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01 May 2011 | 10:04 pm

1. Starbuzz Page 30


60年代怀旧剧《正义武官》5月拉队到马来西亚开拍, 监制杨锡彬启程前,先传召演员们见面,进行一轮整装工作。




告别《麻婆斗妇》与《边缘父子》的善良弱女角色,瑞恩这回饰演男仔头打女。大展拳脚早不是第一次,更大惊喜是看她如何诠释 “招摇撞骗误打误撞进入武官习武” 的小人物。

2. TV Ratings Page 73

Channel 8
1. 红星大奖2011之银光闪耀
2. 麻婆斗妇
3. 爱
4. 3菜1汤III
5. 夜市人生

3. TV Listing Page 78

4. TV Synopsis Pages 83-86

Categorised in CH, Code of Honour 正义武馆, I-Weekly, On The Fringe 边缘父子, Ratings 节目收视率, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇.

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27 April 2011 | 04:06 pm

This Mother’s Day, we want to do something meaningful. And what’s more meaningful to a mother than to know how much she means to her children?

However, more often than not, we do not know how to express this love to our mums. So, we want to help you do just that!

Tell us “What do you have to say to your mum this Mother’s Day?” in not more than 100 words. And we will write your message into an exclusive “The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇” star-studded memo pad! On top of that, we also throw in one of the tingkats that were actually used in the show!

Who knows, yours might just be the one that Pierre Png gave to Rui En or the one that Rui En ate from!

Send in your message now to along with your Name, I/C no., contact no. and address!

Contest ends 4 May 2011

Terms and Conditions Apply.

Source: Bagua8

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇.

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26 April 2011 | 10:39 pm

1. Cover 胜者为王 暗流汹涌 IN & OUT!

2. Advertisement Page 1

3. Cover Story Pages 34-38, 42-43





超级红星 :向云
最佳男主角 :戚玉武《走进走出》
最佳女主角 :瑞恩《我在你左右》
最佳男配角 :曹国辉《五福到》
最佳女配角 :潘玲玲《破天网》
最佳综艺节目 :《名厨出走记》
最佳新闻主播 :林启元
最佳电视剧 :《破天网》

– 瑞恩出道10年走过风雨终有所成,首先表达对恩师的感激,利益挂帅的新世代都该自省。




瑞恩得奖后回家第一件事要做什么?“我想要回家反省,压力很大,得奖其实没有很开心,反而觉得好像自己做错了什么事!” 哎呀,新视后不要在虐待自己,好好享受幸福这一秒啦。

红星PK战 – 花旦


“单以外形来评断,瑞恩最适合香港市场。她看起来很有个性,眼神有股杀气。” – 林家栋

“瑞恩。凭感觉,我觉得她很不错,很有个性。她的外形不管什么角色都可以演。” – 邵美琪

“白微秀笑容好看,具亲和力,最适合演台湾偶像剧;瑞恩有个性,看起来像玩音乐的,我说的对吧?她太有个性,外形可能会限制戏路;我觉得欧萱气质很好,可当知性节目主持人。” – NONO

“白微秀比较符合台湾偶像剧女主角的要求。其实她们各有特色,欧萱挺适合饰演名媛的;瑞恩很有个性,适合当模特儿。” – 温升豪

红星PK战 – 粉丝




4. Feature Page 44

1. 单纯最可爱

5. TV MSN Page 84

随便小姐:可能是最后一次所以特别卖力,要给粉丝留下最美好的记忆嘛。以后安哥人选有少一人… … 电视台hor中女们很可怜咯,中男全部去搭小妹妹,连姚玟隆都整天搭庞xx了咯,曹国辉也搭恩恩,but美珍香搭来搭去都是一样人。

随便小姐:我说女人真可怕才是真的,男人根本连站的地方都没有。哎哟,一向强悍的恩恩突然变脸酱,变成小小声的苦情女,怪怪的wor,好像装得很辛苦酱。方展发一下子扮无辜纯情男也不work,这个role左看右看都比较像是灿烂笑容小熊的咧… …


随便小姐:不然你以为扮弱扮傻酱容易咩?很高难度不是人人都可以的OK! 恩恩这样子其实有像咯,苍苍白白好像随时会晕倒酱,不懂是不是拍戏拍太多,脸都没有光,有气无力酱… …

芭芭拉姬: 哎哟,现在人家是圈中第一“劳模”,接戏接到手软,被操得太厉害,所以光彩暗淡了点咯。


6. TV Ratings

Channel 8
1. 生日快乐
2. 爱
3. 麻婆斗妇
4. 3菜1汤III
5. 夜市人生

7. TV Synopsis Pages 95-98

Categorised in CH, Happy Family 过好年, I-Weekly, Ratings 节目收视率, RBKD, Star Awards, Star Awards 2011, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇, With You 我在你左右.

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26 April 2011 | 09:49 pm

7点档的观众被《爱》征服超过一年后,新传媒摆出金牌监制杨锡彬,在《爱》圆满落幕后,一连炮制3部怀旧剧。首部《甘榜情》主打郭舒贤、林湘萍、陈泓宇等中生代演员,第二部 《正义武官》 以瑞恩及童冰玉为号召,第三部《猪仔馆》以确定由被传遭冷藏、打压的戴阳天独当一面。

Source: ChinaPress, Wanbao

Categorised in CH, ChinaPress 中國報, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇, Wanbao.

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21 April 2011 | 08:17 pm

Behind the scenes: Rui En and her on-screen ‘colleagues’ discuss lunch at their office in the Singapore Botanic Gardens

You’ve watched this star’s on-screen adventures in a variety of exciting drama serials. Most recently, she played a hard-boiled police officer in Unriddle, and a trendy girl-about-town in A Tale of 2 Cities.

But have you ever seen Rui En climb a tree?

In her latest drama,The In-Laws, this princess of Caldecott Hill plays an NParks arborist. Her character, Jiazhen, is a girl-next-door whose passion for nature provides respite from the drama she faces at home.

Behind the scenes: High up in the branches of a tree, Rui En looks every bit like a bona-fide arborist.

As part of her preparations for her role, Rui En watched a documentary which featured NParks’ arborists. “It was quite an eye-opener, because I never knew that there were people being paid to actually take care of the trees on a daily basis,” she said. “I always took it for granted that our trees and gardens just took care of themselves!”

Rui En’s tree climbing scenes took place under the guidance and watchful eye of NParks’ real-life tree climbers. Although it was an entirely new experience, she enjoyed it: “It was easier than I thought it would be, and it was actually quite fun. I’m not scared of heights, so it was exciting.”

Rui En’s ‘body double’, Ow Siew Ngim, is a certified arborist and experienced tree climber. She was impressed by Rui En’s willingness to climb a tree for the shoot, even though the scene could also have been staged with the use of a ladder. “I thought she was quite adventurous,” commented Siew Ngim. “She’s also really cool in person – just like on TV.” Siew Ngim also shared that the down-to-earth actress had no qualms about sharing the sweaty climbing equipment.

Because she plays an environmentally-conscious character, Rui En incorporated some of her own eco-friendly habits into the drama. For instance, ‘Jiazhen’ carries the same recycled tote bag in every single episode. “The wardrobe [department] prepared a few bags for me, but I thought it might not be that realistic if Jiazhen kept changing bags. My own recyclable bag was the only thing I found suitable, and it’s probably going to have a hole in it very soon because of all the use,” she quipped.

Rui En’s co-star and on-screen love interest, Pierre Png, also filmed some scenes at the Singapore Botanic Gardens, where the arborists’ offices are located. He enjoyed the location shoot’s unique setting: “The lush, green open space gave me a sense of freedom and peacefulness. Great for anyone who wants to clear their mind, anytime!” In particular, the ‘$5 Tembusu tree’ evoked fond childhood memories for both Pierre and Rui En.

So while you’re catching The In-Laws, keep your eyes peeled for the exciting scenes of Rui En tackling tree climbing. And if you’re inspired by her to do the same, why not check out a recreational tree climbing course – or even consider a career with NParks!

The In-Laws airs on Mediacorp Channel 8 from 12 April, weekdays at 9 pm.

Calling All Rui En Fans!

Here’s your chance to win an exclusive behind-the-scenes souvenir from The In-Laws!

We have two ‘wedding invitations’ used as filming props, for the wedding of Jiazhen and Jianhai. Just email us at with the subject “My Green Space – Rui En”, and tell us in 150 words or less: What do you think of Rui En’s role as an arborist?

The two most creative answers will receive one ‘wedding invitation’ each, along with other NParks souvenirs.

Source: National Parks

Categorised in EN, National Parks, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇.

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18 April 2011 | 02:35 am

1. Advertisement Page 77

The In-Laws Poster

2. TV Page 78


i 直击《边缘父子》拍摄现场,看黑帮恶势力张耀栋在好心盲女瑞恩面前原形毕露,流氓阿飞李南星出手搭救。



3. TV MSN Page 80



4. Advertisement Pages 82 – 85

Star Awards 2011 Nomination List

Categorised in CH, I-Weekly, On The Fringe 边缘父子, Star Awards, Star Awards 2011, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇.

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12 April 2011 | 11:04 pm

Meek role was new for Rui En, who’s known for playing strong characters

By Marie Lim
April 12, 2011

SHE never knew she could be so gentle.
Well, neither did we.
Meek and mild is not what usually comes to mind when describing this MediaCorp Princess.

But for a few months this year, local actress Rui En was just that.

She plays a docile, easily manipulated character in her new drama The In-Laws — a quantum leap from her past roles in the almost 10 years she’s been with MediaCorp.

Rui En’s usual fare consists of a steady diet of confident, strong-willed characters, such as a police officer in Metamorphosis and Unriddle, as well as a strong, independent and highly educated single girl in The Dream Catchers and My School Daze.

Granted, her more recent roles as a tragedy-stricken widow in With You and a wealthy heiress who lost her inheritance in A Tale Of 2 Cities already marked a departure from her comfort zone.

But playing a damsel in distress? That’s a first.

“I don’t like to be bullied, I stand up for myself, I’ll fight back – so this is new for me,” the 30-year-old told The New Paper.

The In-LAws premiers on Channel 8 tonight at 9pm.

It revolves around the family strife that arises when a matriarch (Li Siqi) meddles in her children’s lives.

Rui En plays Jiazhen, her sweet and gentle daughter-in-law who suffers terribly at the hands of her devious sister-in-law (Cynthia Koh).

Rui En said: “I had to change a lot. How you are as a person has got a lot to do with how you act, and this is the first time I’m doing something that’s so different from (me).”

“The character is so pitiful, and there are people trying to get her all the time.”

It also meant changing everything about herself.

Softer expression in the eyes? Check.
Slower acting momentum? Check.
Sweeter tone of voice? Check.
Subdued body language? Check.
On her inspiration for her onscreen persona, she said: “I’ve been through this stage when I was in my teens. There are some girls who are very uncomfortable with themselves…”

She was so fully immersed in her role that when she first started filming, she would lapse into her soft-spoken mannerisms even when off the set.

She was convincing enough for her co-stars to threaten ti “break” her whenever they saw her in the character.

“Cynthia would say, ‘I feel like breaking you in half, why do you talk like that…” and I would be like ‘yay’, I was very successful,” she said.

She didn’t even recognise herself when she reviewed the film after a day of shooting to see how she could improve.

“I was like, ‘Who is this?’ Oh my God. I didn’t know I could be so gentle,” she said.

She added: “Hopefully I’m convincing as a damsel in distress.”

But Rui En visibly perked up when the second season of Unriddle – which is a step back into more familiar territory – was mentioned.

She said excitedly: “I’m totally looking forward to it.”

“I love, love, love those kinds of roles, and it’s comfortable for me – I don’t have to think, ‘Is my voice right? Are my eyes right?’ ”

“I enjoyed filming Unriddle quite a lot.”

She even told the director and scriptwriter that there weren’t enough action scenes in the first season.

“There’s gonna be more,” she said with a smile.

Unriddle 2 is due to begin filming in the last quarter of the year, but Rui En won’t have time to train and prepare for the more adrenaline-pumping scenes.

She will be heading to Kuala Lumpur in May for a Channel 8 martial arts production set in the 60s and will be there for three to four months.

“I guess I will take that as training,” she said, adding she’s ready conquer new territory.

“I think I’m ready for period dramas,” she said, breaking into laughter.

“Everything that is not me is a challenge, which I like.”

Source: The New Paper

Categorised in CH, Code of Honour 正义武馆, EN, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇, The New Paper, Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2.

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10 April 2011 | 02:34 pm

1. Voice Page 8


《红星大奖》Part I








最喜爱女角色:1. 瑞恩 杨小冬 过好年

2. TV Pages 70 – 71








台上窃窃私语说个没完,看来首度合作的李思棋和瑞恩关系还不错。李思棋说 “我很喜欢瑞恩,她很特别,平时不太说话,但她对我很好,常跟我说话,对我笑。”


3. Advertisement Pages 76 – 77

Star Awards 2011

4. i-Life Page 17

黑暗的味道 陈伟联


陈伟联当导游,i走入≪黑暗中对话≫ (Dialogue in the Dark) 展览厅,漆黑一片中体验失明者的“日常生活”。



Categorised in CH, I-Weekly, Star Awards, Star Awards 2011, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇.

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09 April 2011 | 04:54 pm

日期: 09/04/2011 | 新闻来源: 联合晚报 | 记者: 钟雁龄 陈秋雁 | 摄影: 王彦燕








拥有很棒的粉丝群,原来瑞恩自己也曾经是别人的粉丝,而她当年崇拜的偶像就是音乐流行乐坛神话麦克杰逊! 她笑说:“他1993年来新加坡体育馆开演唱会时,我成功挤到舞台前排,结果还被《海峡时报》给拍到,那时候我也只是12、3岁的中学生而已,哈哈!” 瑞恩透露,她当时就被麦克杰逊的天王架势和演唱会的热爆气氛给high到,间接启发她日后走向艺人表演道路。



爱看电影又想法多多的瑞恩透露,自己还蛮想尝试写剧本,甚至执导筒拍短片。 “当演员,都是从自己观点出发,写剧本则要同时在脑子里出现几个人,其实也不是那么容易。”

Source: Wanbao, ChinaPress

Categorised in CH, ChinaPress 中國報, On The Fringe 边缘父子, RBKD, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇, Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2, Wanbao.

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