What: The Black REnaissance
When: 15 November 2009
Where: HomeTeamNS Bukit Batok Club House
Organiser(s): Xaby, Joceline & Zhengfang
Advisor(s): RBKD
Arguably the most important event for RBKD to date; it was the day RBKD was officially launched.
But perhaps to most of us, that was the day we first met fellow strangers who would move on to become our best friends and co-workers in life.
Due to work commitments, Rui En was regrettably absent from the launch. Yet tens of members came together and witnessed the birth of a club we now see as our family outside of home.
The first highlight of the night was a specially collated video of various exclusive Rui En related clips that many members have never watched before.
Thereafter, the official website and forum of RBKD was launched.
The day wrapped up with the first ever club photo and I shall end this post with the welcome message from Rui En herself.
Remember this date – 15 November 2008, that’s the day RBKD was born. Traversing The Road Less Traveled, Lux Veritas.