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31 May 2011 | 01:24 pm

Source: XinMSN

Categorised in EN, xinmsn.

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30 May 2011 | 05:30 pm

TV Guide



8频道 晚上9.00

建业提出离婚, 秋桦以要快乐厨房为条件, 宝珠等决定结束快乐厨房, 将它交给秋桦。秋桦向佳珍道歉, 并求建业不要离婚, 建业说除非佳珍点头答应。秋桦向佳珍下跪, 佳珍迟疑后还是不答应, 秋桦绝望地签下分居协议书后离去。

Source: Zaobao

Categorised in CH, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇, Zaobao.

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29 May 2011 | 09:52 pm

1. 电视 MSN Page 72

芭芭拉姬 says:

我跟你讲, 那个《麻婆斗妇》也是很”缺陷美”, 不是很多人讲不好看咯,角色傻的傻、软的软、好的又太好,它的收视率却又是一直排第一wor, 打败那个很难打的乡土剧《爱》咧, 真的很神气hor?! 真的是世事难料,永远不知道什么灵,什么不灵咯!


是观众神经还是剧集神奇? 是不是因为现实里奸人坏人一大堆,所以大家看电视看得很开心当作发泄? 哎哟,我这种没缺陷的人哪里搞得懂你们这些普通人在想什么……

2. TV Ratings Page 72

Channel 8
1. 麻婆斗妇
2. 爱
3. 3菜1汤III
4. 夜市人生
5. 名厨实习生

Categorised in CH, I-Weekly, Ratings 节目收视率, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇.

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24 May 2011 | 04:00 pm

After C.L.I.F, Chris Tong took part in two movie productions and is currently filming a new period drama series Code of Honour in Malaysia. While fellow co-stars like Rui En, Elvin Ng and Andie Chen are sent for martial arts training, Chris is relieved to be playing a demure “damsel in distress”.

Although she won’t be hitting punching bags or thrusting her fists around, the actress will not be getting the shorter end of the stick and will be crying “90% of the time”.

“Even the makeup artist told me she won’t fix on false eyelashes or do thick eye makeup for me because I’ll always be crying and the makeup would smudge,” she shared.

Source: XinMSN

Categorised in Code of Honour 正义武馆, EN, xinmsn.

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22 May 2011 | 08:22 pm

1. 星光Starbuzz Page 26

没有山珍海味,只有特别订做的杯子蛋糕、瑞恩最爱吃的海南鸡饭和粉丝送上的爱心牌起司蛋糕…还是让大家吃得津津有味! 平时酷酷的瑞恩全程灿烂笑容大放送,足以融化粉丝的心。


2. 电视 TV Page 70

艺人上班穿什么戴什么玩什么? i 秘密突击

用功视后 瑞恩

瑞恩去年底买下iPad,用来等戏时消磨时间。 但她自称很low tech, 不怎么玩游戏,仅利用iPad看杂志Vanity Fair和上网阅读新闻。打开她的iPad一看,发现:里头只有10余张照片,而且几乎都是偶像Marion Cotillard的玉照,她说:“她演技太好了! 如果能和她最小的脚趾指甲一样好,我就可以死得很开心了。放她的照片,正是为了时时刻刻提醒自己朝这个目标努力。”

她特别爱写Notes,在《边缘父子》饰演盲女的她洋洋洒洒好几百字刻画角色内心世界,最近还忙阅读关于海伦凯勒(Helen Keller)的小故事,丰富自己对视障人士的了解……是用功的咯!

3. TV Ratings Page 72

Channel 8
1. 麻婆斗妇
2. 爱
3. 3菜1汤III
4. 夜市人生
5. 名厨实习生

4 TV Listings Page 79

5. TV Synopsis Pages 85

Categorised in CH, Code of Honour 正义武馆, I-Weekly, On The Fringe 边缘父子, Ratings 节目收视率, RBKD, Rui En, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇.

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21 May 2011 | 12:56 pm




Source: XinMSN

Categorised in CH, Code of Honour 正义武馆, xinmsn.

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17 May 2011 | 01:44 pm

by Joanna Goh

The spotlight is on this special group of people who flock to events and award ceremonies in groups to cheer on their favourite idols

As the saying goes, behind every successful man, there is a woman. The same analogy applies for these local artistes — it’s the fans who maketh the stars. These actors wouldn’t be where they are today without the unwavering support and unconditional love from this bunch of loyal and fervent fans.

You see them whenever there’s a huge event taking place. They come out full-force in uniform coloured t-shirts, brandishing handmade signboards, banners, placards, and LED lightboards, braving the heat and humidity to garner the loudest cheers for their beloved idols.

Without this group of people wholeheartedly rallying around these stars, newbie Zhou Ying probably wouldn’t have nabbed her very first Top 10 Most Popular Female Artiste Award — neither would A-listers such as Rui En, Joanne Peh or Jeanette Aw constantly pick up coveted trophies year after year at the Star Awards.

Disclaimer: Fanclubs are listed in no particular order


Established in 2008 with a current strength of 105 priority and ordinary members.

If you ask us, RBKD’s more than just a fanclub. It may have started off as a support force for Rui En, but her fans have matured and grew with her through the years. They have moved on from merely rallying around her to extending a helping hand towards the less fortunate with their charity projects. Heeding their idol’s advice to “do more than what a normal fanclub does”, the club is planning to launch a fortnightly charity drive to distribute dry food to the elderly in Toa Payoh.

We speak to fanclub president Peh Xinyi for more insight.

RBKD stands for… Rui Bu Ke Dang (‘unstoppable’ in English)

Most memorable thing done for Rui En… in 2009 when we compiled a travel guide to the world’s best beaches for her 28th birthday. We compiled four booklets, each featuring different continents of the world, and each booklet consisted of 28 different beaches because she was turning 28 at that time.

Number of phone calls we made for Star Awards
… varies. Some members make about 20 to 30 phone calls each. As our members are very young, it concerns us if they overspend.

Last met up with Rui En… two Saturdays ago. It was very rushed affair because of her tight schedule before she left to film Code of Honour in Malaysia. We had a simple dinner together and it was a very small gathering for 20 people. What was nice about the gathering was that we had chicken rice, which she loves a lot — it was also a treat from her.

Rui En says… Every time I am tired and about to give up, I think about what my fans do for me and it (the tiredness) doesn’t seem like such a big deal anymore.

Source: XinMSN

Categorised in EN, RBKD, xinmsn.

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15 May 2011 | 04:04 pm

1. TV Ratings Page 72

Channel 8
1. 新加坡大选2011开票夜特备节目
2. 麻婆斗妇
3. 爱
4. 3菜1汤III
5. 夜市人生

2. TV Synopsis Pages 85-88

Categorised in CH, I-Weekly, Ratings 节目收视率.

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13 May 2011 | 09:26 pm

The In-Laws
Channel 8, 9pm

When Baozhu vents her anger on Jiazhen, Jiazhen plays her recorded conversation with Zhijun to prove her innocence. Stars Rui En and Pierre Png (right)

Source: The Straits Times

Categorised in EN, The In-Laws 麻婆斗妇, The Straits Times.

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