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28 February 2012 | 06:51 pm

Attention all otakus! 可爱教主Cynthia 王心如 is the first overseas artiste to join our league of celebrity bloggers! She joins Romeo Tan in blogging for 花样人间!

Part 2 花样人间,我开拍了

开拍第一场,太阳很大的迎接我们六个人的首次对戏,我想大家都努力的做足了功课外,我们六人的默契好像一碰面就产生,拍的很顺利,至于我们手拿的那个年代的汽水,你喝过吗? (它叫绿宝 Green Spot)


Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts 26 June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, CH, Joys of Life 花样人间.

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20 February 2012 | 09:08 am

日期: 20/2/2012 | 新闻来源: 联合早报 | 记者: 洪铭铧



Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts 26 June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Zaobao

Categorised in CH, Joys of Life 花样人间, Zaobao.

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19 February 2012 | 12:22 pm

1. 狮城娱温 ZONE Pages 18-20


小鬼 + 王心如 + 王传一来抢滩!

小鬼>> 继电影《一泡而红》后,小鬼二度与本地剧组合作,不过这回是转战电视。他在《花样人间》里的角色“赵明星”人如其名,爱发明星梦,被安排与瑞恩配成一对。


最喜爱女角色>>乐在双城(章雅乐,瑞恩饰)、阿娣 (林珊珊,王心如饰)、甘榜情 (冯月满,郭舒贤饰)、边缘父子 (阿雅,谢静仪饰)、行医 (敏妃,刘子绚饰)

警徽天职 – 廖心怡(白薇秀饰) + 唐耀佳 (戚玉武饰)
正义武馆 – 欧可璐 (瑞恩饰) + 宋亚仔 (黄俊雄饰)
边缘父子 – 田一邦 (李南星饰) + 刘佳丽 (范文芳饰)
麻婆斗妇 – 王佳珍 (瑞恩饰) + 萧建海 (方展发饰)
行医 – 杨敏妃 (刘子绚饰) + 吴国恩 (李铭顺饰)

Vote for Rui En as your Favourite Female Character from 1 March 2012!

Vote for Rui En in Favourite On-Screen Couple from 1 March 2012!

Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts 26 June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Categorised in CH, Joys of Life 花样人间, Star Awards, Star Awards 2012, U-Weekly.

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17 February 2012 | 06:11 pm

日期: 17/2/2012 | 新闻来源: 联合晚报/新明日报 | 记者: 李妙音/康秀金









Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts 26 June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Wanbao, Omy, ChinaPress, Shinmin

Categorised in CH, ChinaPress 中國報, Joys of Life 花样人间,, Shin Min, Wanbao.

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17 February 2012 | 09:59 am

日期: 17/2/2012 | 新闻来源: 我报 | 记者: 李妙音





Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts 26 June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Mypaper, Omy

Categorised in CH, Joys of Life 花样人间, MyPaper,

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16 February 2012 | 08:22 pm

Cynthia Wang 王心如 plays a pretty complicated character, 韩柔柔. She is the belle of the street, 外号‘花香街之花’, and is a feisty little chilli padi! Most males in the show are in love with her at one point in time. However, she is materialistic at times, and even betrays her close sister 韩咏咏 (played by Rui En) at one point.

Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts 26 June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, CH, Joys of Life 花样人间.

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16 February 2012 | 09:07 am

日期: 16/2/2012 | 新闻来源: 联合早报


Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts 26 June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Zaobao, Omy

Categorised in CH, Joys of Life 花样人间,, Zaobao.

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12 February 2012 | 10:24 am

1. 新闻馆 Newsstand Page 22





戏剧 角色 演员
乐在双城 章雅乐 瑞恩
阿娣 林珊珊 王心如
甘榜情 冯月满 郭舒贤
边缘父子 阿雅 谢静仪
行医 敏妃 刘子绚


戏剧 男女搭档
警徽天职 唐耀佳(戚玉武)+ 廖心怡(白薇秀)
正义武馆 宋亚仔(黄俊雄)+ 欧可璐(瑞恩)
边缘父子 田一邦(李南星)+ 刘佳丽(范文芳)
麻婆斗妇 萧建海(方展发)+ 王佳珍(瑞恩)
行医 陈国恩(李铭顺)+ 扬敏妃(刘子绚)

2. 星光 Starbuzz Pages 30-31






视后瑞恩原来也有致命伤:烧菜+做家务。偏偏剧中角色是这方面的高手。“跟手有关的东西我是很差的,我又懒惰,这几个星期只好crash course向妈妈和阿麽请教,压力很大啊!我跟剧组说,碰到切菜这类镜头,可能要找替手,要不然很容易露出马脚!”

Vote for Rui En as your Favourite Female Character from 1 March 2012!

Vote for Rui En in Favourite On-Screen Couple from 1 March 2012!

Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts 26 June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Categorised in A Tale of 2 Cities 乐在双城, CH, Code of Honour 正义武馆, I-Weekly, Joys of Life 花样人间, Ruivin, Star Awards, Star Awards 2012, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇.

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09 February 2012 | 08:00 pm

By Han Wei Chou

Cooking, cleaning and acting, oh my!: Rui En is a little nervous about her role in “Joys of Life”.

On the outside, she was calm, relaxed and all smiles, during the commencement ceremony for the upcoming 60s period drama “Joys of Life” on Monday.

On the inside, Singapore actress Rui En said she is “really nervous” about playing Han Yong Yong in the show, a woman resigned to being mistreated by her foster father Han Jian Ren (Huang Wen Yong), and made to do all the cooking and housework in the household.

“This role is very not me, very unfamiliar and very strange,” said Rui En of her character.

“I have done some research. I have asked my grandma and my dad.

“The women of previous eras were actually very accepting of whatever life throws at them, not like now, where we try to change whatever we can change,” observed the actress.

“It’s so interesting, the way women then and women now are so different. It’s been a huge leap.”

“I feel it is very refreshing, but I am also quite nervous to do it because she is a character who is very good at housework and cooking, which are the two things that I am like the worst at! ”

“I am actually very stressed out!”

Cooking, cleaning and acting

Calling Rui En a kitchen novice would be an understatement.

“I can do instant noodles. I can add a fried egg. That’s it. I don’t even know how to cook rice!” she continued.

“When the EP (executive producer) was explaining [the character], I went ‘You have to know that I can’t cook’, then she just stared at me. She was quite shocked you know.”

“I said ‘I can’t even cook white rice’. She was like ‘You can at least boil water right?’ Then I said, ‘Ya, ya, I can boil water.’,” said Rui En with a chuckle.

“It was quite funny actually!”

Though she is not very handy around the kitchen, Rui En declared that she is doing everything in her power, to make sure she looks convincing as Han Yong Yong.

“I have been spending the last few weeks doing cooking crash courses, housework crash courses.

“I’ve had people teach me how people of the 60s would do the housework.

“It’s not like mop and broom you know, it’s like get down on your knees with a towel and wipe the floor that kind of thing,” said Rui En with a grimace.

“Housework is foreign to me. Housework of the 60s is even more foreign to me!”

Just who has been doing all the housework around her house all this time? And who cooks for her?

“So far, it has been taken care of. My whole life, I have been lucky enough to have it taken care of.

“I think I am quite representative of my generation,” said Rui En sheepishly, before revealing that she has a hired helper who does most of the housework for her nowadays.

“I think I will be a lot more ‘advanced’ in doing housework and cooking after this!”

Rui En (left) all dressed up for the 60s, at the commencement ceremony for “Joys of Life”.

Rui En (right) poses for a photo with her co-stars.

Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts 26 June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Channelnewsasia

Categorised in, EN, Joys of Life 花样人间.

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