Singapore actor Christopher Lee and actress Rui En win Best Actor and Best Actress respectively at the “Star Awards 2013 Show 2” on Sunday. Other notable winners include Tay Ping Hui, Lin Mei Jiao and late television icon Huang Wenyong.
Best Actress thanks best partner
The Best Actress award went to Rui En, who won for her performance in the police drama “Unriddle 2â€
“I really want to thank my best partner. Without her acting alongside me, I wouldn’t have won this award.
“Thank you for teaching me how to be a good friend by example,†said Rui En of her friend, “Unriddle 2†co-star Chen Liping.
She also thanked her fans and the “Unriddle 2†production staff, when she went on stage to receive the award.
Rui En was back on stage shortly after, to receive a Top 10 Most Popular Actress award.
Source: Channelnewsasia, The Malaysian Times
Categorised in, EN, RBKD, Star Awards, Star Awards 2013, The Malaysian Times, Unriddle 2 最ç«ææ¡£ 2.