天王身价的周董å‘所有喜欢音ä¹çš„朋å‹ä»¬æ‰“æš—å·,å‹æƒ…跨刀现身æ‹å¹¿å‘ŠæŽ¨èå°å¸ˆå¦¹èŠ®æ©Ruien,在新人芮æ©å‘片å‰ä¸ºå¥¹æ³¨å…¥ä¸€å‰‚强心针;从一开始芮æ©è¿›å…¥é˜¿å°”å‘唱片录音起,å°±å—到大师兄的ææ‹”,å® çˆ±,ä¸ä½†é‚€è¯·å¥¹å½“”æš—å·”MV女主角,æ‹Panasonic GD68手机广告之外,周æ°ä¼¦æ›´å¯¹è¿™ä½å°å¸ˆå¦¹çš„音ä¹èµžèµæœ‰å˜‰,主动为她é‡èº«æ‰“é€ ä¸€é¦–æŒæ›²;å‘片近在眉梢时,æ°ä¼¦è¿˜ç‰¹åˆ«åœ¨ç™¾å¿™ä¹‹ä¸ç«™å‡ºæ¥,一下飞机就赶到æ‹æ‘„现场,自编自演,自己设计一出广告,以周æ°ä¼¦çš„æ–¹å¼å‘大家”打暗巔,推è芮æ©Ruien最新国è¯ä¸“辑.
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Categorised in Rui ∑n vol. 01.
Categorised in Rui ∑n vol. 01.
Categorised in Rui ∑n vol. 01.
Categorised in Rui ∑n vol. 01.
è¿žè½½ï¼šå°±çˆ±è¿™æ ·çš„å‘¨æ°ä¼¦ 出版社:ä¸å›½æ—…游出版社 作者:曾å°æŒ
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  游艾迪出唱片,在主打æŒã€ŒGirl Powerã€é‡Œï¼Œä½œæ›²äººæŒ‚的是「诗人ã€ï¼Œå…¶å®žå°±æ˜¯å‘¨æ°ä¼¦ã€‚这是周æ°ä¼¦åœ¨æ›¿ä¼—多æŒæ‰‹å†™æŒä½œæ›²ä»¥æ¥ç¬¬ä¸€æ¬¡ç”¨ç¬”å。
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Source: Sina
Categorised in Rui ∑n vol. 01.
By Karen Yip
Local R&B honey, RUI EN, may have ruffled some feathers among Jay Chou devotees. But between celebrating her English drama debut in Ch 5’s Chemistry and preparing her second Mandarin album, who has time to worry about other people’s jealous fans?
LIME: How did your friends react the first time they saw you on TV?
RUI EN: I was the girl running to the ATM machine in SingTel’s pod hi!Card commercial. Nobody thought much of it ‘cos I was already modelling then and appearing in ads. It was the Chinese drama, No Problem, that was a big deal to my friends. They know my Mandarin sucks. They watched it just to laugh at me.
You were Chen Hanwei’s love interest in No Problem. Now you play the main character in new Ch 5 drama, Chemistry. Is it easier working on a Chinese or English production?
English, because of my comfort level with the language. In Chemistry, I play Rachel, the type of girl your parents warn you about! She’s a lot like me, so there’s no acting involved. (Laughs)
For English productions, everything has to be shot very precisely before we move on. The filming process is kinda faster for Chinese productions.
What’s Chemistry about?
Basically, it’s about love and relationships and revolves around four young working adults. Rachel is a radio DJ and her love interest, CK [played by Howard Cheung] is a fitness instructor. Both put up brave fronts and pretend they aren’t looking for love, when they really are. Rachel’s best friend, Stephanie [Mavis Cheong] is dating CK’s friend James [Christian Koh]. Things become complicated when James starts getting slimy with Rachel and Stephanie gets angry.
We hear that in an interesting twist, Rachel and CK wake up one morning in each other’s bodies.
Hey, that’s supposed to be a surprise! Essentially, Howard and I had to act like the opposite sex. I practiced sitting and standing like a guy, even going to the toilet and scratching my crotch! The weirdest scene is the one where we first realise our bodies have been switched. I had to act like a guy who suddenly discovers he has breasts! It was very funny! Filming Chemistry helped me remember that everyone’s got a soft and fragile side – even guys.
Do you have a boyfriend?
No, I have absolutely no time.
You graduated from Raffles Junior College and are now in your final year studying finance at NTU. From experience, are guys afraid of intelligent girls?
No, guys like intelligent girls. They are intimidated by the fact that I’m a celebrity more than anything else.
Do you have any siblings?
No, I’m an only child, a spoilt brat. If I want something, my Dad gets it for me. And he always sides with me against my Mum! When I’m tired from filming and school and I wake up the next morning looking like s***, my dad feels bad. He told me to take a longer time to finish my degree if I can’t cope. My parents are really cool about my showbiz career. They just want me to be happy.
Having entered the working world earlier than your peers, have you become more cynical?
Definitely, especially since many things are fake in the entertainment industry and you do things just for the camera. There are also added responsibilities, like making sure I do my job well. It has made me grow up faster.
Hype Records talent scouts spotted you filming the SingTel ad and auditioned you without knowing if you could sing. How did it feel knowing looks were their first priority when it came to making you a pop star?
I’ve tried modelling and that’s even more based on looks, so I wasn’t surprised at all. The voice and looks matter nowadays for pop stars. That’s just the way it is. I realised that early in my career and it’s just one of the things you learn to accept. I don’t feel comfortable ‘cos I’m a very practical person. If this is what it takes to get things done and to succeed, then okay.
Does it freak you out to hear your songs as ringtone tunes?
You know what? I saw my song ‘Who’ advertised as a ringtone and I paid to get it! I was like, ‘Oh so exciting! Let’s just hear what it’s like!’ You wanna hear? It’s actually very gross!
Jay Chou composed the song ‘White Feathers’ on your self-titled debut Mandarin album and appeared in your album commercial. You’ve played his love interest in his ‘Secret Signal’ music video and was a special guest at his concert this year. Are you riding on his popularity to get noticed?
If you’re familiar with the Asian music industry, you’ll know it’s very common to have an artist take on a ‘junior’ from the same record company. It’s just that I’m a girl and Jay Chou is Jay Chou. He’s so famous, that’s why people tend to notice and wonder about us.
Does that bug you?
(Sighs) People are saying a million and one things about me. I really can’t be bothered. But to these people, I say, “If you wanna judge me, listen to my album first.” At least be fair, don’t get personal without giving me a chance. Generally, Jay’s fans haven’t been nasty. Only once, when some of them went on our company website and warned me to stay away from him. The Taiwanese press blow that up really big, like oh…his fans were gonna murder me or something. It wasnt such a big deal but when I came back home, everyone kept asking me about it.
So what’s the relationship really like between you and Jay?
We are friends but I barely see him ‘cos I stay here in Singapore. We get along when we’re together and he treats me like a boy. I’m very, very sarcastic to him and he always says if I was a guy, he would have beaten me up long time ago! (Chuckles)
Is your image as Rui En, the singer, far off from the real you?
In Taiwan, people think I’m sweet. The marketing campaign for my first album was a bit un-me. My clothes were too sweetie-pie – all dresses and short skirts. I’m looking forward to my second album where I get to be more myself. Style-wise, I’d say I’m a cross between Avril Lavigne and Gwen Stefani. I hate clothes that are tight, short or low-cut!
What will you be doing next?
I’m almost done with the lyrics for the second album. I’m writing them in English and then we’re gonna translate it to Chinese. It should be out end of this year.
You wear glasses in public so people won’t recognise you. Does it actually work?
Yes, especially if I don’t wear makeup, too. Once, I said hi to an acquaintance in school and she just went blank. When she realised who I was, she went, “You look very different.” I don’t know if she was being nice. Anyway it’s okay if I look gross, that’s the point! I just don’t want people recognising me.
Source: Lime
Categorised in Chemistry, Lime, No Problem 考试家æ—, Rui ∑n vol. 01.
發表時間: 2003/6/15 ä¸Šåˆ 03:17:23
SORRYï¼ï¼ï¼ã€‚。。。?在æ‰ç•™è¨€ã€‚。。。。。最近一直忙著?æ ¡çš„åŠŸ?è·Ÿæ–°åŠ å¡çš„
ä½ ??好???在的天气??ä¸å†·äº†å§ HEHEï¼Ÿæˆ‘ä¸€å›žåˆ°æ–°åŠ å¡å°±?始想?å°??
? 的天气 :) ??是超?的。。。。。我å‰ä¸‰?星期考完?。。。。。YUCKS?æ
了。。。。ANYWAY?然我人?在ä¸åœ¨å°?ï¼Œå¸Œæœ›ä½ ???把我留在心里。。ç‰ç¬¬äºŒ
Source: Alfa Music
Categorised in Bridge, Rui ∑n vol. 01, Yahoo! Group.
A new singer has emerged from the sunny shores of Singapore, and her label HYPE Records has wasted no time dubbing her with the tagline of ‘Hai Pa Ping Fan De Nu Sheng’ (the girl who fears being ordinary).
“I’m a bit embarrassed by that, it sounds arrogant,” says Rui En laughing, “I hope to express to people who listen to my songs, that I have ideas and viewpoints of my own and that they can understand them you know, everyone wants to be special and be their own individual,” says the 22-year-old.
Just what distinguishes the 1.69m tall Aquarian, who dropped her surname Lu and picked up a special ‘S’ sign for branding sake?
Is it the fact that 1 of the hottest names in Chinese pop, Jay Chou, writes songs for this newcomer? Or the fact that she shops largely on the Internet in a conscious effort to own things not easily found in local stores?
Or maybe her poor grasp of Mandarin, which resulted in a funny incident in Taiwan last month when she was there for album promotions. She kept refusing to order food because the menu were not written in the simplified Chinese script taught in Singapore schools.
Besides how many Mandarin pop singers do you know are avid fans of Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Macbeth and dig books like The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy?
These less than hip reading materials are what occupy her time apart from her shopping, surfing the Internet, sleeping and watching TV- if she manages to find any time at all.
“I guess in terms of lifestyle [I have] changed dramatically, I don’t have time and have no social life, it’s zero,” laments Rui En.
Call back
Her rise to fame though, was pretty run-of-the-mill. Like a plethora of local models-turned-singers like Shirley Yee, Fann Wong and Celest Chong, Rui En was picked from obscurity to star in the memorable Singtel ‘Hi!Card’ commercial in 2001. In it, she ran like the wind to top up her Hi!Card just to receive a call from a guy she’d given her number to the previous night.
From that promising debut, she landed commercials for MPH’s online bookstore and did some photo shoots for magazines. She got her first celeb break when she acted in a MediaCorp Channel 8 drama serial called No Problem opposite Chen Han Wei, after an audition at HYPE Records.
HYPE Records saw Rui Sn’s X-factor in the Singtel commercial, “[it was] her confidence and energy level that captured our attention, but her unique vocals took us by surprise during our face-to-face audition,” said Yvonne Lim, 27, Promotions Manager at HYPE Records. “These days an artiste has to be multi-talented and Rui Sn fits our requirements to a T.”
School blues
Things are a lot less peachy in her day job as a 3rd Year Banking undergraduate in Nanyang Technological University (NTU).
“No, I don’t like what I’m [studying] now, it was a mistake. If you give me a choice now, I would choose to do Arts in NUS (National University of Singapore), because I like writing, reading and especially English Literature. At that time I did pretty well for my ‘A’ levels, and I thought of going into something more prestigious and I realised after a while that I really didn’t like Math, so now I’m regretting it.”
“The fact is if I quit now I would have wasted 2 whole years, that’s quite kek sim (agonising),” she says. Rui Sn had considered quitting, but decided to be practical instead, heeding friends’ advice to avoid regretting her rashness later. “What to do, pia lor (just grit my teeth and strive harder).”
She’ll be the first to admit that balancing work and school is easier said than done. “I tell you honestly I don’t cope (laughing), I try my best…because once you become an artiste, you think it’s so fun and you go get your pictures taken, you perform in front of a lot of people, and after that you go back home and you realise that you’ve got homework to do.”
After a tough initial period of adjustment, “now it just takes a lot of determination and will power, I basically sit down and force myself to do homework.”
Family ties
Even though the self-confessed tomboy grew up with an independent streak, playing with boys, watching wrestling and riding bicycles, as an only child, her parents were understandably apprehensive about her entry to showbiz. “My dad is very liberal, he gives me a lot of freedom but my mom was a little bit worried about me being cheated by all these terrible men, now she’s pretty okay and [my parents] are pretty proud of me.”
“I have always known I like performing [previously] I was in this Singaporean mindset, where I have to graduate and get a proper job, get married and have 5,000 kids, [then] this chance came along and I realised I really want to perform.”
“In Alfa Music, a very small music company in Taiwan, there are very few artistes, so Jay [Chou] and Landy [Wen] really took care of me…especially Landy…[who was] really cool, and I hung out with her. Jay was really nice [too], he helped me a lot and gave me a lot of [criticism and praise]. It’s like having a big brother and sister, it’s really cool for me, because I’m an only child”
The long haul
“In Alfa Music, a very small music company in Taiwan, there are very few artistes, so Jay [Chou] and Landy [Wen] really took care of me…especially Landy…[who was] really cool, and I hung out with her. Jay was really nice [too], he helped me a lot and gave me a lot of [criticism and praise]. It’s like having a big brother and sister, it’s really cool for me, because I’m an only child”
The long haul
She doesn’t have to have the mind of a banker to know it’s a competitive market out there. “It’s really tough, but I think [the path I’m taking] is worth it, I can’t see myself doing anything else at all. I think I would die of boredom.”
Heavy efforts were certainly invested in Rui Sn’s debut album, RuiSn vol.01 album which was released in January here. Singer/songwriter Jay Chou, famed lyrist Fang Wen Shan and composer Lin Mai Ke were roped in to contribute to her album too. She has gone to Hong Kong last December for a brief appearance and toured Taiwan after that, with Landy and Jay giving her pointers along the way.
Her promotional activities include attending countdown shows, appearing on TV programs and conducting radio interviews throughout Taiwan. Though she has yet to achieve success similar to Kit Chan and Stefanie Sun, she is slowly gaining popularity judging from the fans that queue up as early as 6am to attend her autograph sessions. It’s no wonder she’s bound by a 10-year contract with HYPE Records.
“I trust Hype [Records] a lot they explained to me their initial capital outlay is a lot and it takes that long to establish yourself and make sure you are making money for the company I figured it benefits us both ways because I’m really serious about my career. I really want to have a career in showbiz and if they really want me for 10 years to push me, they get their money and I get my career advancement. It doesn’t really scare me because I know I’m being serious about being a singer and actress.”
So far, she has completed a MediaCorp TV Channel 5 English comedy/fantasy/drama serial called Chemistry where she stars as someone who is bitter and jaded about love initially. But after going through a whole series of events, her character Rachel realises that she should give love a chance. “All the characters were written for us, so our characters were very much like what we are [in real life]. Rachel is more sharp, mean and more sarcastic then I am, [but] I’m like her in a lot of [other] ways.” The show is slated to air next month.
For now, however, acting has taken a backseat and it’s just album promotions in Singapore, which is her last stop. She will have to concentrate on her studies soon after. A 2nd yet untitled album is underway which will see her composing lyrics for a few songs. There is no official word on the date of release yet.
Her parting advice is simple, “Don’t fake anything and just be yourself, have your own style.”
If she’s as enduring as she is insistent about being anything but ordinary, we’ll be hearing of her for a long time to come…
RuiSn vol.01 album is available in stores.
Source: Urbanwire
Categorised in Chemistry, No Problem 考试家æ—, Rui ∑n vol. 01, UrbanWire.
23 January 2003
IS newbie singer Lu Rui En an ‘all natural’ girl as her record company touts her to be?
Well, she appeared to be – at first.
Dressed in casual gear for her press conference to launch her debut album, the Singaporean wore minimal makeup and looked like any trendy youngster plucked off the street.
‘This is how I usually dress. I like comfy and baggy clothes,’ she said.
Grimacing, the 21-year-old added: ‘I can never ever have a sexy image because I don’t like to wear tight clothing. I will not be able to tahan (Malay for take it)!’
But when it came to fielding media queries, being ‘natural’ with her responses was a big no-go for Rui En.
Or maybe it was her manager.
At the barest hint of anything controversial, she would cut in and try to answer on Rui En’s behalf.
Like when we asked Rui En if she felt any frustration while in Taiwan because of her limited Mandarin.
Before Rui En could reply, her manager said rather defensively: ‘She wasn’t like, frustrated. It was more awkward than anything.’
Or when we asked how it was like for Rui En to work with Taiwanese singer Jay Chou (he wrote her a song and she appeared in his music video).
‘Oh, we are just like siblings,’ said Rui En, glancing at her manager, and trying to explain.
‘I see him only as a brother and we like to kid around,’ she added, as her manager nodded.
An attempt to find out more about Rui En’s upcoming Channel 5 drama, Chemistry, was also nipped in the bud by the ever-so-protective minder.
In Chemistry, Rui En is paired up with newcomer Howard Cheung, and their characters are supposed to fall in love after some initial misunderstandings.
We tried to ask if there were any awkward scenes.
And, expectedly, the manager decided to reply on her behalf: ‘Why don’t you go and watch the show?’
When Rui En admitted that she did have a kissing scene, her manager cut in with: ‘It was just a resuscitation scene!’
But Rui En corrected her: ‘Yes, there was a resuscitation scene, but there was also a kissing scene.
‘The resuscitation scene was awkward because we really had to kiss, and we didn’t do it very naturally because we were nervous.’
It was probably her most ‘natural’ comment throughout the interview.
It would be nice to talk to Rui En again – that is, if she can speak for herself.
Rui En’s self-titled album is out in stores now.
Source: The New Paper
Categorised in Rui ∑n vol. 01, The New Paper.