Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
13 August 2014 | 01:00 pm
L’Oreal Paris Roadshow @ Tampines Mall

What: L’Oreal Paris Roadshow

When: 15 March 2014

Where: Tampines Mall


Yeeling, Priority Member:

The venue wasn’t that packed yet when I reached early to help my fellow Rangels look after the space. When the host announced that Rui En was the celebrity for this event, we screamed and the host thanked us for the screams.

When she was on the way to the stage, you could see all the hands raised up with phones, cameras and video recordings turned on, spamming flashes, snapping sounds from DSLRs and our cheering.

During the event, she kept all of us entertained by her speeches, waves and smiles.

There were two awkward moments that day, first when the host said that if any audience knew the answer, please shout “I Love Watsons”, and I shouted too loudly until she heard me. When I saw the make-up items on the stage, I was shocked and had no idea what to do. The L’Oreal staff guided me on what to use but my mind was blank and my hands were shaking while I was drawing. When she looked at me, she said I looked like “Faye Wong” and like “I was having a concert”. That made me more embarrassed because that was my first time drawing eyeliner in front of her and the public.

I enjoyed the time spent with Rangels, working together to look after the space for our videographer and photographer so everyone would be able to enjoy the event. I also enjoyed shouting for her and also got to see lots of her cute expressions throughout the event.


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