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16 March 2013 | 11:33 am
SA 2013: Competition heats up with first-time nominees

Text: Joanna Goh

The competition for this year’s Star Awards 2013 Top 20 Most Popular Male and Female artistes heats up following the recent influx of new actors in the TV station.

Romeo Tan

After playing so many boy-next-door roles, Romeo’s star continues to rise in 2013 as he is set to play lead actor and romance Rui En in an upcoming drama centered on four lawyers (Rebecca Lim and Zhang Zhenhuan co-stars).

Elvin Ng

Despite being a regular name on the Top 10 Most Popular Male artiste list, Elvin said, ‘Life is full of surprises, it’s very difficult to say [if I’ll be going up to receive this award this year].’ The actor honestly told xinmsn that he hopes to win ‘both awards’ that he is currently nominated for i.e. Favourite Onscreen Couple with Rui En and the Most Popular Male Artiste award.

‘There’s no point beating around the bush. I’ll be honest, I want both! (laughs),’ he joked.

On his failure to make it to the final five Favourite Male Character nomination list, Elvin commented that the ‘rules of the game have changed’ and ‘we just have to adapt to it’. He also shared that he was really quite happy and proud of his role in Unriddle 2 as it allowed him to show a different side of himself.



1. Singapore Entertainment Awards 2013

a. Vote for Rui En as “Most Popular Local TV Artiste e乐人气本地电视演员” here:

i. Vote for Rui En for free daily at

Voting for Singapore e-Awards ends on 10 April 2013.

2. Star Awards 2013 – Online

a. Favourite Female Character

i. Vote for Rui En for free daily at

b. Favourite On-screen Couple

i. Vote for Rui En for free daily at

Voting for Star Awards (Favourite Female/Couple) ends on 21 April 2013.

3. Star Awards 2013 – Top 10

a. Vote for Rui En in “Top 10 Most Popular Female Artistes” here:

i. Dial 1900-112-2032 to vote. (86c per call)

ii. Vote for Rui En for free daily at

Voting for Star Awards (Top 10) ends on 28 April 2013.

Sudden 骤变 debuts 2 September 2013 9pm on Channel 8.

Source: Xinmsn

Categorised in EN, Star Awards, Star Awards 2013, Sudden 骤变, Unriddle 2 最火搭档 2, xinmsn.