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02 September 2021 | 10:26 pm

By Tammi Tan

RBKD: 8 Days interviews Rui En on her new Instagram account, who admitted that she was “quite addicted” to checking her feed, although she noted that the novelty would likely wear off.

Rui En also mentioned how she initially started with a private Instagram account, her reasons for joining the platform to help others, as well as her father’s thoughts on his newfound attention through her sharings.

Source: 8 Days

Categorised in 8 DAYS, EN, The Heartland Hero 邻里帮.

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02 September 2021 | 07:55 pm

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Yi Yuan thinks Mao Ge wishes to make a comeback with his money. Mao Ge wants to run a thrift shop, Yi Yuan misunderstands that he is using the shop as a cover-up to do illegal business and decides to follow Mao Ge’s lead. Qing Tian and Jing Wen decide on renting out half of their shop to lessen expenses. Qing Tian unexpectedly sees her old friend, Mao Ge looking to rent her shop.


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Let’s continue to support Rui En!

The Heartland Hero 邻里帮 is currently airing every weekday 730pm on Channel 8.

Categorised in CH, EN, meWATCH, The Heartland Hero Catchup, The Heartland Hero 邻里帮, Video.

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01 September 2021 | 10:23 pm

文: 陈祎婷

RBKD: 瑞恩在采访中介绍了自己在《邻里帮》里的角色,也谈到了“原谅”这个话题。同时她也分享了经营社交媒体的心得以及父亲的近况。

Source: 8world

Categorised in 8world, CH, Rui En.

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01 September 2021 | 07:55 pm

Watch on meWATCH:

Watch on RBKD:

Cousins Jing Wen and Qing Tian run a Korean-style toast shop in their neighbourhood. Qing Tian’s day job is a prison officer. In her eyes, prisoner Zhong Yi Yuan is a hooligan who only commits crimes. Mao Ge, his former gang boss, finds Yi Yuan when he gets out of jail. Seeing that Mao Ge has a disability, he invites him home but finds out that Mao Ge actually has a huge sum of money!


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Videos may take a while to display initially but once they load, it would be fine.

To view all episodes online, please click here.

Let’s continue to support Rui En!

The Heartland Hero 邻里帮 is currently airing every weekday 730pm on Channel 8.

Categorised in CH, EN, meWATCH, The Heartland Hero Catchup, The Heartland Hero 邻里帮, Video.

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01 September 2021 | 07:16 pm

By Teng Yong Ping

RBKD: In the article, Rui En describes her character Jingwen in The Heartland Hero, who has a romantic history with Elvin’s character

Source: Yahoo

Categorised in EN, The Heartland Hero 邻里帮,

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30 August 2021 | 11:34 pm

æ–‡ / Dion Tang

瑞恩 Rui En: 栗子色


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A post shared by Rui En (@wilderseas29)

Source: Icon Singapore

Categorised in CH, Icon Singapore, Rui En.

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28 August 2021 | 12:25 am


Source: 8world

Categorised in Rui En, The Heartland Hero 邻里帮.

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27 August 2021 | 10:17 pm

By Bryan Lim

RBKD: In an interview with AsiaOne, Rui En describes her experience self-managing herself since parting ways with Artiste Networks, commenting that “while it’s been very overwhelming, it’s also been very empowering”.

She also shares her goal for her Instagram platform, which is to be source of positivity and uplifting content for people. “If there can be one post, or even like a picture of my cat that can make someone smile, I think that’s my goal.”

Source: AsiaOne, Her World

Categorised in, EN, Her World, The Heartland Hero 邻里帮.

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27 August 2021 | 11:12 am

By May Seah

RBKD: Elvin and Rui En are paired up again in The Heartland Hero, so much so that Elvin quips “We’re like an old married couple.”

Rui En also describes her role in the show, where her character “had a past and decided to start anew”.

Source: CNA

Categorised in, CNA Lifestyle, EN, The Heartland Hero 邻里帮.

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