By May Seah, 2 December 2013
RBKD: Article includes the interviews with several industry veterans such as MediaCorp Deputy CEO Chang Long Jong, Playwright and former magazine editor Michael Chiang etc. on what makes local celebrities national icons.
Rui En was singled out for her L’Oreal endorsement as an example of the level of recognition and perception of the artiste through her association with a global brand. Also, the article mentioned Rui En among the list of artistes who have built their popularity overseas based on drama productions.
Overall, this is a recommended read for anyone who is curious about what makes these artistes, celebrities. Link to the article is provided as below.
Source: TODAY
Categorised in EN, Endorsement, L’Oréal Paris, TODAY.
Cover story Pages 224-229
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è¿‘å¹´æ¥éŸ©æµå…´èµ·ï¼Œå¥³ç”Ÿä¸æ»¡æ„自己的长相,纷纷去整形。这个趋å‘,瑞æ©ä¸èµžåŒã€‚“很多年轻女生觉得,è¦æ”¹å˜è‡ªå·±çš„æ ·åæ‰æ˜¯å®Œç¾Žçš„ï¼Œæˆ‘è§‰å¾—æ˜¯é”™è¯¯çš„ã€‚ä½ å¯ä»¥â€˜åšâ€™åˆ°å¾ˆç¾Žï¼Œä½†ä½ 未必感觉很美,为什么è¦æ”¹å˜è‡ªå·±çš„æ ·å?â€
顿了顿,她作出一个懊æ¼çš„表情。“我ä¸æ‡‚为什么现在的社会那么抗拒è€åŒ–。尤其是女生,‘è€â€™ç®€ç›´åƒæ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªç²—è¯ã€‚我真的ä¸æ˜Žç™½ï¼Œéšç€å¹´çºªå˜å¤§ï¼Œä½ 整个人越æ¥è¶Šæˆç†Ÿï¼Œè¿™ä¸å¥½å—?â€
32å²çš„ç‘žæ©ï¼Œå·²æ…¢æ…¢åšå¥½å‡†å¤‡ï¼Œä¼˜é›…地è€åŽ»ã€‚ä½ ï¼Œä¹Ÿä¼šè·Ÿéšå¥¹å—?
Source: Nuyou
Categorised in 女å‹, CH, L’Oréal Paris, RBKD, Rui ∑n vol. 01, Sudden 骤å˜, The Dream Makers 志在四方.
1. Beauty Pages 48-49
By Simone Wu
Best Beauty Advice I Ever Got
Celebrities and beauty insiders share their most useful beauty tips.
“I have to thank my mother for teaching me about the dangers of UV when I was in secondary school. I’ve been protecting my skin since.” – Rui En, actress and L’Oreal Paris Youth Code ambassador
Categorised in EN, Endorsement, L’Oréal Paris, Simply Her.
Source: The Straits Times
Source: MyPaper
Disclaimer: RBKD does not commission from posting this advertorial on our platforms.
Categorised in Endorsement, L’Oréal Paris, MyPaper, The Straits Times.
1. Star Power Page 67
Our favourite celebs lend their names and faces to front beauty’s biggest campaigns.
Rui En for L’Oreal Paris Youth Code
Categorised in ELLE, EN, Endorsement, L’Oréal Paris.
By Gladys Chung
It comes as a surprise when actress Rui En says some of her favourite bags are brand-less canvas totes, and that she used to be a tomboy who hated dresses.
After all, the 32-year-old was dressed in a flattering and slinky Grecian-style toga dress for this interview and photoshoot.
And who can forget the beautiful plum Christian Dior tulle gown she wore at the Star Awards show in April, where she won her second Best Actress award. She also won that night for Favourite Female Character and Top 10 Most Popular Artistes.
“It was an Academy Awards-ready gown, I chose it just three weeks before the event, and I looked forward to wearing it.”
“It was ‘princessy’ but the dark colour made it classic and ‘me’.”
She admits she could have handled the dress more elegantly that night. She had seemed exasperated at times when she had difficulty moving about in the gown.
“It was lightweight but there were so many layers of fabric and I was kind of wrestling with it,” she says.
“But I promise I will get better at this.”
This disarming honesty and lack of pretension, on top of her pretty girl-next-door looks and acting chops, have won Rui En fans, as well as the attention of marketers.
In May, she was named one of the faces of the L’Oreal Paris Youth Code skincare range. She joins a roll call of A-list international celebrities, such as Gong Li, Li Bingbing and Fan Bingbing, who also front the range of skincare.
The ambassadorship is apt as Rui En is a self-professed beauty junkie. She loves trying new skincare products and make-up and uses a different mask every night on her dry and intolerant skin.
To keep healthy and give her face that extra glow, she works out religiously with home videos. And every morning, she downs green detox drinks made from recipes she found on the Internet.
Rui En started her career in show business when she was 20. But the industry started to take serious notice of her only in 2011 when she won her first Best Actress trophy at the Star Awards that year for her role as a widow in the drama serial With You.
Rui En says the nomination in 2011 made her pay more attention to her clothes.
“It was the first time I had to dress up properly for an event and I had so many choices. I felt very lucky but confused too.”
“My sense of style was not set then, so it was just a whirlwind of trying on all sorts of outfits and just seeing what worked for my image.”
In the end, she picked a steel grey Hermes pantsuit, with a black belt tied stylishly and provocatively around her neck.
These days, she knows instinctively what she likes: “Nothing revealing, but classic, simple, clean and accessorised with diamonds.”
7 things in her bag
1. Soul by Ludacris headphones
This was a Christmas present I received last year. Its sound quality is good and it blocks out noise. I love music, and listen to everything from country to K-pop. When I’m travelling, I’ll plug into this and be in my own world.
2. Museli bars
I eat these when I am shooting and have to be constantly on the go. They are quite sweet and taste good, and they keep me from bingeing on the unhealthy stuff.
3. L’Oreal Youth Code prodigious rejuvenating pre-essence
I apply this essence on my bare skin and it helps everything else that I use later, such as serums and moisturisers, to be more easily absorbed.
4. Insect Repellent
This is an insect repellent soldiers use; I bought it from the army market in Beach Road. It is a must whenever I’m filming outdoors. It does not smell but is so potent that it is not safe to be applied on the skin. I apply it on the hem of my clothing instead and the mosquitoes do not come near me.
5. Memoirs of a radical lawyer by Michael Mansfield
I’m currently reading this for research purposes as I play a lawyer in the upcoming Chinese legal drama Sudden. Whenever I take on a new role, I will read about the character’s occupation as it helps me with my acting.
6. Creative electronic chinese dictionary
A friend gave this to me as a birthday present two or three years ago. It tells me how to pronounce Chinese words I’m unfamiliar with and their meanings.
7. Scripts
I feel naked without my scripts. This is for Sudden, which I am currently working on and which airs in September on MediaCorp Channel 8. I prefer physical copies because I can make notes in the margin.
Her bag
A fan gave this to me. I own about 20 to 30 canvas tote bags. I carry them around when I am filming or not working. For designer bags, my favourite is the Balenciaga Motorcycle bag because it is very versatile.
Source: The Straits Times, Asiaone, Diva Asia, Lollipop
Categorised in, Diva Asia, EN, Endorsement, L’Oréal Paris, Lollipop, Star Awards, Star Awards 2011, Star Awards 2013, The Straits Times, Unriddle 2 最ç«ææ¡£ 2, With You æˆ‘åœ¨ä½ å·¦å³.
Lost Without Sunscreen
Award winning local actress Rui En always look cool and calm, but here she tells Lieu Wei Ning what makes her anxious.
As a busy actress, how do you keep your skin healthy?
I don’t get much sleep during heavy filming periods so besides drinking lots of water, I try to use a mask daily.
What are some skincare products you use every day?
I’m your typical vain girl when it comes to my skin. It’s important to me that my skin can absorb the full benefits of treatments and for that I use L’Oreal Paris Youth Code Boosting Essence.
What’s your skincare routine like?
Ten steps – remove eye makeup, cleanse, apply Youth Code Boosting Essence, tone, use a mask, apply Youth Code Boosting Essence again, tone, apply serum, moisturise, and apply an eye cream.
What’s your biggest concern?
I tan very easily so I try to avoid the sun as much as possible when i’m not working. I always wear sunscreen, and when I’m out, you’ll see me either with an umbrella or trying to hide from the sun.
What is the one product you never leave your house without?
Sunscreen, without a doubt. I’ve actually had panic attacks when I thought I forgot to apply it! I use two different sunscreens – one for the eye area, one for the face.
Do you ever do without makeup?
It’s important to let my skin breathe, so I don’t wear any makeup when I’m not working. When I’m out, I’ll just have layers of skincare on without any makeup and I’ll look like I have margarine on my face.
What do you do when your skin is in need of an SOS?
I don’t usually go for facials because my skin is ultra-sensitive, but I use masks and creams to boost my skin’s moisture level. To enhance the efficacy of the products, I use the Youth Code Boosting Essence under them.
What are your must-have beauty products?
Concealer! You just put it on and you won’t need any more makeup as long as your skin is okay. Also, fake eyelashes because my lashes are incredibly short.
Which female celebrity do you think has great skin?
Cate Blanchett has perfect porcelain skin. I’ve never seen anyone with better skin. I would give anything for her skin.
Source: Her World
Categorised in EN, Endorsement, Her World, L’Oréal Paris.
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The Dream Makers 志在四方 debuts 24 June 2013 9pm on Channel 8.
Source: Xinmsn
Categorised in CH, Endorsement, L’Oréal Paris, The Dream Makers 志在四方, xinmsn.
Rui En – Girly, Really?
Think about Rui En, and tough, no-nonsense, even (dare we say it?) cold, comes to mind. But girly and vain?
Rui En is a Mediacorp darling (albeit an unconventional one), there’s no question about it. Dubbed the ‘Queen of ratings’, her shows have consistently been one of the most-watched dramas of the year. And of course, her power-packed performances didn’t go unnoticed as she won the highly-coveted best actress award in 2011 and most recently, in 2013. The cherry on top of her great year? L‘Oreal has chosen her to be the face of their latest L’Oreal Youth Code Essence, an essence with the ability to restore skin’s optimal capability, so that it can better absorb the effects of your skincare, boosting its efficacy. Rui En tells us all abut her girliness (yes, she does have a girly side), beauty secrets and her lifestyle.
Cosmo: Congrats on being the new face of L’Oreal Youth Code! Are you really excited about this?
Rui En: It’s been a long time since I’ve done a skincare endorsement and I’m actually really pleased about this. L’Oreal has always had this this tagline for ages “Because you’re worth it†and when I was a little girl, I would see all these gorgeous girls reciting this line and think about how nice it is to be able to say those words. It is like a dream come true. Plus, I felt that [L’oreal] was really sincere. We had a couple of meetings and they wanted to get to know me better, which felt nice.
Cosmo: “Because you’re worth itâ€, what meaning does it have for you?
Rui En: The main thing about saying this tagline is that the people who were chosen to say it were international stars – huge stars for me. To be able to join their ranks, it’s a huge privilege. For me personally, the tagline feels empowering.
Cosmo: So what do you like most about this product that you’re endorsing?
Rui En: I love its light texture, but most of all, I like that it is afforable. I think a lot of women are willing to spend thousands of dollars on skincare because there is this promise that it’ll work. But this works just as well [as an expensive product].
Cosmo: Can you share a beauty secret with us?
Rui En: I know that a lot of people think I’m very bochup*. But I’m actually a very girly person when it comes to skincare. I insist on putting on a mask when i get home, no matter what time it is.
Cosmo: Every single day?
Rui En: ya, everyday. Its probably not for everybody but I think it really helps to soothe my tired skin. Sometimes I’m out filming for days in a row, and my skin suffers, but this helps to refresh and calm it down.
Cosmo: Do you feel pressured to look good all the time because you are a celebrity?
Rui En: Actually, when I don’t work, I’m really don’t bother with makeup and I’m perpertually in t-shirt and shorts. There is no way I will let any makeup touch my face. This is also why I need to make sure that my skin looks great on its own. I mean, of course, when I’m working or going for Star Awards, it’s inevitable. It’s not that I don’t care about my appearance; I’m just way too lazy!
Cosmo: Do you do any sports to keep your skin glowing?
Rui En: I do loads of cardio. I do see a difference in my skin when I have time to work out. I try not to run because of the sun, so I gym and do indoor sports a lot. Everybody should exercise because I do see a radiant glow in my complexion when I do. Exercise is incredibly important to me.
Source: Cosmopolitan Singapore/a>
Categorised in Cosmopolitan Singapore, EN, Endorsement, L’Oréal Paris, Ratings 节目收视率, Star Awards, Star Awards 2011, Star Awards 2013.