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22 December 2011 | 12:18 pm

Stage 2 of the nominations is here!!!!!!!!

We wanna hear your nomination wishlist for 2 awards this festive week:

Favourite Female Character 最喜爱女角色
Favourite Onscreen Couple 最喜爱荧幕情侣

These two awards are by online voting only, so we are expecting the legions of youth fans to rally behind their favourite artistes to help them win the awards! (Online voting period is from March – Apr, dates to be released later) But they need to be nominated before they can get your vote, so tell us!

Being online awards, will the ‘trend 到不清不楚‘ youth drama On The Fringe 边缘父子 get the teen actors some nominations? Showbiz has a very short memory; will fans still remember them? We don’t know! What we do know is that Kim Chia/Edwin Goh/Ian Fang each have a huge fanbase who will retweet their every tweet, will this be enough? Tell us on Twitter, Facebook and 微薄!

Last year’s winners Rui En and Elvin Ng also traditionally do well online, so they may each garner support for nominations in the individual Male/Female categories, as well as the Ruivin pairing in Code of Honour 正义武馆! Did you also remember Elvin’s role in C.L.I.F. as the laidback & adorable Sgt Teo 张贵祥, or Rui En’s role as the long-suffering 茶碗蒸 in The In-Laws with Pierre Png?

Did we miss out any AWESOME Female/Couples?

Favourite Female Character 最喜爱女角色
Favourite Onscreen Couple 最喜爱荧幕情侣

Tell us now in the comments section below or tag tag tag tag us on:

Twitter: Follow us @ch8sg and hashtag your posts #starawards so we can find your feedback!
Facebook: Like us on Channel 8′s page here and tell us your comments on this album on the appropriate categories!
Weibo: Follow us on @ch8sg and hashtag your posts #红星大奖# too!

Nominate Rui En as both 1. Zhang Yale (A Tale of 2 Cities) and 2. Ou Kelu (Code of Honour) for Favourite Female Character by tweeting with #starawards

Nominate both 3. Jiazhen Jianhai (Rui En & Pierre, The In-Laws) and 4. Chenxi Kelu (Rui En & Elvin, Code of Honour) for Favourite Couple by tweeting with #starawards

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, Code of Honour 正义武馆, EN, Happy Family 过好年, Ruivin, Star Awards, Star Awards 2011, Star Awards 2012, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇.

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19 December 2011 | 11:49 am

Yes, it’s coming again! 咱们本地娱乐圈的一大盛事 will be telecast in April. As the team sorts out the massive logistics of the event, we call upon you to participate too! Which hardworking star NEEDS to be awarded this year, which awesome programme MUST not be left out of the nomination list? Tell us now!

We will be trawling the cyberworld and Twittersphere to find out which artistes/programmes have left the greatest impression on our viewers so tell us here in the comments section, on our Ch 8 Facebook, or on Twitter! (see below for the links!)

A quick recap of some of the awards handed out at last year’s Star Awards:

*Rui En won Best Actress for her role Ye Si Qi as in With You 我在你左右

*Rui En wins Favourite Female Character for her role as Yang Xiao Dong in Happy Family 过好年, while Elvin Ng wins Favourite Male Character for his role as the chocolate-chugging Zou Jie Ming in Breakout 破天网.

Tell us now! We will be putting up the categories over 3 weeks:

19 Dec – Best Drama, Best Variety Programme, Best Info-ed Programme
To come on 23 Dec – Favourite Male/Female Character, Favourite On-screen Couple (drama), Favourite Onscreen Partners (variety)
To come on 30 Dec – Best Actor/Actress, Best Supporting Actor/Actress
To come on 2 Jan – Best Variety Show Host, Best Info-ed Programme Host, Rocket Award, Best Newcomer, Best Theme Song, Young Talent Award

Make sure your suggestions hit us on these platforms:

Twitter: Follow us @ch8sg and hashtag your posts #starawards so we can find your feedback!
Facebook: Like us on Channel 8′s page here and tell us your comments on this album on the appropriate categories!
Weibo: Follow us on @ch8sg and hashtag your posts #红星大奖# too!

Star Awards will telecast:
Star Awards 2012 – Blazing The Trail (25 Mar – 15 Apr, Sundays, 10.30pm)
Star Awards 2012 – Show 1 (22 April, Sunday, 7pm – 10pm)
Star Awards 2012 – Walk of Fame (29 April, Sunday 5.30pm – 6.30pm)
Star Awards 2012 – Show 2 (29 April, Sunday, 7pm – 10pm)
Star Awards 2012 – Post Show Party (29 April, Sunday, 10pm – 11pm)

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in A Tale of 2 Cities 乐在双城, BaguaTV / Bagua8, Code of Honour 正义武馆, EN, Happy Family 过好年, On The Fringe 边缘父子, Star Awards, Star Awards 2011, Star Awards 2012, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇, With You 我在你左右.

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12 December 2011 | 05:50 pm

Spoken like a true pro, Ping Hui indeed has a lot of experience with guns…What about the other cast members of Unriddle 2? Let’s take a peek into one of their fire arms handling sessions!

The cast during the briefing all excited to begin!

After getting hold of their guns, the cast was engrossed in handling it in the correct manner…

Striking a cool pose is half the battle won.

Yuan Shuai looking intense, pointing at his imaginary target.

Seasoned Pros: Elvin and Adam. They look like they are very sure of what they are doing.

Shy Elvin being told that his pose resembles that of five-time shooting world champion. The instructors were very impressed with his ability to handle the arms

Rui En leading the team and Elvin following behind…

And it’s time to get serious…The team got into formation and started searching the empty room for “threats”. Don’t they all look like pros?

Can’t wait to see them in action? Then don’t forget to catch Unriddle 2 coming in March 2012!

Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2 debuts 5 March 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Bagua8

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, EN, Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2.

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09 December 2011 | 05:39 pm

Have you seen our current branding spots featuring Elvin, Yu Wu, Paige, Joanne & Zhou Ying?

They are part of a series of branding spots under the theme “Reflections”. Come January 2012, we will roll out similar branding spots featuring hot favorites Rui En, Yvonne and Zhen Huan!

The branding spots are a reflection of what Channel 8 is gearing up for, to reinvent ourselves and provide refreshing and bolder content to YOU, our valued audiences! The stylishly executed spots were shot at two locations, ‘Recaptured’ and ‘Going Dutch’, a lifestyle concept store featuring a complete range of luxury living furniture of highest quality and comfort. We specifically chose these locations to bring out the sophistication and high fashion demeanor in our spots!

It’s the first time Channel 8 has shot its branding spot with such high-end furniture, even the sofa set that Rui En placed her feet on cost a HEFTY 5-FIGURE SUM!!!

Source: Bagua8

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, EN.

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11 August 2011 | 03:43 pm

March: RuiVin Fans, Your Wishes Are Answered In “Unriddle 2”!

Due to popular demand, Unriddle is back for season 2! This season, be prepared for unexpected twists and turns in the plot that will keep you at the edge of your seats! Besides hot favorites Rui En, Chen Li Ping and Tay Ping Hui, you will see many familiar faces from the original cast, including Xiang Yun, Zhou Ying, Joshua Ang and many more. With Elvin Ng also cast in this season, fans of RuiVin can look forward seeing the golden couple onscreen as arch enemies! Also, joining Rui En on her team would be Yuan Shuai and Adam Chen. With a star studded cast and various artistes making guest appearances in different cases, fans will definitely not be disappointed.



June: More Stars Than You Can Ever Count In “Joys of Life”!

Mobile performances were famous back in the 60s and 70s Singapore famous which helped groomed many local singers. Back then, visiting the cinemas were a favorite past time for many. Besides foreign films, one could enjoy local Malay and dialect films. In 1963, black and white televisions were introduced into homes which completely changed people’s viewing habits and lifestyles. The 80s and 90s saw yet another breakthrough in the local entertainment scene. Mobile Getais picked up and so did the popularity of radio. These two important eras can be considered the fruits of labour sowed from the seeds planted in the 50s and 60s. The 60s was an era where values such as friendship and loyalty mattered most. It was unforgettable how people went out of their way to help one another. Unfortunately, as the era faded, so did people’s values…

“Joys of Life” takes on the nostalgic feel of the 60s and 70s, and reveals the secrets behind the glitz and glamour of the entertainment scene. Baby boomers will be delighted to see familiar faces as “Sakura” and “Ling Yun”, “Wang Sha” and “Ye Feng”, “Zhuang Xue Fang”, “Huang Qing Yuan” on screen, reigniting their memories of the past. Artistes who starred in the previous dramas “Wok of Life” and “Springs of Life” will also take on significant roles in “Joys of Life”, together with MediaCorp’s veteran, established and aspiring artistes. The production team also hopes to invite former artistes back onscreen as guest stars in this drama in this mega 30th drama anniversary blockbuster drama.

The main cast includes Chew Chor Meng who returns onscreen as a movie poster illustrator cum storyteller, Rui En as “Mulan” and we heard that the production team intends to invite a popular idol from Taiwan to be cast as the wacky male lead. “Joys of Life” also include Chen Li Ping, Zheng Ge Ping, Yvonne Lim, Zhang Yao Dong, Romeo Tan, Huang Wen Yong, Lin Mei Jiao, Andie Chen, Kate Pang, Yao Wen Long, Pan Ling Ling, Patricia Mok, etc to commemorate 30 years of drama celebrations on Channel 8!

6月:花样人间 《戏剧情牵30重头剧》

60、70年代的新加坡,游艺场歌台行业最热门,造就了许多本土艺人;到电影院观赏电影是国人最爱的视听娱乐,除了外国电影,也可看到独具本土色彩的马来片、厦语片等;1963年黑白电视走入家庭,改变了人们的作息习惯;从讲古人到广播的广为传唱,也风靡了不少听众。到了8、90年代,本地电视和电影业发展到另一个新起点;七月流动歌台、广播更是再上一层楼。这两个大时代可以说说娱乐文化的分水岭,也可以说5、60年代播下的娱乐种子,得以在今日开花结果…… 此外,60年代也是个充满真善美的淳朴年代,老师打了学生,家长亲自上门道谢,送鸡蛋送蔬菜;浓浓的人情味,一家子有事,左邻右舍一呼百应帮忙。但隋着时代变迁,很多不适宜的东西被淘汰了,许多优良美德也跟着消失,譬如邻居之间的凝聚精神、尊师重道、对父母长辈的孝顺、朋友间的情义、对爱情的不舍不弃。这些都值得人们去深思、去探讨……



Straw poll: Which drama are you most looking forward to and why? Is it Jeanette Aw as an ugly and boorish fox spirit or Rui En in “Unriddle”? Or is it Zoe Tay as a lazy shrew? Tell us, we want to know!

Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2 debuts 5 March 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Joys of Life 花样人间 debuts June 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Bagua8

Categorised in 30th Drama Anniversary, BaguaTV / Bagua8, EN, Joys of Life 花样人间, Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2.

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10 August 2011 | 11:07 pm

今天总算有机会大团圆咯,就送上“正义武馆”全家福!过去的博客跟大家分享了那么多关于“正义武馆”的拍摄过程,今天就从新回顾每一个角色人物吧!;) We finally have an opportunity for a big reunion, here’s a family portrait for you! While other blog posts have been about the production process, I shall have a relook at each character!

嘿哈!出招了,谁最有架势?仔细一看,欧剑锋的拳头是跟我们元门的掌法不一样的哦!Hey ya! Who looks the best? Look harder, Ou Jian Feng’s fists are different from our association’s ‘palm’ approach!

前排左一开始 First row (L-R)
欧可璐 Ou Ke Lu -瑞恩饰 Rui En
宋亚仔Song Ah Zai -黄俊雄饰 Elvin Ng
龙婉怡 Long Wan Yi -童冰玉饰 Chris Tong
段天河Duan Tian He -文祥饰 Wen Xiang
元振飞 Yuan Zhen Fei -郑各评饰 Zheng Ge Ping
元月明Yuan Yue Ming -TIFFANY绰琦饰
欧剑锋 Ou Jian Feng -陈邦鋆饰 Andie Chen
唐家宝 Tang Jia Bao -蔡琪慧饰 Paige Chua

By Celebrity Blogger Tiffany Leong.

Code of Honour 正义武馆 debuts 5 December 2011 7pm on Channel 8.

Source: Bagua8

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, CH, Code of Honour 正义武馆.

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21 July 2011 | 05:09 pm

Our story begins with Tian Yibang (Li Nanxing), a juvenile delinquent in the 80s, a repeat offender in and out of the reformatory until he was sentenced to 18 years’ imprisonment and caning for robbery with aggravated assault. 15 years later, he is discharged from prison. Already in his 40s, he vowed never to tread the old path again. He longs to see his 15-year-old flesh and blood son but has no news of him.

Enters Liu Jiali (Fann Wong), a pretty lass whose looks belied the power she wielded over a large criminal organization. She was the confidante of Yibang’s buddy Moda, who mysteriously fell to his death two days before Yibang’s release from prison. After inheriting his “business”, Jiali had to fend off internal insurgences as well as threats from other gangs. Aware of Tian Yibang’s unwavering loyalty, she tries ways and means to rope Yibang back to her gang to assist her and to hunt down Moda’s murderer. Jiali though is unable to escape the long arms of the law and is eventually arrested and jailed for her crimes.

On the other hand, Shasha (Rui En), a blind but sanguine voluntary worker whom Yibang befriended at the halfway house, is adamant in steering him back the right path. She knows that Tian Yibang is upright by nature and had committed those crimes in a moment of folly. She is constantly encouraging him to turn over a new leaf and tries ways to prevent Liu Jiali from pulling him back to the underworld.

Leo (Zhang Yaodong) is a 21st century triad leader. Intelligent and scheming, he uses novel methods to conduct illicit business and is good at making use of others to achieve his own goals. Nursing a grudge against Shasha for indirectly causing the death of his best friend, he befriends her under the pretext of falling for her. Everything that he does is for his own personal vendetta. Meanwhile, Shaha is unaware of his motives until it’s too late.

15-year-old Yao Zhiyong (Edwin Goh) is the rebellious son of Tian Yibang. Together with some like-minded teens, he formed a gang called “WCS” (We Can Survive) and engaged in delinquent activities. Struggling with family, school and the pains of growing up, they choose to indulge in rebellious and anti-social behavior to vent their frustrations. Things began to spin out of control and they ended up being manipulated by a criminal organization.

With Shasha’s help, Tian Yibang is reunited with Zhiyong but never did he expect his son to be following in his footsteps. Despite his attempts to keep Zhiyong away from the world of crime, the latter resents this stranger who had appeared in his life out of the blue.

Unable to understand and keep up with technological advances coupled with a widening generation gap, the rift between father and son is further widened. A series of setbacks weakened Yibang’s resolve but motivated by Shasha’s efforts to reconcile them, Yibang was persuaded to persist. He eventually touches Zhiyong with his unrelenting sincerity and finally succeeded in keeping Zhiyong from taking the same wayward path like him.

On The Fringe <边缘父子> is a drama exploring the consequences of being a gang member, and the price you’ll pay for it. As reflected in the characters, they are trapped in a vicious cycle of violence and revenge, and realize that the price to pay is too high.


On The Fringe 边缘父子 debuts 2 August 2011 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Bagua8

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, EN, On The Fringe 边缘父子.

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04 July 2011 | 08:42 pm

Have you ever noticed that our logo bug (the Channel 8 logo at the top right-hand corner of your TV) sometimes changes the way it appears?

For the first time in Channel 8′s history, we want you to be part of that process!

We are opening for design submissions of a still frame that we will incorporate into our logo bug sequence! Your work could appear on TV as part of the logo bug!

With the upcoming youth gang drama 边缘父子 On The Fringe, we want you to design something based on the theme of the drama! Apart from the size specifications (see below), you will have complete FREE PLAY on your design!

Just email your jpg file to us with the subject “On the Fringe Logo Bug Design”, and include a brief describing your creative rationale. Our animators will create a logo bug sequence based on your design!

You can use the above programme title in your design, but you don’t have to. Be creative, and really think of what the show is about!

Submit your designs before 13 July!!

On The Fringe 边缘父子 debuts 2 August 2011 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Bagua8

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, EN, On The Fringe 边缘父子.

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28 June 2011 | 12:45 pm

The viewership figures for the first half of 2011 has been released!

With last night’s climatic rescue, ‘C.L.I.F.’ 《警徽天职》不负众望, and clinched the champion title ahead of Number 2 ‘A Tale of 2 Cities’ <乐在双城>! In fact, last night’s viewership was a whopping 1,041,000!

节目 主要演员 平均观众人数
C.L.I.F. 警徽天职 郑斌辉,戚玉武,白薇秀,黄俊雄,李美玲 924,000
A Tale of 2 Cities 乐在双城 白薇秀,瑞恩,方展发,朱咪咪, 张振寰,张耀栋 904,000
The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇 李司琪,瑞恩,许美珍,方展发,林明伦 878,000
喜事年年 陈丽贞,洪慧芳,陈邦鋆,李美玲,袁帅 843,000
生日快乐 范文芳,陈汉伟,张耀栋,蔡琦慧 780,000

So this has made it official! Rui En has lost her throne to the new reigning Queen of Viewership Joanne Peh! Her lead roles in the Top 2 dramas have cemented her seat as a top performer!

Even acting powerhouses Lee Si Qi and Cynthia Koh couldn’t help Rui En against the onslaught of the men and women in blue…

The combination of the stellar cast of C.L.I.F. proved to be unstoppable. And all your Romeo lovers out there, you must be feeling validated because Sgt Koh did not die in vain!

But analysing the ratings more closely, is Rui En and Pierre Png the favourite IT couple? Their on-screen chemistry have developed since A Tale of 2 Cities, and came to fruition in the 35-episode In-Laws as Jiazhen and Jian Hai where many viewers cheered on their cursed romance!

Pierre Png 方展发 has also done incredibly well this year! Is he finally on his way to being a viewership magnet?

Rui En still has a chance to catch up with not 1, but 2 shows! There’s On The Fringe 《边缘父子》in August, and her 7pm kungfu serial 《正义武馆》debuting in December (from all accounts, she’s been working her butt off with the intense fighting scenes, so props to her.) , but Joanne Peh will not give up the fight so easily because she will be in the epic A Song to Remember 《星洲之夜》! These 2 dramas will be overlapping so we shall wait to see which Queen will win the final battle!

On The Fringe 边缘父子 debuts 2 August 2011 9pm on Channel 8.

Code of Honour 正义武馆 debuts 5 December 2011 7pm on Channel 8.

Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2 debuts 6 March 2012 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Bagua8

Categorised in A Tale of 2 Cities 乐在双城, BaguaTV / Bagua8, CH, Code of Honour 正义武馆, On The Fringe 边缘父子, Ratings 节目收视率, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇.

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