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10 April 2016 | 10:42 am

1. 民意i发声 Page 18


RBKD: 《红星大奖2016》网上票选视帝视后。瑞恩凭《志在四方2》获得60.6%得票率。

2. 节目表 TV Listings Page 74

RBKD: 红星大奖2016以全新形式首次于新传媒园区与剧院举行。瑞恩与戚玉武今年上神台,两人会有什么毕业感言,令人好奇。

Categorised in All Time Favourite Artiste Award, CH, 超级红星奖, I-Weekly, Star Awards, Star Awards 2016.

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09 April 2016 | 12:04 am

RBKD: Rui En would be receiving her “All Time Favourite Artiste Award” at Star Awards 2016 – Show 1, on 17 April 2016 (next Sunday) which starts airing from 7pm. Red carpet would also be aired “live” on 17 April 2016, from 530pm on Channel 8.

Categorised in All Time Favourite Artiste Award, CH, Channel 8, 超级红星奖, Star Awards, Star Awards 2016.

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08 April 2016 | 11:40 pm

RBKD: Catch Rui En in the preview of prelude (episode 3) from 11:18 onwards. The way she directly translated “blood, sweat & tears” to Chinese is seriously cute :P

Categorised in CH, Channel 8, EN, Star Awards, Star Awards 2016, Video.

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08 April 2016 | 10:36 am

By Joanna Goh

RBKD: Rui En & Zhou Chongqing are nominated for Star Awards 2016’s “Toggle Most Beloved Celebrity BFF Award”. Voting begins on 11 April 2016, 12noon and ends on 24 April 2016, 10pm. The award will be given out during Post-party.

Rui En shared in the interview that not many people can make her laugh besides Chongqing and Aileen Tan, who complained that she was covered in bruises after filming Life is Beautiful with Rui En. She shared that the both of them, especially, can be very obscene and vulgar. As they don’t think before speaking, sometimes my first reaction is to just hit them.

Source: Toggle, Elle

Categorised in ELLE, EN, Fang Siblings, Star Awards, Star Awards 2016, The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2, The Dream Makers 志在四方, Toggle Most Beloved Celebrity BFF Award, Toggle SG.

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08 April 2016 | 10:01 am

邓永君 报道

RBKD: 记者说,跟周崇庆在一起的瑞恩,是大家很少的看到的。频频不顾形象地大笑,手会啪啪啪猛打周崇庆的肩膀,而对方的黄色笑话不仅全盘接受,甚至还会反击。


另外,瑞恩与崇庆入围了《Toggle 人气BFF 奖》,投票将从 4月11日,12时 开始至 4月24日, 10时。奖项则在庆功宴上颁发。

Source: Toggle

Categorised in CH, Fang Siblings, Star Awards, Star Awards 2016, The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2, The Dream Makers 志在四方, Toggle Most Beloved Celebrity BFF Award, Toggle SG.

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08 April 2016 | 10:00 am

By Toggle

RBKD: 如想参于《红星大奖》就前往Toggle赢取门票吧。

另外通知,Toggle今年增设“Toggle人气BFF”奖项,本地5对圈内认知的BFF(好友)陈汉玮和郑惠玉、瑞恩和周崇庆、赖怡伶和庞蕾馨、徐彬和冯伟衷、方伟杰和徐鸣杰均有入围。投票从 4月11日,12时 开始至 4月24日, 10时。奖项则在庆功宴上颁发。

Source: Toggle

Categorised in CH, Star Awards, Star Awards 2016, The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2, The Dream Makers 志在四方, Toggle Most Beloved Celebrity BFF Award, Toggle SG.

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05 April 2016 | 07:37 pm

Congrats to Rui En! Rui En will be receiving her "All Time Favourite Artiste award" at Star Awards Show 1, next Sunday…

Posted by Rui En on Tuesday, April 5, 2016

RBKD: Witness Rui En receiving her “All Time Favourite Award 超级红星奖” next Sunday at Show 1 of “Star Awards 2016 红星大奖2016”! Red carpet is happening before Show 1 this year, at 530pm.

Categorised in CH, EN, Star Awards, Star Awards 2016.

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01 April 2016 | 11:40 am

By Joanna Goh

RBKD: Definitely a must-read for all fans! And a highly recommended article to the rest.

In this 14-page interview done in English with Rui En, we follow Toggle’s lead to revisit Rui En’s 14-year acting career journey in her own words. What a long ride it has been………

In this post, RBKD shares with you our after-thoughts and how to better appreciate this article, sparing you the exact details of the interview so that you may enjoy in its original state at Toggle. It’s like wine pairing you know? :P

Read on for those who prefer to read RBKD’s sharing first, and for those who prefer to head to Toggle first, click here.


English Version: Toggle: Rui En, in retrospect

中文版: Toggle: “超级红星”瑞恩15年演艺路 4大“最”状

RBKD’s insights: Just scroll down :P


Pre-2007: The days of being ‘7 princesses’

Those were the days when “7 Princesses” were the talk of the town. Labeled as the “Ice Princess”, the association has always been a double-edged sword and understandably, non-conformist Rui En wasn’t comfortable with the labeling.

Still, what doesn’t kill you make you stronger; despite being ranked among the bottom few frequently back then, Rui En has certainly come a long way to her current state now.

Witty Rui En quipped, “who doesn’t love Elsa?” Indeed, now we know why even our young cousins adore Rui En? :p

Click to read page 3

Pre-2008: Before having a fanclub

Rui En described the years as ‘fuzzy’ and didn’t think she would have any fans or fanclub. We are really thankful to you peeps out there, for quietly supporting Rui En before RBKD came into the picture. Thanks for the love on our behalf :)

Click to read page 4


A role that got her on everyone’s radar: Metamorphosis (2007)

If each role was a generation, then ASP An Xiaoqian would be the predecessor of our beloved ASP Hu Xiaoman and INSP Ng Tze Keat. When you think of policewoman in local dramas, you think of Rui En. ’nuff said, we are thankful for that.

Click to read page 5

Post-2008: When RBKD came into her life

This page is diabetic and sugar overloaded. Warning: you may need your insulin shots.

Rui En shared with Toggle that everything changed when RBKD started. Quoting her, “they are everything to me and I’d not be where I am without them. That’s just as simple as that.”

Thanks Rui En, our lives changed when you entered ours too.

LOL at Rui En “complaining” to Toggle that RBKD sabotaged her. Who? What? When?! Read on as she shared more about her RBKD. :)

Click to read page 6

The role that proved naysayers wrong: Happy Family (2010)

Xiaodong will always be simply special to fans. *wink*

Click to read page 7

The role she gained ‘acting enlightenment’: With You (2010)

Her first ever acting nomination, her first ever “Best Actress” award at Star Awards. Rui En said she was in a daze when she won, so were we. We are just glad and thankful, how Rui En has grown as an actress especially after this role.

Click to read page 8

The role that left everyone shell-shocked with her transformation: A Tale of 2 Cities (2011)

There were days when we were not used to seeing Rui En in heels and now there are days when we wonder how tall her heels have become. Her transformation and acceptance of more feminine appearance is just like her acting career, always changing, improving and open to changes.

Every role is a result of blood, sweat and tears and like reverse-horcrux, a part of every role will always live in Rui En. Just like Ya Le, just like any other role…..

Click to read page 9


#SA2016SG All-Time Favourite graduate #RuiEn speaks to us ahead of her big day on April 17 and revisits her ups and downs as an actress for the past 14 years. Find out why she thinks Xiao Man from #Unriddle is the defining role of her career. Read the full story on @rbkd

A photo posted by Toggle (@toggle_sg) on

The role in which she won her second and third best actress: Unriddle 2 (2012)

Fans, you get the answer you have been craving for.

Does Rui En want Unriddle 3? The answer is a big ‘Yes’. Read on to see how would she hope Xiaoman’s character would develop.

It is of course a pity, to note the harsh reality that Unriddle 3 is unlikely to happen any time soon (if it will ever happen) due to high cost and budget cuts. Never give up hoping ya?

Shoutout to Unriddle’s producer Paul Yuen and storywriter Phang Kai Yee, what say you? ;)

Click to read page 10

The first time people saw her in a comedic role: The Dream Makers (2013)

“Crane up, tilt down, zoom in. 最好有点王家卫的feel~”

Everyone loves Fang Tonglin; be it Tonglin on her own or with her bro as Fang Siblings (speaking of which, did you know that RBKD was the one who coined the term when reposting one of their selfies back then?) or with Zhanpeng and Jason. That’s why Tonglin gets the man! :p

From initial scepticism of being an over-the-top performance to eventual well-reception and love for a character so adorable, no wonder Tonglin makes it to Rui En’s Top 3 career-defining roles, after Siqi and Xiaoman.

Click to read page 11

The first time she crossed over to the dark side: Against The Tide (2014)

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, hate cannot drive out hate, only love can.”

Who can forget this? Need we even say more?

There are times, most of the time in fact, when we hope that Rui En can be duly recognised for her respective roles with acting awards. But there are roles, not confined nor defined by the rules of awards, but recognised and acknowledged by the yardstick of the common viewer. This is one of those. Always our Best Actress. :)

Click to read page 12

Where to from now: Rui En’s progression to mature roles

Sure, fans might worry how Rui En has entered the land of no-return after her first ‘aunty’ role in upcoming “If Only I Could…..”

But more than anything else, fans just hope that Rui En gets to try a myriad of roles, defined by their depths and not age. Just like how Rui En do not wish to trap herself to the pigeonhole of being an idol or just become known for a certain type of roles, fans hope that her willingness to try diverse roles can be matched by equally varied range of opportunities too.

Aunty? Woa. Policewoman? Awesome. Goofy? Why not?

As long as you can deliver (and we know you will), by all means, challenge us with your multitude of roles and acting. We have adapted pretty well over the years, haven’t we? :p

Click to read page 13


A photo posted by Official Fan Club of Rui En (@rbkd) on

So what motivates Rui En and keeps her going today?

Yup, so now Rui En has 2 cats and Bingo has been renamed muffin. Why huh? :p

Rui En claims that reading interviews of actors and actresses she admires as the fuel to keep her passion burning. Thank goodness for these people, hence you are still here in our lives.

Rui En also gave special thanks to many, including “angels sent from God” and her “Hype family” for always being there for her. Indeed. If you are reading this, you know you are included, you have always been there for her. Thank you for that.

Click to read page 14

Rui En’s legacy: To be able to empower women and young girls

Awards do not define Rui En.

There are those who crave for awards and fame, and there are those who wish to use the awards and fame for greater good.

In Hollywood there’s Leonardo Dicaprio who lent his voice for climate change in his acceptance speech for the coveted golden man trophy he had waited 22 years for.

In Singapore, Rui En shares how she hopes to inspire and empower women and young girls through her acting and everything. Keep it up, girl!

Click to read page 15

English Version: Toggle: Rui En, in retrospect

中文版: Toggle: “超级红星”瑞恩15年演艺路 4大“最”状

Note: The “All Time Favourite Artiste Award” will be given out on “Star Awards” Show 1 on 17 April 2016, Sunday.


Source: Toggle

Categorised in A Tale of 2 Cities 乐在双城, Asian Television Awards, Asian Television Awards 2012, Asian Television Awards 2014, 七公主 7 Princesses, Bridge, C.L.I.F. 2 警徽天职 2, C.L.I.F. 3 警徽天职 3, C.L.I.F. 4 警徽天职 4, CH, Dramas - General, EN, Facebook, Happy Family 过好年, Hype Records, If Only I Could... 十年...你还好吗?, Instagram, Metamorphosis 破茧而出, No Problem 考试家族, Ratings 节目收视率, RBKD, RBKD Annual Giving, Rui En, Social Media, Star Awards, Star Awards 2016, The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2, The Dream Makers 志在四方, Toggle SG, Twitter, Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2, Unriddle 最火搭档, With You 我在你左右.

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01 April 2016 | 09:11 am

张思嘉 报道

RBKD: 瑞恩今年将正式登上一年一度《红星大奖2016》的神台,,获颁“超级红星”。


最具代表性作品Top 3








English Version: Toggle: Rui En, in retrospect

中文版: Toggle: “超级红星”瑞恩15年演艺路 4大“最”状

“超级红星奖”将于《红星大奖》第一场 (17/4) 颁发.

Source: Toggle

Categorised in CH, Star Awards, Star Awards 2016, Toggle SG.

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