Can you spot young Rui En in our midst?
11 July 2011 | 10:45 pm
The Muar Site Visit

Two weeks before we set off for Muar, the production team cordoned off the main filming site due to enthusiastic local fans waiting outside. So no fans, locals or Singaporeans, could visit. That, we all heard. Now here’s something you didn’t.

Elves: When Rui En saw us at the filming site, she went around asking on how to get permission for you guys to visit on-site too.

This would do.

After some misunderstandings and deliberation, we set off to the main filming site. Took us quite a while as usual as it was cordoned off. First time feeling that being a RBKD member has its privileges; we were allowed into the place while the others were stopped at the door.

We met up with Rui En again at night at our hotel room to pass her the gifts. After a few quick shots, she left with bags of gifts.

We headed to Candice’s room for our Durian-Heart Attack session next. Goodness, we had such a good laugh we were not just tearing, but screaming for mercy because of all the abdominal cramps. Who else but Jean can misinterpret 土产 as 赌场?

At 9:10pm, in a moment of impulse, we went searching for Bak Kwa. Finally found a shop that was still opened and delivered to the hotel at around 9:30pm. We did not know that she had posted, till almost an hour later.

Headed for KFC supper near midnight and it was not a very good experience; the hot milo actually had chlorine smell >< Was late for the site visit the next day due to the sudden downpour, but we managed to buy some not-too-bad charsiew pau for everyone. Rui En to one crew: 你有吃叉烧包吗?他们买的。*points at us* Rui En to another crew: 有吃叉烧包吗?我的fans买的。 I thought she sounded like a proud mother ;) -- We went Muar because we were concerned. We left Muar, still feeling concerned. But it's definitely comforting to know that she likes the food there. Till she's back, we just hope that she would be safe and if there's anything else we could do, we would. Signing off, Xinyi. Code of Honour 正义武馆 debuts 5 December 2011 7pm on Channel 8.


  • celest commented on 12 July 2011, 02:21pm:
    Read about this recent news and watched the videos about KFC Malaysia staff tampering with the food during preparation. Really gross….

    “First time feeling that being a RBKD member has its privileges” …. I was thinking that I should include a few more words into this sentence, long as snail is around. Haha…

  • Snail commented on 12 July 2011, 08:48pm:

    That.. is a very misleading statement.. I can only try my best every time.. Most of the time I fail but no one knows……..

  • sam2jones commented on 12 July 2011, 09:37pm:

    its been years since had KFC… just never wanna step in there every time i pass by the outlet. You can actually request for a change at the counter. XD

    Muar food is one of the best! Used to go all the wayy there just to enjoy the food during weekend, esp the thai seafood! teehee no stomach dun worry too much. She’ll be alright! *i do hope so*! XD

  • mickey commented on 12 July 2011, 10:00pm:


  • Snail commented on 12 July 2011, 10:33pm:

    Yea we changed to Cold Milo..

  • weijen commented on 13 July 2011, 12:26am:

    the video will go down as one of the classics haha. although some parts i could not hear clearly but the ‘tu2chan3’ as ‘du2chang3’ is deifnitely hilarious!

    can i request to have more this kind of videos updated in the future? haha.XD

    PS: i still love KFC although the rumours spreading around…but i try to cut down on the frequency rate i go there..fried chicken is after all..not very healthy ma haha.

  • Squeen commented on 13 July 2011, 08:31am:


    just watched u all trip to visit Rui En at Muar video

    talk the truly ..REALLY.i dun get what are u all said…

    just listened candice 作弊  then hahahahahahha(笑有夠大聲,但是,是沒有笑點才好笑)

  • Snail commented on 13 July 2011, 08:35am:

    Jean had threatened us waited 30min for this (哈 哈 哈。等一下到我,你们就死定了! 明天不用回去新加坡了!!)

    So we were teasing her that she was so noisy the front desk manager would come up. Hence her theory of the hotel being too small to hire a front desk mgr, lobby reception etc multiple posts..

    And then she complained that she was hungry so Joanne suggested that she could eat the 土产 but she misheard as 赌场 and the laughters continued…….

  • Candice commented on 13 July 2011, 08:36am:

    What I 作弊. haha. I feel so innocent. hahaha. Seriously jean causes my stomach cramp throughout the trip due to the hahahahahahahaha non stop. 
    du can is the funniest! how can du can become du zhang! laugh until want die. Lucky no one come and call the operater after screaming in the room like siao like that due to heart attack. Jean super violent. Like waiting to revenge like that!

  • Squeen commented on 13 July 2011, 08:38am:

    Quote Candice: “What I 作弊. haha. I feel so innocent. hahaha.”

    I agreed LOH! how can u all said candice 作弊?Maybe candice hand 比較短,在加上還沒有準備好。

    candice i always support u U u!!! 真的冤枉 TSK…又不是你的錯!!!

  • Jean commented on 13 July 2011, 08:38am:

    Oh my goodness! HAHAHAHA! I just saw the video and……… I want to go on strike!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I thought the video was meant to be kept private………….. Besides, I think the title of the video is wrong Hahahaha! Not a single bit violent yeah *wink wink*

    Next time no one wants to play heart attack with me, I will blame this video Haha!

  • Squeen commented on 13 July 2011, 08:39am:

    no private de lah.u know u president is a SABO queen mah :D

  • Snail commented on 13 July 2011, 08:40am:

    Hahaha.. I heard 6 “Post post post!” vs 1 “我没有形象了”. I was just being democratic….. :|

  • Squeen commented on 13 July 2011, 08:42am:


    放心啦,你本來就沒有形象 :D ,所以影響不大  XD

  • Candice commented on 13 July 2011, 08:43am:

    Quote Squeen: “I agreed LOH!how can u all said candice 作弊?Maybe candice hand 比較短,在加上還沒有準備好。

    candice i always support u U u!!! 真的冤枉 TSK…又不是你的錯!!!”

    haha (Y)(Y)(Y)

  • Joanne commented on 13 July 2011, 08:44am:

    Hey! i have with me another 独家版的video clip that i recorded when we at hawker centre……so shall we have another laughter??? :D :D (Y)

  • Joanne commented on 13 July 2011, 08:46am:

    :D :D Jean not only cause everyone in the room stomach cramp!!! Her stomach was cramp too, when asked her to eat the kfc fries…..she reply
    “my stomach very cramp”  

    Ya! Jean is violent……  she wanna hit me…….however Yamie was the one…… it……!!!  
    Ooosp! Sorry Jean, try harder next round of heart attack!  

  • Jean commented on 13 July 2011, 09:05am:

    Quote Squeen: “你本來就沒有形象”

    EH! HAHAHAHA! 我有!!! Hahaha! Even though the person who recorded the video said that…………… Tsk! Hahaha!

    Quote Joanne: “Hey! i have with me another 独家版的video clip that i recorded when we at hawker centre……so shall we have another laughter???”

    No more laughter~ HAHAHAHA! That is… Really…. 独家版 so…. Private ah~ HAHAHAHAHA!