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06 January 2021 | 07:49 pm

唐婕 报道

RBKD: 由瑞恩、黄俊雄主演的奇幻剧《花花公子》正在热播中。瑞恩昨日通过粉丝会平台发文,回顾拍摄点滴。



Source: Shinmin 

Categorised in CH, Mister Flower 花花公子, Rui En, Shin Min.

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06 January 2021 | 01:41 pm

文 / 蔡欣盈

RBKD: 由瑞恩、黄俊雄主演的奇幻剧《花花公子》正在热播中。瑞恩昨日通过粉丝会平台发文,回顾拍摄点滴。





Source: Zaobao

Categorised in CH, Hello From The Other Side 阴错阳差, Mister Flower 花花公子, Rui En, Zaobao,

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05 January 2021 | 08:20 pm

By Rui En

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Official Fan Club of Rui En (@rbkd)

Am so happy to hear that some people are enjoying Mister Flower. When I look at my watching choices nowadays for example The Matrix (for the twentieth time) and Why Him? I would say that Flower falls squarely in the same category of “Please Help Me Forget About Covid For Just One Hour!”.

I can’t describe how much joy comedic roles give me, especially one like Chen Da Tian, because a role like this gives me so much room to ad lib vs for example, a lawyer role. As a male in a female body role, I’m allowed to be alot more “chor lor” and free than normal. It was very common for me to end up in a heap of giggles on the floor once the director yelled cut.

When I was filming in this role, at any time in a take, I would do something completely spur of the moment and unexpected, leaving my costars amd the camera man to react organically and spontaneously. There have been situations where I have delivered the same line differently in every take. I would say that there are two sorts of actors, the ones who enjoy the spontaneity, and those who prefer everything to be rehearsed. No right or wrong, just a matter of choice. However my favorite actors I have worked with, have always surprised me during a take, leading to a very organic and truthful response from me. I’ve always felt that acting was more about responding than performing, especially when acting with great actors.

Most importantly, the camera man has to be ready for all these surprises. The ones who have worked with me thru my career are used to it and fantastically flexible. There was one sequence at the lobby of the office building in episode two where I was spying on Julie and Elvin. The camera man Ah Bee after finishing one take laughed that he managed to follow, but that perhaps the audience would be left sea sick. The next generation Xiao Xiong and Ah Jun also followed flawlessly.

Were you aware that Tom Holland’s line “I don’t wanna go.” In Avengers : Infinity War was ad libbed?

Mister Flower 花花公子 is now airing on Channel 8 at 9pm from Mondays to Fridays.

Categorised in EN, Mister Flower 花花公子, Rui En.

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31 December 2020 | 07:44 pm

Text 李宛纹 Photos 新传媒





考验:平时不多话的瑞恩要如何成为幽默风趣的主持人?她还要学习打乒乓。鐘琴的兴趣是烹饪,看瑞恩如何成为“烹饪女王”,煮出美味料理,让名厨Chef Eric Teo品尝。

Dare to Try 瑞恩的花花世界 premieres 1 January 2021 (Friday), on MeWATCH

Source: U-weekly

Categorised in CH, Dare To Try 瑞恩的花花世界, Rui En, U-Weekly.

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31 December 2020 | 07:31 pm





Source: Zaobao

Categorised in CH, Mister Flower 花花公子, Rui En,

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30 December 2020 | 10:29 pm

By Rui En

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Official Fan Club of Rui En (@rbkd)

If there is one word that best describes this year for me, it would be powerlessness. This was the year we all found out that God had plans for us that diverged wildly from the ones we had made.

It would be easy to focus on the things I’ve lost. Beloved pet, ex colleagues, the managers I worked with all my career and traveling.

But it wouldn’t be a fair assessment to ignore what these losses taught me. Confidence and resilience that comes from weathering the greatest grief I have felt in my life, urgency to live life like every day is my last, new options and the opportunity to look inward instead of outward and work on spiritual growth.

To be blunt, yes I feel broken and battered as I limp toward the finish line. It would be a lie to claim otherwise. However, just today, I saw this quote.

“There is nothing stronger than a broken woman who has rebuilt herself.”
Hannah Gadsby

If there is one thing that I can safely say unites us all over the world this year, it would be our brokenness and grief. May we all find joy and peace in the rebuilding next year. You are never alone.

SOS (Samaritans of Singapore)
1800 221 4444

Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH)
1800 283 7019

(📸: @renee_qianyi)

Categorised in EN, Rui En.

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28 December 2020 | 06:45 pm

Rui En was mentioned by Elvin from 08:00.

Mister Flower 花花公子 premieres 31 December 2020 (Thursday), Weekdays 9pm on Channel 8

Categorised in CH, Mister Flower 花花公子, Rui En, Y.E.S 93.3 fm.

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21 December 2020 | 06:43 pm

By: Donson



Categorised in CH, Mister Flower 花花公子, nuyou, Rui En.

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18 December 2020 | 06:20 pm

文 / 沈远安




Mister Flower 花花公子 premieres 31 December 2020 (Thursday), Weekdays 9pm on Channel 8

Source: Shinmin, Zaobao

Categorised in CH, Mister Flower 花花公子, Rui En, Shin Min,

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