1. 电视 TV Pages 46-47
RBKD: Full page coverage (with 5 individual pictures) of Rui En at the styling of “If Only I Could…”.
这是瑞æ©é¦–æ¬¡æ‰®æ¼”å®‰å¨£ï¼Œé»„è„¸å©†å¤§è‚šå©†é€ åž‹ï¼Œç‘žæ©ä¹åœ¨å…¶ä¸ã€‚
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If Only I Could… åå¹´â€¦ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? debuts 30 May 2016, 9pm on Channel 8.
Categorised in CH, I-Weekly, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?.
日期: 04/11/2015 | æ–°é—»æ¥æº: è”åˆæ™šæŠ¥ | 记者:蔡欣盈
ç‘žæ©æ‰®ç¾Žé—·äº†ï¼Œåœ¨æœ¬æœˆä¸å¼€æ‹çš„新剧里çªç ´å½¢è±¡ï¼Œæ‰®æ¼”肚腩大大的本土安娣,想改å˜è§‚众对她的既定å°è±¡ï¼
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è¿™æ¬¡çš„é€ åž‹æœ‰åˆ«ä»¥å¾€ï¼Œç‘žæ©æ˜¨å¤©å—访说,这是入行以æ¥ï¼Œé¦–次挑战“本土安娣â€çš„角色。“之å‰çš„角色都是美美的,很早就想演一些ä¸ä¸€æ ·çš„,希望有一些çªç ´ï¼Œæ¼”美美的角色,演久了也会闷的。â€
“安娣瑞æ©â€åœ¨ã€Šå年》得照顾åŒåœ¨å±‹æªä¸‹çš„è€å…¬ã€æœ‰è¿‡åŠ¨ç—‡çš„å„¿åã€å®¶å©†å’Œå°å§‘,平常能çœåˆ™çœï¼Œä¼šåˆ°è¶…çº§å¸‚åœºç”¨å›ºæœ¬ä¹°ä¸œè¥¿ï¼Œä¹Ÿä¼šå¡«è¡¨æ ¼å‚åŠ å¹¸è¿æŠ½å¥–。这些都ä¸æ˜¯ç‘žæ©å¹³å¸¸ä¼šåšçš„。
“这部æˆçš„å‰3集对我æ¥è¯´å¾ˆé™Œç”Ÿï¼Œè·Ÿæˆ‘的生活有è·ç¦»ï¼Œä½†ä¹Ÿå¯ä»¥æ˜Žç™½ï¼Œï¼ˆè§’色)结婚10年,è€å…¬æ”¶å…¥ä¸æ€Žä¹ˆæ ·ï¼Œæ‹¿äº†è–ªæ°´æƒ³ä¹Ÿä¸æƒ³å°±å€Ÿç»™äººï¼Œå„¿å是过动儿,家婆爱赌钱,自然得çœã€‚â€ã€€
《å年》是一部穿越剧,剧ä¸ï¼Œå¯¹ç”Ÿæ´»å¿ƒç°æ„冷的瑞æ©å’Œè”¡ç¦æ…§è¸å…¥æ—¶å…‰éš§é“,回到了10å¹´å‰ï¼ŒåŽŸæœ¬æƒ³é‡å¤´æ¥è¿‡ï¼Œå´å¤©æ„弄人。该剧本月ä¸å¼€æ‹ï¼Œé¢„计明年5月底æ’å‡ºï¼Œç›‘åˆ¶æ˜¯å¼ é¾™æ•ã€‚
ç‘žæ©å’Œé»„俊雄多次æ档,两帮粉ä¸ç›¼â€œRuivinâ€ç»„åˆå†çŽ°ï¼Œä½†ä»–ä»¬æ²¡è¢«å‡‘å¯¹ï¼Œå› ä¸ºç‘žæ©çš„“è€å…¬â€æ˜¯é™ˆé‚¦é‹†ï¼Œè”¡ç¦æ…§çš„“è€å…¬â€æ‰æ˜¯é»„俊雄。 4人在《æ£ä¹‰æ¦é¦†ã€‹åˆä½œè¿‡ï¼Œå½“时,陈邦鋆é…蔡ç¦æ…§ï¼Œé»„俊雄é…ç‘žæ©ï¼Œå¯¹è°ƒä¼´ä¾£ã€‚
å¦å¤–,瑞æ©ä¸Šä¸ªæœˆåº•æ‰æ€é’《志在四方2》,没过多久就接新剧,åœä¸ä¸‹æ¥ã€‚她会先放10天左å³çš„å‡ï¼Œä¼‘æ¯ä¸€ä¸‹ï¼Œä¹Ÿåˆ©ç”¨ä¼‘æ¯æ—¶é—´ç ”究《å年》的剧本。
RBKD: Grab a copy of today’s Lianhe Wanbao if you enjoyed the article.
If Only I Could… åå¹´â€¦ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? debuts 30 May 2016, 9pm on Channel 8.
Source: Omy, Wanbao, ChinaPress
Categorised in CH, ChinaPress ä¸åœ‹å ±, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Omy.sg, Ruivin, Wanbao.
By Dion Tang | Translated by Zara Zhuang
RBKD: An English translation of the Chinese interview with Rui En at the styling of “If Only I Could…”, which was released earlier today.
Chinese Article & Video: Link
If Only I Could… åå¹´â€¦ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? debuts 30 May 2016, 9pm on Channel 8.
Source: Toggle
Categorised in EN, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Toggle SG.
é‚“æ°¸å› æŠ¥é“
RBKD: 8频é“新剧《åå¹´â€¦ä½ å¥½å—?》昨日定装。瑞æ©é¥°æ¼”陈ç好,和蔡ç¦æ…§é¥°æ¼”çš„éœå¸Œæ–‡å„自é¢ä¸´å©šå§»é—®é¢˜ã€‚陈ç好跟è€å…¬ä½•å¤§ä»™ï¼ˆé™ˆé‚¦é‹†é¥°ï¼‰æ„Ÿæƒ…ä¸é”™ï¼Œä½†è·Ÿå®¶å©†ä¸ç¦ï¼Œå„¿å患有过动症,她最åŽè¢«è¯Šæ–患上乳癌…
If Only I Could… åå¹´â€¦ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? debuts 30 May 2016, 9pm on Channel 8.
Source: Toggle
Categorised in CH, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Toggle SG.
As part of our Annual Giving tradition in line with our 7th anniversary celebrations, Rui En joined us in an outing to the inclusive playground at Canberra Park for children with special needs last Saturday.
We spent a fruitful day volunteering and playing with five beneficiaries of AWWA and their family members.
Check out articles and photos on Toggle, Wanbao and Shinmin.
Do spread the word as we hope to help generate awareness of such facilities in Singapore.
Also, Rui En recently adopted a kitten from SPCA Singapore. (Bingo the kitty was rescued from a glue trap)
Posted by Rui En on Monday, September 14, 2015
Apart from charity, Rui En is currently busy filming The Dream Makers 2.
Look how much fun she had on set with co-star Li Nanxing.
Last but not least, Ruivin fans do take note that their next collaboration “é‡æ¥â€ has been tentatively renamed to “Throughout the years åå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?â€. They will be acting as husband and wife, filming begins in November.
Categorised in If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, RBKD, RBKD Annual Giving, RBKD weareone, RBKD What We Are Loving This Week, Ruivin, Shin Min, The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2, Toggle SG, Wanbao.
RBKD: 记者问黄俊雄有没有喜欢的女神,他笑ç”喜欢Hebeã€Paige(蔡ç¦æ…§ï¼‰åŠå¸¦ç‚¹é…·é…·æ°”质的瑞æ©ã€‚记者å†è¯·ä»–用 â€œä¸‰é€‰ä¸€â€ åˆ é€‰æ³•æ¥é€‰å‡ºæœ€æƒ³å‘她索å»çš„女神,他苦苦æ€ç´¢è‰¯ä¹…,终于å出:“Hebe太é¥è¿œäº†ï¼Œæˆ‘å’ŒPaige其实在《分手快ä¹ã€‹å·²ç»å»è¿‡ä¸€ç‚¹ç‚¹ã€‚ç‘žæ©ä»Žä¸æ‹å»æˆï¼Œä½†åªå‰©å¥¹äº†ã€‚â€
Update: 《é‡æ¥ã€‹is now tentatively renamed to “Throughout the years åå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?”
Source: MeRadio
Categorised in CH, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, MeRadio.
This week’s hype is all about exclusivity!
It was a fantastic start to August yesterday when we met the ever-gorgeous Rui En in a sweet white dress! Just look at the crowd who went there specially for Rui En!
Thank you for coming down to support Rui En!! ❤️
Posted by Rui En on Friday, 31 July 2015
And lucky fans were treated to Rui En’s first ever live performance of “å¦ç±»å¯¹ä½ 好”! Check it in HD!
If you prefer to watch it on FB, click here.
This exclusive video of Rui En dancing with the kids on the streets of Penang has attracted 95k views on FB! Have you seen it?
电视上看ä¸åˆ°çš„:å©å王瑞æ©!! So cute! It's Rui En & the child actors dancing to the song of "Happy" during filming break!! Click to watch the video! :) :) :)
Posted by Rui En on Thursday, 30 April 2015
Earlier this week, Team Ruivin went crazy over the news that Rui En & Elvin Ng will finally collaborate in a new drama 《é‡æ¥ã€‹ which will commence filming in November.
Update: 《é‡æ¥ã€‹is now tentatively renamed to “Throughout the years åå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?”
Check out the number of “likes”!
Rejoice, #Ruivin's supporters. Elvin reveals new collaboration with Rui En in new drama 《重来》, which will commence filming in November. In his words: "这不是typical good couple。因为我是坏的。我可能是害她的。"
Posted by Rui En on Saturday, 25 July 2015
Fans have spoken. We love Rui En’s versatility, and we love exclusive pics! Let the pictures do the talking~
Categorised in Facebook, FB Sharing, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Music, RBKD What We Are Loving This Week, Ruivin, Social Media, Spartan Race SG, The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2, The Journey: Our Homeland.
Jocelyn Lee
Elvin Ng joined showbiz in 2005.
He struggled at first as critics panned his diction and wooden acting skills, with some calling him a “himbo” and commenting that he only got by due to his boyish good looks.
Now, Ng is one of the most popular actors on Caldecott Hill and has won the Top 10 Most Popular Male Artiste award at every Star Awards ceremony since his debut.
In November, Ng will pair up with his frequent co-star Rui En for a new drama. He will play a villain and a bad husband – something he is looking forward to as he has been portraying “the squeaky-clean good boy” for the past few years.
This article was first published on July 27, 2015.
Source: The New Paper, Asiaone.com
Categorised in asiaone.com, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Ruivin, The New Paper.
1. Cover Story with Elvin Ng, Pages 38-40
RBKD: Elvin Ng singled out Rui En as his most comfortable on-screen partner as both can be sincere and honest to each other. He finds it comfortable that they can be direct with each other, to the extent that he can tease her too.
Elvin also shared that he will be collaborating with Rui En in upcoming drama 《é‡æ¥ã€‹ which will commence filming in November. In the show, most probably the duo would be paired with each other but it will not be a “typical good couple” as Elvin’s character will do harm to Rui En’s.
Update: 《é‡æ¥ã€‹is now tentatively renamed to “Throughout the years åå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?”
2. TV Synopsis, Pages 117-120
The Journey: Our Homeland
Categorised in CH, Channel 8, I-Weekly, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, The Journey: Our Homeland.