Veteran actor aka last Star Award’s Best Supporting Actor Zhu Hou Ren said in his interview with i-Weekly that Rui En should win the next Star Award’s Best Actress. He said he was impressed with her role in 过好年 Happy Family which according to him was ‘just right’ (meaning not over-acting or under-performing). He even claimed that the panel of judges would be ‘blind’ if Rui En was robbed of her chance at the Star Awards. Really meh?
Oh well…let’s hear from you and tell me which role she played was most impressive and stand a good chance if you were the judge. Vote and see if most number of people is on your side as that role may just nail it for Rui En. Of course, she will be up against many other fine actresses but I want to find out just which of her 3 uniquely portrayed roles would garner her a chance from her fans…
To vote: BaguaTV
Not ‘ 过好年Happy Family’? How about â€˜æˆ‘åœ¨ä½ å·¦å³ With You’?
Or her role in ‘最ç«ææ¡£ Unriddle’?
Source: BaguaTV
Categorised in BaguaTV / Bagua8, CH, Happy Family 过好年, Star Awards, Star Awards 2011, Unriddle 最ç«ææ¡£, With You æˆ‘åœ¨ä½ å·¦å³.