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08 February 2012 | 07:18 pm

日期: 8/2/2012 | 新闻来源: 新明日报 | 记者: 钟雁龄




#Unriddle 2 最火搭档 II debuts 5 March 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts 26 June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Shinmin,Chinapress

Categorised in CH, ChinaPress 中國報, Joys of Life 花样人间, Shin Min, Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2, Unriddle 最火搭档.

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08 February 2012 | 12:45 pm






















Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts 26 June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Xinmsn, Mypaper, Omy

Categorised in CH, Joys of Life 花样人间, MyPaper,, xinmsn.

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07 February 2012 | 10:14 pm

Rouding up the activies for 花样人间 this week was the 开镜 ceremony held on yesterday (Monday) on set! With it being Yuan Xiao 元宵节, we brought in 2 lions and a dragon to start this drama with a bang!

Smiles all around! The partial 韩 family here. (Wang Xin Ru 王心如 will play Rui En’s younger sister, the belle of the street 韩柔柔.)

The 钱 family with sons 钱一多 and 钱二多. (No Rui En is not photo-bombing, she turns out to be part of this family too!)

Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts 26 June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, EN, Joys of Life 花样人间.

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20 January 2012 | 08:04 pm

复古最火搭档?!?! No lah! Joys of Life 花样人间 is the 1950s-60s mid-year blockbuster this year celebrating our 30th Drama Anniversary in 2012! If it reminds you of our iconic dramas 春到人间 and 福满人间,you should give yourself a pat on the back! The huge cast brings the 最火搭档 Li Ping and Rui En together!

We are so excited for “Joys of Life”! With the light-hearted storyline, lots of hilarious scenes and super fun cast members…we really can’t wait for it! Although the outfits are not finalised, the cast members tried on their clothes for the first time and let’s see what happened…

Li Ping kept telling Rui En to smile and look sweet…because this role requires wearing dresses.

They have a great rapport with each other…

Rui En and her new hairstyle…Doesn’t she look good with a fringe? She plays 韩咏咏 who is the adopted daughter of Huang Wen Yong and Lin Mei Jiao. She works hard to support her family and three sisters although she knows that she isn’t their flesh and blood…aww! One of her sisters is played by 人气美女 Wang Xinru previously on local TV in Devotion 阿娣!

Mei Jiao as 刘黛玉, in her cute outfit…

And lastly…Wen Yong posing for the camera. He has the cutest poses ever! He plays 韩健仁, a chef that gambles away his earnings…watch to find out what happens in the end!

#Unriddle 2 最火搭档 II debuts 5 March 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, EN, Joys of Life 花样人间, Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2.

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20 January 2012 | 09:22 am

1. 星光 Starbuzz Pages 22-23




Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Categorised in CH, I-Weekly, Joys of Life 花样人间.

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02 January 2012 | 01:25 pm

by Joanna Goh

It’s time for modern-day series to take a back seat with the strong return of period dramas on the gogglebox

From the carefree and laidback village life in a kampong during the 40s to the grandeur palace dramas in a harem-setting from olden China, period drama series are no doubt the hottest drama theme to ride on this year.

The historical aspect of these stories or the transition into a whole new and different era — from the one we’re living in today — might be just one of the many reasons behind its strong appeal and demand amongst TV viewers. Throw in an elaborate setting, intricate costumes with an eye for historical details and you have yourself a winning formula.

Code of Honour

Taking on a different route from the usual melodramatic and sappy story themes, Code of Honour bears strong potential to be different from its predecessors with its heavy emphasis on kung fu. Family secrets, power-hunger fights in a martial arts school and the eventual showdown between good and evil makes up for the main underlying story premise of this show. Our only grimace so far: not enough action — it took a good 13 episodes before we finally saw the main female lead Ou Kelu (Rui En) get down to some fist-punching martial arts fun.

Joys of Life

Remember the 1999 Wok of Life starring Chew Chor Meng, Evelyn Tan, Ann Kok and Zheng Ge Ping? Joys of Life is set to be another nostalgic drama set in the 60s and 70s and will feature familiar faces such as Chew Chor Meng, Chen Li Ping, Rui En, Huang Wen Yong, Yvonne Lim, Zheng Ge Ping, Romeo Tan, Andie Chen and more. Set to commemorate 30 years of television in Singapore, the story will be based on the mobile getai and entertainment scene of our grandparents’ and parents’ generation and revisit the golden decade of music with old school performers such as Wang Sha and Ye Feng, Sakura, and Ling Yun.

Code of Honour 正义武馆 debuts 5 December 2011 7pm on Channel 8.

Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Xinmsn

Categorised in 30th Drama Anniversary, Code of Honour 正义武馆, EN, Joys of Life 花样人间, xinmsn.

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28 December 2011 | 11:56 am










应该是观众上半年最期盼的作品。第一季赢得好口碑,收视也可圈可点,在xinmsn Catch-up TV上更是前年电视剧点击率冠军(以每集的平均点击率计算),播出大结局后,不少网民纷纷要求续集。










Code of Honour 正义武馆 debuts 5 December 2011 7pm on Channel 8.

Unriddle 2 最火搭档 II debuts 5 March 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Xinmsn

Categorised in 30th Drama Anniversary, CH, Code of Honour 正义武馆, Joys of Life 花样人间, Ratings 节目收视率, Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2, Unriddle 最火搭档, xinmsn.

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24 December 2011 | 03:22 pm

1. Cover Story Pages 24-34

















2. 特报 Feature Pages 44-46







《甘榜情》+ 《正义武馆》马国拍摄,郭舒贤、林湘萍、郑各评、瑞恩、黄俊雄等等等轮番消失于本地小荧幕。麻坡,林明等乡间小镇一待便是好几个月,辛苦了。





3. TV Ratings Page 73

Channel 8
1. 星洲之夜
2. 夜市人生
3. 正义武馆
4. 美差事苦差事2
5. Best Denki 智夺天下

4. TV Synopses Pages 80 – 82

Code of Honour 正义武馆 debuts 5 December 2011 7pm on Channel 8.

Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Categorised in A Tale of 2 Cities 乐在双城, CH, Code of Honour 正义武馆, I-Weekly, Joys of Life 花样人间, Ratings 节目收视率, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇.

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21 December 2011 | 12:05 pm

Drama Highlights 2012

Unriddle 2 (最火搭档2)

Picking up from where the story left off in Unriddle, the feisty duo of Xiaoman and Dabao continues to fight complex crimes beyond their imagination. Back by popular demand, Unriddle 2 boasts the original cast of Rui En, Chen Li Ping, Tay Ping Hui, Zhou Ying, Xiang Yun and Joshua Ang. The new season will also see Elvin Ng join the set as a member of the Criminal Investigation Department, also Xiaoman’s nemesis!

30th Drama Anniversary Highlights

Joys of Life (花样人间)

To commemorate 30 years of local drama productions. Joys of Life is a star-studded mid-year blockbuster drama which continues the legacy of “Wok of Life” (福满人间) and “Springs of Life” (春到人间). Set in the ’60s to ’70s when mobile getai was all the rage, the story will allude to well-known entertainers of the day such as Sakura Teng and comedy icons Wang Sha and Ye Feng. Chew Chor Meng makes a comeback in this series, starring alongside Rui En and Taiwanese idols Wang Xin Ru and Alien Huang (Xiao Gui).


Categorised in 30th Drama Anniversary, EN, Joys of Life 花样人间, Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2.

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