By Denise Ngo
All the OOTDs you missed this week
RBKD: Toggle commented that Rui En channeled the Mother of Dragons at the press conference for “If Only I Could…” in her caped white mini-dress.
Source: Toggle
Categorised in EN, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Toggle Fashion, Toggle SG.
æ´ªé“铧 报é“
本地电视花旦瑞æ©ä¸ºæ–°å‰§ã€Šåå¹´ã€‚ã€‚ã€‚ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—》出å¸è®°è€…会,回ç”è”åˆæ—©æŠ¥è®°è€…最近好ä¸å¥½çš„问题时说:“我还好。â€
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《åå¹´ã€‚ã€‚ã€‚ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—ã€‹ç”±å¼ é¾™æ•ç›‘制, 林锦兰和许丽雯æ供故事,从5月31日起æ¯é€¢æ˜ŸæœŸä¸€è‡³äº”晚上9点,通过8频é“æ’出。
RBKD: Click link below to access full article.
若真的让她é‡æ–°é€‰æ‹©ï¼Œå¥¹ä¼šâ€¦â€¦ï¼Ÿ by Lianhe Zaobao on Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Source: Zaobao
If Only I Could… åå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? Debuts 31 May 2016, Weekdays 9pm on Channel 8
Categorised in CH, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Zaobao.
蔡欣盈ã€æž—é™é›¯ 报é“
事åŽå¤±çœ 胃痛
事故å‘生åŽï¼Œå¥¹ä¸€ç›´è´£æ€ªè‡ªå·±ï¼Œå¤±çœ 过,压力也大到胃痛毛病回æ¥äº†ã€‚她也自我安慰é“:“è¦æ‡‚得去调整,懂得怎么原谅自己,ä¸è¦æŠŠå¤ªå¤šçš„责怪放在自己身上。â€
Source: Wanbao, ChinaPress
If Only I Could… åå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? Debuts 31 May 2016, Weekdays 9pm on Channel 8
Categorised in CH, ChinaPress ä¸åœ‹å ±, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Wanbao,
é’Ÿé›é¾„ã€æž—é™é›¯ 报é“
“è¯é¢˜äººç‰©â€ç‘žæ©4月12日涉嫌驾车撞倒一辆åœç€çš„电å•è½¦ï¼Œå¹¶è¢«æŒ‡æ»¡èº«é…’味,éè¦æ–¹å¸¦å›žè¦å±€å助调查。由于事件目å‰ä»åœ¨è°ƒæŸ¥å½“ä¸ï¼Œå¥¹çš„ç»ç†äººè¡¨ç¤ºä»æ— æ³•ç½®è¯„ã€‚åœ¨æ˜¨å¤©çš„æ–°ä¼ åª’ç©¿è¶Šå‰§ã€Šåå¹´ã€‚ã€‚ã€‚ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?》记者会上,谈到时光穿æ¢ï¼Œç‘žæ©å¦è¨€â€œè°ä¸æƒ³æœ‰ç¬¬äºŒæ¬¡æœºä¼šï¼Ÿè°ä¸æƒ³å›žåŽ»æ”¹å˜ä¸€äº›é”™è¯¯ï¼Œåšå¯¹çš„事?尤其现在这个对我æ¥è¯´ï¼Œç‰¹åˆ«æœ‰æ„æ€ã€‚â€
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å‘è®°è€…éž èº¬æ„Ÿè°¢ 没让她委屈
访问结æŸæ—¶ï¼Œç‘žæ©æœ‰åˆ«è¿‡åŽ»çš„冷峻å¤å‚²ï¼Œæ€åº¦æ”¾è½¯å¹¶è°¦å‘地å‘åœ¨åœºçš„è®°è€…ä»¬å¾®å¾®éž èº¬è¯´ï¼šâ€œéžå¸¸æ„Ÿè°¢å¤§å®¶æ²¡æœ‰è®©æˆ‘很委屈,谢谢。â€å¥¹åŽæ¥ä¹Ÿé€šè¿‡ç²‰ä¸ç¾¤RBKDä¼ è®¯åª’ä½“ï¼Œå†™é“:“我è¦è°¢è°¢åœ¨åœºçš„媒体记者。我知é“他们被è¦æ±‚追问这件事(车祸),但大家都很尊é‡ï¼Œè°¢è°¢ã€‚â€
Source: Shinmin, Omy, MyPaper, uweekly
If Only I Could… åå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? Debuts 31 May 2016, Weekdays 9pm on Channel 8
Categorised in CH, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, MyPaper,, RBKD, Rui En, Shin Min, U-Weekly.
蔡欣盈ã€æž—é™é›¯ 报é“
Source: Wanbao, Omy
If Only I Could… åå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? Debuts 31 May 2016, Weekdays 9pm on Channel 8
Categorised in CH, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Wanbao.
é‚“æ°¸å› æŠ¥é“
[访问+视频] #ç‘žæ© ç»§ã€Šçº¢æ˜Ÿå¤§å¥–ã€‹åŽé¦–度公开露é¢ï¼ŒçŠ¶æ€æžä½³ã€‚
虽然ä¸ææ„外事件,但她表示之å‰å› åŽ‹åŠ›é€ æˆçš„胃痛已好转。 #åå¹´ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—— Toggle – ä¸æ–‡ç‰ˆ (@ToggleSG_ch) May 18, 2016
RBKD: Toggle报é“ç‘žæ©ç»§äº‹æ•…å‘生åŽï¼Œé¦–次é¢å¯¹åª’体,虽已是一个多月å‰çš„事件,但出å¸ã€Šåå¹´â€¦ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?》记者招待会的媒体人数比平时多了ä¸å°‘,且注æ„到大部分媒体都是针对瑞æ©è€Œæ¥çš„。
事å‘åŽï¼Œç‘žæ©åœ¨ã€Šçº¢æ˜Ÿå¤§å¥–2016ã€‹éž èº¬é“æ‰ï¼ŒéšåŽå¥¹å¦‚常投入新剧《è¦å¾½å¤©èŒ4》æ‹æ‘„,没有影å“到进度。虽说如æ¤ï¼Œå¥¹å› 压力过大而导致胃病å¤å‘,在《红星大奖2016》现场呕å。本地æ‚志也指出,瑞æ©åœ¨æ‹æ‘„《è¦å¾½å¤©èŒ4》期间,与媒体谈åŠæ¤äº‹æ—¶ï¼Œæƒ…绪一度失控è½æ³ªã€‚
Source: Toggle
If Only I Could… åå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? Debuts 31 May 2016, Weekdays 9pm on Channel 8
Categorised in CH, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Toggle SG.
By Gwendolyn Ng
Rui En has been blaming herself since she knocked over a motorcycle
— Straits Times Life (@ST_LifeTweets) May 18, 2016
The repentant stance that actress Rui En adopted at the recent Star Awards, where she apologised for an incident in which she drove and knocked over a parked motorcycle, continued at a press conference on Tuesday (May 17) for a new Channel 8 drama.
The fantasy melodrama is aptly titled If Only I Could…, and its protagonists are given a second chance to go back in time to change their lives for the better.
Rui En, 35, says: “Who doesn’t want second chances? Who doesn’t want to go back in time, amend mistakes and do the right thing? Such sentiments is especially heartfelt for me now.”
The actress was flamed last month for her behaviour in the traffic incident where she asked the motorbike owner, “Do you know who I am?”, a phrase that she later clarified as telling him that she would not run away without taking responsibility for what she had done.
Asked how she would have handled the situation differently if she were given a second chance, she says she does not know.
“Honestly, I’m in a dilemma. Be it mistakes or success, be it peak or hell, whatever we go through makes us who we are today,” she says.
“Initially I thought if I could go back in time, I would definitely do so – not just to half a year ago, but to the time I was a baby. I wanted to start anew. Then I realised that going through suffering may change a person for the better.”
Through this tough period, she has learnt two lessons: to be grateful and to learn how to forgive herself.
“I’ve never expected the unconditional concern, love and help given to me by my family, friends and colleagues. It has taught me not to take the people by my side for granted. I want to give back the love that they’ve showered on me during this period.”
A self-professed perfectionist, she says that she has been heaping blame on herself since the incident and she vomited at the Star Awards last month because stress triggered her existing gastric ailment.
“I’ve realise that I need to adjust (my mindset). I need to learn how to forgive myself and not put too much blame on myself. It has been tough,” she says.
Another problem she is facing – her inability to shed the extra weight gained for her dowdy character Zhen Hao in If Only I Could….
“I’m not young anymore. After I hit 30 years old, my metabolism rate has dropped. Now I don’t lose weight as fast as before,” says Rui En, who had gained about 7kg and does now know how much of that extra weight she has lost because she is afraid of weighing herself.
“I’ve always felt that stepping on the weighing scale is very demoralising when you find out you don’t lose as much as you expected to. I find it counter-productive.”
She is fighting back against talk about her chubbier face, though.
“Women go through a lot. We get criticised for ageing or putting on weight. Why is our society putting so much emphasis on physical appearance? This shouldn’t be the case.”
If Only I Could… premieres on Channel 8 on May 31 at 9pm. It airs on weekdays at 9pm.
RBKD: Click the link for the full article.
This article will also be available on The Straits Times’ Print Edition tomorrow.
Source: Straits Times, CLEO, Lollipop, Her World Singapore
If Only I Could… åå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? Debuts 31 May 2016, Weekdays 9pm on Channel 8
Categorised in Cleo, EN, Her World, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Lollipop, Social Media, The Straits Times, Twitter, Video.
By Tracy Low
At yesterday’s press conference for Channel 8 drama If Only I Could, the 35-year-old Rui En looked calm and prepared.
She told The New Paper: “I’m feeling much better and I’ve been taking care of myself after (suffering from gastric) at Star Awards Show 2.
“I’m happier because I’ve realised that there are a lot of people who love me unconditionally and I can’t ask for more than that.”
If Only I Could, which premieres on May 31 at 9pm, stars Rui En as a frumpy auntie and a mother of one, married to Andie Chen’s character.
She travels back in time to 2006 in hopes of rewriting her life.
When asked what aspect of her own life she would do over if she was given a chance, Rui En said: “I would probably not have chosen to be an actress. My speech at Star Awards Show 1 was all about that and I think I have explained a lot.”
Rui En is moving on from the episode by filming the Channel 8 cop drama C.L.I.F. 4 and Li Nanxing, who plays her on-screen husband, has been especially helpful.
Li himself was involved in a drink driving accident in 1997. He was fined $4,000 and given a 30-month driving suspension.
Rui En said: “In general, work is always something that I can immerse myself in and it helps me forget whatever is going on.
At a media session in March, Rui En had told TNP: “Three things I don’t like working with are babies, animals and calefare.”
Now, she takes back every word after falling in love with her young co-star.
“You just need to find the right one to play the role,” she said with a laugh.
In the meantime, Rui En has weightier matters to deal with.
She willingly gained 7kg for If Only I Could, which reportedly wrapped up before Chinese New Year. But she has had difficulty shedding the weight.
So she said it was the last time she would make such a sacrifice for a show. However, her weight gain has made her more aware of fat- and body-shaming.
“I actually felt ashamed initially, even though I knew that it was for the show. But then I realised, ‘Why should I be ashamed?’
“Why should women be judged by their weight, the size of the dress they wear, their age or how much plastic surgery they have done?
“It’s ridiculous,” she said.
RBKD: Click the link below for the full article.
Source: The New Paper, Stomp/Lollipop, AsiaOne
If Only I Could… åå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? Debuts 31 May 2016, Weekdays 9pm on Channel 8
Categorised in, EN, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Lollipop, Stomp, The New Paper.
æ´ªé“铧 报é“
“如果回到åå¹´å‰ï¼Œä½ 还会想æˆä¸ºè‰ºäººå—?â€ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯è®°è€…会上,记者问瑞æ©çš„å…¶ä¸ä¸€ä¸ªé—®é¢˜ã€‚
ç‘žæ©åœ¨ä»Šå¹´4æœˆä»½å› æ¶‰åŠæ’žåˆ°ç”µå•è½¦äº‹ä»¶ï¼Œä¸”在事åŽè¯´å‡ºâ€œä½ 知é“我是è°å—?â€ï¼ˆDo you know who I am?)而引起轩然大波。
红星大奖致谢è¯æ—¶å¥¹ä¸ºäº‹ä»¶é“æ‰ï¼Œå¹¶åœ¨å°ä¸Šåš90åº¦éž èº¬ï¼Œç”±å§‹è‡³ç»ˆå¹¶æœªæŽ¥å—媒体访问。
也许时机ä¸å¯¹ï¼Œä¹Ÿè®¸è¿˜æ²¡å‡†å¤‡å¥½ã€‚事隔近一个月,她于今日(17æ—¥ï¼‰ä¸ºæ–°å‰§è¿›è¡Œå®£ä¼ ï¼Œé¦–æ¬¡æŽ¥å—媒体访问。
记者洪é“é“§é¦–å…ˆé—®å¥¹ï¼Œä½ å¥½å—?她æ€è€ƒåŠåˆ»ï¼Œå¾®ç¬‘回应â€æˆ‘很好,谢谢大家关心â€ã€‚
若真的让她é‡æ–°é€‰æ‹©ï¼Œå¥¹ä¼šâ€¦â€¦ï¼Ÿ by Lianhe Zaobao on Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Source: Zaobao
If Only I Could… åå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? Debuts 31 May 2016, Weekdays 9pm on Channel 8
Categorised in CH, Facebook, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Social Media, Video, Zaobao.