23 January 2017 | 02:19 pm
Toggle: I could have been defeated, but I chose to fight: Rui En
By Tammi Tan
"I could have been defeated, but I chose to fight": #RuiEn returns from her break to star in #HaveALittleFaith8. https://t.co/hJqFtmQtHz pic.twitter.com/RGJgxr5rwO
— Toggle (@ToggleSG) January 23, 2017
RBKD: 2 pages interview and 9 pictures in total. In a nutshell, Rui En’s acting in a “Robin Hood” type of role whose name is Jiang Xiaoxi. Enjoy~
Click here if the video doesn’t load.
Source: Toggle
Categorised in EN, Have A Little Faith 相信我, Toggle SG, Video.