Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
08 June 2016 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2015

When: 20 June 2015

Where: Marina Bay Area

Zhiqing, Participant:

This is my 4th time participating in the RBKD Orientation. As usual, I’m always looking forward to orientation as I get to meet new faces as well as to bond with the current members.

When we first met, we knew nothing about one another. However, we started to learn more about each other through games such as ‘3+1’, where we had to introduce our name, three things about ourselves and our strength. Not only do we get to know more about our teammates, we also had fun trying to remember facts about our newfound friends. In addition, through a game named ‘Octopus Ink’, where we tied strings to a marker and each of us had to pull a string such that we will be able to draw the picture that we were tasked to draw, we built great rapport with one another and have definitely realised that in a team, the key to success is teamwork and coordination. Nearing the end of orientation, we played ‘Captain’s Ball’. However, unlike the usual Captain’s Ball, we were paired up and one of our legs were tied together with our partner’s leg, such that we are three-legged. Through this game, we built great team spirit as each pair will have to coordinate with the other pairs so that the ball can be successfully passed down. We even cheered for our own teammates, as well as for the other participants, whenever a goal is scored.

To conclude, it was a great experience getting to know people from different walks of life. I certainly had lots of fun and definitely do look forward to RBKD Orientation 2016! :)

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04 June 2016 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2015

When: 20 June 2015

Where: Marina Bay Area

Mervin, Participant:

One of the best ways to remember experiences and people is through taking photos. While it involved a large group of people for the final photo taking of the entire orientation group, Xinyi was rather persistent when she did not get the ideal photo of both the scenery and everyone. Nevertheless, everyone’s spirits were high and waited patiently despite standing and squatting for some time. Every RBKD orientation involves different batches of fans and it would definitely be cool to compare each year’s orientation photos and observe the recurring attendees.

Regarding the debrief, I believe Xinyi briefed us about the values of RBKD and everyone had their chance to reflect and speak out their thoughts for the day, which was pretty meaningful. Although the orientation games had some hiccups such as changing locations due to our large number, it gave everyone an opportunity to know more people and make friends. And we all had something in common – we adore Rui En.

Ultimately, I thank the committee for putting in time and effort to gather everyone and made the event a successful one.

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01 June 2016 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2015

When: 20 June 2015

Where: Marina Bay Area

Ivanna, Participant:

The Octopus Ink game requires everyone to put in some team work and for a ‘leader’ to come out to lead the rest into which directions are we going for or even which part of the item are we going for first. This game involves not just teamwork, but also proper coordination so that the art work will turn out to be nicer, in general. Everyone also has to pay attention as it is a constant on the move thing to hold and guide the marker through. Should anyone fail to pull the string or to release on time, the drawing would be ruined.

Overall, the orientation was very fun as everyone is nice, friendly and very welcoming. Everyone just mixed around, talked to each other and made new friends. Should I be given another opportunity, I would be more than glad to turn up for the various activities again!

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28 May 2016 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2015

When: 20 June 2015

Where: Marina Bay Area

Edith, Participant:

It was my first time playing ‘River Crossing’ and initially it was difficult as the person beside me was blindfolded. As I was in front, I wasn’t blindfolded and my leg wasn’t tied to another person’s leg. So my job was to guide the people beside me so that we can cross the river. I will never forget that feeling of satisfaction after crossing the river successfully as a team!

Overall, orientation was great as I can see new and familiar faces and have fun at the same time.

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25 May 2016 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2015

When: 20 June 2015

Where: Marina Bay Area

Rebecca, Participant:

I found the games very interesting as everyone’s point-of-view is different and nobody’s answer is wrong. Hence, understanding is very important.

Overall, I think it’s really amazing that orientation brought people from everywhere and from strangers to friends.

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21 May 2016 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2015

When: 20 June 2015

Where: Marina Bay Area

Celest, Participant:

This is my fourth time playing Double Whacko. It was so entertaining to observe a variety of facial and body expressions, and hear loud screams of those who were sabotaged successfully. Somehow as I became too engrossed, I started to mix-up names and faces, hence failing to protect my partner. But it does feel exhilarating to hit the right person and get the chance to sit down again. I call this an amusing and perfect ice breaker game for everyone; as we were really engaged in good fun, breaking the awkward silence and being in a hyper-attentive state both listening and remembering.

3+1 was done in a pretty special way this year. Yes, in addition, we had to mention our strengths and it involved videoing everyone as we made our self-introduction, one by one in a circular manner. This is RBKD’s usual way of getting to know one another and doing a video would be a good idea to preserve memories.

On the whole, I like this year’s Orientation format very much. Even though I was just a participant, I felt it was heartening to see non-members enjoying themselves as much as I did. It has always be an interesting experience for me each time I join RBKD Orientation, bonding with familiar members as well as fans I met for the first time.

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18 May 2016 | 01:00 pm

What: RBKD Orientation 2015

When: 20 June 2015

Where: Marina Bay Area

Shannon, Participant:

This was my first year attending the RBKD orientation. When I was signing up for it, I was accompanied by fear and anxiety as I was not normally a sociable person and being around big groups of strangers was not normally my kind of thing. However, the RBKD family has always interested me due to our common love for Rui En. When I was notified that I was selected, I almost backed out several times as I had the mindset that fan clubs were meant for young teens and I would be the odd one out. However, the committee members and others present were easy to get along and I felt more at ease than expected.

Out of all the activities that was planned by the committee, captain’s ball was my favourite. Ever since I entered the workforce, team sports was something that’s almost impossible to get. Imagine my elation when they said we were playing captain’s ball! That being said, this captain’s ball was different from the usual one. Not only did we have to use balloons, we also had to be bound together by feet with one other person. This meant that no matter what I did, I had to think about the other party. It meant that no matter how eager I was to get the ball, I cannot rush there alone, otherwise we will fall down. This has taught me a lot about patience and doing things together as nothing good can be achieved if I acted on my own, and might even cause us to be injured. Both team members were also very good sports. No matter which team scored, everyone would cheer and encourage each other.

All in all, I feel that taking out the courage to sign up for RBKD orientation was one of the best things I’ve done in this year. I’ve met many new friends through this orientation and also broke away from my mundane work life to do something different.

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10 February 2016 | 01:00 pm

What: Railway Corridor Trekking

When: 10 January 2016

Where: Bukit Timah

Participants: Allan, Angel, Bi Hui, Edith, Eqsha, Jamie, Jiamin, Rebecca, Shannon, Shu Pei, Vanessa, Xinyi, Yanjun, Yanping, Yeeling, Yvonne


Shu Pei, Participant:

The weather was hot, sunny and humid and we were perspiring a lot from the short distance to the railway entrance. The trees along the corridor provided some shade from the hot sun. We chatted with each other while walking along the path. Some parts of the route were muddy and some of us tried to find the best way to cross to the other end to avoid getting our shoes dirty. We ended the walk at the old Bukit Timah Train Station by taking group photo.

Eqsha, Participant:

This is the first time I’ve ever met the members of RBKD. I was a little nervous at first as I didn’t know most of the people there, apart from some familiar faces. It was a time where us, non members, could meet the members to get to know them better.

It was extremely fun! While walking towards the railway, I still remember myself only talking to another non member as I knew her from previous events. After a while, both of us were asked to talk and mingle with other members instead. At first, it was quite shy but after a while, I started to realise that we were able to find common topics of interest. We talked about our studies and how stressed we were about school under the 36 degrees hot sun!

We also stopped at landmarks along the way to take photos and got many nice ones! At the end of the whole trip, I found that I got to know most of the members much better and it was a great experience!

I really enjoyed myself and I hope to be able to go for these fun bridging activities again

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20 January 2016 | 01:00 pm

What: weareone: our seventh chapter celebrations

When: 15 November 2015

Where: Function Room

Bi Hui, Priority Member:

That one time of the year, where everyone gathers in a meeting room… just for one motive, of course it is to celebrate RBKD’s birthday!! *popping party poppers*

I can’t deny that this year was a really nice and remarkable one for me. The food was great, the company was great, the place was big and comfortable, and not forgetting that I have been put in the spotlight for this year’s birthday celebration. I volunteered to sing in front of everyone! I was scared due to everyone’s eyes gazing on me while I sang, but I’m glad that some of the members were requesting, and also asking me to play other songs that they knew, which really helped in making me feel less stressed.

I am really honoured to be part of RBKD, and also to be able to celebrate our birthday together with the rest. I wouldn’t have known so many awesome people if it weren’t for RBKD. That, I am really grateful for. And I hope that things will go smoothly in the years to come!

Jolie, Ordinary Member:

I was looking forward to attending the anniversary this year as I missed out on last year’s celebrations even though I did manage to join in for a while through FaceTime. It is also the first time that we are celebrating the anniversary early in the day when we usually do it at night.

Times flies and unknowingly RBKD is already celebrating our 7th anniversary together. Being together with RBKD for the past 7 years has made me feel like I am really part of this family. Seeing not only old faces but also new faces makes me realise that RBKD has really come a long way working together as one. Here’s to celebrating more and more anniversaries together!

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23 December 2015 | 01:00 pm

What: The Dream Makers 2: Melbourne Site Visit

When: 29 September 2015

Where: Melbourne, Australia

Melissa, Priority Member:

Even when I was in Singapore, I never had any luck with bumping into The Idol – even when we were actually at the same mall at the same time – so I was really lucky to get the opportunity to visit the ZZSF filming locations in Melbourne. I missed out on a location on the first day, but on the second day I managed to visit 2 locations!

One of the locations was by the Yarra River near Federation Square.. it was really early in the morning but they had already started work when I got there. I got her a bottle of juice since I thought she would have had her own coffee/someone else would get that for her. True enough, just before I pulled out the juice bottle someone else handed her a cup of coffee. I felt proud of myself (LOL) especially when she kept mentioning how tasty the juice was.

I wish had a photo of how her eyes lit up when I pulled out the Minion and Tim Tams. It was really cute when she distributed the snacks to the other cast and crew and never failed to mention “It’s from my fans! From RBKD!” *fuzzy feeling*. I really love how instead of always openly declaring her love for us, she shows it through touching actions like these instead. I could really feel the love and pride she feels towards RBKD.

I watched them film many scenes and I was constantly left in awe of how quickly she can get in and out of character. She’s absolutely incredible! Visiting the set also allowed me to see just how much time and work goes into a scene that could pass by in the blink of an eye on TV, and how many takes they do just to get the “perfect” shot. Sometimes the same scene also has to be re-enacted several times to be filmed from different angles too.

Throughout the day, we had many conversations and most of them were initiated by The Idol as I was honestly feeling quite awkward and in the way of people doing their jobs. We talked about how she found Melbourne and what else she intended to do there.. and I felt such a big sense of relief when she suggested that we should take a photo together because of course I intended to ask for one but really didn’t want to make her feel obligated. I’m glad that my suggestions of where they can go on their free time was useful as well. I was also super touched when while taking photos with other fans from Melbourne, she saw me return (I had left the area for a while..) and shouted “You’re back! I was looking for the girl in shorts!”. I had to try very hard not to die then.

Anyway, all these made me feel how genuine she is. You know, when it’s not about the words someone says but She kept asking me if I was cold since I was in shorts, but really, her words made me feel so warm and fuzzy I’d be ok even if it was snowing. This half a day of visiting the set and interacting with her made me feel that all the “missed opportunities” in Singapore was worth it. I don’t need 10 pictures or to see her 20 times because just one memorable picture and conversation is more than enough.

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