We hope you have been enjoying The Dream Makers 2 as much as we do!
With only 7 remaining episodes, look out for Rui En / Tonglin as she attempts stunts in Hu Xiaoman’s style next Monday (12 Jan).
And……The much anticipated Tonglin’s disfigurement scenes will also be out next week, from episodes 28-30 (Tuesday to Thursday)!
Before that, let’s enjoy some lighthearted BTS moments from our favourite trio – Fang siblings + Jason!
Qi Yuwu is the high king & ballerina! – Dream Makers 2 BTS 4
[Behind the Scene]On the set of filming for 'Dream Makers II', the Fang siblings (Rui En & Chong Qing) have realized the real side to Qi Yuwu! 方兄妹(瑞æ©å’Œå´‡åº†ï¼‰åœ¨ã€Šå¿—在四方 II》的æ‹æ‘„现场å‘现了真实的戚玉æ¦ï¼#zzsf2 #thedreammakers2
Posted by Channel 8 on Thursday, January 7, 2016
Lastly, Rui En is currently busy filming her new drama “If Only I Could…”
Doesn’t she look lovely in pink?
The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2 is now airing on Channel 8, weeknights at 9pm.
Categorised in EN, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, RBKD, RBKD What We Are Loving, RBKD What We Are Loving This Week, The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2.
日期: 04/01/2016 | æ–°é—»æ¥æº: è”åˆæ™šæŠ¥ | 记者:蔡欣盈
ç‘žæ©ã€Šåå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?》
ç‘žæ©ä¸ºæ–°å‰§ã€Šåå¹´…ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?》扮演身æèµ°æ ·çš„å®‰å¨£ï¼Œå¥¹è¯•ç©¿â€œè‚¥è‚¥è£…â€åŽè®¤ä¸ºï¼Œå¦‚æžœåªæœ‰èº«ä½“显肥,角色会缺ä¹è¯´æœåŠ›ï¼Œå°†è‡ªå·±â€œå…»èƒ–â€å››å…¬æ–¤ã€‚
If Only I Could… åå¹´â€¦ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? debuts 30 May 2016, 9pm on Channel 8.
Source: Wanbao
Categorised in CH, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Wanbao.
å¼ æ€å˜‰ 报é“
RBKD: 2016年本地新剧抢先了解。
《åå¹´â€¦ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?》
20集的《åå¹´â€¦ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?》由瑞æ©ã€é™ˆé‚¦é‹†ã€é»„俊雄ã€è”¡ç¦æ…§ã€æ´ªæ…§èŠ³ç‰ä¸»æ¼”,将于5月31日起æ’出。
故事环绕瑞æ©ä¸Žè”¡ç¦æ…§çš„角色,两ä½ä¸å¦åŒå¦å› å„自é¢ä¸´å©šå§»é—®é¢˜è€Œå†³å®šè¿›å…¥æ—¶å…‰éš§é“,穿越至10å¹´å‰ï¼Œä»¥å›¾é‡æ–°ç”Ÿæ´»ï¼Œå´è°çŸ¥å¤©æ„弄人,两人终究é‡è¹ˆè¦†è¾™ã€‚为æ‰è½¬ä¹¾å¤ï¼Œä¸¤äººå†åº¦æ¥å…¥æ—¶å…‰éš§é“,å´æ²¡æƒ³åˆ°åˆåˆ°äº†2016年,人生也比从å‰æ›´ç³Ÿç³•ã€‚
If Only I Could… åå¹´â€¦ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? debuts 30 May 2016, 9pm on Channel 8.
Source: Toggle
Categorised in CH, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Toggle SG.
Did you enjoy Jason & Tonglin’s wedding scenes as much as we do?
Check out our favourite photos, videos and RBKD exclusive BTS pics here: Part 1 | Part 2
If you have missed any of the episodes, do catch up at http://bit.ly/zzsf2catchup.
And….we end the year with lotsa love from our idol, Rui En!
As we welcome the brand new year, we can look forward to Rui En’s upcoming drama “If Only I Could…” in May and possibly “C.L.I.F. 4” in the second half of 2016.
If Only I Could… åå¹´â€¦ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? debuts 30 May 2016, 9pm on Channel 8.
Categorised in C.L.I.F. 4 è¦å¾½å¤©èŒ 4, EN, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, RBKD What We Are Loving, RBKD What We Are Loving This Week, The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2.
By Joanna Goh
RBKD: An introductory guide to the lineup of dramas in 2016, where Rui En will be starring in “If Only I could…” and possibly C.L.I.F. 4.
“If Only I Could…” debuts May 31, 9pm on Channel 8. It’s a story of two 30-something women who suffer from unfortunate marital and familial lives decide to rewrite their fates by going back in time.
While nothing’s really confirmed for C.L.I.F. 4, it is most likely to make a return in end 2016. As no one knows what the story plot revolves around or if a similar set of actors will be used for it, Toggle propose to focus on a different uniform group instead.
If Only I Could… åå¹´â€¦ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—? debuts 30 May 2016, 9pm on Channel 8.
Source: Toggle
Categorised in C.L.I.F. 4 è¦å¾½å¤©èŒ 4, EN, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Toggle SG.
1. Scene & Heard Page 17
Story: Jonathan Fam
RBKD: 8 DAYS listed their top 5 most liked posts of 2015, with Rui En’s pics coming in 1st and 4th.
Toping the list is this pic taken during Star Awards Show 2.
Coming in fourth is this pic of Rui En chilling out at backstage during Star Awards Show 1.
2. Scene & Heard Page 23
Story: Yip Jieying & Cheryl Ong
RBKD: Elvin mentioned that he regretted revealing in some interviews that Rui En and him will pair up in “If only I could…” as the casting was not finalised by then. He did not mean to disappoint RuiVin fans.
3. TV Synopsis Pages 99-101
The Dream Makers 2
The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2 is now airing on Channel 8, weeknights at 9pm.
Categorised in 8 DAYS, EN, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Ruivin, Star Awards, Star Awards 2015, The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2.
Categorised in If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, Toggle SG.
日期: 11/12/2015 | æ–°é—»æ¥æº: è”åˆæ—©æŠ¥ | 记者:洪é“铧
æ–°ä¼ åª’é˜¿å§éƒ‘æƒ çŽ‰å’Œæ–°ç”Ÿä»£æ¼”å‘˜æ–¹ä¼Ÿæ°åˆä½œæ–°å‰§ã€Šå¿—在四方2》,演完对手æˆä¹Ÿæœ‰äº†å…±åŒç‚¹â€”—都å—ä¸äº†æ— 礼的åŽè¾ˆã€‚
方伟æ°åœ¨é‡Œé¢çš„角色爆红åŽç›®ä¸æ— 人,æ€åº¦åš£å¼ ,他在现实ä¸ä¹Ÿæœ‰çœ‹ä¸é¡ºçœ¼çš„ç”µè§†åœˆæ–°äººï¼Œç›´æ‰¹ï¼šâ€œç›®æ— å°Šé•¿ã€‚â€
《志在四方2》延ç»å‰ä¸€é›†çš„节å¥ï¼ŒèƒŒæ™¯åŒæ ·è®¾å®šåœ¨ç”µè§†å°ï¼Œæ·±å…¥å‘ˆçŽ°å¹•åŽå·¥ä½œäººå‘˜çš„办公室斗争,并探讨真å‡ã€‚æˆé‡Œæœ‰åˆ€å…‰å‰‘影,记者和å„演员在访问ä¸ä¼¼ä¹Žä¹Ÿåœ¨â€œè¿‡æ‹›â€ã€‚
为新剧《åå¹´â€¦ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?》增胖了四公斤的瑞æ©ï¼Œè¯´å¥¹æœ€æœ‰æ„Ÿè§‰æ˜¯æ¼”一场æˆä¸æˆï¼Œå¥¹ç©¿ç€æ—¥æœ¬å¤è£…,演被人刺了一刀,但这时她å¬åˆ°æ¶ˆæ¯ï¼Œé©¬ä¸Šè·‘去跟æŽå—星求è¯ï¼Œå½“时身å还æ’ç€åˆ€å。这场æˆè®©å¥¹æ„Ÿå¹ï¼Œè‡ªå·±è¢«å¾ˆå¤šäººæ’过刀å,而她通常的åšæ³•æ˜¯ç›´æŽ¥æ‰¾â€œæ’她â€çš„人对质,è¦æ±‚澄清,希望å¯ä»¥æŒ½å›žå‹æƒ…,化解怨怼。她也说,“被æ’过â€åŽå¥¹ä¼šæ›´å°å¿ƒå¯¹äººï¼Œä¹Ÿå¾ˆéš¾å†ç›¸ä¿¡å¯¹æ–¹äº†ã€‚
The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2 is now airing on Channel 8, weeknights at 9pm.
Source: Zaobao
Categorised in CH, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2, Zaobao.
1. Scene & Heard Pages 20-21
By Cheryl Ong
RBKD: Cast of The Dream Makers 2 talks about body-shaming, on-set bickering and public meltdowns during the press conference. Rui En, who puts on 4kg for her role in upcoming drama “If Only I Could”, does not like the fuss about her weight gain.
“I don’t like being judged on the way I look and it’s ironic that I’m in an industry where I’m only judged by how I look, and how thin I am or how much weight I’ve put on.” “I hate it ‘cos I think I’m a lot more than that.”
2. Advertorial Pages 64-65
The Dream Makers 2 poster
3. TV Guide Page 151
The Dream Makers 2
4. TV Synopsis Pages 163-164
The Dream Makers 2
The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2 debuts 04 December 2015, 9pm on Channel 8.
Categorised in 8 DAYS, EN, If Only I Could... åå¹´...ä½ è¿˜å¥½å—?, The Dream Makers 2 志在四方 2.