Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
15 July 2015 | 01:00 pm
RBKD in Penang: Part 2/3

What: RBKD in Penang: Site Visit

When: 20-22 March 2015

Where: Penang

Participants: Allan, Bi Hui, Candice, Celest, Jiamin, Joanne, Peijun, Phyllis, Shu Pei, Weijen, Xinyi, Yeeling

Bi Hui, Priority Member:

I wouldn’t deny that I was really looking forward and excited about this trip, since this is really the first time I ‘fly’ with RBKD members, even though it was just a short trip nearby. On the day of takeoff, I remember it was really shag and tiring for everyone… cause the flight was really early in the morning!! But things turned round when we reached our destination. Finally we’re here!!! We dragged our luggage with excitement, and drooling while thinking about the mouth-watering food waiting for us in line.

The first day was seriously a cha kway teow fever. I think we had like more than 3 different stores of CKT in a day, so much that I admit I was sick of CKT then! And even though the food was a little more salty than what we have in Singapore, the fragrance and uniqueness of the food definitely makes you wanna keep eating and sometimes, you would hope that you would not have to kill fats after eating that much in a day D:

What I liked most about this trip is how Penang could look so much like the old Singapore we once had in the 80s and 90s. Street stores just by the side of the road, cheap food, old buildings… it’s as though we flew back to the past. We even had the chance to try snacks like the ice kacang balls which our parents once enjoyed in their childhood days there! But things didn’t just go as enjoyably as it was really hot during that period of time, and most of the time we were complaining about the heat… how humid it was… and we even went to find places to “hide” ourselves in when we were resting (we actually went into a hotel and sat there for minutes just to have air-con there hahahaha!)

Then it was that small section where we had free time to visit Rui En on her shoots. Its definitely an eye opener for me as i had a little interest in how films are made behind the scenes. What really shocked me were the number of repeated scenes taken in a day. I always thought 1 scene could only take at most 3 repeats if there is no NG… apparently not. What makes things worse was the really hot and humid weather while filming…it really makes me admire the determination of every cast in the film.

Though it was a really tiring trip (I guess partly because of the really bad hot weather), somewhat I feel that it is a nice experience to go on a trip with someone you may know, but don’t know too well, to the state where we suddenly could understand each other well after a 3 day trip… That, I must agree that it is a trip that I would never regret travelling on.

Peijun, Priority Member:

On the very first day of the trip, I’ve realised that I’m not a foodie I thought I was after all this while.

While Xinyi & gang chiong-ed stalls after stalls, all I wanna do was to chill and take it slow man… I was hoping to buy something weird/special from those rundown looking shops but nothing caught my eye…

Anyway, after a visit to set, I felt that one of the perks of being in the filming industry is to be in an unreal environment that seemed real.

I mean, it could be a real place stimulated by unreal stuff – actors and props to make the unreal environment real.
I hope you get what I mean…

And the beauty of being an actor?

To immerse in the stimulated environment and feel the emotions of the character while delivering lines…

Hope your brain’s not fried from the
real and unreal.



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