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02 December 2010 | 12:17 am

SINGAPORE: MediaCorp has bagged nine awards including two gold at the prestigious PromaxBDA Asia 2010 Awards.

The competition recognises the best creative marketing campaigns in the Asian entertainment industry.

Channel 8 was the station’s biggest winner, with two gold and three silver awards.

Cop series “Unriddle” took silver in the Best Drama Campaign category.

Danny Loh, MediaCorp TV Singapore’s creative director (Channel 8), said: “Normally for MediaCorp…statistics (show) we do better at Promax World. So for this round, I think we are quite surprised… garner five awards just for Channel 8 alone in this Asian competition. I think we’re all overwhelmed.”

Source:, BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8,, EN, Unriddle 最火搭档.

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25 October 2010 | 05:09 pm

The question is do you welcome the idea of a season 2? If so, kindly feedback clearly why you want it back on Channel 8. What was it in 最火搭档 Unriddle that you liked so much and that you wouldn’t mind having a returning season? If you prefer that we move on with other drama genres and not expand the story any further, your feedback will be equally appreciated – the stars, the story or the genre or for whatever reasons that you wanted it to forever say ‘bye-bye’ from your TV…

Vote: Do you want ‘Unriddle 最火搭档 2’?

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, CH, Unriddle 最火搭档.

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20 October 2010 | 06:12 pm

It’s the new April drama ‘Happy Together 快乐3加1′ and we get to see 瑞恩 Rui En doing something not very ‘Rui En’ this time… In this 35 eps family drama, Rui En is no longer the usual strong headed independent woman but a…

She will take on the role of a very nice good gal who wanted love so much she ended up marrying someone (starring 张振寰 Zhang Zhen Huan) she doesn’t love when her boyfriend dumped her for some other hot chick…

She becomes this poor little daughter-in-law who gets herself sucked into the messy relationship with a weak hubby and a strong headed mother-in-law (向云 Xiang Yun). Her worst nightmare comes in the presence of a super jealous and scheming sister-in-law (许美珍 Cynthia Koh) who is all out to ‘crush Rui En like a cockroach’… This poor young thing even kenna chased out of the house and suffered a miscarriage…

Cynthia Koh is handed this particular role which will probably get all the attention of the viewers as ‘the ultimate nightmarish daughter-in-law from hell’! She is married into 方展发 Pierre Png’s family running a catering business. She has a dark past which will threaten to ruin her and her new found happiness. Her role contributes to the many tribulations that will happen to this family…

Besides 瑞恩 Rui En, 张振寰 Zhang Zhen Huan, 许美珍 Cynthia Koh, 方展发 Pierre Png and 向云 Xiang Yun, this family drama also stars 李心钰 Belinda Lee, 林明伦 Darren Lim, 苏志诚 Calvin Soh, 洪乙心 Apple Hong, 刘谦益 Richard Low, 曹国辉 Terence Cao, 潘淑钦 May Phua, etc.

‘Happy Together 快乐3加1′ debuts 11 April 2011.

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, EN, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇.

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07 September 2010 | 06:54 pm

Veteran actor aka last Star Award’s Best Supporting Actor Zhu Hou Ren said in his interview with i-Weekly that Rui En should win the next Star Award’s Best Actress. He said he was impressed with her role in 过好年 Happy Family which according to him was ‘just right’ (meaning not over-acting or under-performing). He even claimed that the panel of judges would be ‘blind’ if Rui En was robbed of her chance at the Star Awards. Really meh?

Oh well…let’s hear from you and tell me which role she played was most impressive and stand a good chance if you were the judge. Vote and see if most number of people is on your side as that role may just nail it for Rui En. Of course, she will be up against many other fine actresses but I want to find out just which of her 3 uniquely portrayed roles would garner her a chance from her fans…

To vote: BaguaTV

Not ‘ 过好年Happy Family’? How about ‘我在你左右 With You’?

Or her role in ‘最火搭档 Unriddle’?

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, CH, Happy Family 过好年, Star Awards, Star Awards 2011, Unriddle 最火搭档, With You 我在你左右.

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27 August 2010 | 01:29 pm

1,014,000 viewers were hooked to the countdown episodes of ‘Unriddle 最火搭档’. Preview the last few moments of ‘Unriddle’ in this latest trailer:

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, EN, Unriddle 最火搭档.

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25 August 2010 | 04:41 pm

2011 二月新传媒8频道新剧 ‘Love in 2 Cities 乐在双城’ (debuts from Valentine’s Day) 的三位女主角有Rui En 瑞恩, Joanne Peh 白微秀 and 台湾气质美女庞蕾馨 Kate Pang. The male leads are Zhang Zheng Huan 張振寰, Pierre Png 方展发 and Zhang Yao Dong 张耀栋. Others include Zhu Mi Mi 朱咪咪, Julie Tan 陈欣淇, Constance Song 宋怡菲, Yao Wen Long 姚文龙, Huang Wen Yong 黄文永, Darren Lim 林明伦, Xiang Yun 向云, Koh Yah Hwee 许雅慧, Jerry Yeo 杨伟烈, etc.

章雅乐(瑞恩饰演)- 大小姐脾气。乐观坚强,从不轻易认输。花钱不手软、注重生活品质和享受,被阿姨梅金凤(朱咪咪饰演)戏称患有“公主病”。出身富有家庭,自小集万千宠爱于一身。她在父母亲意外去世后继承了庞大的遗产。因为所托非人,导致在新加坡的生意严重亏损甚至有破产的危机。无意中得知母亲曾经在大马和阿姨梅金凤合资开了一家婚纱店,于是到大马想要从金凤手中拿回属于母亲的股权,无奈金凤坚持不肯,走投无路之下唯有留在大马投靠金凤。因为受不了金凤高压式的管教法,常常跟金凤斗智斗力。雅乐故意在文涛(方展发饰演)和他女朋友依婷之(许雅慧饰演)间搞破坏,其实是心里已经渐渐爱上了文涛。。。

潘乐瑶(白微秀饰演)- 精打细算的聰穎女子,非常懂得为自已争取表现机会。爱以名牌包装自己,可以为了目的而不择手段。认为有钱能使鬼推磨,财富是最重要的。在模特儿界被称为“千变女郎”,其实是暗讽她经常作性感打扮、以不同的形象周旋在不同的有钱男人之中,最终目标是嫁入豪门。在欧阳明(张耀栋饰演)的帮助下成功进入酒店当上正凯(張振寰饰演)的私人助理,如愿成为正凯的女朋友后,以为可以因此而飞上枝头变凤凰,但同父异母的妹妹却成了自己最大的情敌。。。

林乐(新签约新传媒的台湾气质美女庞蕾馨Kate Pang饰演)- 金凤的独生女,自小学习音乐,一直梦想能够在台上表演,当个万众瞩目的演奏家,无奈无法达成心愿。渴望爱情,常常幻想着穿上婚纱那一刻的来临,可是没有一次恋爱可以维持三个月。搬到乐瑶的公寓跟乐瑶和雅乐同住以后,受到两人的影响,个性起了一百八十度的转变。她开始注重打扮、享受生活。。。但却让她碰上了爱情骗子。。。

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in A Tale of 2 Cities 乐在双城, BaguaTV / Bagua8, EN.

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30 July 2010 | 08:01 pm

I just watched 5 epsiodes of ‘最火搭档 Unriddle’…and this time, I didn’t even press the fast forward button! Yes, it is that good. How good?

It is very pacy…well crafted story-telling style. I like how each episode begins with the event already taken place but quickly drawing us back into the hours or days just before the event…

陈莉萍 Chen Li Ping is marvellous. There’s one scene when there was no dialogue at all and she was hugging the belongings of her father…that brought tears out of me… This is going to be her most lovable character after her Holland V’s classic role to date! Best Actress nomination again…high chance of a sure-get-in position in the Top 5.

瑞恩 Rui En will surprise many in this role…the Executive Producer commented that Rui En reminded him of the young 邓萃雯 and that is a big compliment. You will be impressed by Rui En who played this character well in the grey area. She is also very blessed to be picked in dramas surrounded by some of the best artistes and that also bought out her best…

郑斌辉 Tay Ping Hui may stand a very big chance to grab that Best Actor trophy from 陈汉玮 Chen Han Wei (acted brilliantly in 五福到 and 我在你左右) for his role in Unriddle. It will be a good fight this time round. You can feel the intensity – his pain, guilt and anger and that he did not even need to express through any exaggerated facial expressions or body language. Just pure 眼神… Though he only appeared in the first 4 episodes (another 3 more towards the finale)…he will leave a very deep impression…

The supporting characters are equally fantastic. 陈邦鋆 Andie Chen has certainly proven that he is on the right track to position himself as a 性格派艺人 since we last saw him in ‘The Little Nyonya’. Wang Yu Qing is a complete different person from his 老飞鱼 role in ‘泳闯琴关 No Limits’. Li Wen Hai, Zheng Ge Ping, Brandon Wong, Joshua Ang, Zhang Wei and Zhou Ying also shine in their small roles. Even those who acted as pimps and thugs, they come alive in their roles… Oh well…I only saw the first 5 episodes and there are many more cameo appearances by other stars to come…

For those who will be watching the preview of episode 1 at the Unriddle event tomorrow with the stars…feel free to pen your reviews and share share here yah…

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, EN, Unriddle 最火搭档.

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29 July 2010 | 09:02 pm

You have seen the shoot photos recently and here’s the final product starring Rui En and Chen Li Ping:

The last TV trailer won’t be the last…I have decided to add another new version to be shot on Saturday for TV telecast. And for those who have played the online riddle game, the stars who have just confirmed their attendance this Saturday are: Rui En, Chen Li Ping, Andie Chen, Shaun Chen, Zheng Ge Ping, Zzen, Priscelia and Brandon Wong.

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, EN, Unriddle 最火搭档.

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23 July 2010 | 11:34 am

MediaCorp’s new drama ‘Unriddle 最火搭档’ held its closed door media conference at Grand Hyatt yesterday. 瑞恩 Rui En was mentioned several times by the other stars present…watch the video for what they said about her…and find out what each star felt about this production.

The guy sitting in front is Danny, my Creative Director who did the fabulous series of ‘Unriddle’ TV trailers… For the remaining videos (total of 12 videos being uploaded now), please click to view at

Unriddle Preview – Catch it before the TV telecast in this exclusive Director’s Cut version of the drama (before censorship). Click:

Source: BaguaTV

Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, CH, Unriddle 最火搭档.

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