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15 November 2016 | 08:08 pm

Happy 8th Birthday, RBKD! 瑞不可当, 八岁生日快乐! 🎂🎂

From Rui En: I love you guys. So, happy birthday! ❤️

Posted by Rui En on Monday, November 14, 2016

RBKD: Thank you, Rui En, for being the reason why we are, we can and we want to be here.

Thank you to everyone for your…

Posted by Rui En on Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Categorised in EN, Facebook, Instagram, RBKD, RBKD weareone, Social Media, Twitter, Weibo.

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15 November 2016 | 03:11 pm

Categorised in CH, EN, RBKD, RBKD weareone, Ruivin, Video.

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15 November 2016 | 12:00 am

In darkness, light shines.
In difficult times, love shines.

Thank you for fighting on even when you are in pain.

Above all, we are here together.

Each one of us.

It’s not been easy, but it will only be better from now on.

Because we are Ohana.

Traversing the road less traveled,
Lux Veritas.

Blessed years ahead to one and all in RBKD.

Happy 8th Anniversary!

Yours Sincerely
RBKD – The Official Fan Club of Rui En

PS: Visit us on our blog for well wishes from members, fans, artistes and other fan clubs!

There are posts scheduled every 5 minutes from now till 1:40am!

Click here to visit ONERBKD Blog

Categorised in CH, EN, RBKD, RBKD weareone.

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14 November 2016 | 05:04 pm

蔡欣盈 整理








Source: Wanbao

Categorised in CH, RBKD, RBKD Annual Giving, RBKD weareone, Rui En, Wanbao.

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14 November 2016 | 04:06 pm

蔡欣盈 报道

Source: Wanbao, MyPaper

Categorised in CH, MyPaper, RBKD, RBKD Annual Giving, RBKD weareone, Rui En, Wanbao.

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14 November 2016 | 12:33 pm

邓永君 报道


对于后援会以爱回馈社会,瑞恩通过经理人告诉Toggle :“我说过很多次,但我还是要再说一次,…

Posted by Rui En on Sunday, November 13, 2016

RBKD: 比起其他有需要的受益群体,有特殊需要的孩童们确实“吸引”较少的义工的注意。这或许与缺少推广有关,因此RBKD希望通过我们每年位周年庆而举办的爱心活动,能够抛砖引玉,让大家下次想要以行动回馈社会时,也能考虑把欢乐带给有特殊需要的孩童们。


Source: Toggle

Categorised in CH, Facebook, RBKD, RBKD Annual Giving, RBKD weareone, Rui En, Social Media, Toggle SG, Twitter, Weibo.

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14 November 2016 | 12:00 pm

By Joanna Goh

Last Saturday, RBKD volunteered with Rui En and celebrated RBKD's 8th Anniversary together! This is the best birthday…

Posted by Rui En on Sunday, November 13, 2016

It "means the world" to Rui En to see her fanclub volunteering and contributing back to society: "I've said it and will say it again. I'm so proud of them." More:

Posted by Toggle on Sunday, November 13, 2016

RBKD: Due to lack of awareness, children with special needs do get comparably fewer volunteers compared to other beneficiary groups. We hope you enjoyed this feature too, just like how Rui En and RBKD enjoyed ourselves volunteering with the children.

Do consider volunteering with children with special needs, the next time you plan your volunteering effort. One such organisation you can approach would be AWWA Community Integration Service which we partnered for our Annual Giving projects this year and also in year 2015.

Help spread the love by liking and sharing this article. :)

Source: Toggle

Categorised in EN, Facebook, Instagram, RBKD, RBKD Annual Giving, RBKD weareone, Rui En, Social Media, Toggle SG, Twitter.

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13 November 2016 | 05:58 pm

By Joanna Goh

Nice. RBKD is mentioned in this week's Toggle's Insta-buzz for celebrating Rui En's All Time Favourite award with a…

Posted by Rui En on Sunday, November 13, 2016

RBKD: Pleasantly surprised to see RBKD being mentioned in the latest Toggle’s Insta-buzz. Toggle mentioned that it is always heartening to see fanclubs pitch in for the less fortunate and featured RBKD’s charity events to the environment and less fortunate folks in society by planting trees and serving free breakfast to the elderly to celebrate Rui En’s All Time Favourite Award.

We say, show Toggle some love and click the link below to read what they said exactly!

Source: Toggle

Categorised in All Time Favourite Artiste Award, EN, 超级红星奖, Facebook, Instagram, RBKD, Social Media, Toggle SG, Twitter.

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30 October 2016 | 11:59 am

Categorised in CH, EN, Jurong Central Countdown 2013, RBKD, RBKD Annual Giving.

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