Member:

It was my first time going to Mediacorp TV Theatre, was kind of feeling excited for it. I felt that the theme for this party was a refreshing one; masquerade – everyone who attended the party has to put on the mask. As usual, event seldom start on time; hence while waiting we were all busy taking photos and chatting around.

We were all excited when Rui En made her entrance in the leopard print dress. I think the most enjoyable part of the party would be when all the artistes were on stage playing games. We had a great laugh at their interaction and gestures during the game; especially when Rui En has to imitate Zoe Tay’s voice. Looking at her facial expressions and gestures just brighten my day (night).

It just hit my mind that ZZSF party was the first event which I have attended, that we could sit comfortably to cheer for her. It’s a “privilege” to enjoy it in such a relaxing atmosphere, isn’t it?

Events | Comments Off on ZZSF Masquerade Party

04 September 2013 | 01:00 pm

Name: Shu Pei
Forum Nick: R_pei2
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

My name is Shu Pei and I am working and studying part time at NUS.

Me and RBKD:

I joined RBKD only in 2011 but have known its existence for quite some time. I have never expected myself to join a fanclub though.

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

My first volunteering work with RBKD.

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

With persistence, anything can be done.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Pre-O IPC by Team R: @ Marina Barrage

Because we had a lot of fun.

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

Everyone was smiling happily with RBKD wearing the 3 different t-shirts.

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……


6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

Treasure every moment you have and enjoy it, whether it is work or play.

Understanding Rangels | Comments Off on Understanding Rangels – Shu Pei

07 August 2013 | 01:00 pm

Name: Bi Hui
Forum Nick: Bihui
Status: Priority Member

My name is …. and I am ….

My name is Bi Hui and I am currently finding jobs, in pursuit of a career :)

Me and RBKD:

I joined RBKD in March 2011 and I have to admit that I was kind of afraid to meet up with Rangles at first as I was afraid I would be left out haha!

But when I did, it was pleasant to find out that, not only I wasn’t being left out, I find that Rangels are really caring towards one another and not forgetting, with them around, there are always laughter everywhere.

1) Memorable and unforgettable moment(s) in RBKD was …….

Comchest Truehearts 2011

That was my first time I ever went out and cheered like crazy with RBKD!! And also, able to know how united RBKD is and being very well organised for events like this.

2) I have learnt in RBKD that……..

We should care for one another under any circumstances.

3) My favourite IPC is …… because …….

Pre-O IPC by Team K: Minds Cafe @ Funan

This was seriously none other than FUN FUN AND FUN HAHAHAHA!! And it was rather crazy the whole time when we were inside, every corner was filled with laughter!

4) This is my favourite photo(s) taken in RBKD because …..

Cha-Chum-Bo Party

We all looked as though we’ve flew back to the 60s/70s HAHAHAHA!!

5) I hope to go for an IPC in future that is ……

hmmmm…maybe a game of dodgeball? Seems fun :X (provided that we are using soft balls HAHA!)

6) Words/pic to share with RBKD:

Understanding Rangels | Comments Off on Understanding Rangels – Bi Hui

31 July 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2013

When: 8 June 2013

Where: BeiShanChuan Spicy Steamboat Restaurant @ Vivo city

Bi Hui, Team Dedicated, Participant:

A steamboat dinner after prolonged hours of walking under the hot sun for the whole day is indeed refreshing, recharging!

It was really nice that we could have small chats and also get to know each other better. Also not forgetting, the fireworks we saw and we were fortunate enough to have a good view from where we were seated.

Overall, it was a nice night out with RBKD :)

Xin Jie, Team Boundless, Participant:

I love food!!! Being able to hang out with RBKD, doing what I love, is just….awesome! (:

It really was a great night, catching up, chatting. It was a really enjoyable night as there were so many things which we laughed out heartily, so many jokes! And for someone with low humour point, it was rather uncontrollable. I just kept laughing.

In fact, this is my first time having a meal in a big group with RBKD, and this experience is a memorable one for me! Eating, chatting, laughing, joking, cooking! :D

I would like to take this opportunity to also give thanks to the organisers for organising this event – finding this restaurant and booking it for us etc.

Here’s to more fun days with RBKD!

Cheerssssssssss :D

IPC, Orientation | Comments Off on RBKD Orientation 2013 – Steamboat Dinner

29 July 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2013

When: 8 June 2013

Where: Labrador Park

Sandra, Team Resilient, Assistant Team Leader:

The skit was kinda impromptu but I personally liked how we were given lesser time to prepare because everything performed was funnier/more real as we just went with whatever ideas we had.

We were given time to discuss and rehearse and so as not to waste any preparation time, we just took up any roles of the skit without hesitation or worrying about being embarrassed on stage (which is good because some of us snapped out of being shy and just enjoyed the entire process).

The skits put up by all the teams were rather comical and everyone had a great time laughing at one another.

Team Resilient acting out ‘Fish Feeding @ Bishan Park’ IPC

Amanda Lee, Team Knitted, Participant:

For me, I felt that the skit was one filled with team work.

As this is my first time joining the Orientation, I was quite unsure of what to do as it was really scary to just go up and act in front of so many other participants. I was quite sure that I did get the symptoms of stage fright (such as mind blanks and not being able to speak) while rehearsing but my teammates were very patient and encouraging.

I’m really thankful and glad for their patience and understanding, it helped me a lot. Jean even volunteered to do the scenes with me. That lifted a load off my chest although I was still nervous. The skit may not be a perfect one, but to me, the skit was an awesome one because of my teammates.

I really felt that it showed exactly what team work meant as we tried to help each other especially when someone forgot their lines. I enjoyed myself a lot and I’m sure my teammates had fun too :)

Team Knitted <3


Zi Lei, Team Knitted, Team Leader:

It was definitely not an easy task coming up with a skit that had relevance to RBKD, albeit coming from drama CCA in secondary school. The storyline of the skit was definitely an aintegral part of it and how could I put in elements and characteristics of RBKD and its members into it? Fortunately for me, an idea came to me one night and it was to act out the obstacles that fans of different ages may face and how they could resolve it.

I wanted to make our skit as true to life as possible and I felt that this was one way to do it because our members are indeed from various backgrounds and there are certainly no lack of obstacles, personal and external, when deciding to join the big family.

On the actual day, rehearsal time went by pretty quickly too. As I only provided them with how the scenes will change and how it goes as a whole (i.e. without any scripts), the bulk of it, which was the acting, was then based mostly on their own improvisation.

There were a few minor hiccups but I am proud to say they did a great job! With the limited time and only things from my head to work with (which is basically nothing concrete/no scripts), they managed to inject their own ideas and put up a skit for Team K even though it might have been their first go at acting (and improvising)!

It’s been a great experience and kudos to all of you for the great job done!

Team Resilient! Lets sing along~~~

Team Boundless!

Team Knitted in action!

Team Dedicated!

IPC, Orientation | Comments Off on RBKD Orientation 2013 – Skit

24 July 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2013

When: 8 June 2013

Where: Labrador Park

Lilian Ng, Team Boundless, Participant:

This is my first year joining RBKD orientation. On the day itself, I was feeling excited yet nervous. But everything went on smoothly, and it took not much time for me to get to know my teammates.

Obstacles race was the part that I enjoyed most. We were to create our own obstacles with the items we had. During the race, everyone was supposed to be blindfolded with a person from their group guiding them through the obstacle course, and I am one of them (to guide). At first, it felt hard to guide, but I got the hang of it after guiding through a few teammates.

Lastly, thanks to the OC, TLs, ATLs and everyone present at the orientation for the fun moments together. Joining the Orientation was no regrets, hope to be able to join the future ones.

Jasmine Yang, Team Dedicated, Team Leader:

“Let’s add this bottle here! Is 1 bottle enough?”

This was the reaction when we were told that the obstacles we will be making, will be for other teams. Just when everybody was done building their obstacles, “decorated” with leaves and hanging bottles, we were told that “the obstacles you guys have built will be for your own team!”……… and we gasped in horror!

Through this, everyone have learnt that in RBKD, you do not do harm to others otherwise there would be something known as karma ;) And without any doubts, team spirit is really the key to complete this race :)

For the “Mahjong paper” game, I have learnt that as a team, no one gets left behind no matter what, because with teamwork, we can definitely conquer the impossible, together.

TEAM: Together We Achieve More!

Shannon, Team Dedicated, Participant:

I felt that it was interesting to design the obstacles. I was given a chance to be the guide for my group. Guiding was indeed challenging, but eventually, everyone was able to cross the obstacles blindfolded when we worked closely together.

Last part of the obstacles race was the ‘Mahjong paper’ game. I felt that this game was the best for group bonding. There were many interesting moments throughout the game. Even though my group came in last, I felt that my group had the most fun completing the game.

The whole game was enjoyable and hilarious. It has been a while since the last time I had so much fun. Hopefully I will be able to join more of such events in future!!!

Team Resilient: Trying to ‘salvage’ the mahjong paper.. haha~

Team Resilient!

Team Boundless: Giving each other a hand~

Team Boundless!

Team Knitted!

Team Dedicated!

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22 July 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2013

When: 8 June 2013

Where: All around Harbourfront and Labrador Park

Clarence, Team Resilient, Participant:

We didn’t start off with the usual 3+1 intro, instead, we dived in straight to Amazing Race which was my most favourite part of the orientation. At first, I thought it would be similar to last year, going to Sentosa and doing similar missions. Little did I expect it to be something so energy-draining.

For one of the missions, we had to act out some of Rui En’s characters in her dramas and then take photos. We were all having fun during this mission as we had a great laugh at each other’s interesting facial expressions.

Our TL and ATL took good care of us by constantly reminding us to drink up and to tell them if we are not feeling well. The most unforgettable part of the race was finding the ‘no fishing’ sign board which we spent a lot of time walking to find it.

Throughout the race, my teammates and I bonded a lot and we cared for each other’s well-being too. We also bonded with other teams as well, as we tried to slow them down but at the same time, interacting with them. In short, I really enjoyed the orientation and would like to thank the Organizing Committee (OC) for doing such a wonderful job even though it was exhausting.

Yee Ling, Team Knitted, Participant:

I was very impressed with the first task: fill-in-the blanks quiz which will lead us to the next clue, although we had difficulties with it, luckily, we were able to complete it with the help of every teammate and the clues from the OC.

Along the way, we met other teams so we did photo bombing. Not forgetting, we also had a chance to imitate Rui En’s characters and not to deny, we had difficulties finding a suitable role for each of our teammates.

Lastly, I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone in the OC who organised this fun and challenging race. I just want to shout out to my team – TEAM KNITTED!! Thank you everyone for putting a great effort in it and also to my TL and ATL too. Although our team was the smallest and it was tiring, I had a lot of fun under the hot sun, especially the mahjong paper game.

Cheers to next Orientation!!

Can you see the word ‘Knitted’?

Zhiqing, Team Resilient, Team Leader:

Through the discussion that we had to complete our first task (fill-in-the blanks quiz), we have all opened up, became more chatty, and were no longer shy.

During our second task, which was to use the initials of the answers in the first task, to figure out the next location, we met some difficulties. Through this task, I’ve realised that determination and working as a team are really important, without it, we will never be able to solve the puzzle, and not forgetting the clues from the OC.

The most tiring of all was definitely the walking. We had to walk to various places and complete our tasks. One of our tasks was to sing the song “关怀是阳光”, and surprising, everyone wasn’t shy about singing in front of others in the public, even though, for some, we have only met for the first time.

Through the amazing race, we have all became more bonded. The amazing race has really helped all of us to step out of our comfort zone and we really had a lot of fun.

Thanks for all the fun, teammates :)

Team Resilient!

Team Boundless: Don’t play play hor~

Team Boundless!

Team Knitted: Yea!! We found it!!

Team Knitted: Definitely having fun… Bang!!!

Team Knitted!

Team Dedicated: The start of the longgg walk to Labrador Park..

Team Dedicated: Mission time :D

Team Dedicated: A group pic with ‘her’ :D

Team Dedicated!

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17 July 2013 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2013

When: 8 June 2013

Where: All around Harbourfront and Labrador Park

Madeline, on Preparation of Amazing Race:

Planning for the amazing race was rather challenging as we wanted to make this year’s race different. As such, we decided to hold it at another location – Labrador Park, and also came up with new tasks that were more unique to RBKD, such that the activities would provide an unforgettable experience for everyone.

The activities we came up with required quite a bit of preparation beforehand – from trawling through the RBKD website to find interesting quotes to visiting Giant to photograph all kinds of food & household items.

Nevertheless, it was really heartening to see everyone working together as one, as well as receiving many photos of happy faces of team completing their tasks on whatsapp throughout the course of the race.

It was great seeing our efforts paid off; hope everyone had a good time! (:

Junqi and Ying mei, on Amazing Race:

This year’s Amazing Race was especially tiring yet fulfilling. As we followed the teams from Vivo to Keppel Bay to Labrador Park, we could see how this activity managed to bond the teams. Despite the fatigue all of them faced from having to walk such a long distance in the hot weather, everyone took care of one another and cheered each other on. Kudos to the TLs/ATLs for trying their best to engage their teammates throughout :)

It was fun too watching some of the teams go in the wrong direction but at the same time felt so paiseh because of the hot weather and extra distance they had to walk. We tried our best to put on a poker face so we don’t give away the next location, we didn’t mean to mislead you guys haha, sorry! ;)

In order to ensure that the last team wasn’t lagging too far behind, we had to come up with some impromptu tasks. It was encouraging to see that although a few of the tasks were similar in nature, groups still enjoyed themselves.

Seeing all the teams having fun gave us a sense of satisfaction and we’re definitely glad that everyone enjoyed themselves.

We look forward to next year’s Orientation’s Amazing Race!

Phyllis, on Obstacle Race:

RBKD element?
Different from other orientations?

These questions were constantly on our minds as we planned.

We had so many ideas along the way, but the idea of an obstacle race emerged as our final decision after numerous brain storming and a site recee trip! Well, it was because we agreed that an obstacle race is definitely something unique to RBKD’s orientation and it would encompass the RBKD elements.

Throughout the course of the race, be it during the brainstorming segment on what to build or the actual race, what was most heartening to see was that everyone displayed the true RBKD spirit. Team B being the first to cross the finishing line, offered to shelter Team D that was under the sun. Team R and Team K gave up their mahjong paper that was still intact to Team D to help them finish the race. Everyone was there to lend a helping hand.

I still remember the smile/cheers/hi-fives as each team stepped across the finishing line. It was such a pleasing sight.

I am really thankful to be part of the organizing committee once again and for all the participants that attended this orientation, I would like to let you know that your presence was the best present for the organizing committee and TLs/ATLs.

Let’s look forward to Orientation 2014 :)

Team RBKD!

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